Cyberpunk 2077 - Turn on the Option to Romance Judy as Male V

Cyberpunk 2077 - Turn on the Option to Romance Judy as Male V


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@pistachiodisguisey911 - 24.12.2023 12:18

Idk why they didn’t just make everyone bi like fallout

@AAL. - 18.12.2023 00:44

If I cant romance Judy, then I guess romance isn't an option for me in this game. Panam is attractive, but Judy is just better overall

@RobDrengr7687 - 17.12.2023 09:21

For some reason, I find it very suspicious that they haven't done this, because getting a romance option for Judy as a man should be as easy as it is for a woman. Just designing it you lazy son a bitches!!!😏.

No I think it's just some Woke crapy argument that they don't want to make now because Wokism is declining!!!🤣

@desertmaker - 07.12.2023 06:23

I never understood why both male and female V could not choose either of the two romance options.

@martin7729 - 27.11.2023 09:01

I don't see why they woukfnt just make everyone romancable by everyone. Like at this point in games and stuff, just seems like a finger to straight male players. But to exclude anyone for anything like that is just.. theres actually no smart reason to do it

@Jackieelmarine - 23.11.2023 01:42

I complained about not being able to have Judy as a girlfriend but I didn't complain because I love her as if she were real, I don't give a shit about romances in games, I just wanted the MAX-TAC suit :)

@UltraElexiel - 15.11.2023 17:46

I am here for the MaxTac armor

@bcd398 - 12.11.2023 21:28

Lol at everyone who enjoys the game more because male Vs can only romance female characters. Like you would even know in your playthrough. True losers lol.

@samuelsamuel180 - 12.11.2023 08:43

so u can’t bang judy but u can get tricked into doing side quests that get u mentally sexually harassed by kerry? come on bruh gimme the hot goth chick!

@charlie9708 - 02.11.2023 22:44

in defense of cd prokect devs, if they completly finnished the romance options for male v on judy, it means they probably wanted to add it, and it is likely it was the decision of 1 or few people not to, otherwise they wouldn't go though all the work that animating and voice acting the scene would take

@jamesdrake3651 - 29.10.2023 06:00

Do they allow males to romance Judy in Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 2.02?

@chourtout - 25.10.2023 16:00

i tried it and it didnt work, you maybe need to type it very early in the game

@Drunken_Hamster - 25.10.2023 15:33

INB4 it's patched.

@tf4430 - 17.10.2023 02:49

There something that tells you it worked? I entered it but dont know if it worked.

@user-se8ge7hh5c - 11.10.2023 11:38

Not a single syllable of your argument made any sense. If Judy was intended to be romanceable from either V we would have found some animation that suggested it. But thats not the case. Judy is very clearly written as a gay woman. But subtext might be a bit tough for some players to understand. Looks like you might be one of those people.

@wasistderunterschied3273 - 10.10.2023 03:26

now replace {"judy"} by {"adam"} and see if he earns his name xD

@TaroMikami - 07.10.2023 20:44

That is so stupid lmao, definitely they were scared of outrage from a certain community.

@Idkman707 - 04.10.2023 21:26

I don't believe CDproject Red, the Polish voice actors for male V and Judy are married in real life

@isok5221 - 03.10.2023 10:23

My eyes are only for Ozob Bozo

@SolivagantRaven - 29.09.2023 14:10

Key word is "localization". In the Middle East, the game was heavily censored where V could not engage in homosexual relationships, could not be trans nor non-binary, genitalia could not be shown, and intimate scenes were heavily censored or outright cut. It makes perfect sense that otherwise the original artistic vision for Judy was for her not to be romanceable by a man but a lot of the remaining scenes still needed a male voice. It does make sense to just record the whole thing. It would get expensive having to ask talents back in to re-record.

That said, every orientation only got one option so why would they leave Judy open to male and female? Makes no sense to have Judy as the only one. They did male and female V for all romanceable characters and all are sex exclusive. They didn't make an exception with Judy. Even if CDPR changed things in the end her character was made a lesbian by the creators.

Why not just play as Female V if you want to romance Judy? It's a game though hetero relationships in the game weren't banned anywhere.

@ryangaming9442 - 29.09.2023 06:41

does this work in 2.0?

@jogigaming9696 - 25.09.2023 17:37

if anybody has a update plz ping me

@bbody1000 - 25.09.2023 13:31

The new updates broke mods for nw untill modders update them i think

@Astartes-6969 - 22.09.2023 23:19

If we can Romance Judy as Male V we should romsmce Panam as Female V.
To be fair to both Straight & Lesbian Fans.

@boxhead411 - 14.09.2023 16:39

There should be an option for both Judy and Panam for either gender no matter the genitalia or voice. Like, maybe Judy hadn't been with a male since teenage years, and be nervous to be with Male v, or Panam, not trying to give into her attraction for a female v on how she handles business and other stuff. It could work

@matthew-005 - 28.07.2023 15:45

I think they intended more romance options as they said "there will be plenty for everyone" but ran out of time and were like "we need to make is look like at least there is one option for each gender and straight or homosexual persuasion" so they cut off Judy's straight romance to make it look like we had a lesbian option I would not be surprised if River was romanceable by Male V.

I was never I tested in Judy personally I was hoping Evelyn, Lizzy Wizzy or Hanako were options until of course I played the game and found out Evelyn is a prostitute, Lizzy is crazy and Hanako is loyal to her farther and Arasaka in the lore she seemed like she would be a better leader than her farther but in the games she is just goes along with her farther disappointing to say the least.

@silversmith333 - 24.07.2023 08:12

If she’s gay shes gay

@dagoelius - 22.07.2023 18:12

I always felt the voice actress for Judy and Misty should of swapped. Each actors natural cadence and inflections better suit each alternative character.

@TheJohhnyE - 17.07.2023 10:24

I kinda prefer romancing Judy as a female, corpo V. I then choose the ending with Panam. So then I get an ending where it's basically a Charlie's Angels kind of ending: leaving Night City with a Corpo, Nomad and a Street Kid all female group.

@cyprusvalentino6812 - 15.07.2023 02:49

So in the shorty on the way to fix this problem is to play cyberpunk on PC

Otherwise known as buuuuuulllllshit

@freshnapp7830 - 11.07.2023 02:08

I don’t really care about the romance. I just want the max Tac armour chest

@Likitu264 - 08.07.2023 17:57

I got this mod just to piss off lesbians 😂😂😂

@kamikoto1558 - 06.07.2023 23:44

does something come up if it worked cos i entered it and nothing did

@daemon4937 - 30.06.2023 20:00

instead of saying it would be a lot better to show what needs to be done

@Robzdefheadz - 26.06.2023 21:05

Do i need to do this each time or if I do it and save will that be enough?

@goingdarko - 07.06.2023 06:54

Believe it or not you used to be able to romance her as a male but it was before all the updates when the game came out unfinished.

@LukesGamingChanneL521 - 30.05.2023 20:36

didnt work

@drivera121 - 28.05.2023 23:29

Did they patch it? Ive entered the code in the console but nothing is happening :\

@chikepanther5237 - 25.05.2023 05:47

can you do this on consoles or just pc?

@Metalogic_90 - 18.04.2023 17:12

I mean she's gay.... Why would it be available for males then 😂

@KaiSaeren - 17.04.2023 20:59

I agree with the others, it may have not been a big deal if there were actually more options but as it is, there really is only one romance per gender and sexuality. Dont get me wrong I adore Panam but my first V was crushing on Judy hard and it was dissapointing to find out that she isnt romanceable and is actually grossed out when you show interest (even tho she straight up flirted). I understand that she was dating Maiko in the past, but that should hardly mean you dont stand a chance especially considering that this dialogue is literally the only difference between male and female V untill the romance itself kicks off with Johnny and Maiko both suggesting there is something there. I dont know, I think the approach of romanceable characters being player centric is the better one, its not like Judy being just into girls or Panam being just into guys is what makes their characters, hell Kerry even got actually married and had kids and im sure buff guy like River would be prefered choice for many gay guys out there. Feels like CDPR were covering their asses for some reason, I seriously hate all this stupid drama around gaming in recent years where every little thing is made into controversy as if everything had negative intent.
I actually really like the game, and the romances are as well done as anywhere so these are small complaints really, especially given that this mod exists but still. Hope the dlc adds someone new and also a new happier ending, there are many theories on how V could get out of this jam and while I know that this is night city and nobody gets a happy ending here (the edgerunner crew certainly didnt :() it would still be awesome if they gave us the option to somehow make it, no matter how seemingly impossible.

@Xx_ItsMixer_xX - 08.04.2023 00:45

It doesn't work in anymore

@drkinferno72 - 03.04.2023 23:14


@alexaisonfire - 25.03.2023 09:42

oh nooo straight males have it sooo bad.

but fr wtf is "only one romance option" supposed to fucking mean dude? ive "only" got judy as a lesbian to romance so that points about as solid as diarrhea.

@The-Magnus - 19.03.2023 09:46

I don't know if anyone else has said this but the reason that all of the romance scenes are fully voiced with both male and female v is so if someone did exactly what you doing the game doesn't crash because it's trying to pull dialogue where there isn't any

@luccasdubai - 13.03.2023 19:38

Yeah, sad this doesn't work anymore, I did everything like the video however the command doesn't open inside the game anymore :/

@jaytee2716 - 08.03.2023 08:02

I’ve been trying to smash Judy and Panem both during the same play through not sure if it’s possible but I’m trying I’ll let u know if it works

@rebeccalarot9540 - 07.02.2023 12:16


@slpsupreme3912 - 05.02.2023 01:12

Dammit I’m at the diving portion of romance I’m about to reject this bitch because cd project red only made her romance will buy a female character bro about to turn into a dude out of spite

@jothelegend1135 - 04.02.2023 18:48

Me wen I hear that the option to romance "Judy" is inside the game code,and everything has been recorded,and everything like that: 😢🔫. Imo or in my opinion,she looks better than "Panam" does as a character,and not only that but,V's,and Judy's voices sound almost exactly the same imo or in my opinion,make an update to change this entirely at least before you choose the game ending during wen you're playing the story or if you have to start a new game to have this effect to take place in the game to actually romance "Judy" then fine,I'll be fine with this too,I just want to do pretty much everything this game has to offer based on my choices,and yet,nah,NOPE,NOT present CDprojectRed,not AT ALL........ Now,it isn't the end of the world obviously if you didn't CDprojectRed but,we're talking about one of your games here based on "players choices" during a "RPG game" obviously so I think this change is "needed" for "player choice" if you know wat I'm talking about,I hope they would do this in a future update but,we'll eventually see if they do.... Honestly.... but,I don't put much hope in gaming companies anymore or at all so yeah,not even Rockstar games,and definitely NOT "Volition" for Saints Row but,anyway,yeah,I just hope it comes true
