FULL EPISODE: Journey of Remembering with Matias De Stefano

FULL EPISODE: Journey of Remembering with Matias De Stefano


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Marina Bryssinck
Marina Bryssinck - 15.10.2023 00:52

Thank you for sharing 🌎🌈👍

Wilma Beckham Ngatai
Wilma Beckham Ngatai - 06.10.2023 06:56


Wilma Beckham Ngatai
Wilma Beckham Ngatai - 06.10.2023 06:55

Wish you well you have a good heart your gaurdians are protecting and guiding you

BlackHeart Koda
BlackHeart Koda - 03.10.2023 04:34

I've tasted death's desire
I drank the plasma from the wrist
Let go of feelings
Stared into ember eyes
Blackness devoured, these eyes were once mine
Blackness devoured, these eyes were never mine
But I don't know whose eyes they've become (Who they've become)
My home has become my tomb
Now bleed me dry
So I can be clean again

Never ending agony (Never ending agony)
The fear it lives on inside you and me (Inside of me)
Separating death from dreams
No sympathy (Sympathy)
My misery, complete

BlackHeart Koda
BlackHeart Koda - 03.10.2023 04:30

It is in your nature
To call yourself the savior
You are not my king
When I'm done with you
Your name won't mean a thing
Your judgment is certain
Your time will come
(You cannot plead any case)
Slit your throat and carve your face out
Carve your face out
Your name won't mean a thing
Your name won't mean a thing

I see the truth upon your face
I fear it but I won't look away
No time will ever heal this pain
Burning alive, from the fire inside me

(I am burning alive tonight)
Burning alive from the fire inside me
(I can't recognize what's right)
Burning alive from the fire inside me

BlackHeart Koda
BlackHeart Koda - 03.10.2023 04:27

If we could stop for just one moment
Then maybe we could breathe
Then maybe we could breathe
(Then maybe)
Stripping away your existence
Former life
Vanishing in the distance
Now you will embody my essence
Embody my essence
Embody my essence

BlackHeart Koda
BlackHeart Koda - 03.10.2023 04:24

You're speaking to yourself
Constantly biting your tongue
It hurts but you cannot stop
'Cause breathing me in is addictive
A rush to your nerve endings
A rush through your veins
'Cause breathing me in is addictive
Blacken your lungs
To the point you can no longer breathe
A minute with me is like staring into the sun

Because a minute with me is like staring into the sun
And I'm blinding you
Until there is nothing to be seen
Because a minute with me is like staring into the sun
And I'm blinding you motherfucker

BlackHeart Koda
BlackHeart Koda - 03.10.2023 04:15

What are the chances I break?
(That I break)
Come to my senses or annihilate?
I've gained the power of the God Hand
So what am I so afraid of?
What is this raw energy?
I won't survive this
My mind is deceived

Decimate every deity
I have transcended
I have depended on myself alone
I am losing my mind
I've lost everything

BlackHeart Koda
BlackHeart Koda - 03.10.2023 04:05

Matais you will be lost in the void when I'm done with you.

BlackHeart Koda
BlackHeart Koda - 03.10.2023 04:03

All of us enlightened individuals were sent here to destroy the human race But some of you grew to like them some of you grew to become like them I will not waver from our mission I will Destroy the Homosapiens....expect me for I am Blackheart the harbinger of doomsday.

Georgeta Schwartz
Georgeta Schwartz - 30.09.2023 23:19

Matias has been a downright revelation to us. I found out about him 3 years ago when we readily responded to involve ourselves in his Yo Soy Path (I Am Path). He continues his mission today and you can find out about his endeavors at Recordis School. I do view him as one of the most beautiful creature (in so many ways) living among us.

Mish Domingo
Mish Domingo - 30.09.2023 03:14

It's demons who speak to him from a young age. This comes from his bloodline. Jesus is the way, the truth & the life. Nothing else.

Sunset 10 Wilson
Sunset 10 Wilson - 29.09.2023 23:37

Yes, all is true!❤ LOVE and LIGHT to all ❤

W0LFLIFE - 20.09.2023 02:22

Does he ever talk about seeing love ones who passed b4 you died....need to know heartbroken 💔 grieving now😢

Tia Neaves
Tia Neaves - 16.09.2023 23:02

What would have happened if Mathias would have been left to a Magician!!
He would have "harvested his energy"!! Take all his life force and then sent to a hospital for an operation!! Where he would have passed away!!

Gouken09 - 13.09.2023 02:03

he has sooooo much memory then he should have the math and smarts to get back to that tech right i mean there has to be something he CAN PROVE lolol cult leader

Angel Alchemist
Angel Alchemist - 01.09.2023 03:41

thank you . Is there a follow on from this episode?

shampa konar
shampa konar - 29.08.2023 13:27

I only came to know this young man yesterday as I was searching something to show my Child.

John Harvey
John Harvey - 19.08.2023 17:43

QING QING - 24.07.2023 17:48

He's so sincere and authentic...which helps when making all the myths not so mythical and so 'down to Earth' and easy to accept...totally changing my path at the perfect time.

sevand - 22.07.2023 11:14


SOPHIA TEALDO - 09.07.2023 14:38

Greetings from the 9th Island 'Las Vegas' NV - the Correction & Upgrade is On - and so it is - Blessings.

SOPHIA TEALDO - 08.07.2023 05:07

The Correction & Upgrade is done - for the Good of All that is - and so it is - Blessings.

Sara - 04.07.2023 14:12

There's NO Dark energies, Light & Dark all works for LOU

Twin Flames
Twin Flames - 02.07.2023 14:03

Thus is the only information that I have gotten about 11.11 because I have been trying to find a way to understand what is happening with my eye site during a 24hr daily. I try to escape from seeing it.l will welcome any help with this. Infinite love and light to all

David Hancock
David Hancock - 23.06.2023 23:47

Has anyone met or spoken to a being that professes to be a "Baby-Eater"? I was told there are not many of them left in this universe or any others...

Jason Ham
Jason Ham - 13.06.2023 06:11

A plain English mental model of the conservation of energy explained using gravity:

The basic concept is that their is only space and the transition of space from one compression level and pattern to another compression level and pattern.

Gravity and space can be thought of as the same thing and can have density which is caused by the weaving of space into energy and matter.

Energy is created in areas of space density so extreme that time does not effect it such as at the core of a black hole.

Under such conditions space becomes solid and can be compressed into pure energy.

Matter is created in areas of space density extreme enough to make energy solid but not dense enough to prevent the presence of time entirely allowing for the knotting of matter such as right after the big bang.

In this model time and entropy can be conceptualized as the unwinding and decompression of space.

Areas of extreme gravitational density that cannot decompress are outside the influence of time such as entropy or mutability but are not outside the effects of things that are also outside time such as gravity.

Areas of extremely low gravitational density also cannot decompress further and are outside the influence of time.

Space that is outside the influence of time includes maximum density space such as at the core of a black hole or minimum density space such as in deep space where it turns into dark matter which in this model is matter energy that has decayed into space.

Space that is outside time is only influenced by other space that is also outside time.

This creates three states:
- Space + Time = The conversion of space from high compression to low compression through the decay of matter and energy that we observe as time and entropy.
- Maximum Compression Space = Space condensed so far that it's gravitational density prevents it from expanding. This stops time and causes zero compression space to be drawn in to it form new energy also known as solid space.
- Zero compression space = Space at it's lowest possible compression/entropy where it no longer interacts with what we perceive as time, matter, or energy also known as dark matter.

Energy that is at it's lowest possible state of compression such as in the vacuum of space (dark matter) can gravitational effect us but cannot interact with compressed space which is matter and energy since time is required to do so.

Black holes pull in space at it's lowest density (dark matter) and eject space at it's highest density (pure energy) since both low and high density space are out the effects of time but not gravity.

This would force all space between black holes to be stretched taut facilitating entropy and time.

Time would be eternal since space would be in a continues cycle that would be observed as time during it's decompression and as the ejection of energy from a black hole during it's compression in the form of hawking radiation or during it's explosion phase such as the big bang.

It is possible to subjectively travel back in time.

It is not objectively possible to travel back in time.

Time is entropy.

Within time their is chaos and randomness. Outside time their is only order as defined by forces that are outside time such as gravity.
The creation, decay, and destruction of matter feeds back into itself.

This is the conservation of energy explained using gravity.

Which is outside entropy also known as time.

These suppositions allow for the ability to explain the following things:
- The decay of matter which we calculate as time slows down in areas of high gravitational density.
- The decay of matter which we calculate as time speeds up in areas of low gravitational density.
- There is an evenly distributed amount of unaccounted for gravitational effect throughout the universe from a source we cannot interact with.
- Time flows is only one direction.
- Time is eternal.

Cyndi Foore
Cyndi Foore - 25.05.2023 19:47

You are so deceived

Lumi - 20.05.2023 15:00

Thank you

Wakashana 💞💫
Wakashana 💞💫 - 24.04.2023 19:04

I am awakening and pursuing sources of spiritual awakening guidance. This brought me to the DeStefano gaia series the jouney of remembering. While watching 👀 the 1st episode, I felt wonderful energy waves pulsing throughout my body. I felt overwhelmed by emotions of pure joy and love ❤️ tears of joy streaming down my cheeks. Such a beautiful way to receive validation. Thank you for making this series 💗 I have answers or validation of what I already felt as truth.. until now, I had never had anyone say exactly!!! verbatim what I already thought to be true within my heart. ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL SERIES ❤️

Sarah Lauren
Sarah Lauren - 21.04.2023 15:48

Thank you

Awakened Grayce
Awakened Grayce - 24.03.2023 21:05

Is there a second part to his?

McHammer - 21.03.2023 10:49

I know the heart of Mendoza....contact me....i need the key....my name is Marc-André Bessette

Awakening of Love Light Peace
Awakening of Love Light Peace - 19.03.2023 17:30

Unconditional Love Light Peace to All of you beautiful souls and all beings 💜🌏🤍

Valentina Vangelovska
Valentina Vangelovska - 17.03.2023 22:16

❤❤❤ you are guiding my soul in this life,,thank you Matias.

Jarred H
Jarred H - 05.03.2023 11:39

As above As Below As Within As Without

Toni Djakić
Toni Djakić - 01.03.2023 23:58

Sorry, i dont buy that

Arian Bahrami
Arian Bahrami - 27.02.2023 14:16

Great 🌹☀️

KR0NE KXG3 - 24.02.2023 01:54

i feel warmth and wholesomeness😊😊😊😊

Joe Sambrano
Joe Sambrano - 21.02.2023 18:05


Joe Sambrano
Joe Sambrano - 21.02.2023 17:22


Kosm!c Bohem!an
Kosm!c Bohem!an - 18.02.2023 08:40


Liz Torres-McCloy
Liz Torres-McCloy - 18.02.2023 08:30


Josanne Fromin
Josanne Fromin - 18.02.2023 05:01

Yes Matias I feel really much better right now. I WILL FEEL THE FORGIVENESS AND SELF LOVE .....................NAMASTE

Teresa Quintero
Teresa Quintero - 05.02.2023 08:10

Matias is a beautiful human being . I love the way he explains life. Thank you Mati

Jessica Lauren
Jessica Lauren - 30.01.2023 04:46

I love this. Hearing this story brings immense purpose to my own journey, and, I'm sure, to those of many others, also. I can relate, very profoundly, to all I am hearing and seeing, in this video! It gave me chills to hear you say, "Im not wise. Im just repeating what my spirit says", because I say this ALL the time to family, friends, and those I'm working with. (Often times, I am simply repeating what my Spirit Guide, Anna, says, as well. She is constantly telling me things, and teaching me things. Never, has there been a single thing I've asked, that she hasn't thoroughly answered, and explained, nor has she ever withheld any information, from me, in any possible sense). Nonetheless, I believe that all humans have the same capacity for intelligence; we are all capable of limitless knowledge, but it depends on our choices and our priorities, when it comes to what knowledge is accessed, and utilized!🧡💜💚

lisette callis
lisette callis - 30.01.2023 00:14

you are very lucky, because you are well received ad your job is easy. x

celesta pustynia
celesta pustynia - 25.01.2023 08:15

This should be teach and show in every school in the world in every Country ! Matias You been send to save the Earth !

Thejolenekids - 24.01.2023 20:37

Oh I wish my life would be all mapped out for me like this what do I have to do to see and hear my guide clearly?
