Which 3D Printer is BEST! Creality K1, Bambu Lab P1P or K1 MAX?

Which 3D Printer is BEST! Creality K1, Bambu Lab P1P or K1 MAX?

Frankly Built

1 год назад

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@boboscurse4130 - 05.01.2024 21:07

Will Creality have their version of an AMS?

@lornelorne5727 - 06.01.2024 19:52

Just got a Sovol SV06 Plus as my first printer, and I'm really tempted to return it and pay extra for the Creality K1 Max... Feels like there's a huge difference between them.

@ratulhassan2292 - 08.01.2024 14:53

Why your friend printed components are more glossy?

@RB-ky2gj - 09.01.2024 13:33

My concern with the k1 max is that it can not change the color by itself. And for your helmets in the back you also used 2 different colours, so the only valid option is the p1p, or am I wrong?

@maxe7286 - 09.01.2024 23:16

This is an excellent comparison video, but I found the RGB lights in the background a bit distracting. The constant color changing also causes a constant color temperature shift on your face, so even if you can ignore the lights themselves, it's also impacting the rest of the video.

I would recommend changing them to something static. Your less-focused viewers would appreciate it!

@mihailucian409 - 10.01.2024 19:39

It is .027m3 cube not 300 cube :)

@tedanderson5528 - 20.01.2024 00:08

Thank you 🙏 great info

@SossedUp - 21.01.2024 04:21

Could you tell me if it is posable to print the spider man 2099 on the creality k1 for a 14 year old size head.

@drekkis12 - 25.01.2024 20:21

im buying my first i want a mid beginner without going over 400 any ideas

@RCFunGun - 26.01.2024 05:27

Speed, what about speed, my Bambu is soooooo much faster. I would have liked to see time comparisons. Great vid. Though

@JuicyJ_FPV - 31.01.2024 12:40

You didn’t even mention kipper or open closed source its a huge gain for Creality

@Collindraker - 05.02.2024 02:33

im on my second k1 max within about 6 weeks. i have had the second k1 max after exchanging the first one due to an extruder failure and clog in the heat sink. the heat sink was seized and creality wanted me to pay to get it repaired. i exchanged it with micro center and now the second k1 max that i currently have has a failed main board fan as well as multiple bearing failures in the belt drive system. on top of that, the quality of print with any material other then PLA is extremely poor. i regret buying the k1 max and wish i bought a p1s or carbon and will be buying one in the near future.

@RathOX - 13.02.2024 03:18

What about the qidi x plus 3 or xmax 3?

@S7E7V7E7N - 22.02.2024 16:12

Which printer would you buy now in 2024?

@oneheadlight8000 - 23.02.2024 01:48

I greatly prefer those types of screens on the P1P instead of touchscreens..

@MTGalterBoy - 29.02.2024 23:10

My biggest question is how do you do it all I try but I wish I could get there 😂

@jhaybz29 - 04.03.2024 08:28

end of the video Frankly Sad :(

@crazzzyization - 05.03.2024 22:22

Just walk around wearing a helmet, don’t take it off

@CriticalErA - 09.03.2024 07:59

saying that he takes care of his printer is the reason for a better print is actually downplaying the printer. The X1 carbon is perfectly calibrated and self calibrates before every print, nothing special needs to be done. This just simply means....the X1 carbon is the better printer.

@Hotwire_RCTrix - 22.03.2024 12:59

Excellent comparison 👍

@iquintero574 - 27.03.2024 16:37

This video really help me pinpoint on my first printer I would like to go with. Thank you

@MaznaAhmad-r1h - 06.05.2024 22:23

Which one do you think is the best and affordable to buy

@Arloni - 07.05.2024 17:50

Hello. Very good videos as always. A question for you... the printer quality from K1 Max compared to X1C Carbon is too different? I mean, I saw a lot of reviews saying that X1C print quality is superior to K1 Max - is that really true?

@dukedesouth - 16.05.2024 01:01

Thanks man!

@DueyMiller-rk9dr - 30.05.2024 11:44

30 seconds into the video and I highly disagree with you. I have 2 bamboo p1s and I have Creality k1 Max. They're both pieces of crap. But the king of the crap pile is the k1. Avoid creality k1 with a passion. I'm doing prints that require you to take the extruder apart every other print until you get the G-Code correct so it is not jamming the extruder. The bamboo labs are light years ahead of the piece of s*** of the k1. The bamboo lab uses about a 5 cent connector for all the connections in the hot end. Craplaty on the other hand uses a quarter cent connector with some sort of glue paste that you got to peel off and break the connector at the same time. $950 machine sits waiting me to fix it. I'm not into it because it's a 3 and 1/2 to 4 hour job that if I screw it up I got to buy another $30 part. Bamboo Labs stink, but creality they can suck my....

@nicolescott3951 - 30.05.2024 18:57

We have had the Creality K-1 max for several weeks now and we’ve had a problem that is that is very strange the filament is not clogged it just stops coming out on the first layer we’ve tried switching the bed to the textured bed going back to the glue bed it’s nothing with bed adhesion we’ve tried tightening the extruder gears loosening extruder gears we’ve contacted Creality nothing they do seems to help we’ve sent them multiple videos they haven’t responded yet at first it was just happening on articulating dragon files now the printer is only working 10% of the time randomly anyone have any ideas?

@rtl2607 - 11.06.2024 20:51

Looking at getting the p1s have you used it? if so any tips on it? Looking to use it for cranking out wearable helmets

@golddiamondsgdpc3035 - 25.06.2024 18:26

I’m new to 3D printing and there is so much Information to learn about printing and the size of 3D printers can’t wait to get my printer for my birthday 7/19 I’m so excited to use my first printer….

@tymies12 - 29.07.2024 19:47

Set a fixed white balance on the camera if you are having RGB lights in the background. Without it your skin tones (and all other colors) shift as the camera is constantly reasessing what "white" is. Thanks for the review though :)

@bahaaldeenzaben - 07.08.2024 22:01

One question after a big thank you for the channel and effort, can we print more than one cooler with it somehow?

@driesopel - 10.08.2024 15:10

Congratulations on 1M. Just bought a K1 Max will be back home in about twee weeks and test it. I hope I don't have any problems 😕

@Hutch_x - 27.08.2024 02:19

Probably too old to get a response but what did you use to print the Mjolnir? I can’t decide if I need anything bigger than 256mm…

@WKfpv - 30.08.2024 06:19

I am debating between a k1max and a p1s, the difference is that in my country a normal k1 is $894, the max is $1184 and the p1s without ams is $1400

@ruthlessluder - 15.09.2024 09:28

How about print speed? I'm debating between the P1S and K1 Max... can you tell me which one prints the fastest (with the same quality so obviously not at max speed)?

@TheFoxalot - 23.09.2024 22:20

Ty sir

@McRolls12 - 24.09.2024 23:45

If the K1 is only 370 what one do you recommend the most

@malvinmejia4575 - 22.10.2024 05:11

Now that the k1 max is the same price as a p1s with ams. Which would you recommend, i can’t decide because multicolor vs build volume…

@fazerhermultuate4459 - 23.10.2024 17:46

I just ordered a K1 Max. I don't know what I am going to print on it yet but I can see there is a huge library of prints.

@neaf_clover - 02.11.2024 11:04

Thumbnail really said:
"Creality P1S, Bambu Lab K1 Max"

@marcayres8567 - 15.11.2024 21:38

Just bought a k1💚🇬🇧🌱🤞

@jd8618 - 24.11.2024 03:11

I just got a k1c and it runs like a champ. Bambu turned me off because of the proprietary components. Creality allows me to purchase cheap upgrades and I’m not stressing if a part gets broken or I need to upgrade a part to squeeze out a few more years out of it. Take all this with a grain of salt my last printer was a ender 3 s1 so I’m really just blown away with how far 3D printing has come I can now print multiple big prints in a day. Prints that would have taken multiple days and of course with heart break with print fails along the way. Zero machine print fails as of now with the K1C a few user errors and that’s it.

@MrAce-ly5dj - 14.12.2024 06:18

Where did you get your Thor’s hammer file?

@alexgriffith5161 - 16.12.2024 10:27

bro disable auto gain on your microphone
every time you start a take it’s so loud

@dernicolas6281 - 02.01.2025 18:39

this seems like a fair comparison without too much marketing bs. Well done. :)

@AFewPew - 17.01.2025 08:30

Hello awesome channel! What is that case cover for your Bambu?

@lil_mazi7092 - 24.01.2025 04:44

He told me I wouldn't be sad gettin bambu, I got the p1s prints are amazing but the tos...

@RJ-ss8ht - 08.02.2025 17:26

Do they all have multi filament options?

@GuinnessDesings - 09.02.2025 00:15

From your comments you have never heard of Airwolf 3D an American company that has been making substantial 3D printers for about 15 years, yes the price is a little higher but I have been running the same printer for 10 years with no problems.

@nbalsmeier - 09.02.2025 21:08

My son and I have been using a Toybox for about a year and are ready to move up to the next stage. The K1 is currently on sale for 389 on creality site. vs 519 for th P1P and 799 for the K1 Max. Based on our experience level I am leaning toward the K1 but would love your recommendation for the next stage of 3D printing for us.

@azzhatmax8537 - 17.02.2025 08:42

Just purchased the K1 Max as a newbie and honestly struggling. Have fully calibrated it and yet still only managed 1 actual print that did not have any issues. Do you have any tutorials on set up processes and dos n donts. Really interested especially after seeing what these units are capable off achieving
