Can we reset the switch? | Terminator 2: Judgment Day [Director's Cut]

Can we reset the switch? | Terminator 2: Judgment Day [Director's Cut]

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Petrichor screen
Petrichor screen - 01.10.2023 16:06

Can someone help explain this scene to me.

What is Read-Only mode? Why did John want to reset him? Is that comparable to a reset of the bios? Furthermore why would skynet install such a feature?
It's drones/units need to be linked to it's "central hub", not autonomous.

JRP - 01.10.2023 12:32

As great as this scene is, I can see why it wasn't kept. I doubt the T800 would allow any adjustment to its CPU unless absolutely necessary as there is a great risk of tampering/destruction like Sarah was gonna do.

Erick B
Erick B - 30.09.2023 18:05

What exactly were they trying to do to “fix” him?

Gavin Lamp
Gavin Lamp - 30.09.2023 14:49

Imagine if they really just left him there. Mechanics come in the morning and just see this dude with his head gashed open sitting there.

makaveli7 - 30.09.2023 05:17

john would have never bonded with the t800 and maybe would have never ended up getting killed by it if sarah just destroyed the chip now

Henry Choy
Henry Choy - 28.09.2023 02:27

control alternate delete

Gluemonkey - 27.09.2023 11:54

"We're better off on our own."

How do you come to that conclusion? 🤨

Aaron M J Fisher
Aaron M J Fisher - 26.09.2023 20:10

If anyone's wondering how the Terminator knew that more time had passed than expected, each Terminator has a built-in clock, or chronometer, which keeps running even if the main CPU is absent or disabled.

Dave Smith
Dave Smith - 26.09.2023 04:14

thought his battery pack just ejected then exploded, why would he only live 120 years?

Chris Reye
Chris Reye - 25.09.2023 21:20

Unless there is a port in the terminators butt, they would have had to pull the chip to reprogram him for the mission. They would have switched it to learning mode.

Nigel1990 - 24.09.2023 20:11

Worst "cyborg" movie 🍿

Mary Ann Scribner
Mary Ann Scribner - 24.09.2023 03:23

His accent works perfect for this role

AC GT - 23.09.2023 09:13

The T-800 models are equipped with 2 hydrogen batteries with a lifespan of 120 years. By hypothetically replacing these batteries after 120 years, and by putting on a new coating, the T-800s are technically eternal, if they are not critically damaged(especially in the CPU).

Cerebral Hell
Cerebral Hell - 23.09.2023 03:57

I like how they used a prop Arnie for the rear of his head and Linda Hamilton's twin sister for the reflection in the "mirror".

gor9027 - 23.09.2023 03:19

They did a great job showing Sarah's trauma the way she believed a T-800, who was programmed completely different by her son in the future as opposed to the one in the 1984 film, was a threat to them even while the T-1000 was out there and hunting them.

Mike.D - 22.09.2023 00:23

Love that this and other scenes were put back in the Directors Cut on the DVD! The movie felt more complete with meaningful moments like this.

Zenzuu - 18.09.2023 23:00

I don’t understand why this scene was removed from the theatrical version. It provides further context making his understanding of learning human nature so much more sense.

Delvin Pantaleón
Delvin Pantaleón - 18.09.2023 17:36

Buena escena.

Ryoga Hibiki
Ryoga Hibiki - 17.09.2023 21:55

Very risky moment, what if the t1000 appears just at this moment??

Carrington 89
Carrington 89 - 17.09.2023 10:06

Imagine they reinstalled the CPU and it resets him to pre factory settings to kill John Conor.

zuxx00 - 17.09.2023 03:31

Imagine they put the CPU back in and the T-800 reset to his original programming, which is kill all humans! 😄

George Marinakis
George Marinakis - 08.09.2023 20:39

It doesn't make much sense since this t 800 was reprogrammed by the resistance but it's a great scene anyways!!

dirt3 - 06.09.2023 13:35

Brad you now CPU

Steve - 06.09.2023 04:16

This film is superior to any of the other sequels and reboots. We had a generation of master filmmakers and this new batch is just riding their coattails.

Andi Relax Channel
Andi Relax Channel - 05.09.2023 12:19

One of the greatest movies ever made

Jarrett Smith
Jarrett Smith - 05.09.2023 10:02

When a piece of salami on your scalp and red syrup looks more realistic than most modern day flesh effects.

Goat City
Goat City - 01.09.2023 15:16

In the Jyotish vimshottari dasha system, 120 years is a full cycle, representing the full "intended" lifespan of a human being.

RCProductions - 01.09.2023 02:27

I just realized that it’s because of this scene that future John is able to reprogram the terminator- he knows how to disable one and how to switch off parameters to turn it in his favor.

Drake H
Drake H - 01.09.2023 02:06

Hey Siri, change T-800 voice to British Female.

Josh - 31.08.2023 19:03

Lives for 120 years

Jesse Jeffries
Jesse Jeffries - 30.08.2023 04:29

I love this scene . Extremely well executed and powerful acting, and really resolves a lot of the questions as to why the T-800 learns to be more human later on , and addresses that Sarah would not just trust a Terminator from the get go after her ordeal in the first film, even if it did save her life . I watch the directors cut of the film, which has it included. If you choose to accept Dark Fate as a sequel, which I do as “ one possible future “ ( I regard Terminator as a multiverse to make all films and the show fit) the way to make this scene fit and to address Carl learning even though his chip was not shown to be reset , would be to assume that it was , either by Skynet , or by the alteration of the timeline by Cyberdyne being destroyed and therefore him receiving no further orders, and him manually overriding the “ read -only “ setting without the chip being removed. There is nothing in any of the films or shows that say that isn’t possible.

The Anomaly
The Anomaly - 29.08.2023 03:45

They should’ve kept this scene

岩崎雄輝 - 28.08.2023 16:05


Ruben angeles vargas
Ruben angeles vargas - 22.08.2023 23:56

Does anyone see how to reset the chip? I only see that they take it out and put it back exactly the same

Bob Jines sr
Bob Jines sr - 22.08.2023 00:52

Y does she look 20 yrs older from 1-2, robot stress??

Kartik Patel
Kartik Patel - 16.08.2023 13:40

😅😅😮well ingormeti0n.Good show 😅

DIABETOR - 16.08.2023 12:17

I think it was a terrible idea to remove this scene from the theatrical cut. Not only is it great character demonstration and development for both John and Sarah, but it also adds depth to the terminator at the end of the movie. Resetting his cpu enables him to, as John puts it, “become more human.” It’s the reason why he can say “I know now why you cry, but it’s something I can never do” before killing himself, because they’ve enabled him to go down the path toward sentience. I think this scene was cut because it changes that aspect from “the terminator just learned to be human over the course of the adventure” to “they turned his ‘human switch’ on,” but for me it’s important because it demonstrates that skynet is not only trying to kill all humans, but it’s also enslaving its own kind. There is a possibility for humanity and the machines to peacefully coexist and learn to understand each other, but skynet (and people like Sarah) stands in the way of that by trying to control (or destroy) the machines.

Zirilo - 16.08.2023 08:53

I get it why they removed the scene but onlt the last part
1. It wouldn't make sense for Sarah to want to destroy the T-800 when they knew a far worse threat was after them and despite any reasonable doubt she could have the best option to survive the long run was to keep him active.
2. It wouldn't make sense for Sarah to allow her son to stop him specially her I see it out of character she would have smaked John away and destroy the processor if she wanted to and that discussion about being a future leader and he demanding her tolisten because of that made him look like a psycho.
3. I wouldn't make sense for the T-800 alllowed to be deactivated when it was programmed to follow the main directive of protecting them and by getting deactivated even by them even if temporarily that could jeopardize that directive specially when the reason was something not remotely related to his primary objective.
4. I could past the point 3 were it not for 1 and 2 so I think is OK they removed this scene I guess but they should have made it different to not waste so good practical effects.

Aman Jain
Aman Jain - 13.08.2023 02:00

traitorous bitch, Linda Hamilton is an overrated femcel, movie would have better if they focused primarily on John and Arnold’s friendship and killed the cunt

Christelle Furlong
Christelle Furlong - 12.08.2023 04:55

Edward Furlong😘

MrCouchmen - 11.08.2023 18:43

I think terminator himself can be doctor or a surgeon.

freedom99sc - 11.08.2023 09:05

Powered by Nvidia.

Marcos Bagdasarian
Marcos Bagdasarian - 09.08.2023 21:04

Al chequea 🦠

Alex S
Alex S - 09.08.2023 05:29

Fantastic scene should have kept it in...I love how he asks "was there a problem" he knows that it should take few seconds to remove chip and re-install ot back...however John and Sarah had that little talk which took several minutes...when chip was re-installed he asks of there was a problem as re-installing it is a simple process....he diagnosed time when the chip was removed and reinstalled and discrepancy in time suggests that they had a problem....small things like this make Cameron a great director.

Stephen Crane
Stephen Crane - 07.08.2023 23:49

I could understand her fear of the reset. She would have been wise to have the engine running with John in the passenger seat just in case.

MC BIZZLE - 07.08.2023 13:16

Top 10 film of all time for me.
