Top 5 Broken RPG Speedrun Characters

Top 5 Broken RPG Speedrun Characters


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@truindividual - 26.09.2024 18:41

Aye! I got a cameo in a video. Nice. Seriously. Great video, as always here as I prep for this hurricane.

@NightmareOni - 26.09.2024 19:03

No you're wrong.

The greatest speedrun characters, are the friends we made along the way.

@TheShad0wW3av3r - 26.09.2024 22:58

People actually speedrun RPGs?? 🤔🤯

RPGs are marathons, not sprints 🤷‍♂️

@empty_melodies - 26.09.2024 23:14

Wow! Great list.

@TheKarishi - 26.09.2024 23:54

Zell and Irvine both deserve honorable mention for their place in FFVIII, which is itself arguably the most mechanically speedrun-friendly FF title due to its system where monsters level with you. A good runner who knows the process can functionally one-shot anything with Zell from very early on, though players going for faster times have found that the raw process of continually performing Zell's combos is actually slower on some bosses than getting the ammo to let Irvine machine-gun a boss to death. With its many unskippable cutscenes, a VIII speedrun is a weird mix of extremely lazy, slow storytelling and lightning-fast menus and boss fights. It's wild.

@Melancholy2Hell - 27.09.2024 00:10

"Sharanda" is now my canonical name for the white dragoon now, thank yooouuuu.

@uraninezak - 27.09.2024 00:49

You are wrong, anime boobs do need their own top 10 category :p

This video exists because no matter what evidence you bring to an argument, someone on the internet will always put on their thick rimmed glasses and says "well, actually" to try and contradict you regardless of any evidence you've created. Speedrun strategies vs fully unrestricted categories are like comparing clementines to pears. Radically different fruits even though they're both fruit. Your lists have always been aimed at a more causal audience who isn't trying to min max the game. This was obvious by you putting Vanille in your top FF13 party member slot when for speed running she's easily at the bottom because she is slow.

Personally, I adore your content. I watch just about every video when they go live then like and comment to help the algorithm. Also, I like engaging in commentary. If you ever revisit old lists, I'd love you to revisit FF12 TZA with modern knowledge as opposed to early pre release theory crafting. Keep doing what you do and I'll keep being here <3

@gabrielpatten6939 - 27.09.2024 01:26

I remember playing FFX as a dumb kid, and not using Rikku much because i didnt know how to fully utilize "mix" and i thought she was just a weak character 😂

@averageant7173 - 27.09.2024 02:34

Ahh Tifa was my suggestion!!!

@robertlewallen5283 - 27.09.2024 04:42

Ohhh we about to start speed running? 😎😎 would love to see it lol

@jesserivera2043 - 27.09.2024 13:21

Funny enough, I've never speed ran a game, as I treat most JRPG party members as extensions of the main protagonist and what they need to learn to become fully realized.

That being said, I like how a lot of games allow the player to mess with the mechanics to play how they want to, so seeing this video makes me happy to see other gaming communities being represented, despite speed running not meeting my personal tastes

@PhoenixMasta - 27.09.2024 20:06

I knew the Nidoran speedrun was going to be on this list, just not what position it'd be. Pleasantly surprised with it being the number one lol

@JaidynReiman - 27.09.2024 23:12

Wow Shiranda is such a weird situation. I always LOVED Shana, and HATED that she was replaced by Miranda late game. But I had to admit that, as far as I could tell, "Shiranda" was the WORST party member in the game due to a lack of additions.

...but I never used attack magic at all because it just never seemed particularly useful. So its funny how Shiranda's high magic made them the ideal candidates to spam attack magic the whole game. I've never seen this before.

@theladymeyneth6775 - 28.09.2024 11:49

Crossette was my first thought seeing this video. Second was Irina in Xenoblade X for getting everyone to endgame levels right from the start, though I don't know if that's still used since it takes a while to set up.

Love to see Crossette mentioned, and a very short clip of X.
