Best Notification System for Home Servers with Apprise Push Alerts

Best Notification System for Home Servers with Apprise Push Alerts


1 год назад

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Omar Gayle
Omar Gayle - 20.09.2023 05:54

This is just great content!!!

djvincon - 30.08.2023 21:53

When I install pip, and then try to install mailrise with 'pip install mailrise' i get the message: error: externally-managed-environment. Any tips?

Jose Mercado
Jose Mercado - 03.08.2023 07:40

My dude. Love you but this vid is incomplete. Anyway you can put out a more detailed setup after we touch those files? seems from that point on you're doing things I can't replicate. And to be honest a majority of those that are watching these videos need step by steps including me. I need more help. Thanks always.

Paul M.
Paul M. - 23.07.2023 14:20

Great video!. Is it possible to make a video setting up WhatsApp notification using the latest appraise revision. appraise added WhatsApp support but my old brain can't wrap around how to set it up. thx

Eforen - 30.05.2023 05:13

It would be awesome if I could selfhost the whole thing cause I am a spook and have trust issues!

Ryan Young
Ryan Young - 13.03.2023 09:10

Thanks for the mention! It's satisfying to know so many people find my little utility useful.

David C
David C - 08.03.2023 13:48

Thank you! Testing out mailrise configured to send to MQTT for a device that can only send SMTP. So far, have a subscriber setup to take in the message and reformat it to then check to see if the alerting is snoozed or not (configured using a Redis key and TTL) and if it's not, then publish to two topics. One of the topics is for alerting and the other is for logging., if it is snoozed it's only published to the logging topic.

B S - 06.02.2023 04:54

Any support place for mailrise? I followed your steps and... mailrise barfs at me 😜😜. I checked the pushover configuration, was able to use arise command (works like a charm), but sending email.message to my mailrise host... no sugar, no love. The journalctl gives "WARNING:mailrise.skeleton:Unknown recipient:" error. Any suggestions?

c0p0n - 25.01.2023 18:53

The best notification system I've found hands down is telegram.

John Fryer (Invisiblade)
John Fryer (Invisiblade) - 15.01.2023 23:43

Thank you for this! I've been semi-noodling on what to do with an old NAS that only has smtp messaging, and the gmail connection broke cause TLS v1.0. This hit my YT feed just in time!!

Bob Endicott
Bob Endicott - 13.01.2023 19:47

This is awesome, I was looking to replace postfix in my lab and this will work perfectly. I decided to use docker and got it working.

ONWOTE - 05.01.2023 09:35

Hello VirtualizationHowto, any chance for us to work together to feature and review our security camera system? Sincerely hope can reach cooperation with you!

5amba - 04.01.2023 12:09

I can build you a custom iOS App for that, if you like ;)

squalazzo - 04.01.2023 12:07

i think that important services need redundancy... so i'll use this, sure, BUT add other services in parallel, completely unrelated to this (EVERYTHING goes down, sooner or later...), on a different device, to push out same notifications but in different ways, for example a telegram bot...

SyberPrepper - 04.01.2023 05:23

This is something I should be able to use in a few weeks when I get my home lab reconfigured. I've never heard of this solution so your video is very much appreciated.

Iball nonya
Iball nonya - 04.01.2023 04:03

I use Proton Mail so I just built a tiny Protonmail gateway VM and use that for all my email alerts. Not only is it fast, but since it's Proton and sending to my Proton email account it's all encrypted.

Omar Downie
Omar Downie - 04.01.2023 01:03

Fantastic!!! This is exactly what I have been looking for. Your post has been timely and thorough. Thanks Brandon!

Ahren Bader-Jarvis
Ahren Bader-Jarvis - 04.01.2023 00:54

Thank you so much for highlighting this, and for the great content as always, Brandon! This is incredible and what I didn't even know I was needing. Such a great solution.
