Why I Do NOT Use Flutter for Mobile App Development

Why I Do NOT Use Flutter for Mobile App Development

Aivars Meijers

1 год назад

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João Macedo
João Macedo - 08.10.2023 19:20

I'm sure the scenario depends on the marketing you are working on. But in my country, even big companies don't want to maintain two dev teams for one product and here we really value personalized experiences so we can invest in a good UX/UI team creating a good experience based on our company's ID and in a good Flutter team working on a single code base for our applications

Andrew Makenzi
Andrew Makenzi - 27.09.2023 11:01

I think it's important to consider why people use Flutter/React Native
If I am building an app for a food ordering app, I can get 60FPS using these platforms, and the benefit of being able to build once and run everywhere is the competitive edge when it comes to time to market and development speed
You should not advice new devs to learn two different languages, two platforms, and different ecosystems of libraries just to get an app to their users. That is irresponsible.
This is a bad take

Sea Shanty 2
Sea Shanty 2 - 12.09.2023 10:01

As a professional who is stuck using React Native - IT SUCKS ASS

Serov Gaming – про игры для НЕ-геймеров
Serov Gaming – про игры для НЕ-геймеров - 25.08.2023 00:16

Hello, thank you for the interesting video. I'm not a developer, but I'm a customer success manager in B2B SaaS. And one of our products is an SDK for mobile push notifications and in-app personalization. And almost all of my major clients use Native languages, but there is one large client who uses Flutter. And I couldn't understand if it's normal or not. Now I realize that it's not, they just want to save money this way. And that's why they often have all sorts of problems. Thank you for the explanation.

Yamikani Chinamale
Yamikani Chinamale - 23.08.2023 15:59

Great video. Just want to chime in on a few points:

1. Sometimes the aim is to get your app in front of as many people as possible and platform-specific buyer behavior doesn't matter. e.g., banking apps and e-hailing apps. iOS users may be the most likely to spend when it comes to some types of apps, but in others it doesn't matter if you are an Android user or iOS user. The fact that you installed the app means you may already be a paying customer in some way and the platform doesn't factor into it.

2. Native development is actually overkill for the vast majority of apps. Most apps don't need more than 60fps, wouldn't gain more customers even if they did, and don't require anything that only native development can achieve. I think it is safe for most teams to start off their projects with cross-platform tools. In the event that you need some native capability and can't find a package for it, then building your own native bridge may be an option. Either way, I don't think a rewrite of the entire app to native should be the go-to solution. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

3. I've actually worked with a team that started by maintaining two native projects and later decided to rebuild using cross-platform tools (React Native). We did that because maintaining two native projects wouldn't allow us to build and iterate on new features as fast as we wanted. In this case native development was actually the bottleneck.

4. I think an experienced Flutter developer should be able to create whatever look on an app and make it identical to a purely native app. I don't see how that would be a problem.

loot6 - 18.08.2023 16:12

Your video totally lacks any kind of structure which makes it very difficult to watch. There are no clear points being made and no introduction, conclusion etc...really a total lack of structure. I just found I kept skipping along and then stopped it halfway through. I think that explains all the downvotes.

OmarHaadnaan - 15.08.2023 20:27

I am commenting this video with out watching the video😂😂 because i have been learning flutter for 1 month so,i do not want to change my mind

Greg Peterson
Greg Peterson - 28.07.2023 23:42

First of all - not all cross-platform frameworks are the same, some are actually native, some not (and are dieing).
The example with Notion - I highly doubt it was Flutter, because there is NO way they would get x2 performance increase from Flutter to Swift, as Flutter compiles to a native code...
When it comes to performance Flutter is very good, it is compiled natively, there is no VM, interpreter, JIT etc. The non-nativeness is that it draws the UI on it's own.
I believe your opinion comes from the fact you develop primarily IOS apps, and there is no much motivation to go cross-platform or to invest into that.
Here are some questions - if Flutter, ReactNative, Xamarin are so sub-par - why do they exist and are developed with so much attention? Maybe there is a business demand there? Maybe there are actually advantages writing cross-platform code?

Faustino Ribeiro
Faustino Ribeiro - 28.07.2023 22:35

I was the only developer for a small business. Flutter saved me. I had to build the back end (nodejs) and a matching business app (+ a couple of small websites). No way I could have done that with native coding. I bet most users will not see a difference between a Flutter app and a native app. There are cases in which native is an absolute requirement, but Flutter (and other hybrid solutions) work fine for most apps. Not all business can afford to pay multiple developers to create apps, it doesn't make financial sense.

Karl Sour
Karl Sour - 27.07.2023 16:47

Same thing like xamarin or react native or ionic.
They promised are “the future “ of the mobile development.
And they are dying.

While mobile development started with native and still being native and the future will be native

Alejandro Risco
Alejandro Risco - 26.07.2023 19:51

I've even used tflite with yolov8 in flutter for real time detection, and it was easy and fast. You can always implement native code whenever you need. And for regular apps that represent like more than 80% of apps, Flutter is more than enought. Maybe for game development or apps that really need to use low level apis for hardware native code might be a better choice, but like I said those apps represents a minority. React native is becoming legacy, and flutter is becoming the future of cross platform, not only for mobile but also for web and desktop. Probably in around 3 years flutter for web will be as viable as current web frameworks in front and back.

Morten Overgaard
Morten Overgaard - 26.07.2023 14:28

For a true non-biased comparison on the various cross-platform mobile frameworks Google for "parallel futures in mobile application development" written by a compiler engineer who actually knows what he is talking about.

IMHO An 8-minute video is simply not giving the true picture of whether to use Flutter or not.

And btw Meta have ditched RN themselves when developing Threads - they are using KMm. RN is only used for quick prototypes.
Source: Meta.

Apsis Apsis
Apsis Apsis - 24.07.2023 11:00


jaafar habu
jaafar habu - 23.07.2023 10:03

If your customers are rich, from western part of the world and rich middle eastern countries you can ignore developing mobile solutions for android.

Divyansh0987 - 22.07.2023 17:00

Video L comments W💀

Simon Dziak
Simon Dziak - 21.07.2023 07:34

Just say you're a clown for not using flutter its fine

Mr.Clumsy - 14.07.2023 12:56

Hi, Is Xamarin/Maui a good choice (over flutter)?

Ugochukwu Umerie
Ugochukwu Umerie - 12.07.2023 00:15

In as much you're looking for views, try to lay out options especially for beginners joining your channel.

Choosing between cross-platform frameworks or going native all depends:
1. If you are building just internet apps with little or no native features, cross-platform frameworks are the best option imho, and render components pending on the OS e.g., the facebook, instagram, google classroom apps etc are just internet apps with little native feature and are all built with cross-platform frameworks - Flutter, React Native.

2. If you are looking to build an app with with native intensive features like, sensors, CPU, GPU, or use native OS features with good performance, then you might want to reconsider and go native.

3. If your company can afford maintaining 2 teams of native developer 😁that would be cool, to consider going native or depending on the job market of your location, if you're looking for job, you can opt for native or any cross-platform framework.

4. If you're looking to come up with a prototype or an MVP as quickly as possible, cross-platform frameworks can help with that

Overall we are developers, we have the ability to learn and adapt to any technology as per the case scenario and requirements, either as a freelancer or working for a company of any capacity, you should not be static, you should evolve, adapt and make money🙂

Shannon Hall
Shannon Hall - 06.07.2023 04:04

That notion tweet is moving from web views to native not from flutter.

Suraj Kumar
Suraj Kumar - 04.07.2023 21:39

man come to asia.. iphone is invisible

DnK Zone
DnK Zone - 28.06.2023 14:59

I am really confused now. I know web development but I also want to learn building apps using technologies that are in high demand. I am currently confused what technology should I choose.
Flutter vs React Native vs Native (Kotlin/Swift) vs .Net MAUI

What should I choose? Any preference?

Lasue - 27.06.2023 23:47

Ok let's see, you tried Android long time before, exclusive use apple products, didn't really tried flutter (from your comments) and then why should your opinion matter? Just because of a couple of articles from companies switching to native? I'm not even an app dev, I'm webdev so no horse in this race but you seem in our own bubble.

Punkil Baliyan
Punkil Baliyan - 26.06.2023 14:30

bro speaking in rhinolingo

Kofler Kohime
Kofler Kohime - 20.06.2023 15:41

Flutter is the choice for me: App development is quite new for me - although I have ~15 years of experience in software. I work in the fields of autonomous systems and robots. My daily languages are C, C++, and perhaps a bit of Python. I've done a little bit of "classic" desktop UI development using the Qt framework. But mostly I write "backend" code that runs as middle-ware on embedded industrial systems. I've found Flutter to be very interesting as a framework to get into for developing my own app(s) in my spare time. I would not consider using native frameworks as I would have to learn both Android and iOS. Using Flutter I can keep focusing on the UI and business logic written in Dart while only considering native details when I need to (which I hope to be rare). So Flutter is great too for senior embedded engineers that want (hope) to do app development in their spare time (you weren't talking about that I know).

DETHKRIST - 19.06.2023 14:41

Native will obviously work best, because it's native. But in some projects using Flutter will be faster and cheaper instead of hiring 2 developers or one developer with both good native platform skills, and he will do his work twice.

Alessandro Defendenti
Alessandro Defendenti - 14.06.2023 10:08

A persona who says that React Shit Native is better than Flutter...I'm going to call the police 😂
Personally, RN has been the worst developing experience of my life.
Native is faster, yes, but at what cost? You have to write everything twice! AT LEAST TWICE! Since maybe the customer wants to go also on web...and so it becomes 3 times...no way, flutter is a game changer! For me flutter will replace basically everything. It is exactly what we needed

Gabriel M.
Gabriel M. - 07.06.2023 08:40

Flutter has flutterflow as someone who hates frontend i love how i can just use flutterflow to make a nice ui and add my code later, if theres is something out there that can do the same for android native i would like to try it

Pish Pish
Pish Pish - 04.06.2023 20:26

Now flutter is more faster with new render engine impeller

André Mariano
André Mariano - 26.05.2023 16:03

we dev with flutter, works amazing :)
we sell a bunch of whitelabel apps with it cross platform, the apps are great
you don't have to wait for anything as you mentioned in the video. you can write native code in those scenarios.

Wilson - 26.05.2023 14:13

Just to clear up confusion: Notion is not moving away from Flutter or even React Native. They’re moving away from web views.

kalipo gmail
kalipo gmail - 23.05.2023 07:35

if you just want to test if your app works, its better to use flutter bcoz it gets your app to customers faster. YOu are NOT AIRBNB, you dont have the budget for all those devs. And android keeps changing their apis (F them). So for small teams just starting out, use the fastest (in terms of development time) platform or your app may never see day light

kristifor milchev
kristifor milchev - 22.05.2023 17:59

There was some issues with 2.19, but now with flutter 3.10 all performance issues are resolved, development is much faster and i don't know a single company that has two difference interfaces for IOS and Android, this is the fullest list of excuses that threatened man can say.

I used to work as a native developer before moving to flutter and yes there is a minor performance difference of few milliseconds, but that's nothing that can't be solved with some good optimization of the code base and speaking of that you actually get a coherent language that feels nice to write and actually had some design choices when it was created and not the lost race between c# and java.

Overall, pretty solid framework for both desktop and mobile, and for those that are scared of it wont support the latest and greatest, come on guys, you wont break your hands if you write a module in java or swift to integrate the native functionality that is missing (it's not missing btw, google makes pretty good moves to have all latest and greatest released before it hits the phones).

Mike - 22.05.2023 14:33

From my experience, after trying to get involved into the Flutter development since ~1.5v (2019y) it drove my nuts all the way.

Dark Web
Dark Web - 13.05.2023 21:15

Your thumbnail is so annoying clickbait 😂😂😂

Dark Web
Dark Web - 13.05.2023 21:15

You are crazy not using flutter 😂😂😂

Cesco - 12.05.2023 09:35

"Apps created with Flutter are indistinguishable from native ones. They come with the same performance and the same look & feel (apart from some platform-specific stylistic aspects)." this cit. is from backandless

David - 10.05.2023 01:13

Does flutter have a tree component?

Edward Y. Rogers
Edward Y. Rogers - 07.05.2023 07:58

Whatever web-view mobile app or flutter, only facing problems in control of native functions like camera, qrcode scan, bio authenticators, permission handling or the freaking keyboard. If you can deal with those, you are good to go with anyone you want. I have dealt lots of project with cross platform frameworks this is all I have faced

Vladimir Djokic
Vladimir Djokic - 06.05.2023 22:15

I am in love with flutter❤

People Studio
People Studio - 02.05.2023 02:15

flutter company will kill You 😅😅😅

Jordan August
Jordan August - 30.04.2023 10:45

Flutter or Bubble? What's best?

Milan Glisic
Milan Glisic - 26.04.2023 20:59

Google should stay true to it's path and not cater to other programing languages to have more people develop Android apps. Native is the way to go. You have control over development. There are great tools already that you can use to develop native apps, dart and flutter are not necessary. Not to mention react nonsense. React people stick to web development. Web programing is crowded as it is. Now they want to jump shit to android. Can't have it both ways! Android studio needs some work to make it faster but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Zulqarnain Naveed
Zulqarnain Naveed - 25.04.2023 16:22

What's your take on KMP after it's stable release?

Chris Dorman
Chris Dorman - 23.04.2023 17:11

Why not just build a high quality PwA

Muhammad Ridho Prakarsa
Muhammad Ridho Prakarsa - 23.04.2023 06:29

Now, Are you still not using flutter?

Sam - 20.04.2023 14:53

I have two apps so far using flutter, both in Android and IoS, no issues.
Native is not required for all, may be for certain apps it is required.

BramTon - 11.04.2023 23:21

Flutter or React Native which language is dead in future. Which language should i learn to long term job 🙄

David - 11.04.2023 22:43

Is swift ui really native though?

Proud Moroccan
Proud Moroccan - 10.04.2023 16:53

Flutter framework is improving after each release. I have one problem with the framework, the application size is too big, and I hope they will fix this problem.

Soumya Das
Soumya Das - 09.04.2023 22:17

Hi, I just found your channel right now.Watching your content just for 1.5 min and such a productive comment section I think you are the rightmost person to ask you my question, please reply.
I'm (currently in 1st year of B.Tech) learning C++ ( only Completed arrays) thinking to start learning Flutter too. Is it right time to start flutter? or I should wait for 3-4 more months to complete C++ and then start flutter?
