This track is one of several
'cover' projects created by
"Music Industry Arts" students
in their first year production
classes during the 2007-2008
school year at Fanshawe College
in London, Ontario.
The object of this endeavour
is in no way intended to be a
duplicate or "Lift" of the original
song/recording/production approach.
The goal being that a true "cover",
is an artistic re-interpretation
of the musical arrangement...
The hope being that the essence
of the original track is able to
cross over to a different genre/style...
...while in the best incarnations,
remaining true to the spirit of the lyrics,
and still conveying the intended
meaning behind the song.
Let me know what you think....
Original Track:
"Bones and Joints"
by: Finger Eleven
Hope you enjoy what you hear...
Check the other covers I've posted...
Posted by: Audio Interest.
#Finger_Eleven #Finger_Eleven_Cover #Bones_and_Joints #Bones_&_Joints #Bones_and_Joints_cover #Bones_&_Joints_cover #Studio_Cover #music