The NEW Way Google Ads Keyword Match Types Work in 2024

The NEW Way Google Ads Keyword Match Types Work in 2024

Grow My Ads

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Scott Hughes
Scott Hughes - 24.11.2023 18:30

Exact match is no longer exact match. It's insane.. They make money on BROAD. It's a scam. Everything GOOGLE does is to steal your ad budget. GOOGLE hates it's customers...They hate agencies. All they care about is stealing your money and acting like they are your friend. Google is a greedy selfish monopoly. Time to break up 'Ma Bell'...Is anyone old enough to know what that means??

Marketing - 20.11.2023 22:43

Very good video, thank you for the tips!
I've always heard that most lead generation campaigns should start by adding a BM keyword with a few EM and PM keywords in an ad group, have the campaign set to maximize clicks, and wait until you have a sufficient amount of conversions (more than 50/month for example), then wait until you manage to lower your CPA to a reasonable amount, wait for it to stabilize for a few weeks and then you can turn on a Smart bidding strategy like TCPA or TROAS.

I have a client account that I've been working on for the past 4 years with great success (50+ Calls per day for an auto locksmith, at less than 2,5€ Cost per Conversion), but since Google changed their keyword match types a while ago, even though the account still has some good results, it is nowhere near as good as before. Our cost per conversion is now in the 6-12€, and I've tried all kinds of changes in the account (removed SKAGs, merged most keywords in the same Ad Group with mostly EM and PM keywords, and 2 BM keywords). Google is now not serving ads as often as it says there are keyword conflicts in the ad group, even though the keywords I target have completely different meaning (ex: lost car key vs car key duplication — one is only for people who lost all their car keys, the other is for someone who still has an existing car key and wants to duplicate it to have a backup).

Would you suggest me to start a new campaign from scratch with Maximise Clicks and EM + PM keywords first, and transfer my negative keywords lists, or can I just update my keyword list in the existing campaign that has been running for more than a year now?

Yaneck - 18.11.2023 09:30

so I read the data correctly you spent $134K on tons of terms that do not relate to your offering. Isn't it completely wasted money? Or are you looking at the conversion numbers? They have higher cost/conv but you do get volume.

Nadi Amber
Nadi Amber - 18.11.2023 00:48

Thank you so much, that helps a lot

Nick - 17.11.2023 03:20

You should just use phrase match and remove exact, as it is going to pick up your exact match terms any way. If your impression share is very high for your phrase match term then it would make sense to also include the broad match variant to get the volume. Thoughts?
