What impact does server location have on rankings?

What impact does server location have on rankings?

Google Search Central

15 лет назад

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@DavidMartins1 - 20.06.2020 19:25

Is this info still up to date?

@rzv8760 - 28.04.2016 17:28

Google is this still available ?

@mvn3949 - 18.03.2016 23:29

But it is also about the quality of servers and services, features, uptime and the price. Server IP should not really matter that much, Geo Targeting option in GWT is good to set the targeting. Google should understand that, also for page load speed concerns, there are international CDN services.

@SidiElazhari - 14.08.2015 22:42

***** Hi, is this still relevant? Does the server location still have an impact on Google Raking? So, a Canadian site would be punished for being hosted on AWS (US) VS at a local Canadian hosting company?

@AlexPye - 08.08.2014 19:18

Does anyone have any idea how much of a ranking factor server location actually is? I need to be able to attribute it to some monetary terms as changing a clients server has to merit the cost.

@belgen - 31.07.2014 21:29

This is a stupid idea. I don't want to host my sites in my country. (price, quality, freedom, etc.)

@aaaarrrgggghh - 05.01.2013 19:45

same here, I live in Italy but would NEVER host in Italy. Also I would NEVER use dot it but use dot com only. This is because dot com are a billion times more flexible than dot it. To buy a dot it domain I have to fax letters, wait weeks, ask for permissions, beg to move dns, pay more money, it is a nightmare.

@aaaarrrgggghh - 05.01.2013 19:32

I find what you say on this video quite difficult to believe. Simply because I trust Google to be better than others in bringing me GOOD, RELEVANT results. Imagine Italians are searching for the best tires for sale in Milan. If the best shop in Milan has a website that's hosted in the USA, simply because it is cheaper to host it there, then what is google going to do, NOT give the best results?

@aaaarrrgggghh - 05.01.2013 19:23

I have 4 sites about INSURANCE and they rank reasonably well. I have launched another site about insurance. Will it hurt if I interlink various articles between these various sites? Linking up all the articles will improve the content, keeping the users within my "wing". But by doing this I will be "voting" my own sites. How is this seen by google? In the doubt, I avoid linking to my own sites, just to others (!?)

@justgivemethetruth - 02.08.2012 02:25

good god how long-winded and non-specific can you possibly be?

@balladanna - 20.05.2012 16:46

Great idea adding subtitles, makes it all easy and quick to digest, even with such a small amout of info. Well done and Thank you!

@ZelenoJabko - 15.01.2012 13:36

Well. Here in Slovenia, we do mostly order hostings and VPSes in Germany, because they are a lot cheaper. Guess not good for SEO.

@YuriPolchenko - 11.10.2011 19:45

Location 1.02. Location do matters.

@floopy312 - 13.08.2011 06:23

It doesn't make sense... So if I live in Venezuela and have a website here, I just can't use a foreign hosting provider from the USA (which are better) because it will affect my regional ranking?? That doesn't make sense at all. I don't trust any hosting provider in my country. Why can't I just use a US hosting provider without affecting my ranking?! Doesn't make sense....

@hz2xc - 30.03.2011 03:35

Yes, but Google also say that server speed or website speed is also a ranking factor, so if you have a server in the geo location you are targeting, your target will access your site faster, therefore even if the ip address of your server wasn't a factor, it implicitly becomes one due to speed differences.

@RemixPicture - 18.01.2011 14:07

This sucks balls. If I have a hostin account which allows me to host unlimited domains with them, then why should I buy another hosting account just to rank better in the targeted country? It makes NO sence at all since most people do not buy a hosting account depending on it's geo location. People buys hosting accounts that fitst their price range and their websites content.

@crawfs76 - 28.11.2010 07:15

Seems silly as I chose an Australian Hosting company for my .com.au site, but little did I know that they were an affiliate of an American company so technically the server is based in the US? Why should server location really matter!!

@Alexeixx3 - 26.05.2010 10:09

This is the worst way to decide whereter or not a website is important for a user. I think most of the servers are located in the US, no matter if the site is from a mexican business

@SpencerGreenDotNet - 10.04.2010 18:06

What if a site is run by Americans, but the server is located in another country?

@speleding - 09.06.2009 13:21

I run a site that is really not location constrained and useful to anyone who speaks English. Where should I put my server to get the best ranking? My guess US would be the largest English speaking area but I am very happy with the service I have now, outside the US (in the Netherlands). Is it worth the move?

@andthenhesaid - 09.06.2009 12:42

All my sites are targeted at the UK because that's where I am. My hosting is in Florida because a friend in DC recommended the company. It's stayed there because they give fantastic service - problems solved in minutes of raising a support ticket. But this suggests I ought to move to UK hosting to maximise ranking. Doesn't sound ideal to me.

@simarprit - 08.06.2009 04:04

This is logical Matt, but my concern is that it puts pressure for some sites which are based out of US but have very local content, which is being updated on the fly or gather UGC from specific geographies

@LoonArg - 08.06.2009 04:02

I think that is good, but you are not thinking about us, who live in countries without a good hosting service, and we need to host in USA some non-english content... But on the other hand, if you need to get visits from a country in special, and your hosting is not there, I dont personally recommend to change hosting, I do prefer to use Webmaster Tools from Google to enhance country oriented thing

@larssonk22 - 04.06.2009 22:04

Rob from reading the other viewers comments you may need to talk a little bit more about this issue. Some people pick servers on pricing aswell, sometimes cheaper to buy outside your own country.

@marawan009 - 04.06.2009 21:41

i totally agree , i can understand that google search shows different results depending on where u r searching from but having page ranking depending on where the server is located is not so relevant!

@mrcakey - 04.06.2009 16:31

Always suspected this. Sadly the answer is not good for me - my server's in Germany (1&1) and site is in England. I rank well enough anyway, but it's interesting to note I might be ranking better if I went with a local server.
