Dont forget the defense boosting nature
ОтветитьThis is absolute overkill! Even better than my Bidoof overkill! The setup is MUCH more than running around the grass on Route 201 and then incinerating a Bidoof with my Giratina's Draco Metoer!
ОтветитьHis voice sound like Rick
ОтветитьBro even got pokerus
ОтветитьCritical is at 1 in the table at the end, so haven't you done more than 1000 million?
ОтветитьCan shuckle learn physical attack boosting moves?
ОтветитьOppenhaimer be like:
Ответитьyou could have maxed out the defense stat by doing super training. God knows I use it way too much
Ответить"Your ball will thank you!"💀
ОтветитьHow many times did he say shuckle
ОтветитьNobody’s talking about Camerupt doing 2 billion damage.
Ответитьice ball is 30 base power, does it increase 30 + 30 + 30 each time? and how does defense curl boost its BP?
ОтветитьIf you attack with it it is /kill
Ответитьlvl 1 aron: pathetic
Ответитьi wonder if noibat could use counter?
Ответитьding dong you are wrong fissure does infinite damage
ОтветитьSince there was a crit, it actually did 1,082,848,471.5 dmg right?
ОтветитьI love Furret ❤🐿️🤎
ОтветитьWhy is Rick Sanchez playing Pokemon
Ответитьcan't shuckle just learn Shell Smash?
ОтветитьAm I the only one irked by how he pronounces Smeargle as Smergel
ОтветитьHe says Lucario and shows a Riolu xD
Ответитьpoor noibat
ОтветитьTHE SPONSOR 😂😂😂😂😂
Ответитьbut remember: the last ice ball hit with a crit
crit is 1.5x
so the attack did 721,898,981*1.5 damage
1,082,848,471.5 damage
STAB increases attack by 50% not 150%
ОтветитьDon’t fuckle with shuckle
ОтветитьThat novern name was 721 million not your damage you just stall us for more then 13 mins and boom showed us some nonsense 😐
Ответитьmadness luv.. lit rally madness xx
Ответитьwouldent ice ball have theoreticaly done more damage if you set up hail
Ответить(Pokémon with sturdy and disguise) HA PATHETIC
ОтветитьNow that I’ve seen this video I will always poke doll when I encounter a shuckle in the wild
Ответитьimagine if it would have missed :)
ОтветитьThats not an Ice Ball, its an Ice planet
ОтветитьNice set-up! As a shuckle fan, I highly approve! However, metronome would only do +80% on the 5th turn, since it's 20% per "additional" hit. Good job tho!
ОтветитьHe did 1 damage.
ОтветитьI tried this and you wom't believe how grateful I am that my emulator allows me to speed up time by up to 100x/tick. I don't get 721mil cuz I don't go for the full setup but I'm satisfied by 1 shotting everyone in the game
ОтветитьRoom for improvements to be tested :
- First, does flower gift truly stack ? If not, powerspot on an ally is the best ability I can think of, can be transfered with skill swap to ally who has helping hand / copycat / instruct / mimic, since stonjourner can't learn these attacks. If that doesn't work because of game transfer compabilities, there's probably other good abilities to use in similar ways.
- pokemons with lower defense stats than noibat, like chansey, could maybe use mimic/copycat to copy reflect type from smeargle, in order to copy a x4 weakness to ice type from any double type dragon/ground/flying. Chansey also learns helping hand, could be used to boost shuckle (or with copycat if helping hand on ennemy doesn't work). Trick room if attack orders don't match
- isn't there an ability, similar to fluffy or dry skin, that we can give to the victim, that makes it weaker to ice / physical damage or decreases its defense in some way under any reproduceable conditions ?
- can't you use acupressure on shuckle instead of swagger, on the stall turns, to boost his attack and accuracy, and then swap to swagger once he has 1 accuracy boost ? Or use gravity ? Or some other way to buff his accuracy ?
- Dump the wide lens for a lum berry to cure swagger confusion, since accuracy is achieved from accupressure / gravity. Give shuckle a choice band with trick after he's started using ice ball for more dmg.
- in ennemy team, can't the 3 opponents use helping hand / copycat of helping hand on shuckle ? If not, can't the 3 opponents use instruct / copycat of instruct on helping hand cherryl / whatever other ally may replace the other cherryl if flower gift doesn't stack ?
Dookieshed said it was possible. We didn’t listen. And now we pay the consequences
Ответитьnot even arceus can do this much damage 💀
ОтветитьDon’t fuckle whith shuckle
ОтветитьThank you so much, I needed so much help with the lvl 3 pidgey on route 1
ОтветитьI love this so much shuckle is my favorite pokemon
ОтветитьI might have asked something like this on a similar Pokémon video, but...HOW are you so certain that you are actually dishing out that much damage in one hit, if there are no obvious numbers to show it?
Detailed knowledge of the damage formula and (assumption of?) absence of hard damage caps? Is there a gameplay record that shows the most damage you have landed in one hit? Is there something else I'm missing?
That Noibat didn’t faint, it didn’t even die. It got atomized, along with like, half the region.