Coronavirus Pandemic Update 54: COVID-19 Antibody vs. PCR Testing; When to Relax Social Distancing?

Coronavirus Pandemic Update 54: COVID-19 Antibody vs. PCR Testing; When to Relax Social Distancing?

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COVID-19 Update 54 with critical care specialist Roger Seheult, MD of

Production of COVID-19 antibody test kits are ramping up - there are over 70 companies producing them. Antibody tests could be one of the keys to eventually easing social distancing restrictions and allowing schools and businesses to re-open. Unfortunately, only one antibody test is FDA approved at this time, and the approval of each company will take some time. Dr. Seheult illustrates how antibody tests and PCR-RT tests for COVID-19 work on the cellular level, and he discusses potential coronavirus vaccine challenges.

Links referenced in this video:

Johns Hopkins Tracker -

Worldometer -

IHME Projections -


NBC News -


Journal of Infectious Disease:


Some previous videos from this series (visit for the full series):
-Coronavirus Pandemic Update 53: Anticoagulation; Can Mechanical Ventilation Make COVID 19 Worse?:
- Coronavirus Pandemic Update 52: Ivermectin Treatment; Does COVID-19 Attack Hemoglobin?:
- Coronavirus Pandemic Update 51: State by State Projections; Ultrasound to Diagnose COVID19 Pneumonia:
- Coronavirus Pandemic Update 50: Dip in Daily New Deaths; Research on Natural Killer Cells & COVID-19:
- Coronavirus Pandemic Update 49: New Data on COVID-19 vs Other Viral Infections (Ventilator Outcomes):
- Coronavirus Pandemic Update 48: Curve Flattening in California, PPE in the ICU, Medication Trials:
- Coronavirus Pandemic Update 47: Searching for Immunity Boosters & Possible Lessons From Spanish Flu:
-Coronavirus Pandemic Update 46: Can Hot/Cold Therapy Boost Immunity? More on Hydroxychloroquine
- Coronavirus Pandemic Update 45: Sharing Ventilators, More on Sleep, Immunity, & COVID-19 Prevention
- Coronavirus Pandemic Update 44: Loss of Smell & Conjunctivitis in COVID-19, Is Fever Helpful?
- Coronavirus Pandemic Update 43: Shortages, Immunity, & Can a TB Vaccine (BCG) Help Prevent COVID-19?
- Coronavirus Pandemic Update 42: Immunity to COVID-19 and is Reinfection Possible?
- Coronavirus Pandemic Update 41: Shelter In Place, FDA Investigates Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19:
- Coronavirus Pandemic Update 40: Ibuprofen and COVID-19 (are NSAIDs safe?), trials of HIV medications:
- How Coronavirus Kills: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) & Treatment:

Many other videos on COVID-19 (coronavirus outbreak, coronavirus symptoms, Spanish Flu pandemic, influenza, coronavirus epidemic, coronavirus vaccine, ultrasound to diagnose COVID-19) and other medical topics (ECG Interpretation, hypertension, anticoagulation, DKA, acute kidney injury, influenza, measles, mechanical ventilation, etc.) at

Speaker: Roger Seheult, MD
Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine.

MedCram provides videos to a variety of medical schools, education programs, and institutions (please contact us at [email protected] if you are interested)

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MedCram medical videos are for medical education and exam preparation, and NOT intended to replace recommendations from your doctor.
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@Didigeneral - 22.10.2020 09:56

If they have to go into your nose up to your Sinus holes to find evidence that the Virus is there...why the hell they say : keep 2 Meter distance to other persons? This means you can have the Virus in a small drop of salvina?

@fabriennern - 23.05.2020 16:16

Does anyone know where can I buy Covid-19 Antibody testing kit?

@DGneoseeker1 - 12.05.2020 23:05

I still have no idea if I already had this.

Everyone in my house got something within the same 1-2 week period. Basically like a cold but mostly just a VERY runny nose and some coughing. After this I had mucus/fluid in one lung, and a cough (not dry, more the kind you get to remove mucus). And that has come and gone a few times over the weeks since then to a much milder extent. Hinting at either a reoccurring infection of some kind or some kind of lasting irritation/damage to that lung. It's still occasionally producing some thick mucus. My parents meanwhile are still getting occasional coughing.

But nothing actually matches the symptoms we were told to look out for. It's just that I've never had something quite like this before.

I just wish I knew if I already had it so I knew if I was taking a big risk using public transport, which in the near future I'll have no real option other than to use to get to work.

@bpaulsel - 12.05.2020 09:37

Why did I test positive for the antibody test (I had severe symptoms but wasn’t in enough danger to be tested at the time) but why did my results came back positive but my husband who I kiss everyday before he leaves for work tested negative for antibodies??

@susana5052 - 08.05.2020 22:35

Is it possible that we are dealing with more than one virus? S vs L vs H, plus there are people that are getting sick a second time and dying from it the second time.

@jaynine4133 - 26.04.2020 19:05

How can the PCR testing be sure that the RNA strand that is being copied is really from SARS cov2 virus itself?

@barbaragalbreth4429 - 23.04.2020 03:58

What if you're not RH positive? How does monkey testing work for people who don't have comparable blood proteins?.

@ksero1000 - 21.04.2020 23:32

POTATO BUGS in Pittsburgh, lol! 🖤💛

@klkiley2922 - 21.04.2020 14:20

Can someone please inform me as to how long it typically takes to develop trustworthy antibody tests?

@ncwdevine - 20.04.2020 05:33

Only Partial RNA for corona not COVID has been done. Test inflates infection numbers.👽

@55dengen - 19.04.2020 19:54

When doing the RT-PCR tests looking for the virus I heard through other doctors and scientists that it can’t distinguish it from some other things. I can’t remember the names. So it’s possible for false positives also.

@kilgoretrout3875 - 19.04.2020 19:33

Was the virus actually isolated from other RNA substances before creating tests to detect it? I am concerned that the testing may be testing for something other than a novel virus.

@SpruceGumRules - 19.04.2020 18:21

Until much more knowledge about SARS-Cov2 (and maybe even when we do) shouldn't we say use the phrase 'resistance to' instead of the more categorical label 'immunity'?

@DieWatcher - 19.04.2020 15:06

Thought you were a more of a professional, than a dreamer XD
Coronavirus spp. have endemic points, such was in Wuhan. So if it gets purged (herded) doesn't mean that in 10-20 years humanity wont be tested again by a new mutated one :)

@thatstheguy07 - 19.04.2020 09:53

Are you guys not aware they’re inflating the numbers? Over diagnosing? Someone dying of cancer but also tested positive marked down as death from cv?
Along with all the false positives?

@truthseeker8894 - 19.04.2020 03:09

I would like to know how vaccines are tested before they get approved for use on a wider range? What do they consist of and do they do the antibody tests on them? We still remember the svineflue vaccine Pandemrix that caused illness in especially kids 2-3 years later. I don't think we will dare vaccinate our kids this time. Seems to be very risky. Would appreciate your honest answer. ❤️

@mandeepsingh-vu4qm - 18.04.2020 23:28

God bless you great information

@rnunezc.4575 - 18.04.2020 19:06

How do we know strands of SARS2 Cov19 if the complete genoma has not been known yet?.. How can we identify antibodies accurately and can it be that instead of a virus we are identifying an exosomes..? Could you elaborate more on this? Thank you v much. Great videos!..

@elarias2440 - 18.04.2020 03:16

Trump: no testing = no cases

@alexjones4president - 18.04.2020 00:38

Big pHARMa needs new reasons to make money.

@ambitesh - 17.04.2020 23:58

thanks for clarifying the myth around testing. Its more about random testing of people than testing a common mass. thanks again.

@daviddahlke3293 - 17.04.2020 18:11

Check out Elsevir , International Journal of Antimicrodial Agents

@BR-sv1ni - 17.04.2020 06:22

Are you afraid of death? Not sure what I should do? Jesus is the solver. Jesus is the savior. Jesus is the only light in the chaotic world. Satan deceives you. What has Satan given you? It's all about cheating, lying, killing, stealing, and perishing. Come to Jesus. Rest and receive eternal life. In front of Jesus' name, all powers and demons kneel down. I am the way, the truth, and the life. Only comes to the Father except through me. John 14: 6
You who want to believe in Jesus.If you who have COVID19, come to Jesus. Be healed in the name of Jesus, If you plagued by ghosts. If you wanna believe Jesus, Please say this words. "Jesus, I believe in Jesus. Jesus is the Son of God and my savior. you poured water and blood on the cross for my sins.And Jesus were resurrection in three days and I believe Jesus come back when in last world time."

@FT4Freedom - 17.04.2020 05:48

So antibody person are accepted as future members of society and non infected persons are non citizens. WTF.

@FT4Freedom - 17.04.2020 05:45

Why do immune resistant persons get their constitutional rights returned while persons not infected remain cattle in lockdown. Such BS.

@ambroziajewel - 16.04.2020 22:51

Do you agree with this info that is circulating from an MD about the validity of antibody tests? “The big flaw with these antibody tests is the cross-reaction with other Coronaviruses. This is plainly stated in the package inserts. A positive IgG quicktest DOES NOT MEAN you have IgG antibodies or are immune to Covid-19! It means that you have IgG antibodies to one of the Coronaviruses (maybe or maybe not Covid-19).”

@pkendlers - 16.04.2020 20:35

Sciences! Romance! Pillbugs and Medical mysteries! It's MedCram. :)

@karpat157 - 16.04.2020 18:35

There's a theory that the symptoms are similar to high altitude pulmonary edema and that the medication used on HAPE can be the answer, what are your thoughts on this?

@paulwarren796 - 16.04.2020 18:00


@abcjme - 16.04.2020 11:38

* in this series:
** vid 25 is numbered 25, vid 27 is numbered 26, & vid 26 is not numbered 😞

@winstonstewart1894 - 16.04.2020 08:27

Preciate the knowledge!

@nobodyb385 - 16.04.2020 07:07

When will this Virus just End

@jamesbest4885 - 16.04.2020 04:11

Thank you so much for all of your efforts.

@nakatani.5208 - 16.04.2020 03:37

I did some research and....
The pandemic started in 2019, 5 years after Ebola, Ebola started 5 years after the Swine flu pandemic, and the Swine Flu started 5 years after the Avian Flu...
Avian came from birds, Swine came from pigs, Ebola came from bats, Corona comes from bats

@WA4OSH - 16.04.2020 03:24

So will we see a growing curve showing the number of people with positive antibody test results?

@indeepsdrummer - 16.04.2020 01:23

Question. What is Diamox? what is it used for ? Thank you

@travelershe1 - 15.04.2020 23:59

How will we gain any ground with herd immunity if we all are staying home?

@gjpcmd1 - 15.04.2020 22:40

Another thought would be enhanced Vit D production in Forest excursions over smog filled city walks, with consequent immune function benefits

@imarginacionmxd - 15.04.2020 20:50

like si entiendes mi comentario!

@davidny4638 - 15.04.2020 20:03


@glennziccardi5719 - 15.04.2020 20:02

Tell us about extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or ECMO

@pranav5007 - 15.04.2020 19:42

Endangered species 😂

@peterkizer6163 - 15.04.2020 19:09

Loved the pillbug story!

@anareginacoronado1147 - 15.04.2020 18:38

Hi, I have been very depressed and anxious lately because my parents are older than 60. They have not yet understood the gravity of the situation. They're are sad because I don't visit them that often nowadays cuz of the virus and they take it personal. I read a Harvard article that said the only chance we have to fight this virus is that more than 65% of the population gets infected and they're are no likely to survive if they get infected (I'm crying while writing this). And others say this social distancing will last till 2022. I'm seriously very depressed because of my parents. Here in Guatemala we've only 180 cases but the number increases everyday. I hope I can hear better news from you in the future. If you're also feeling depressed because your parents or friends or grandparents are seniors, please reach out to me.
