Sketchup 8 - Follow me tool

Sketchup 8 - Follow me tool


13 лет назад

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@FPSArchitect - 14.09.2011 02:49

@phogevideos Good Spot lool. Yeh this Video may need a re-think. It was our first video, and i think we rushed it a bit.

@FPSArchitect - 14.09.2011 02:49

Yeh sometimes the follow me tool can be a bit fiddley here and there. althought a point worth reminding, which i probably should add in the re-think, is that if there are connecting lines that go off at some sort of tangent, Sketchup sort of gets confused about which one to go down, and inevitably, it goes down the wrong one. what i tend to do is 'Jump' over the connection of the two or more lines, and continue along the path that i want. Yeh ill make sure that i change that in the re-do.

@HenryKillian - 16.12.2012 06:18

It looks like a rooftop swimming pool. How would you finish it off so it looks like a, you know.........roof?
