10 Wind Turbine Failures Caught On Camera

10 Wind Turbine Failures Caught On Camera


1 год назад

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Emperor_Rat - 03.10.2023 10:37

How is the Bocholt one a fail?

Kurt Knapp
Kurt Knapp - 01.10.2023 23:39

Put Biden out there on the repair crew.

ध्रुव वर्मा
ध्रुव वर्मा - 30.09.2023 18:37

Instantly unliked and reported your video for showing the wrong map of Bharat.

Sanatan - 24.09.2023 12:29

Your Indian map is misleading

C MW - 24.09.2023 05:51

Wait….he said the reason there was such a fire was that there was 800 GALLONS OF OIL IN THE GEARBOX!

Actual Facts
Actual Facts - 22.09.2023 09:47

Give me new modern low emission coal power stations any day.

Actual Facts
Actual Facts - 22.09.2023 09:45

Environmentally friendly wind turbines.

Actual Facts
Actual Facts - 22.09.2023 09:39

Another one bites the dust.

Actual Facts
Actual Facts - 22.09.2023 09:35

Oops another tractor accidentally knocked over a wind turbine.

Dennis Dennis
Dennis Dennis - 21.09.2023 14:05

And what about the toxic dust or smoke when those turbines go?

Chede Ganesh
Chede Ganesh - 18.09.2023 16:01

Indian map is incorrect

Сергей Советский
Сергей Советский - 18.09.2023 08:17

Just think - ALL turbines in the World (most likely millions of them) are filled with oil, plastics and other "not so eco-friendly" materials, they ALL have relatively short life span and will end up ether destroyed by men or by nature, creating poisonious smoke, soil an water contamination. "New green technology" they told us.

geobergh - 17.09.2023 10:56

What is not well know is that for each 1MW wind turbine therre is a Steam-gas-turbine connected to the grid to compensate the intermittent wind turbine generation. Burning gas is very ecological...

Power Man
Power Man - 17.09.2023 10:23

Sehr schönes Video , könnte ich mir stundenlang ansehen , wenn diese Hässlichen dinger umfallen,

Wessex Reiver
Wessex Reiver - 16.09.2023 11:36

You forgot to mention the fact that the blades are non recyclable

Johnny Walker
Johnny Walker - 15.09.2023 22:43

Too much talk👎 I clicked on to watch not listen.

Basil Jackson
Basil Jackson - 15.09.2023 22:42

Why would you consider planned demolitions which went exactly as planned to be "failures"? Need a dictionary?

Peter F
Peter F - 15.09.2023 17:33

Wind turbines are hazardous in all aspects.
They damage nature, kill wild life and pollute waters and land.
"Green" energy is extremely black.
Just like garbage solar panels

Rick Barnes
Rick Barnes - 15.09.2023 16:08

At least 3 aren't even fails, its just the turbines being intentionally taken down to be replaced. What's next? "Building Failures in Vegas Casinos Caught On Camera"?!

Devin Harrison
Devin Harrison - 15.09.2023 15:31

Even if it has a rated speed and a brake , depending on wind force , which will force it to increase rpm past that point leading to material stress as it spins faster the blades pull away from the center causing it to break at its weakest point then topple over like shown in one of the first videos .

Paolo Aimetti
Paolo Aimetti - 15.09.2023 15:16

Quando crollano io godo

77gravity - 15.09.2023 13:53

So, SIX failures, not 10. Also 3 demolitions, and 1 industrial accident.
Someone needs to learn what words mean.

LeFraud Has Choked In SIX Finals
LeFraud Has Choked In SIX Finals - 15.09.2023 09:35

There is mounting evidence that Atlantic Ocean wind farms are killing whales, to the point that scientists are concerned about Right Whale extinction. It is theorized that the sonic vibrations of the turbines are interfering with the whale's sonar.

gray jack
gray jack - 15.09.2023 06:19

Turbines have caught fire and burned a lot of range land in Big Spring, TX. Some of the turbines are different heights. These POS are accidents waiting to happen! Last 20 years maybe 10 tops.

DOCTOR BLACK GAMING - 14.09.2023 21:40

You have to use correct map of India
This kind of mistake are not acceptable
I am going to report your video

Doug J
Doug J - 14.09.2023 21:26

There’s no question the earth is warming, the problem is assigning the blame to humans and pushing politics, policies, mandates and restrictions behind the falsified science. The earth heats and cools in cycles, we have a at best a 300 year record of “some regional”weather, but that’s it. The earth is 4 billion years old? (I have seen many estimates, this one is generally accepted). It’s a global effort by governments to fabricate the data and pay for, thereby influencing data results which are then used to place restrictions, seize land, force alternate energy sources on us and in turn ruin economies and making citizens dependent on Gov’s.

Nintey Nine Nightmares
Nintey Nine Nightmares - 14.09.2023 21:05

Wow looks so safe! Use your brain 🧠 it's proven that nuclear is the safest! So use it!

sparkybkc - 14.09.2023 06:31

1. How many times do you gotta say o.m.g. just stop. And 2,. Fuzzy sides just make me stop watching. It's just stupid...

Jack leone
Jack leone - 13.09.2023 23:50

These wind turbines represent the Biden Presidency!

Janet Carbone
Janet Carbone - 13.09.2023 23:26


Tony Ball
Tony Ball - 13.09.2023 21:14

Clean energy not safe dangerous and they do their fair share of polluting when they set on fire

James Hendrickson
James Hendrickson - 13.09.2023 20:42

I like to tell Californians that they are there to keep the cows and the pastures cooler in the summer and the bring warmth from texas in the winter. Most of em buy that.

James Hendrickson
James Hendrickson - 13.09.2023 20:38

Pays itself off in 38 years, lasts 45 plus or minus IF something doesn't go wrong. Nothing ever goes wrong.

Arno MrNym
Arno MrNym - 13.09.2023 14:21

So #7, 3 and 2 were not a failure and #5 was a crane/eqiupment failure! 😉

Ladybug - 12.09.2023 18:12

Send the bill to the tax-payer - as usual. Also send higher electricity prices to the said taxpayer while the government 's crony mates make billions building this fraudulent rubbish.
They are a blight on the landscape and make poisonous land fill - well done those who vote for this "green" propaganda - not.

Dan - 12.09.2023 16:06

Here it is people, Biden's powers . Did your get your 🚗 car changed before she tipped over😂

Todd Gardner
Todd Gardner - 12.09.2023 12:55

There used to be a discipline that took every possibility for everything that could go wrong and took the time to figure out how to avoid these disasters. That discipline was called engineering.

Jan PhD
Jan PhD - 12.09.2023 11:24

Why are there no explosive bolt systems?

Drew Murray
Drew Murray - 12.09.2023 07:03

man you are so full of crap. Wind turbines have huge amounts of fiberglass/resin and none of it is recyclable.

xaver müller
xaver müller - 12.09.2023 05:59

Hahaha das zeigt den Anfang vom Ende dieses Windradwahnsinns😂😂

J Kmil
J Kmil - 12.09.2023 05:39

5 of these weren't failures operating turbines

RebelsBestFriend 2021
RebelsBestFriend 2021 - 12.09.2023 04:03

If that injured someone hopefully they would sue for millions for a faulty product. On the way to Palm Springs there is an area with 1000's of turbines with only
half of them turning. If you don't use them, take them down. Also, I heard there were too many piled up in landfills to recycle. Also these turbines require fossil
fuel/electricity to start them up. They're not totally wind.

AKA DOG - 12.09.2023 00:58

wind and solar energy is not sustainable. it's a joke.

David Eldridge
David Eldridge - 12.09.2023 00:11

When you plug in your electric car, where does the electricity come from?hmmmm

Ronald Keeling
Ronald Keeling - 12.09.2023 00:07

Chernobyl and three mile island and Fukushima were disasters that affected their local environment for generations as a result of human error and/or maintenance/quality control issues. Coal mine collapses and explosions have killed hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, either because they were working in them or lived above them and recovery takes years. Damage from a wind turbine usually takes a couple of days to make right and replacement is relatively quick and easy. When an oil or gas rig blows, fires can last for weeks, months or even years and replacing equipment costs billions. When natural gas began replacing gas produced from coal, the coal industry screamed about the dangers and the costs. Now the same companies are screaming about windfarms, but how many human deaths have occurred from Turbine related accidents and failures? Most of the failures shown here are related to human error or aging equipment, but many components of the equipment can be recycled to make better versions in future. On the whole, I'd say that having wind turbines is cheaper and safer.

bobf61 - 11.09.2023 23:14

These damn things should be outlawed.
