The End of Math

The End of Math

The Math Sorcerer

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@tallysom713 - 02.07.2024 04:00

Maybe one day

@Grok-vg9qg - 08.06.2024 14:49

It never ends Bro ...

@hollygreen8663 - 05.06.2024 14:15

Depends on what you think you have to be able to do in math when you reach your goals. And that's where you can say you learned enough. Life is short and problems we solve are limited. Unless you're constantly switching between fields or you're a math researcher, your math ends at some point.
P.S: i mean usually end point is where you are already near perfect at something you're doing.

@SinergiasHolisticas - 05.06.2024 02:43


@sumairu_8859 - 21.04.2024 14:38

Even though "mathematics is the language in which god has written the universe" as Galileo Galilei said,I think it stands to be more than a tool to describe the universe . because if it was , then this drives us to the question (does mathematics ends when the universe ends to what we call the Big Crunch? ) which is obviously not the case , I grantee that it doesn't end.Yes, maybe we started to do math when we wanted to describe our world ages ago , but at the meantime we don't need something to describe in order to do mathematics anymore , you said it, we're creating new math ! even if it didn't happen to be in our own universe (magical numbers & stuff ).HOWEVER in order for mathematics to be infinite, it needs us, Humans . Because it is only the human thoughts that are infinite & they're responsible for all of the mathematics that has been found , mathematics is the bridge between the universe & our minds, and sense the human mind is infinity , hence mathematics is, it's kind of like languages, a language is always evolving if there remain people who speaks it, a language has finite letters yes, but an infinite number of words & sentences , math has a 0-9 letters like , but an infinite amount of numbers can be written with them, if WE existed.

@otalactea - 14.04.2024 19:59

I love maths

@ROForeverMan - 14.04.2024 05:50

You look like that divorce lawyer.

@olegnabatov5952 - 09.04.2024 12:57

Lisp is the end.

@jdbrown371 - 24.03.2024 22:38

No, there is an end to math. Here's one place where the party is over. Classifying manifolds up to a diffeomorphism or homeomorphism in dimensions ≥ 4. Sorry but that's how it ends.

@randyzeitman1354 - 23.03.2024 07:26

Have you ever met, or even heard of a person, that doesn't realize there's an 'end' to mathematics? Where is the person, anytime in history, that was learning mathematics and changed their interest because they came think math 'ended'? I hate these strawmans.

@mingmiao364 - 22.03.2024 20:14

"Math has no end" might sound imposing but that means, by the same token, human creativity has no end! There will always be interesting problems to solve. What else could one ask for?

@parsifal8232 - 22.03.2024 15:22

Would you recommend any book about fuzzy logic, and derivateves as a prediction of the function?

@Sincrol - 22.03.2024 08:15

You look like Jeff Bezos but with hair and addicted to math

@user-dv8ym8ry9g - 22.03.2024 04:07

Topology by Muncrez ended me😢

@jtmuzix - 22.03.2024 02:41

This dude is amazing! Not only does he love to smell && read his books but he teaches. Amazing stuff. Why do I like math? Sorry, you just asked that as I was writing. Why wouldn't I like math if I spend my time with Bjarne Stroustrup and his book "The C++ Programming Language". No, I don't spend time with Bjarne Stroustrup (I wish I had a mentor like that for C++) but I do spend a ton of time in his book. I've been experimenting / working with C++ since 1999 and there's a TON of stuff I don't fully understand. Learning how to code is identical to math. It never ends. What's even more insane, I'm only learning about the ANSI C++ 14 standard, I'm not sure what they're up to now but it's close to if not past 20. I'm waiting for the fifth edition of the C++ book. I think that will focus on the C++ 17 standard which adds quite a bit. Fun stuff! Keep rocking em as your work is amazing!

@daniyardurzhanov7771 - 21.03.2024 11:14

Honestly, it's only one side of understanding, that there is no end in any science, profession, subject. Is it possible to learn everything in physics, chemistry, economics, linguistics, jurisprudence, engineering, teaching, plumbing, carpentry and so on? The answer is No.
But on other side, we haven't to learn everything at all, we only have to know some critical mass of knowledge which enough to fulfill our obligations.
More interesting question is how to be better and more efficient than you were before. And I think that we have to specialize on something in order to rise ourselves further and further...
And when we go further, doesn't matter in what, our life becomes better, brighter, richer...
Read the main book of the famous psychologist Mihaly Robert Csikszentmihalyi, "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience".
It's a brilliant book, which gives the answer why you should learn further, and also gives answer to the such minor question, what sense of life is.

@daniyardurzhanov7771 - 21.03.2024 10:51

I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me (Isaak Newton)

@david.hilbert1234 - 21.03.2024 10:43

Hey Math Sorcerer make a video on godel's incompleteness theorem

@amoonlenka2872 - 21.03.2024 07:34

Math is just the idea of expressing a situation with quantities and see how they evolve. As long as the new idea is there, there's maths. In a way math is always there, it's a question of how much we realize

@Kneecap22 - 20.03.2024 13:07

it never ends, even if AI can solve many math problems. we will need it to solve nanomachinery and molecular simulations problems to cure aging. If AI does that, we will have time to integrate ourselves into cyborg machines and use the augmented intelligence to work on math problems. If AI can't take away the cure aging using nanotech job, then AI can't do math, that's my opinion.

@ubahprecious6151 - 20.03.2024 03:29

Whenever I'm watching you i feel like I'm watching Isaac newton😮

@EP-me4nq - 19.03.2024 05:09

You reach the finish line when AI starts at the finish line

@Cesar-th8hq - 19.03.2024 04:46

A professor at my university once said to his precalculus class after a student ridiculed him, “Math is a giant mission with infinite rooms and you people aren’t even at the doormat of the mansion” and that same professor once said to his Differential Vector Calculus class, “alright guys, you all have finished dusting your feet off the doormat of math, now it is your decision whether or not you want to enter the mansion with infinite rooms that is mathematics”

@Köennig - 19.03.2024 00:37

That's what makes it the more beautiful.

@transmathematica - 18.03.2024 18:34

The C programming language comes from an age when computer languages were designed to be learned in one week - by professional programmers. Undergraduates take a little longer.

@ollieoniel - 18.03.2024 10:58

End number contains all other numbers and all of maths.

@thomson4420 - 18.03.2024 05:51

what's the point to use your finite life to learn infinite math?

@markbrown4290 - 18.03.2024 01:36

Can you prove it has no end?

@hilbertshotel - 18.03.2024 01:18

Math ends when AGI finally arrives. It will solve all the problems with which we still struggle—and then some—by lunchtime. Pure dystopia for academics and intellectuals.

@CosmickVisions - 17.03.2024 23:01

thank-you for being devoted to learning growing and sharing your knowledge and experience

@bigstroker1300 - 17.03.2024 21:09

"mathematics" is an umbrella name!!!! Set theory, abstract algebra, topology, as examples, must not be about numbers!!!!! (most of people associates the name "mathematics" only with numbers).

@FreshLounger - 17.03.2024 20:44

I love the setting. It looks so conducive to study, just a plain desk, a plain chair, facing a plain wall. Wonderful.

@peterkings2012 - 17.03.2024 19:50

Math ends when life ends because math is everything thats life.

@andyhughes8315 - 17.03.2024 19:47

It is like other difficult skills. It takes periodic practice.

@hinasiddiqui8452 - 17.03.2024 18:30

Salaam.Maybe you will be able to better interpret this in Al-quraan-"Allah(God or Eloah-im) has set a measure for all things."

@Tanvi-Arya - 17.03.2024 15:58

Can you please help me with a maths question, I haven't been able to find the answer to my doubt all over internet...

The question gives : Prove that lim x →a+ [x] = [a] for all a belongs to R ,
[.] Denotes the greatest integer function.
However if we consider a = 2.9999999 and h as 0.9999999

@franciscoperezreche2017 - 17.03.2024 15:00

Very true!

@Layla__46 - 17.03.2024 14:41

Math ends when we discover more and more theories that find other solutions for the same equation, that time when an equation can be solved in so many ways so that everyone can do math.

@robertjackson852 - 17.03.2024 14:15

Where do I start if I just want to learn math, but I am not an undergraduate or college student.

@mindfulawareness1 - 17.03.2024 13:51

The probability someone else has said this below is high : can you prove math is infinite?

@ZaynShaheen - 17.03.2024 12:33

If you know all mathematics, that means you've become a GOD because you've understood the whole universe ✨️

@mlliarm - 17.03.2024 11:11

And thats the beauty of it.

Not even programming languages end, because languages evolve so you have to keep learning the changes of the language.

@shayaan3632 - 17.03.2024 10:39

ai will probably answer that for you

@tseek001 - 17.03.2024 10:28

It's not supposed to END .. PERIOD

@IndiDaddiii - 17.03.2024 10:22

"End of mathematics"
Ramanujan: hello everyone

@VisionScientist - 17.03.2024 08:17

I have tutored college students in mathematics and a few other disciplines and I think that the general public is oblivious to the breadth and the depth, not only of mathematics, but also of many other disciplines. Many disciplines, in addition to mathematics, are so broad and so deep that no individual can master every area of any discipline. Furthermore, in each discipline, in addition to what has been learned and / or discovered and / or figured out, there is a lot more that has not been learned or discovered or figured out yet.

@bobbybannerjee5156 - 17.03.2024 07:24

There's something else.
Anti Math culture in the West. People are proud to call themselves enumerate. Femininity dislikes math because not everyone can do it. Calling it exclusionary.
Which it is. But that's precisely the reason it should be loved not hated.
Proofs removed from school geometry.
Math is increasingly disliked by modern leftists and feminists. It would soon disappear from elementary and high school as a compulsory subject.
