Japanese Karate Sensei Watches "Karate Kid" For The FIRST Time!

Japanese Karate Sensei Watches "Karate Kid" For The FIRST Time!

Karate Dojo waKu

3 года назад

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@habs798693 - 28.11.2024 07:59

Is shit bow a real thing?

@rolytnz - 28.11.2024 07:13

Seriously, that last bit is one of the most intense bits of cinema of the 1980's

@blueknight5754 - 28.11.2024 06:38

Just to say how big this movie was for me as a kid..the lessons from the movie stayed with me even today. Thanks for sharing…I have one question..is that crane kick taught in Japan?

@mikemcgee5950 - 28.11.2024 03:56

I don't think you know how to bow


@MandatoryHashTags - 28.11.2024 03:00

I do not have any idea why this popped up in my feed 3 years later. Loved watching it; something that might make this more clear. Cobra Kai are using Tang So Do Korea's version of Karate heavily influenced by Japans occupation of Korea and blended with their own native style of martial art I will spell wrong but its like Taekyon or something similar to that. Where Daniel is supposed to be learning Goju-Ryu Karate.

@TTimpreza - 27.11.2024 12:16

I remember when Pat Morita "Mr. Miyagi" Visited all the Children in Egleston Children's Hospital just after this Movie came out he went to each room and said hello and gave each child a Karate Kid action figure, I was honored by his Presence, My parents were astonished

@thefabfabs - 27.11.2024 10:38

Oh my childhood ❤

@captainlou9677 - 27.11.2024 05:53

When I was a kid living in San Pedro, California back in the late 80s, my siblings and I came upon a film shoot. Pat Morita was in the scene, and he was on camera. It was for a detective show he was starring in at the time. Pat saw us watching him and in between takes, he kept making funny faces at us to make us laugh. He seemed like a good-hearted guy. And the Karate Kid was a movie we watched over and over again growing up. Even though we knew the karate wasn't authentic and a little silly at times. The story was still a good story that influenced my generation in a good way. R.I.P. Pat Morita.

@MarkyV-oe5pn - 27.11.2024 03:56

Rent it out then. It was a good movie. It took place in the best times which was in the 80s

@factoryreject8438 - 27.11.2024 03:03

I loved "The Next Karate Kid" where Hilary Swank was the kid & Mr. Miagi took her to stay with the monks. I loved when the monks were dancing to the cranberries that part always makes me smile 🥰

@MrDuneedon - 26.11.2024 23:46

And thus, a middle-aged John Kreese begins his continuing obsession with teenager Daniel LaRusso. An obssession that would last for 40+ years, and counting!

@HatnimDuckjill - 26.11.2024 09:07

Not him calling Daniel a middle schooler when he was 22 while he filmed it 😭

@doctorteethomega - 26.11.2024 08:35

I once caught a fly with chopsticks many years ago. I'm no ninja, I was 16 and it was pure luck. If enough people try a hard thing often enough, eventually it tends to happen.

@strawberrycloud2807 - 26.11.2024 07:32

I loved this reaction! Thank you! My grandma used to say “yoisho” when I was a kid; I never noticed Mr. Miyagi saying it before. It was cool hearing your perspective on their moves and stances and their portrayal of Japanese culture. Thank you for confirming that looking at someone straight in the eye while bowing is not a thing—haha. I’m Japanese American, but I never saw my grandparents or their friends bow like that.

@TheYates27 - 26.11.2024 04:40

Cobra Kai is modeled after Tang Soo Do

@Rhanyra - 26.11.2024 03:41

i havent seen KK since i was like 4 years old so we're both on the same page - however I did grow up knowing Mr. Miyagi is a legend. I saw the girl karate kid with heather swank and I loved that movie!

@LRM724 - 26.11.2024 00:04

Both high school new kid in town (Daniel-san) vs school bully

@robertoricci3393 - 25.11.2024 23:39

Ralph Macchio was 22-23 in this movie and he looked like a 16 years old boy

@raphaelandrews3617 - 25.11.2024 22:46

My instructor ws trained in Japan, for 23 yrs We always has to start our class by sweeping floor and when fisished we would always sweep floor..About 70% of the moves are not karate but juijitsi and Akido.

@BummiBerlin2006 - 25.11.2024 21:20

Cobra Kai is a good Spin Off ;) and turnes the Story ;)

@mosesinvests - 25.11.2024 18:20

Never seen it either.

@Sweep_The_Leg_Johnny - 25.11.2024 14:17

im partial to this movie

@ussarng4649 - 25.11.2024 11:46

Perhap because I took taekwondo while a youth living in Indonesia I'm not so impressed with many styles of martial arts in the US until the person is rather advanced. We had exercise to go through in bahasa Indonesia call Kata, meaning word in english. There was a progression of kata for each belt up. Besides being able to do these in prefect union with class mates, the instructor, guru in bahasa Indonesia would grip you your gi and toss you on the floor if you were off balance or not paying attention. By the way we didn't call the instructor guru when speaking to him. Older men with any level of black belt or blue belt would be addressed Pak which means sir. Younger men that were not so highly ranked would addressed Um which means uncle. Everything was very formal during class. Class was 4 hours twice a week. We did an aweful lot of push ups. Even as a teenage girl i could do 30 consecutive push ups, 10 on flat hands, 10 on fists making sure to be on your first 2 knuckles, 10 on fingertips (which I never mastered). We would stretch every which way, so we'd have good flexibility. To be able to do all these things in class as well as free fight which was not a free for all but fighting without using an exact kata. There was also fighting using kata, as certain ones fit together for that activity. I was only ever good enough to belt to green which i never did because i wasnt allowed to go to belting contests.
Anyhow when I watch Karate Kid he never seems to have much mental focus or conservation of movement. Perhap what I perceive as a lack of conservation of movement is a difference of style between the two arts that I can't appreciate. And the odd positions of his hands and wrists might also be a difference of style that I don't appreciate. But during the movie I spend way to much time thinking, "if he hit someone very hard with his wrist like that he's going to break it". Karate Kid, and the main actors are not very pretty to watch. So yeah they are fight, you may say, it's not suppose to be pretty. I've seen taekwando black belts free fight, yes scary and brutal, however the focus, conservation of movement, strength and form can be beautiful.

@sleazyfellow - 25.11.2024 08:42

If they had just not continued the series. I know its still going on today but the original karate kid is a classic.

@TheSimmpleTruth - 25.11.2024 04:44

I like your commentary from the perspective of a Sensei. It’s good to learn and understand.

@gscruzseven - 25.11.2024 03:56

Didn’t Bruce Lee kick🦵🏻 both there you know what in a Brisk Commercial 😂

@clarelantern - 25.11.2024 02:21

Thats like 'Here we go' or some sort I suppose.

@billlyell8322 - 25.11.2024 01:56

You must remember that Hollywood would take a concept, like a bow, then change it to emphasize a point they are trying to make. Looking in the eyes would be watching your opponent at all times. It doesn't matter if it's accurate because it is just a movie. It's telling the story that's important not accuracy.

@5Gburn - 24.11.2024 05:59

Please speak a bit louder. Your voice wasn't competing enough with Mr. Miyagi's. 🙏

@keeslover777 - 24.11.2024 01:22

Fun fact three years after this video was put out, it has been proven that when you yell, or make some kind of grunting noise while you're hitting or kicking something, you add a little bit of power to that hit or kick.

@robertbrianmay - 23.11.2024 20:13

You are a sensei? Bs

@Earthrush - 23.11.2024 04:19

Pat was born in 1932 and Karate Kid came out in 1984. Pat was 52.

@ameliacraik3392 - 23.11.2024 03:29

Loving this video!! You have a nice voice too !

@jessechannon7297 - 23.11.2024 00:12

The more I see it the more I swing towards Daniel being the aggressor most of the time.

@lorddakekai - 22.11.2024 20:49

I remember in the 80s when I caught two flies with chopsticks. Not at the same time, two different occasions I had witnesses too. It's actually much easier than what people think.

@anthonytoon6089 - 22.11.2024 16:42

he was only in his early 50s during this movie dude

@arcticthundergamer113 - 22.11.2024 11:30

Bruh i did it with Channel locks pliers[ i admit it was luck but i did it ]

@jerseyjay607 - 22.11.2024 08:12

Did you know the Referree in this movie was or is a world renowned Karate expert. Pat E. Johnson. He was also the actors instructor for the movie.

@MasterYoist - 22.11.2024 06:04

I never cared for these movies.

@angelaatwood46 - 22.11.2024 00:13

You made me smile today ♥️😄

@bkohatl - 21.11.2024 21:10

Interesting and thank you.

@egyptwns89_26 - 21.11.2024 20:03

My favorite Karate Kid movie is The Next Karate Kid. It was the first one I watched from the series and I did later watch the first three movies, I just appreciate The Next Karate Kid more.

@p4ngolin - 21.11.2024 04:28

oh the bow thing drives me nuts. they repeatedly fail at it in the karate kid movies or in cobra kai . At this point they are just trolling lol
You're putting so much faith in Miyagi lmao old man just wanted free labour disguised as training

@jerryventricelli8176 - 20.11.2024 15:28

Actually, I think it was Bruce Lee in " Enter the Dragon" that introduced the position of the head during the bow.

@Osiris-yz8wg - 20.11.2024 10:43

We say Hooah! In English 😊

@kvidobenak - 20.11.2024 06:13

Chopstick fly challenge is not try - do, or do not ... wait, that was another movie.

@zuldan2008 - 20.11.2024 05:07

Think the second movie in the karate kid franchise is my fav.
