I Know Who It Is - 92BOB Riolu Drama Reaction

I Know Who It Is - 92BOB Riolu Drama Reaction


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@rehorizon - 18.02.2024 23:09

we are all 92bob on this day 🙏

@RandomNorwegianGuy. - 18.02.2024 23:42

To many r*tar*s in this comment section

@geraldduke7693 - 18.02.2024 23:50

Wirtual makes documentary style videos. While the content inside them can be weird to say the least, I don’t think that should create bias towards not talking about it. While personally I think it should have been emphasized that people shouldn’t do it, I think it does highlight the point that scam links can be dangerous and that the chat system in all games, even tm2020 needs to be updated. While I haven’t seen scam links in tm myself, it’s not hard to imagine that people with worse intentions could do so, and would likely be, for lack of better words successful. Trackmania is full of young players, and with the server chat system having no chat filters against racism/slurs even in tm2020, I personally believe that it’s beyond due for the community to come together to ask Nadeo to make a change for the better.

@Travixty - 19.02.2024 00:06

lmao people that dont play tm trying to have an opinion on people they only see through yt videos is funny

@thet7176 - 19.02.2024 00:23

All the 'drama' aside, isn’t the achievement of reaching #1 worldwide in such a short period of time impressive af?

@Carpythesharky - 19.02.2024 00:31

At this point Wirtual needs to move on. Riolu seriously lives rent free in his head. If 92bob happens to be Riolu, then so be it. Just let him play anonymously--it's a game. If the current records aren't cheated, then good on 'em. Don't doxx people... that's absolutely crazy.

@SylviusTheMad - 19.02.2024 00:46

BlackQ phishing 92BOB is super sketchy.

@Midbooze - 19.02.2024 00:46

Ok guys, I have a confession to make. I'm 92BOB. I'm intentionally bad at my main account so you won't ever notice that I actually is from France and 92 is definitely not the year of my birth. You got me.

@tijemeevis8307 - 19.02.2024 00:52

I don't see why there is a problem if 92bob is playing legitimately. No matter who it is. To me this seems like Wordt is just going after Riolu in the name of justice.

@Vardraq - 19.02.2024 01:05

Personally I would say Wirtual needs to take a step back. He has long lost his entertainment value, especially his casting skills are … meh.
Somehow he also seems to have an unusual deep grudge against one single man. But he seems to not be alone with that grudge, against just one player.

Furthermore, putting that IP craving into the video also is close to being illegal.

@Gainn - 19.02.2024 01:17

Wirt's obsession with Riolu went beyond creepy a long time ago.

@henrik7777 - 19.02.2024 01:25

Wirti chan is such a drama queen

@michaelwesolek8735 - 19.02.2024 01:52

Yeah, depending on the country sending phising links is illegal.

@instagramsnapchat - 19.02.2024 02:47

I enjoyed the story and the video but I agree that he should have made it clearer in the video that what blackq did was not ok and he went way too far, and he should have cut down a little on the riolu talk. I know the beginning is important for people who aren’t necessarily in on the whole scandal (a lot of his fans are probably not as familiar with TM as most of us are) but the “haunting picture of him sitting in his room” at the end was a bit extra and unnecessary, it gives off creepy obsessed vibes lol.

@DouglasFish - 19.02.2024 03:32

The awkward ending of his video. WTF?

@vorlof - 19.02.2024 04:18

This is why I don't participate in leaderboards. None of it is real. Whether the leader is cheating, or cheating because they thought the previous leader was cheating and wanted to cheat more, it's all cheaters.

@MachoManTV1 - 19.02.2024 04:36

I heard from a credible source that Tarpor himself was bob

@jeremykothe2847 - 19.02.2024 04:49

Tinfoil hat time: If you wrote a "smart" assist tool, you could make super-fast runs that didn't... 1. spam inputs faster than normal. 2. use identical/repeated patterns (like most tool assists do). How could anyone detect that?

@hugospam71 - 19.02.2024 05:04

Wirtual has lost the plot. Dedicating a main channel upload to promoting cheating, phishing, doxxing and account theft as well as perma IP-banning people for merely cheating leaderboard times in a video game.

@just-ero - 19.02.2024 06:19

thank GOD this was uploaded so I don't have to give wirtual the view

@alexjomain828 - 19.02.2024 14:18

I'm shocked by what i just heard.
Blackq impersonated Bob to reach out to Nadeo and have his account deleted behind his back, without concrete proof that the records are cheated, or that riolu is behind the account.
And even worse, he sent a phishing attack directly to Bob to reveal his real life location.
I think this went way, way, too far.
Bob is perfectly allowed to remain anonymous if he wishes, whoever he is. And we must respect his privacy.

@daDUSTad - 19.02.2024 15:02

The doxxing guy is nothing but a criminal. Even if it is riolu, it's not his business. Sending Phishing Mails is illegal. Don't know why this guy is obsessed with a random guy on the internet... This guy is much worse than any1 of the cheaters

@abcd-qo4qp - 19.02.2024 19:36

92bob is matt turk

@djdubd - 19.02.2024 20:58

I think it is fine, if the records aren't cheated, then isn't all this complaining kind of a self report?

@flora5090 - 20.02.2024 01:01

Really uncomfortable video from Wirtual. Just pointless speculations with complete disregard for that person's right to privacy, skimming over the fact someone tried to illegally dox them, all the while absurdly trying to link this to a cheating scandal and personal feuds from the past that he should've long since moved on from.

@MidnightPausch - 20.02.2024 11:28

this comment section is toxic af.

@user-zv4zh4qj6o - 20.02.2024 12:06

Wirtual has really gone of the path. He is posting a video, which he knows will reach a big audience, and in said video he is speculating so much (and so negatively) about the mental state of somebody who has either left the game, or wants to play anonymously.
'Sitting alone in his room, trying to proof something to himself'?
He rll needs to grow up and leave this behind him.

@jxstcrank - 20.02.2024 15:33

Wirtuals videos are so well put together, very talented content creator 🔥

@Vem711 - 20.02.2024 20:20

Riolu legit living rent free in wirtuals head ever since. This topic is so overdone by now, honestly.

@nicolasgrard241 - 24.02.2024 18:02

Wirtual is a weirdo and has cheated on stream in the last years

@UltraProchy - 24.02.2024 20:28

Nah man Bob is an absolute gigachad who played offline because he didnt want to play with all the cheaters.

Wirtuals video hella cringe, extremely down bad for views. Instead of doing the right thing and waiting for any confirmation, hes just acting like the lowest tier trash news about forgot celebrities and a huge clickbait title. And through the whole videomaking process, it didnt even occur to him that doxxing is bad. People had to start flaming him for him to say that he doesnt condone it. Bro forgot the sauce because of all the fame.

@tosse006 - 24.02.2024 23:05

i think it's overrated getting tilted over pixels.

@zwingler - 25.02.2024 14:18

Wirtual wasnt the one who was doxxing 92bob, he only reported on the incident. I dont see where he was endorsing that behaviour to be fair.

@xistsixt - 26.02.2024 01:15

My in game nick is VALEB92 and trigram is B92... I have nothing to do with him 😅😆🤣

@Mammutmango - 26.02.2024 12:55

92Bob is just resurrected Bob Ross playing TM. Being calm as he is it was only a matter of time before he'd take all the records

@RilevTV - 29.02.2024 00:24

does Wirtual suffer from NPD?

@lbdubz - 02.03.2024 01:11

Imagine if 92bob was just playing offline the entire time

@Mistertbones - 08.03.2024 02:11

92BOB is from France, and 92 in France refers to Hauts-de-Seine. Riolu is from Germany. Therefore, if you ask me, Riolu and 92BOB are not the same guy.

@nicholasmorrison1476 - 13.03.2024 12:25

Let it be Riolu 🙏

@melrep8482 - 27.03.2024 21:51

Wirtual is fkn salty hahaha. I like wirtual and i frequently watch his videos but he a lil too salty sometimes.

@fg786 - 29.03.2024 21:16

How do they think they can stop a "former" cheater to play the game witha new account, even if the person is supposed to be banned? That's absurd. If his inputs aren't sus let the man cook.
If riolu is a perfectionist as claimed in the clip shown and for some reason got down the cheating lane and got busted, maybe he is now out to show em all, that he can drive these times legit.

@kevinl0p - 12.04.2024 09:19

riolu moved on from trackmania and now lives a happy life with his wife and kids

@joshuamarcocchi4447 - 17.04.2024 02:26

your contribution to the original video was absolutley remarkable

@Killerx2NR - 30.04.2024 09:45

I got trolled so hard at the beginning! 😭

@lIIest - 22.05.2024 03:41

the main takeaway here is, that wirtual is a salty bit ch

@SondreGrneng - 21.06.2024 19:54

It's funny to me like, I literally couldn't care less. it's probably Riolu, that's fine, he probably can't make money from it anymore, let the man play the game at least. Whatever, and if it matters to you so much, just make a browser plugin that pretends his records aren't there. I'm sure it's possible. It's honestly funny watching people lose their minds over it. So long as the records on the 92BOB account aren't cheated, it really doesn't matter.

@markusTegelane - 29.06.2024 14:59

i think it is riolu
however comma
i don't think grabifying this guy was the right thing to do
