Make Money Online with Landscape Photography - This Changed My Life!

Make Money Online with Landscape Photography - This Changed My Life!

Mark Denney

1 год назад

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Mark Denney
Mark Denney - 31.08.2022 19:31

🌟Thank you all so much for all the support over the past 4 years - it truly means the world to me!

DE LA GALLERY - 30.08.2023 17:04

Great insight! I’ve been in the business for 10 years now and it isn’t easy! Sharing info is absolutely a great way to make everyone better.

Janice Sullivan
Janice Sullivan - 26.08.2023 01:41

Yes, I love what you said about marketing to other photographers for prints, wrong :) So nice to see another photographer share this...

Daniel Cousineau
Daniel Cousineau - 20.08.2023 21:51

That's what i'm passionnate about... duh this is where you make your money
Thanks for the tips :)

H R - 07.08.2023 22:49

Coming back to this video now about 11 months later, I wonder if it's possible to make a reasonable living by selling your photography online, but not necessarily do things like videos or classes, which I know many photographers do to make money online. Or put another way, how can you go about selling your work online and being profitable and finding enough clients to buy your work? I mean I'd love to make a side income from my photography (both online and offline) but as for the online component, I don't really want to start a YT channel or sell classes/courses.

James O'Brien
James O'Brien - 15.07.2023 23:51

Is there a print on demand service/s that you recommend for using on my squarespace site?

Tony Hobbs
Tony Hobbs - 15.07.2023 22:17

That is why you fail or in my case why I'm so rubbish lol but how did you manage so much? Did you know a lot about photography and how to do a channel and how to engage people and know about marketing? Very well done

jonny quick
jonny quick - 07.07.2023 19:13

So I feel this is click bate at its finest . Half the video is you talking about make money not how to make money doing land scape. Photography.
Can you make a video that actually talks about this in detail to what the title suggest?

Steaphany - 20.06.2023 21:19

So, if a person is not a social butterfly natural educator, should we just give up and delete all digital files, burn negatives, and trash camera collections ?

israel Luevano
israel Luevano - 17.06.2023 13:56

I love you bro

Will Bart
Will Bart - 20.05.2023 18:32

Man, you just burst my bubble. Basically, you just said there’s no money in landscape photography. As a person who, lean towards being shy and introverted, I could never be a content creator. At the same time, I would have no interest in leading workshops. I am about to break bad on a Fujifilm GFX 50SII and a couple of GM lenses. I guess I’m gonna be a broke landscape photographer.

jammin4good - 08.04.2023 05:41


Nature Photography Show
Nature Photography Show - 30.03.2023 16:23

This is an older video but I am amazed you are sharing this information. It is very generous of you and one I certainly needed to hear. I have a day job and do photography in my spare time. This gives me some hope….

I had a reasonably successful workshop business but Covid killed it and I’m working on bringing it back.

Thank you for doing what you do.

andrecoxa - 17.03.2023 08:05

Thank you so much for sharing this!

TomPhoto - 15.03.2023 17:13

Hi Mark! Thank you so much for this great advice! I enjoy it very much how you see photography and how you communicate it to the others. Best of luck to you!

Gavin Davidson
Gavin Davidson - 30.01.2023 17:25

We’ll done, Mark. Congrats.

AoToGo - 27.01.2023 22:16

I haven’t watched this entire video yet Mark but I can tell you I’m not at all surprised at your success, honestly you’re a class act and a smart cookie, the math is quite simple, wish you continued success ! 👍👏😀

Michal Vörös
Michal Vörös - 16.01.2023 20:10

Thank you very much for this video...

Bob Shuwab
Bob Shuwab - 15.01.2023 21:09

So, forget about the art of photography; instead, create a brand, market yourself and give people 'value'. We used to have David Bowie, now we have Ed Sheeran.

Alex Morriss
Alex Morriss - 15.01.2023 09:18

Thanks for sharing this Mark!! Congrats on all that you have achieved. Keep up the awesome work. I always look forward to your videos. 🙌

Jess Gutierrez
Jess Gutierrez - 08.01.2023 11:41

What is the difference between Instagram and having a Squarespace website? Should I be putting the same photos on both of them? Another thing. How do I prevent others from copying my photos?

@ARTIST-AT-LARGE - 07.01.2023 00:30

Thanks for sharing this information! My two niches in photography are travel/lifestyle (which includes landscape) and abstract fine art images. I think your corporate background served you well. I went to art school - where we learned nothing about business. I would love to do travel photography workshops ... I haven't quite figured out how to go about it. I think I would like to be a secondary workshop leader on a few trips just to reverse engineer it and figure it out as I never travel in group situations myself, I have no idea what people expect, and the furthest out I ever make in my travel plans is the airline reservation. Maybe that's a subject for a future video?

Safari - 06.01.2023 12:19

Great break down of the way you make money in different areas. But did you actually make any money directly from your landscape photos other than print?

David Ligon
David Ligon - 29.12.2022 16:03

The most practical, informative, photography video I’ve seen. Thank you!

MetaSamsara ∞
MetaSamsara ∞ - 29.12.2022 14:27

If you were to make money without building a brand, how would you finance it? If you couldn't brand yourself using your name and image, how would you go about it? I neither want to use my name nor image for future online business, I want the result/art to be the sole focus, but it feels like I would trap myself in a niche box and could potentially prevent scaling well over time.

Offtrail - 20.12.2022 09:43

Hi, first of all thanks for the great content. I have been watching your videos for a while now. I want to ask, what are your thoughts on wildlife photography. I see you specialize specifically on landscape. Is it a good idea I do both?

John Arnsdorf
John Arnsdorf - 18.12.2022 00:59

Hi Mark, I greatly appreciate the detailed info you’ve provided in this video. I do have one lingering question though - what are your operational costs? Im guessing you spend a significant amount on travel and perhaps advertising or sponsored/promoted content. I’m trying to get a ballpark on net profit vs gross revenue.

Chris Davis
Chris Davis - 09.11.2022 23:20

Mark, your transparency is always so refreshing, especially in todays world. I’ve learned so much from you the past few years. You have earned every bit of your success and it looks to be paying off!

One question I do have is what does your net income look like after your expenses? I am very interested in pursuing an early “retirement” from my career and turning towards photography as a supplemental income. I’m a long way from that; both financial and with where my photography skills are, but it’s still something I would like to investigate the options.

As always, thanks for your willingness to share and help us all improve! I pays off in more ways than you know! 👏🏻

Richard Burguillos
Richard Burguillos - 06.11.2022 02:36

Very well said. Love your content. Learning so much. Thanks and am happy for your success.

Lucas Marques
Lucas Marques - 27.10.2022 06:13

It's trully impressive how much you achieved and how you became a reference in landscape photography in so little time! Cheers!

Black & Light
Black & Light - 21.10.2022 02:05

Fantastic Video. Thank you Mark

Rurix Motovlog
Rurix Motovlog - 20.10.2022 08:42

Awesome, very insteresting. 👍🏻

kudaro - 07.10.2022 12:02

This video is amazing contentwise, but bar charts going right to left confused the hell out of me :D

Jonathan Thompson
Jonathan Thompson - 03.10.2022 18:23

Thanks Mark for this. I stumbled across or was guided to this video and it shifted my whole self in a positive way.
I’ve long believed that experiences is where people want to be and spend their money. It’s so much more personal, valuable and memorable than things.
You’ve sparked my inspiration which was already pretty well smouldering this morning.
After Covid killed off my business as a restaurant and food photographer as soon as lockdowns were announced, it’s been front and centre that I failed to diversify to create a robust and adaptable business.
If you don’t get it wrong you can’t learn.
I’m on the edge of quitting a well paid job I used to do, which I took after 2 years of no income and it was gifted to me on a plate. It’s time to get back to my love of a creative life and sharing it with those who share that love. To spotlight those who are making positive changes in the world for the sustainable future we must achieve.
Thanks again for all the info, I’ll be looking through your videos for more business information but this one has me scribbling down ideas like crazy.
We can always start again but we never start from the bottom, but from the experiences we already have gained.
Cheers Mark and have an amazing year end success

Thomas Paris
Thomas Paris - 03.10.2022 11:51

That idea of landscape photo experience, not things confirms an intuition I had. Thanks for sharing all this with us!

Oscar A
Oscar A - 03.10.2022 03:23

Thanks for being so transparent and sharing your experience. Well, this confirmed that I won't be getting rich selling prints. I'm not a public speaker or trainer, so there goes that. I better hold on to my FT corp job 😁

Robert Hennessey
Robert Hennessey - 03.10.2022 03:15

Thank you for sharing this valuable information, all the best to you in the future.

Demetrio Montoya
Demetrio Montoya - 29.09.2022 00:42

I had to stop drinking, smoking and using drugs to support my photography habit. Still can't figure out how to make money without trading my time for money. But good info.

Volkan Sorkun
Volkan Sorkun - 28.09.2022 09:32

Great honesty as always thanks for sharing 👍

Zach Yim
Zach Yim - 27.09.2022 21:48

One thing that I’ve found to be very useful is it’s not “how” you do it but “who” you need to make it happen, it seems like a lot of your revenue is being blocked by your lack of time. Maybe you should find other people or systems to help you generate more revenue and keep growing multiple streams at once.

Dick Clark
Dick Clark - 27.09.2022 19:43

Mark: Great presentation. I appreciated your insights on starting and running a business. I'm president of a family business that is 125 years old. My grandfather started the business after working for and with Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and Nicola Tesla. Edison invented consumer photography for George Eastman of Eastman Kodak, he invented motion pictures and the phonograph. He has 1093 US patents the most of anyone.

I have boxes of mistakes that we've made. And we keep making them. But we remember that it isn't trial and error--It's trial and success!

Mehosh Commercial Photography Studio
Mehosh Commercial Photography Studio - 27.09.2022 18:59

Very informative. Thanks for sharing. How do you go about getting sponsorships?

Antonio Rangel
Antonio Rangel - 27.09.2022 10:41

Thank you very much for the information.
