36 simple Satisfactory tips for beginners and veterans alike

36 simple Satisfactory tips for beginners and veterans alike

Nirak Game Therapy

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@NirakGameTherapy-31415 - 06.07.2024 14:14

The video script is below:

Hey everyone! Welcome to my Satisfactory tips video. Let's get started on tips in the order of their usefulness as you begin a new game.

1. First things first, you're going to need a lot of leaves for early game. So go near some, point your cursor over it and press and hold "e" key. Now just run around with "e" held and you'll automatically pull in all the leaves you hover over. No need to press "e" repeatedly on each patch of leaves.

2. When running on flat ground or downward slope with the shift key held or pressed (check the options menu), hold "c" to slide. Jumping with space while in this state causing your character to jump higher and move faster. Just keep holding "c" and tapping space to do this dance to move faster than normal.

3. Press "n" to bring up an interface where you can type and search for information on any item. It'll take you to the codex page with information on the item. If you're searching for a buildable, you will enter build mode with that buildable.

4. Furthermore, with "n" you can do some maths. Wanna know how many coal generators a 300 unit water pipe will feed? Just do some math here, without having to alt-tab out of the game. Neat eh?

5. Press "q" to bring up the build menu. While here access the different types of building from the left tab. Also, press the number keys to assign those buildables to the corresponding hot-bar slot.

6. Ran out of hot-bars? No problem! Just use Alt + mousewheel up/down to change them.

7. There is a world grid. As in foundations you lay down can be aligned to the world grid so that different sections of your factories can be smoothly connected together. To do this, hold "ctrl" while building a foundation. Note that, if you already have foundations down, the new one will snap to it. So you might have to remove that one first.

8. Regarding foundations, never use the 1m high foundation when starting to set up the ground-level of your factory. Only use the 2m or the 4m high foundations. They cost the same, but the 1m one has a small vertical offset that can cause alignment issues if you care about that kind of stuff. It's okay to use the 1m one after you've set up the base with the other foundations.

9. While on the topic of foundations, you can change between the foundation types to build by holding "e" to open the radial wheel menu. This works not only for foundations but many other building as well, like this here conveyors, pipes and power poles and so many others. Check 'em out!

10. For foundations and pipes, hold or press "r" to change build mode. Zoop allows you to build a row of foundations or walls. Like so!

11. To avoid running into situations where you want to build a bunch of stuff but you keep forgetting what you need or keep running out of materials in your inventory, use the To-do list, accessible from the build menu by clicking the plus sign and inputting the number of buildables you desire. Their costs will be displayed to the right of the screen and the game even shows you whether you have the materials or not. You can also access the to-do list from the craft menu. Like so!

12. Press "o" to access the codex that contains information about parts and buildings, including recipes and alternate recipes when you unlock them.

13. Speaking of crafting, while at the manual craft bench or the workshop, just press "space" once to start crafting. No need for a brick or your phone or whatever paper-weight you're thinking of utilising for a hands-free experience.

14. A little building tip for when you're starting out: Hold "ctrl" while building outside of foundations to line up, say your smelter with your miner or your constructor with your smelter. On foundations, hold "ctrl" to snap buildings next to each other. Useful for creating that compact smelter line. Cool!

15. In this game, fuel is only consumed proportional to your power usage. As in, fuel is never wasted. So make sure you build lots of bio-mass generators and fill them up with fuel. If your generating potential is 400MW but you only consume 100MW, then every biomass burner consumes fuel at 1/4th the normal rate. So this greatly reduces the frequency of uh "baby-sitting" that your generators need. Also it prevents you from having to hear that beautiful sound.

16. In the beginning, try to aim for the obstacle-clearing milestone for that cool sexy chainsaw, obviously, but more importantly, the solid biofuel which is more efficient than regular bio-mass.

16.1 A bonus tip regarding biomass, if you're starting out in the grasslands biome, like I did, then this section here contains a lot of wood which gives you a lot more bio-mass than just leaves. Make note of this place if you decide to choose the grasslands. It's south of one of the possible starting base locations, past the fart-rocks, near the fart-bugs, actually.

17. When the interface for one of your buildings like smelters or bio-mass burners is up, just press 1, 2, 3, or any of the number keys to slot in corresponding material into the machine. This is very useful for re-fuelling a bunch of bio-mass burners really quickly.

18. This also works when you have your menu open. Press the number keys to equip corresponding item onto your person.

19. Right-click an item stack to halve it. Hold right-click for an interface that lets you choose amount to split. Shift-click to transfer to other window, Ctrl-click to move entire stack of items to the other window.

20. Similarly drag and drop items into the trash can icon to delete them. Ctrl-drag the item to delete all stacks of that item. An example use: getting rid of iron ore that gets clogged in your inventory when you're re-designing your iron ore smelter setup.

So now, we move on some combat and exploration tips.
21. While fighting hogs, jump and attack them from above. If you're near cliffs, make sure you don't get head-butted off the cliff. Yes that happens sometimes.

22. Spitters' projectiles lead you. So move in a zig-zag pattern and not a straight line as they will predict where you will be and you will get hit if you don't change trajectory.

23. Beware the black and white cat-head or for those afraid of leaping cats, the giant spiders, that like to leap at you causing 4 health segments worth of damage. Inhalers are highly necessary to fight these guys, because berries and nuts will not suffice. They are relentless. The scariest variant of this is the toxic fart cat-head which as the name I gave it suggests, farts toxic gas on your face. Best of luck, you're going to need it!

24. Always, always carry some iron plates, rods and concrete with you when you head out to explore. You'll need them for personal storage boxes, storage containers and foundations/ramps.

25. For vertical travel early on, use storage containers which come with ladders built on them, then later use stackable conveyor poles, and finally use factory ladder purchased from the awesome shop. You can also use lookout tower to get higher up and dismantle everything as you move forward.

The rest of the video script in the reply below.

@ethanrushbrook3314 - 11.07.2024 06:10

Great tips!

@EnderSpy007 - 17.07.2024 06:38

Cool video, hope you continue to grow your channel

@davidbean6973 - 24.07.2024 12:42

Thanks for these tips. 200 hours in and several of them are new to me.

@Jon-id7ki - 28.07.2024 04:13

This is a nice beginner thing but I wouldn't really say there's anything in here beyond your first hundred or so hours

@NirakGameTherapy-31415 - 28.07.2024 09:29

Please remember that the shortcut keys I mention in my videos, this one and others are only the defaults and can be changed by the player in the options menu as desired. So customize the controls however you like:)

@streamdungeon5166 - 30.07.2024 23:23

Nice, I have been playing for a long time and had actually still not known the holding e for different tiers of the same object tip -- thanks!

@wolfranium2199 - 12.07.2024 00:47

for the first tip, you can press e + TAB at the same time, then TAB again to leave the inventory and now you don't need to hold E to take leaves, it is the same for minerals deposits
