How to Photograph the Full Moon: 4 Tips for Epic Shots

How to Photograph the Full Moon: 4 Tips for Epic Shots

Joshua Cripps Photography

3 года назад

173,041 Просмотров

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moods4indigo - 13.09.2023 17:58

A quick tip for you all: When you go out there to photograph the full moon, never forget the mosquito repellent!

Gregoz - 05.09.2023 23:08

Thanks for not sharing how to take the pics of the moon.

Ned Nard
Ned Nard - 05.09.2023 11:15

The full moon is much, much dimmer than the sun. But it's the same apparent size as the sun. This means the dynamic range of the bright full moon and the moonlight on the ground is the same as between the sun and sunlight on the ground. So the full moon in the sky will blow out in exactly the same way as the sun does. Except it won't ruin your camera.
When there's haze on the horizon, you can take pictures of the moon just like you can when you see a red sun at sunset.

DavidRT - 04.09.2023 20:07

Thanks for the upload. Good information.
I also enjoyed seeing the Eastern Sierra Corridor.

Destroyer100 
Destroyer100  - 03.09.2023 00:47

you can also shoot the moon with a 55 mm lens. i did it

Old400 - 02.09.2023 21:33

Thanks again, Joshua. I always come back to this video when I want to try my very amateurish hand at moon photography. I haven't seen any new videos rom you lately.

Kevin Greiner
Kevin Greiner - 02.09.2023 00:53

Is 140mm enough?

Bradley Rex
Bradley Rex - 01.09.2023 20:41

Thanks for the great video. I shared it with my photo club.

Nigel West
Nigel West - 01.09.2023 03:36

I never understand why people want to photograph a full Moon, it's the worst possible time to do it, the direct light flattens all the detail, far better to take a shot during the waxing or waning phases.

Michael Monk
Michael Monk - 31.08.2023 22:37

Great tips

Gary Ives
Gary Ives - 29.08.2023 18:51

Blue Supermoon tomorrow. Special bonding moment for my new used 7D that came this week and this Make or break moment. Hope it can forgive me! I have plenty of mountains and nice backdrops near me to potentially compose with, and it would be a blast to chase down great opportunities on my Royal Enfield if it wasn't going to be like 100F dang car it is. Can't complain :)

s⍴ᥲᥴᥱ•rᥲ᥎ᥱᥒ - 29.08.2023 09:02

I laughed so hard at the intro! I rented way too hard lmao

Pipster - 22.08.2023 00:50

Strange pronunciation of 'Nikon'.

Yuri Farrant
Yuri Farrant - 18.08.2023 01:31

Internet will give you moonrise time and angle in degrees then use the compass on your iPhone to line up shot

Love 2 travel
Love 2 travel - 11.08.2023 20:22

Just got the Sigma 60-600mm for my Nikon, can't wait for the moon to come back!!!!

Paul Searls
Paul Searls - 08.08.2023 00:29

The moon is an interesting subject to shoot. I began in 1965 in Vietnam with a Pentax, 300 mm Super Takumar telephoto and Lunasix light meter. After some calculations and test shots, I was able to shoot the moon with good detail on ASA 64 Ektachrome transparency film. I now shoot it with a Canon R and 500 mm f/4 + 1.4 teleconverter (700 mm). My best detail was rendered at f/5.6, 1/1250 sec. @ ISO 800. Eliminating ANY vibration and getting critical focus is vital to get maximum detail. It's fun to do and the cropped photo to show to your friends always seems to impress.

Here in the Midwest, we have lots of haze and humidity during the warmer months which makes shots of moon rises/settings problematic. Your tips on how to shoot with a foreground subject is very good. I also use PhotoPills; another useful app is TPE.

C Guerrieri
C Guerrieri - 07.08.2023 14:35

Great simple explanation to encourage beginners to give it a try (then be hooked)’

Michael Eastwood
Michael Eastwood - 06.08.2023 02:09

I get super zoomed in pics of the moon alone. Not nice landscaped moon pics

Peter Ballin
Peter Ballin - 05.08.2023 20:34

Awesome opening! Great vid really

Amal Karunaratna
Amal Karunaratna - 04.08.2023 11:44


Dr Dentin
Dr Dentin - 04.08.2023 07:41

You tube PhotoPills Friday show is awesome for learning Photocells.

Kyonru - 30.07.2023 15:42

First 25 seconds define all my photos.

Neil Cole
Neil Cole - 04.07.2023 10:50

So informative, so l subscribed !

Neil Cole
Neil Cole - 04.07.2023 10:41

Brilliantl observations , now l know why my moon pics suck!😢

tehseen rizvi
tehseen rizvi - 08.05.2023 16:06


Lydia Cruz
Lydia Cruz - 06.04.2023 02:11

Hi Josh, I take boring moon pics and I sure am going to try your tips! Thanks

Fadel Galal
Fadel Galal - 13.12.2022 01:10

Brilliant presentation, thanks much for effort/sharing :-)

Brian Roberts
Brian Roberts - 11.12.2022 23:20

Ive shot plenty that " looks like crap"

Evolve From Now
Evolve From Now - 28.11.2022 15:42

Super info Joshua! Thanks 🌝

Parthanil Roy
Parthanil Roy - 08.11.2022 20:10

Thanks a lot. With your tips I could take a reasonably good pic of the full moon.

R Hal
R Hal - 02.10.2022 11:47

I saw a full moon effect the other night but the moon was going down (setting) . It was huge but a darker shade of red also. Does anyone know what this effect is called so I can google when it will happen again. Thanks in advance.

Summit Seeker
Summit Seeker - 17.09.2022 04:52

I follow you closely. Love your content and love your entertainment value. I’m not a photographer but I like to capture my trips into the backcountry. My videos and pics are strictly for my remembrance of the event. Would love to see more content on shooting pics/videos with an iPhone. I especially suck at shooting moon shots or nighttime skyline shots. Huge fan!

Jim Payton
Jim Payton - 10.09.2022 08:13

Thank you

Dave Arienda
Dave Arienda - 09.09.2022 05:50

thank you,, you're the best👌

Rafael Aviles
Rafael Aviles - 24.08.2022 17:25

This is one of the best videos I have seen that has practical, useful advice for shooting great full moon pictures. Thank you very much!

Shauni G
Shauni G - 11.08.2022 07:30

So glad I found your channel! 😁

GS,FuckUCunnnt - 10.08.2022 23:43

Rubbish and not usefull

Roberto - 27.06.2022 14:22

Something free comparable to photopills ?

Echo Auxgen
Echo Auxgen - 24.04.2022 18:46

You are talking about images at moonrise/set at sunrise/set yes the sun will brighten the foreground. Now to do it at night with just city lights or out the middle of nowhere first it is small when using a camera lens, no lens will have the moon big and bright like you see it with a foreground that you can see. To get the moon sharp and infocus with any lens from 10mm to 600mm even a full frame 1800mm. Yes you need to bracket. First set camera to SS/ISO 125 and manual focus zooming using sharpening of f/8 to f/11 you will see as you adjust. Have camera set to 5 images at +/- 3ev (or 2ev a lot of HDR software have problems with 3ev) and then set center bracket start at .5s this will give 5 images where the first image will be in focus but everything around is dark but the last image 30s will have the foreground bright. Using Lr HDR you will have a moon in focus and bright and a foreground bright. Easy to do with a Sony But for Canon/Nikon with only a +/- 2ev you can use the Promote Control that you attach to your camera. The hardest part is Ghosting between images if not fast enough. As long as SS/ISO remain the same increasing SS/ISO will reduce ghosting. The awesome capture is with earthshine on the crescent moons dark area happens at moon set after the sun has set for some time.

Brian Roberts
Brian Roberts - 05.03.2022 02:27

Informative stuff here.
I learned something too. Yay!!!
I've been an astronomer for over, oh......50 years. And you mentioned that our nearest neighbor movies its own diameter approximately every 160 seconds. I don't know why I didn't know that. But.
I DO NOW. Thanks, dude .
I'm basically an optical observer, or visual actually is a better term. But I'm trying my hand at some Afocal astrophotography. Not really wanting to invest in a quality dedicated CCD camera I have a Canon sx40 HD and a Fuji Finepix S1500 .
Gonna try the Canon for some lunar, Milky Way photos and maybe some Star Trails too. Maybea DSLR and a " T " Ring later? Good video though.

Brian Roberts
Brian Roberts - 15.02.2022 03:17

I've been an amateur astronomer for 30 years or more. Visual observation only but now I'm really wanting to try some astrophotography.
I have a Fuji FinePix S1500, a Sony T77 Cyber Shot cameras.
Neither can have an adaptor attached so I can mount them directly to my telescopes. I have to go with the afocal method. Not all that easy to do.
Any tips? I have a proper mount to hold the camera to the eyepiece but getting good focus is near impossible.

J.W. Lee Photography
J.W. Lee Photography - 19.01.2022 19:48


Jess Martin-Buckle
Jess Martin-Buckle - 18.01.2022 23:49

Thank you so much for this video! I’ve always been taking photos of the moon but they’ve always been very samey, this is so easy to follow as well :)

Vrajesh Mistry
Vrajesh Mistry - 21.10.2021 12:53

This is the video I want about moon photography! Thank you for this video🙋🏻‍♂️

Robin C-K
Robin C-K - 19.10.2021 18:16

When photographing the Moon with a zoom lens, what shutter speeds are you using to keep it sharp? It moves 'faster' when it's zoomed. Thanks!
