Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and AutoHotkey

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and AutoHotkey


3 года назад

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Hukaro - 07.01.2022 10:41

Thank you! Great explanation

- - 06.05.2021 00:49

There's a reason that AHK quickly became one of my favorite languages, if not the favorite. It's very easy to use and you can interface with all kinds of stuff to get even more power. I've even written control software for Arduino-based hardware devices I've built. It's just so useful. 👍 (I just wish it had an easy way to quickly throw together graphical stuff; we still have to resort to languages like Processing to do things like quickly visualizing data and such. 😕)

Dillon M. DeRosa
Dillon M. DeRosa - 05.05.2021 19:55

Excellent! Was looking for a fun new code to play with. This is awesome. Cheers!
