DnD Shorts

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@Unfiltered_Raven - 07.11.2023 02:41

Recession in dnd (real)(not clickbait)

@tizonaomega5454 - 06.11.2023 00:52

What I would do if I was the DM would be to have a bunch of rival NPCs start copying the same. Then have it crash the market and ruin a bunch of linen makers livelihoods.

@Domaik_ - 15.10.2023 01:38

as a DM I would ask the player to collect all that flax before allowing them to use fabricate on them. (some bs reason like the spell doesnt take while they're still in plant form) then watch them struggle on a field like a regular farmer.

@jessl1934 - 30.08.2023 23:21

I wonder what sort of profit you could make if you took that linen and cast fabricate to turn each 10 yards of linen produced into one coat? 🤔

@taylorsmith9197 - 20.07.2023 10:38

I want to do something like this with an armorer artificer/Bard build but mostly artificer (they do get fabricate but not the others). Was kinda thinking a Tony stark esque character but more of a PMC leader than a weapons company. and with armorer, you dont really need STR or DEX so decent CHA is easy. and with the combo stated in the video, you could take a bit of that excess and turn it into food, clothing, armor, and weapons (with smiths tools) with the same combo for your entire PMC. Being able to amass a large PMC at very little cost. And being able to equip them as well as most nations. Unfortunately, i have yet to find a way to do it mostly as an artificer other than to just go straight artificer and have to find a way to make scrolls for plant growth. As our DM really doesnt mess with scrolls or being able to make them in any decent quantity. If anyone has ideas, id love to hear them. Otherwise, great vid Shorts!

@Seraphzero0 - 17.07.2023 20:25

I love your content! Have you figured out the combo for infinite money in real life yet?

@samloftus7843 - 09.06.2023 21:35

Doesn't plant growth have a ritual part that doubles the yeald of plants for a year doubling all of this.😢😂😢

@oKingLexx - 23.05.2023 15:04

Dm counters this by nixing gold availability and making a rival of an enemy spellcaster business man to at is already doing this secretly. Excellent plot hook.

@Jazzed-bee - 15.05.2023 12:59

You just need to rob your enemies with ever smoke jar infinite times

@nephicus339 - 10.04.2023 05:16

DM, "Congratulations. You made 14,000 gold from your linen enterprise. You also crashed the market, and linen is now worth just a few copper. What would you like to do now?"

@stevenphilpott4294 - 06.04.2023 13:07

And single handeldly crash the economy lmao. I'll admit it would be tempting to have the guilds of textiles put a bounty on the players heads

@crowsenpai5625 - 06.04.2023 06:46

It’s shit like this that makes you wonder how the worlds of Dungeons and Dragons even has an economy.

@makiavel2925 - 06.04.2023 00:49

Nice idza, but to have gold you need buyers and noone will have so much money to pay you.
Moreover you will disturb the classic production method and create an economic crisis.
At the end with so many products, thhe price will drop rapidely to nothing....

@DarkAngelZz59 - 25.03.2023 15:36

How to make infinite money in dnD: WORK YOU LAZY BASTARD

@lunaburr2061 - 08.03.2023 15:41

Druidcraft: You instantly make a flower blossom, a seed pod open, or a leaf bud bloom. The spell only affects one at a time, if you are manually opening all of them you are going to be there a while.

True Polymorph: Only lasts for an hour so basically the same as the creation spell where you only have a limited time to sell it. However, this costs a ninth level spell slot.

@mkohlhorst - 03.03.2023 22:35

True polymorph can be dispelled with dispell magic... So not great for making money.

@PyroTorch69 - 18.02.2023 09:35

There is yet another option that wasn't mentioned and that is silk. Silk can be made from reed fiber and actually sells for the most out of all the options, and since your useing magic to maximize the effeciency of getting the fiber out of the reed, you will end up with quite a bit of material per harvest.

@reddiamond2547 - 15.02.2023 23:08

2 reasons this will not work with all GMs.
1. Some GMs (Like my bf) rule that It will make more like vines and weeds rather than the plant. (I don't fully understand his logic as someone who wants to work with plants one day, but whatever.)
2. Some GMs rule for inflation and other supply and demand rulings so that you can't sell the same product week after week for the same price. (Also yes I tried to do this once.)
Love your content btw.

@luisjimenez186 - 10.02.2023 16:48

even you dont need that spell, with coal and water you can produce ink. 10gp per vial (30ml)

@schwarzerritter5724 - 23.01.2023 01:37

How to get assassinated by the Weavers Guild...

@fireblade-cp8uw - 16.01.2023 00:06

Ngl. I like to assume magical methods like this that are super exploitable. Are illegal in a world where governments exist and actively utilize magic...
Wont stop me from using it. Just adds risk to it.

@QuarionGalanodel - 10.01.2023 07:07

This reminds me of a 3.5 game I was in a long time ago. I was a wizard and after our party got to a city and set a plan in motion the DM told us it would be a week in game before the plan was ready to act on any further and asked if we wanted to do anything in the time skip. I don't remember what the others did for the week but I sent my wizard to find an active construction site where I called out to the foreman before casting Bull's Strength on one worker and Enlarge Person on another. I then haggled with the foreman over how much it would be worth to him for me to cast each of these spells 4 times a day for the next week and came out of it with a very nice amount of cash. When one of the other players tried to complain about how I was able to make so much money, the DM just said "Wizards with utility spells can make bank"

@Wence42 - 24.12.2022 08:45

Plants becoming thick and overgrown does not mean the parts we harvest increase in proportion. I think of the instant-version of plant growth as mostly roots and vines, otherwise the 8-hour version is kinda dumb and pointless.

Also, does "permanent" on True Polymorph remove the condition of returning to original form at 0 HP? If not, would splitting a block of platinum in half count as reducing its HP to zero?

@JustIT69 - 05.12.2022 05:39

I loved Kender 40 years ago. I have no problems having them at my table.

@kylekeating5149 - 17.11.2022 01:07

Fabricate... Coal into diamond?

@mishmashmedley - 14.10.2022 05:50

Why do bards get plant growth? haven't you ever heard about people playing music for their houseplants to stimulate growth? it's a real thing, apparently...

@WilliamWizer - 07.10.2022 20:23

there's a way to stop those infinite money tricks.

the dungeon master has the last word. if you piss him off, shops won't buy your products anymore and you are f*cked up.

@caibohulk7811 - 23.09.2022 01:08

um why is this video under world of warcraft lol

@ChongoDaClown - 06.09.2022 15:56

The only problem is that other npc might already be doing this so it's very easy to shut down and even if it isn't not infinite bc if you sell it all right away you destroy the market value so yeah XD good business ideal tho but title is click bait bc no way you get infinite money off this if this wouldn't work for infinite money irl. Now if you don't destroy the market and just let the business keep going over time and stuff yeah basically infinite money but with a spending cap.

@hedwigon6951 - 01.09.2022 22:14

Theoreticly if you found a spell scroll of true polymorph, and you make a platinum cube, couldnt you cast the wonderful spell distort value? I'm gonna let the nerds take it from here.

@JDTN1985 - 22.08.2022 09:31

Alt title:
How to crash the world economy in a single afternoon!

@TheNeomaster15 - 14.08.2022 05:17

Another idea, be a level 2 artificer and pick up the infusion Alchemy Jug. Buy two vials (1 gp each) then use the Alchemy Jug to fill up each vial with acid. Sell the acid vials at market value (25 gp) and you will get a net profit of 48 gp a day.

I flooded the acid market and my gm wasn't happy.

@scroletyper8286 - 07.08.2022 07:13

If ur dm understands supply and demand this will stop working shortly after its begun

@themightypen1530 - 04.08.2022 19:15

You should know that my DM hates you. :P

@starsnparrows - 29.07.2022 22:49

Bro said "here's an infinite money exploit" and explained how to farm and process goods for selling. Dude that's called A JOB.

@DarksideChaotix - 25.07.2022 13:30

Imagine being a merchant who buys exotic rugs from some weird guy, then accidentally walks into an antimagic zone. All his wares turn into snails.

@INTERNERT - 24.07.2022 23:44

“buy some flax seeds, about the weight of a baby hippo” god I love this game lmao

@freyathedragon899 - 24.07.2022 03:40

Bards get plant growth because music actively makes plants grow

@agent_hex - 21.07.2022 23:36

This is the first time I've ever seen one of your videos fall apart, but even bad DMs are going to realize that much linen is going to flood the market and drop the price in the region. Good money maker, but definitely shouldn't be able to do this more than once or twice.

@JokersVsZombies - 14.07.2022 00:05

But then the value goes down because economic due to a flooded market.

@theUglyGypsy - 09.07.2022 01:35

We did the same with hemp seeds

@Neth91 - 30.06.2022 17:31

so if i buy grapes or raisins and fabricate them into wine? dope, never thought about fabricate

@thatcrazyguyeveryonelikes4197 - 26.06.2022 04:13

This would be a great way to make a BBEG. You singlehandedly supply all the linen needed for alot of companies. Now the normal nonspecial human farmers who ran flax farms are out of work. So now they become criminals because their source of income was destroyed overnight. So now they become marauders and also want to find the person who destroyed their livelihoods.

@xiongray - 24.06.2022 08:48

DM countermeasures - Economics: Supply and Demand.

@darkmagician6898 - 24.06.2022 07:49

please help me. how is a 10sqft sheet of linen valued at 32gp. What was the equations to calc it from 1 sqyd valued at 5gp?

@Clarkarias - 23.06.2022 15:21

Still waiting for the Black Lotus to become an official thing in D&D...

@michaway2774 - 22.06.2022 12:30

he @dnd shorts, im trying to find a way fore a wizard to cast plant growth. the easy way would just let a tranmuter scribe all transmutation spells into his spell book (like a ritualist dose wth rituals) but i wonder if a wizard could craft a spell that would work the same? (and ofc i do not want to use wish) my other avenue is leurning it from a bard scroll (both arcane magic users) my 2de question would be could a wizard make a wand or staf of plant growth? without having access to that spell (if he had a scroll of that spell?)

@Nexsusthepro - 21.06.2022 14:35

And over flooding the market with cloth. XD

@drowemos - 20.06.2022 18:14

Ok, ok. That's clever. I do have an alternate method:

Step 1 - Play a rogue
Step 2 - Locate a rich person
Step 3 - Stab the rich person an take all his stuff.

Same results with out having to worry about commodity markets.
