Odysee - Come Home Free Man

Odysee - Come Home Free Man

Mental Outlaw

2 года назад

81,764 Просмотров

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@Whitemike63 - 14.11.2023 07:49

That site is for idiots who like getting hacked

@dr.Decent_GameplayBG - 26.08.2023 16:44

What is this ? Its safe Odysee??? What is this crypto? Is long term platform or not ?

@user-ir6hi8od6x - 17.08.2023 19:26

I searching for alternative platform

@BlazeStunting - 14.08.2023 03:52

make an update video? with the lbry sec stuff and maybe a real alternative to YT and odysee/lbry? or is it still worth it with kyc and stuff

@izak5356 - 07.07.2023 04:47

I love how your entire recommended section is the quartering, crypto, and Elon Musk. That's a fair representation of the kind of audience a platform that openly hosts Nazi propoganda would have.

@JonWintersGold - 23.06.2023 16:43


@max-mw7lo - 20.02.2023 22:43

10 $ incomming

@aortaplatinum - 15.02.2023 00:58

My only issue with Odysee is that it forces you to use their weird confusing bitcoin blockchain shit. I don't want to deal with all that, I don't want to have to make a "deposit" or "transaction" just to upload a fucking video when I don't plan to try to make money off my uploads anyways. I'm just looking for a chill video hosting site that won't nuke my channel for using one minute of a MIDI version of a song who's original composers and performers are all dead anyways.

@simonmaersk - 06.02.2023 20:09

So here's my issue with it... I attempted to set up an account on Odysee. I have everything Google-related blocked in my main browser, and when I followed the Odysee activation link I received by email, I was unable to activate my account, because some Google elements were blocked, and apparently those are essential for Odysee account verification. The fact that Google is integrated in the account registration is a huge red flag to me, and it made me ditch the idea of getting on Odysee.

@genkiferal7178 - 24.01.2023 01:28

as of today, Odysee's crappy update deleted all of my saved playlists, won't allow me to boost a video with that odd share function, and no longer allows me to comment unless i have a channel of my own. Odysee also seems to have changed to an annoying algorithm that has hidden some of my favorite channels on my home page and now all I see is mostly older videos from really popular channels. SO I am forced to unsubscribe to those popular channels (John Stossel, Techlore, Rob Braxman) in hopes of seeing my videos in the order that I used to see them in.
I am highly frustrated. And, Kenny, YOUR channel's videos aren't at top - not sure any of my other subscriptions are in any convenient place. There are even channels at top of my homepage that i am NOT subscribed to but must've watch a couple of times.

Please tell them to fix this.

@clodsirelover2501 - 30.12.2022 20:45

premium exists for it and it is ABSOLUTELY PROPRIETARY. bad bad bad bad bad

@fetyrol7108 - 09.11.2022 05:35

Hacking the algorithm

@onepalproductions - 19.10.2022 21:21

The pandemic killed the 'like' button.

@lukemorgan6166 - 15.10.2022 06:40


@ballsticseal - 06.05.2022 11:35

tbh i would be willing to give odysee more of a shot if i could go more then 2 comment sections without seeing uncensored transphobic and racial slurs. Is it that big of a problem? in my mind it is, especially if odysee wants to appeal to more people. I'm glad they're focusing on the tech stuff tho, should hopefully keep the kinds of people to drop those words away. The trade off with alt tech i guess.....

@alejandroalzatesanchez - 01.05.2022 03:50


@nrdfoss - 23.04.2022 12:58

thanks terminal autism

@dariusbrown8692 - 20.04.2022 01:54

Odysee doesn't have any client apps yet though... Right? Edit: I'm stupid... I meant on f-droid

@sporedoutofmymind - 19.04.2022 13:24

"This is a censorship free platform."

"This comment was slimed to death"


@Adrot - 19.04.2022 10:21

I am yet to step into odysee because it lacks CC, but I might consider when it comes to other sensitive stuff like music.

@skaruts - 17.04.2022 19:50

I hope slimes don't actually delete the comments, and just covers them up, such that anyone can still choose to read them. Because they may not be offensive or anything, they may just be against the status quo of some channel's audience. As an example, your comments would probably get slimed to death if you're defending the round earth in the middle of a whole bunch of flat earthers.

@USBEN. - 17.04.2022 16:17

Dank stuff. Bitchute failed me, let's try this one now.

@fraumaimai7835 - 17.04.2022 11:43

Let's see how long this stays online.

@djpuplex - 17.04.2022 05:27

I might have to post my other channel to odysee

@replikvltyoutube3727 - 16.04.2022 23:11

Odyssey is cool but it has upload quita

@9a3eedi - 16.04.2022 15:36

I really would like to know more about how odysee's servers are structured. It says that it's decentralized and uses bittorrent technology. Does that mean that viewers also upload pieces of videos to each other? Ie if there was a really popular video, doesn't that mean that there will be lots of bandwidth for streaming without needing to scale up the server to handle all the users? That's pretty cool if it worked

@elismart13 - 16.04.2022 00:53

Been using it for many years, I just found out they changed the name to odysee, lol set it to autouplaod and just haven't checked it..

@lemonheep - 14.04.2022 08:00

Just a reminder when an Odysee video starts to buffer, pause and wait. It'll come back in no time. 👍

@darfjono - 14.04.2022 06:12

what's with that awful corpo art? i guess lbry is pozzed.

@KTWEBS - 14.04.2022 00:43

how rayciss of a vid can you post on there? :^) asking for a friend

@jamescampisi7716 - 13.04.2022 01:45

I've been home free for a while. Enjoying it over on Odysee much more than YT, especially in the past year.

@austinshearmen9210 - 13.04.2022 01:40

if odysee is decenralized how is their tos enforced?
