The Owl House's Finale was ALMOST Perfect

The Owl House's Finale was ALMOST Perfect

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Joshua_voorhees - 29.09.2023 08:10

So, I just found out about the owl house and omg…. It is fucking AMAZING. Idk what it is but it’s just so enjoyable to watch. And I’m writing this as I’m watching the last like 6 minutes of the show (for the 10000000th time lol). I am currently trying to watch amphibias but it just doesn’t capture my attention nearly as good as owl house does. I recommend this show to EVERYONE

C-Shorts - 25.09.2023 18:23

I definitely think for the future was the worst season 3 episode. They were all still amazing.

HGAL0RE - 22.09.2023 18:50

Its kinda amazing that after you've mellowed out as a person you've been able to connect with the themes of the show this much. I did the same thing, once I let go of my ego and gave the owl house an honest shot I realized how much I needed a show like this. Messages about acceptance and being yourself have been done before a lot but for this show specifically it just feels different

Noah Stewart
Noah Stewart - 21.09.2023 19:59

The Owl House means everything to me, it’s what solidified my relationship with my partner. It made me love cartoons again and most of all it made me happy. Being angry and upset about everything is almost expected now a days and once I found a show that made me genuinely happy and seeing the fan base around it share that feeling was one of the best feelings I’ve had.

Tomer Orlevi
Tomer Orlevi - 20.09.2023 01:45

Hot take: I did NOT like the owl finale that much. Don't kill me

Elouise Hosch
Elouise Hosch - 12.09.2023 22:25

But to me only time a rushed ending worked was ducktales because checks everything off

tankdude - 10.09.2023 05:39

I don't know if you know but the owl house and amphibia were disney's least popular shows cause if you know the casual viewer base is the life force for many games tv shows and movies confused or alienated them there gone besides the community that like the show they are not as big as they think they are to save a show

Mr. Fox ASMG
Mr. Fox ASMG - 06.09.2023 18:05

I never knew this show would really make me cry. No show has done that toe except for owl house

That's why it's so damn special to me

Dumpster FIRE
Dumpster FIRE - 02.09.2023 01:54

Lego eda

Dumpster FIRE
Dumpster FIRE - 02.09.2023 01:53

Great vid but leho eda cept me laughing😂

Guillermo Rodriguez Dominguez
Guillermo Rodriguez Dominguez - 31.08.2023 07:10

Question: Would it have been perfect if Luz swiftly punched Belos to the boiling sea when he was about to lie again? I just think that it is perfect because we don't want to listen to Belos's lies again and we just want him out of the show in the end.

Glue - 25.08.2023 00:00

I was super hyped to see the gang in the human world as the story led up to it. The montage, while affective, only serves to make me feel extremely disappointed and sad, seeing all the adventures, hijinks, and character moments that could have been full episodes. I will never not despise Disney for taking that away from us. I will never be able to watch the show without thinking "what if?" now.

Harmony Lynx
Harmony Lynx - 20.08.2023 22:25

To me the Collector represented child like innocence/the children of the universe. A little kid who has the literal power to change the world but didnt understand death or their actions. Belows represents biggoted hatred that can spread like the plauge and stifle the innocence and imagionation of people like the collecter. (This is incredibly impressive considering the Owl House writers stated they added them last minute, and werent sure at first what to do with them.) 💖 (Im very impressed)

DreamCaster - 16.08.2023 00:02

Oh trust me, you're not the only one dude. Star vs. made me lose all faith in western animation being even remotely good that I just went back to exclusively anime and video games.

Just a guy who watches youtube
Just a guy who watches youtube - 11.08.2023 15:55

Lego Eda dancing in the background feels like something she would actually do after her and King stomped Belos outta existence.

crisisASP - 09.08.2023 22:04

having seen so many of these disney shows come and go it really puts into perspective just how perfectly gravity falls was handled, we really havent had anything since then that united so many people and was universally deemed as nothing short of fantastic and managing to land each and every moment in the show

Jeffrey Wininger
Jeffrey Wininger - 06.08.2023 08:32

I felt if Danna just chose to leave Amity and Luz as a couple for the end. Disney would not of shut down the team like they did. Crunch is one the worst things a show of any kind can get.

UltraIsaiah - 05.08.2023 19:37

Ngl I have conflicting feelings with these last 3 episodes. Before watching this video I’ll say that I loved this show from the jump and it’s easily my 2rd favorite show after Invincible. The finale left so much to be desired tho. The pacing was super off for me, we didn’t get enough of the hommies in the human Relm, and the power up Luz got in the final battle just sucked. Like the animation went hard but I was so torn because it was so sudden. I’m assuming they had something else planned but they got cucked out of it so this was it…
Edit: oh yeah I forgot about the collector. I hated them. For me it felt weird to just kill off the main antagonist of the last whole show for this super random OP character who just showed up. And then bring back the main antagonist out of nowhere, beef him up a million times, and give the random OP character (an admittedly amazingly done) redemption arc. I wasn’t thinking all this while watching but once I stopped and thought about it I realized just how rushed this finale was. It sucks bro. The Disney corporation sucks.

KaptainKibiroProductions - 04.08.2023 23:34

Honestly this is one of the series that seems like this is absolutely the most perfect show for an adult revival down the line.

we've seen the characters evolve, we've gotten all the shipping crap out of the way, we've seen the main threat be defeated and we've seen our Star Baby learn the ultimate lesson about life and go on whatever journey he's gonna go on too.

hopefully this show gets the Samurai Jack Season 5 treatment someday (and hopefully since Lumity is firmly established they can completely focus on lore building that time instead of introducing a random love interest that's only there to die at the end and make the ending needlessly bittersweet.)

Eternaltus - 29.07.2023 18:58

I think episode 2 of season 3 was really flawed compared to the other episodes kinda wish they didn't focus on Basha and kikimora especially how Kikimora was sorta redeemed taking king to the collector then making her evil again

Aiden Post
Aiden Post - 24.07.2023 20:40

I like to think there’s a decent chance of some kind of continuation but I don’t think it’s likely I still hope

Snail-kun - 14.07.2023 22:20

Might be an unpopular opinion but I didn’t think boscha and kikimora needed a spotlight for episode 2 LOL coulda used that screen time for something a bit more important

Zephyr - 10.07.2023 04:26

I was enraptured by the show the second I started watching it, so to me, it is perfect, perfectly amazing

Xode - 08.07.2023 02:40


SOVA 123
SOVA 123 - 05.07.2023 03:35

QI couldn't bring myself to watch the finale... I just finished it a few minutes ago and cried at least 3 times during this final episode, and this final scene, where we can see everyone say "Bye!" and everyone is happy I just had a total breakdown

This was really a wild ride, I still remember not liking The Owl House when it just started thinking it's gonna be just a dumb show, but then I got hooked, and now I'm legit crying over it ending. Heh, talk about character development.
I'm still glad I gave it a chance, I'm just super sad it had to end.

today4561 - 29.06.2023 09:24

it was a genuine shame the earth third of the season was very watered down, so many amazing less plot heavy episodes couldve come out from it. thanks to them is still my favorite of the three

Chel CM
Chel CM - 27.06.2023 21:19

My ONLY gripe with the Finale is the lack of Caleb and Phillip. Like you said, it would have been better if instead of a random Hexside plot with Kikimora and Bosha that no one really asked for, they could have used that time to delve deeper into their backstory. But like you said, it's perfect under the circumstances

Terra nova
Terra nova - 22.06.2023 03:24

felt the show didnt do it justice and we coulda discovered more this this video is good don’t mind the toxic fandom or what they say as a LUNTER shipper I suffered a lot unfortunately hoping it’s be canon know lumity Stans are crazy what thy do is inexcusable and petty but pray it gets better always felt lumity was contrived like the finale but what can I say write to Disney and hope

The Mandalorian
The Mandalorian - 20.06.2023 02:51

I’ve kinda gone on a journey with my thoughts on For the Future and while it’s still a flawed episode, it’s pretty amazing how good it still is. Boscha and Kikimora getting as much focus as they did is a really odd choice but I like how they serve to develop the main cast. Boscha helps with Willow’s development and she drives home Amity’s redemption when Amity says to her “I can’t be who you want me to be.” And Kikimora represents a continued force in Luz’s life that only serves to cause her problems, and when she ruins Luz’s plan it leads to a great moment of her finally breaking down in frustration with her mom now there to understand her and pull her out of it.

I think they still could’ve better executed these things with less of the out-of-place feeling Boscha and Kikimora screentime, but it’s still a great episode that’s only brought down by its placement as the penultimate episode, and that every other episode in the series around it is so much more tightly written. When one of your worst episodes in the last half of your series is still pretty damn good and impactful, it means your series is doing something right.

Twilightmia - 19.06.2023 21:14

I still think Philip's death would've worked MUCH better if we knew more about his backstory, see we had a lot of build up regarding him and Caleb, but we get no pay off for that. And That's just dissapointing, specially when the other villains as minor as they were, faces NO concecequences at all, Odalia got off scott free, so did the corrupt coven heads. It felt biased even more so when you consider they still sucked even without Belos's influence.

No, this is not me asking for him to be redeemed (seriously why do people accuse those who are unsatisfied with his death of wanting him to be redeemed?) The unproblematic cinnamonroll Caleb is purely fannon, because we don't know anything about canon Caleb, and the little we do know kinda makes him suck big time. He taught his baby brother to be a bigoted witch hunter and then proceeded to run off with a witch to another realm and not tell him???? As someone with severe trauma of being abadoned, that rubs me off so wrong.

However there are many issues I have with how his character wound up being handled, he is am AMAZING villain, but knowing some of the stuff the crew said (for example Dana saying she hates writting him) I dunno, it felt they just wasted him. The collector, don't think they deserved any redemption sorry. Makes me wish Belos was killed of in KT and the focus was on TC being the big bad in S3 or if they really wanted to redeem him then have his siblings pop up

Belos died thinking he was right, that witches are evil and horrible monsters, if he had died at least knowing he wasted his unatural life span that would've been far more satisfying. And a much better message, because now the good guys pretty much used the same line of thinking as he did "You don't agree with me, so you deserve to die" yeah...

Lunatic 0verlord
Lunatic 0verlord - 18.06.2023 23:16

I'd take an "almost perfect finale for a flawed show" over any "terrible finale for what was once a promising show".

Looking right at you, Star.

Cal's Footage
Cal's Footage - 18.06.2023 17:51

I thought it was just gonna be another kid show but nope. The owl house definitely deserves its spot with all the other amazong cartoons. Im sad its over but im glad it happened

Kellen Goldy
Kellen Goldy - 13.06.2023 18:36

Nothing is perfect. All my life I was just an image of my greater self. I always thought people didn't care about me. I can relate to this show so much, But I'm not exactly the same person.
What is the meaning of perfect? What do you wish for an episode, a movie, or even a show. To be perfect? If you're talking about the great image that all know as NO MISTAKES. NO SLIP UPS, There is nothing perfect in this world. So to say something isn't perfect. Gives absolutely no meaning or context. You're just saying it sucks a lot, Or is super close to reaching the impossible image of perfect. Nothing can be perfect, Nothing will ever be perfect.
I related with this show a lot. But in a different way, A show doesn't have to perfectly resemble with you to feel like you know what it felt like.
One time I tried talking about my interests. If anything people talked to me less. I don't have weird likings or k i n k s, I just like cool shows that give me a lot of premise and view, Of what someone wish their life could be.
I always thought I was unwanted. I have ADHD, and I'm autistic. I never had friends, but one person didn't leave my side.
My mother didn't pay attention to me.
My sister was the only one looking for me.
But then she left.
I'm surprised anyone would ever have the right to call something Perfect.
Nothing will ever be perfect.
You wont be Perfect.
You are You.
And if that doesn't tell you what you are? Then I have nothing else to say.
Look for your own destiny.
Cause If anything god has planned for you?
It is not Perfect.

Michael Montana
Michael Montana - 06.06.2023 04:30

Berserk is perfect

Joe The art bro
Joe The art bro - 04.06.2023 18:13

I thought Belo's death could have been done so much better than just being stomped to death.

Samantha Wagner
Samantha Wagner - 02.06.2023 01:56

Not the reulxes bg music💀

Jujuoof - 30.05.2023 21:18

You are a gift to this community

Jujuoof - 30.05.2023 19:50

Whilst i might of liked Bosha getting the smallest amount of attention and debt, the Kiki Mora stuff I believe was utterly and totally useless.
My respectful opinion :)

Jujuoof - 30.05.2023 19:41

I think that this show being made for younger audiences still is very cool.
Why? Well, I think it's great today's kids have the chance of watching this good of a show

Jujuoof - 30.05.2023 19:24

The fact that Dysney did you so dirty like that doesn't even surprise me coming from them but STILL💀💀
You, such a hard-working fan and creator, doesn't deserve such bullcrap!
Anyway, have a swell day.

jo r
jo r - 29.05.2023 02:15

If i were to ve real i hated the ending of the owl house in how the villain was killed feelt lazy.

Gray Fox
Gray Fox - 28.05.2023 03:41

Thanks for the support you gave to the show sir. Even thought you started as an half hater, I'm glad that in the end the show conquered you.

Thomas Raines
Thomas Raines - 26.05.2023 14:49

The finale did well I think with what it had but the first two episodes felt really awkward in my opinion especially the first one: there was so much time for it but it felt like not a lot actually happened.

SugarSkullz Prod.
SugarSkullz Prod. - 26.05.2023 11:03

Honestly, the show's finale was good. Almost every knots were tied, being finished. But not all. It doesn't need to be perfect, it would never be, tbh. But the ending was okay, still. Good, not awful!
8/10 episode
I cried at the "Thanks for finding me"

Engineer Monkey
Engineer Monkey - 22.05.2023 10:11

Never seen this show, might start. But anyways, I just wanted to say that your channel helped me realize that I can like things despite their flaws, and not every show I watch has to ne perfect for me to enjoy it. Thanks!

Matt The Weeb
Matt The Weeb - 21.05.2023 20:07

I fucking love this show. That is all. (Also fuck you Disney)

Kinobambeano - 19.05.2023 20:13

The Owl House ending is a million times better than Gravity Falls. Maybe its cuz the guy reviewing this was way younger than me when the finale for GF aired, however - that finale felt rushed, overtly silly and melodramatic which should've been a far more epic and serious wrapup. I think TOH did insanely good and gave a very satisfying ending despite the immense limitations and challenges - perhaps thats WHY it was so amazing. Gravity Falls was great and had it's moments, but TOH will always be the superior show imo.
