like why would he do that? why would Travis participate in this non sens ??
ОтветитьYou always got my aytention5
ОтветитьSuch a desperate meat head..
ОтветитьReporting from the local bathroom! Yassss! Love you Jake O my boy! Yassss
ОтветитьI will love to see it
ОтветитьI won’t fight you. You would beat me into a pulp.
ОтветитьBoi You Are Dying For Attention 😂💀
ОтветитьWhy is the camera so shaky
ОтветитьI think both you and Travis are fantastic!
ОтветитьI ask your number WhatsApp
ОтветитьIt’s two years later and I wonder if Travis even responded?
ОтветитьLol. Your act show your class. So Travis feet has more personality than you 😂😂
ОтветитьWhat a douche bag. Such an unattractive personality.
ОтветитьSo did he ever like make that video lol
ОтветитьHow are you calling him out
Ответитьlol I dont think Travis ever acknowledged ur existence...someone show me if he did...
ОтветитьStick to porn.
ОтветитьThe truth is you are half the man travis is....dick
ОтветитьIm not sure, but did travis ever reply to this?
ОтветитьLol wtf is this
ОтветитьCall out for Mario not Travis fuck Mario!
ОтветитьYou could have shot him an email
ОтветитьCalling someone chicken isnt really honey to a bee...
ОтветитьTo think I once found you entertaining . This is just obnoxious!
ОтветитьMy neurons died watching this ....
Ответитьwhy is this still up?
ОтветитьHis intro is no not original!!! Try making your own brand first mate!
ОтветитьI did not find this interesting, and I like Travis so I don't think he will do it, And I must say Jake, I found
you to be nice and somewhat honest, but this.....
Jake amazing
ОтветитьI don't think travis want ur pathetic ass🙄 lol
ОтветитьBaby you crushing on him or tehehehe
Bryant for life
Love to see this happen! Travis is a class act. Let us know when?
ОтветитьPobre pendejo, Déjalo en Paz, como unos don nadie se quieren colgar de Los mas famosos. The gusta y quieren algo con el sexualmente, esta no es la forma de pedirlo. Mándale flores y a la mejor, te responde. Pendejo.
ОтветитьWho the hell is Jake Orion?
ОтветитьZzzzzzzzzz !
ОтветитьWho is she???? ☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽
ОтветитьLeave the gays alone bully. Or should I say Trisha pastas 😂😂😂😂
Ответитьgurl, bye
ОтветитьTravis is full of himself. he won’t get bothered 🤣
ОтветитьSoooooo I guess this didn’t happen 😂
ОтветитьMan, you got a body mmmmmm hot too
ОтветитьI doubt he will respond as your personality and style is W A Y different than his. Imo you are combative in comparison. Frankly, I prefer Travis to this.
Be well.
What have you been taking?
ОтветитьWashed up slug...
Ответитьi've seen your balls plus more. nice!!!!
ОтветитьYou have nothing to worry about JakeO ,you are still the HOT ONE of the two of you ! 😂