Why Vrchat Isn't Fun Anymore

Why Vrchat Isn't Fun Anymore


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@sahyrofilms - 30.12.2023 06:29

I wanted to play vrchat cause thought it would be fun to roleplay and play as random Stuff. Now that i have a oculus. I hope people still play vrchat for the purpose of having fun

@bankrollkaine - 29.12.2023 09:56

I like the idea, so people can get better custom items like having a dog or a cat any pet or finding new avatars never before seen .

@inkh-su - 29.12.2023 03:17

That .. Was a take.

@liviavieira6392 - 29.12.2023 03:10


@Kunoich1 - 28.12.2023 20:45

1 word: Resonite.

@mrdummy_nl - 28.12.2023 17:45

I have feeling you're doing things in wrong way. Or you have wrong friends. Or you have wrong group.
Because i don't see problems you talked here. I have fun with my friends every day. You need have some good friends to make fun.
And we need good gaming worlds / explore worlds to enjoy the environments or play it with others. I am world creator too, so i know what is needed to make some fun. I listen to request and i try make it possible.

The ranking system is just part of securty. If you're doing bad or doing nothing, you will not able to make worlds or upload it. And scammers / crashers will not get high ranking. So it helps a bit for safety reasons. Not perfect, but better than nothing. It has nothing with sort of story telling or quests.

After all, the mirror problem is more often because you have really nothing to do. Just stare at mirrors and talk with others. Not every person have energy to walk and explore around. That is why you seems not have energy to look more around. If you have nothing to do, you have not much energy, or you have not much friends to hang out together, yes you will get bored faster.

You're just doing something wrong here. Or your playstyle is different, you should play with GTA5 or other games with great story lines. Then you can spend time on it.
What you talked about quests, buying things, to make own home, that is not possible for VRChat. At least there is new ingame money system, VRC Credits, but that is all. It's up to world creators to make use of it. All worlds are separated so you cannot just do it.

@Sharp_con07 - 28.12.2023 02:47

thanks for the info generic tiktok voice vrchat e-girl

@corbinfraley7922 - 27.12.2023 23:36

Racists, pedos, and horndogs ruined it for me

@hazebanga - 27.12.2023 05:59

also its not just a game, its kinda like art, and boxing it in the gaming category cheapens it in my opinion

@hazebanga - 27.12.2023 05:57

vr chat is definitely still fun lol

@richardwaldron2430 - 27.12.2023 03:48

"applying progression to vrchat"
"also using a gumroad erp avatar"

yeah I can see why your bored.
You are doing it wrong.

@Traproop - 24.12.2023 10:00

Holy shit if any of this is implemented ill never touch this game again, vr chat doesnt even have entities that can be taken between maps other than avatars, they dont allow it and never will, like youll never bring a plane from test pilots to a bar its literally functionally impossible for how this game is made, thats something resonite can do

@hugemonktom - 23.12.2023 22:34

VRC is like way better not kid friendly Roblox chance my mind

@hugemonktom - 23.12.2023 22:29

I don't think this is the reason/way of fixing it I stopped playing because everyone stopped playing games and just looked at mirrors and played music not even talking there are barely any new games just more sit and stare at a mirror and all the worlds people stopped playing

@arandomuser6935 - 23.12.2023 05:17

....VRchat wars

@lil-hannah - 22.12.2023 23:11

The new Economy system wasn't meant to be, adding Pay Wall Credits but they done it now.

@glenfoxh - 21.12.2023 03:50

I think you are high right now. Seems you miss the point of VRchat. Completely! O.o

It's there so you can chat with people and get to know people. Like hanging out at a bar or nightclub.

Not to collect virtual cash at some in-game job, to spend it on virtual in-game junk. >.>

A bar or nightclub would not be a bar or nightclub anymore, if you try to turn them into a Grand theft Auto or Wold Of Warcraft game. If you want to pay online MMO games, then buy and play an online MMO game. There is no need to try and turn VRchat into some other online MMO game.

I personally happen to like VRchat, just the way it is. As a public space to find others to talk to, mostly when you don't care to be at such places as a bar or nightclub. To me, VRchat is my bar or nightclub, with extra options you can't get or have in the real world.

@glenfoxh - 21.12.2023 03:30

It's VRchat, not VRgame. To complain that there is no gaming progression in VRchat, is like complaining that there is no gaming progression in Facebook, Scetchfab, or Deviantart, or places such as a beach or public city park.

Yes, there is games to play in VRchat, but VRchat itself is not a game. Just like you might find an arcade game or other games such as pool at a mall or pub, the mall or pub themselves are not games.

The point of VRchat is to find others to hang out and chat with, as though everyone around you is in the same space, instead of miles apart. As for games to play in VRchat, is like icing on a cake. It gives those that had found friends to hag with, something fun to do with each-other wile spending time with each-other for a time there.

If you think VRchat is a game, and treating it as such, and finding it boring, you are not making use of it for what it's made for.

Me: I'm a big time introvert. O.O

Not because I hate people or being around them, I just live in an area, we call Cow Country. Chirping crickets are my closes neighbors. Not many around for miles. And takes me hours of driving to find anyplace interesting that others may hang out at. And even as an adult in his mid 40s, I don't care to be at such places as a pub or bar. Or even a nightclub.

For me, VRchat filled a niche in my life I felt I was missing. I now have one main group I join VRchat at least once a week if not more, just to meet up with. And we are not mere mirror dwellers. As a group, we hop into may of the available games and activities within VRchat, just to have some fun together. Be it to play an Among us type game, sing at a karaoke, roleplay as an actor, or just chill together at a movie, and so much more.

If you are board in VRchat, perhaps find some friends in VRchat to hang with, if you can do that.

If I can find others there to talk to and hag out with, and even relate to some as people I feel I can talk to at times, it's can't be that hard to do.

@ctgooni - 20.12.2023 03:33

imo, vrchat isn't a game, it's a place.

@leion800 - 19.12.2023 22:27

Stop building hangout worlds, and use some udon to make some shit. Make avatars, or mod th fuck out of them. Do fun stuff.

@nick.4325 - 19.12.2023 03:47

tower unite?

@RaccoonRezillo - 19.12.2023 02:18

Sounds like your talking about lot of stuff that the game Resonite can have already, like "having inventory and caring those objects to any world you wish" if your interested to look up that game it is free on steam :) not many know about it but thought to just mention it hearing your ideas.

@nitsua340 - 17.12.2023 23:52

To be honest, the player base kinda sucks. but I think the concept of adding something more to do besides world-hopping and avoiding talking to people for 4-hours would be nice.

@randomspacefan - 17.12.2023 18:16

I’m a really new player so rn it’s very fun and interesting hope it never gets boring like this

@KennyFIDN007 - 17.12.2023 14:09

I'm as a furry VRChat who spended 3K hours, This game is boring already, bcuz there's no furry friends online available. people are hate me for no reason. Also they ruined my chilling and happiness. I hated fucking drama. I love VRchat but I hate drama. I loses so many friends then i block them never see them again. they don't like me anymore for stupid reason(jealousy).

VRchat me as newbie : VRchat is fun, oh interesting world like a dream OwO
VRchat me as Veteran : I'm crying and suffering', boringness, and lonely. people are hate me, full of hatred. Over-addicted T_T

(this my opinion experience)

@rcsgaming999 - 17.12.2023 03:46

You are unhinged and it's amazing

@verdydeer6087 - 16.12.2023 15:51

policy update:oh hello,do you want us to spy on you and send all about you to all our partners and give chance of hackers to steal it?

@SoldierKnight2006 - 14.12.2023 21:36

Every time I go on vrchat, I would just always be standing in the corner of the room while I watch people being weirdos and get scared if I even try to talk to one of them

@jRobin5290 - 14.12.2023 18:55

I don't consider VRChat to be a game. It's more like a social experience/simulator? There is no goal like in a game, it's just an open-ended platforming tool. I think you can add games into VRChat, but VRChat itself is not inherently a game. For example they are adding more integrated world scripts so you can program games inside of worlds. Even so I feel like the chicken came before the egg in that case. A lot of people who play VRChat now, after the initial release hype has died down, take it seriously, like, its an extension of real life, like a platform to make new friends and socialize. Calling it a game kinda feels diminutive, like when parents say "oh your online friends" like they aren't real people you are hanging out with. Lol

@emilg3726 - 14.12.2023 13:21

Soo? Recroom?

@ihatestans99 - 13.12.2023 08:02

play a different game, you are experiencing burnout. it happens with everything if you do it too much, even if its fun it can feel like a chore.

@spandexunderwear3630 - 13.12.2023 03:18

You are treating VRChat as a game, as if it needs to have some sort of reward system, a progression system, but VRChat is not a game. It's a platform. A platform where people can meet up and do things, upload whatever they want, go wherever. Play bowling, tennis, cards, explore nature, watch a movie, etc. just like in real life. It's a whole virtual world made by people like you. VRChat doesn't make worlds or avatars, they simply host the things people make. There is always something to do because there is always some world or avatar uploaded. If youre bored in VRChat it's equal to saying you're bored in real life.

The current "progression system" is only there to stop people from making a new account and simply causing havoc and trolling. Its not meant to be grinded like a level system in the traditional sense, but its meant to be forgotten and it'll simply increase while you act like a normal human being.

If VRChat were to turn into what you described as "more like gta online" it would become exactly what it aims not to be, a game.

@GeltyDrake - 12.12.2023 19:52

BUT VRChat is NOT a game xDD There's a lot of VR games with all you described here. xD

@Smoothgamin - 11.12.2023 15:37

I think you just described ready player one /free guy . If vr chat did it like that it would be awesome

@sanicthehedgehog6346 - 11.12.2023 12:44

i make avatars to game modes, hide and seek, surivival horror and parties to have it be more fun on vrchat so i guess it depends who you meet, cause not everyone is gonna be creative on there its really hard

@naufrage0 - 10.12.2023 10:51

VRChat isn’t a game. It’s a social platform. That’s like logging into IG or Facebook and mad that there aren’t games.

@johnsroastbeefbaconcheddar - 09.12.2023 01:03

I started playing in 2022, and even then it was better. It gets boring when all people are doing is either sleeping in VR (I never got that, it’s weird) screaming kids, and that makes the appeal of the game nonexistent, or people zoned out in front of a mirror. It’s mainly the unsupervised kids that ruined it for me.

I liked the creative side of it, seeing the world’s people come up with. It was a nice escape from reality.
I bought FBT solely for this game, but it sits on a shelf collecting dust…thinking of using it as exercise equipment for dancing worlds, idk.

@CozyMilly - 07.12.2023 14:35

back in 2016/2017 I guess because there wasn't many of us to me vrchat was super fun.

Now I cant go anywhere really without some little kid yelling the N word around. (insta blocked)

@desnake422 - 07.12.2023 01:09

The thing is that vrchat is a game were your supposed to chat and talk with people, make friends and having a good time with them and not killing everyone with an ak 47 and flying with a opressor Mk2 so make it like a game and not a social thing would break it even more, don't you see how gta online is borring with everyone killing everyone in a lobby full of chao ?

@harevalkyrie5373 - 07.12.2023 00:53

Maybe you were on it too long?
Its monumental to me to reate with others over long distance

@dryridley208 - 06.12.2023 22:43

I started playing vrchat in 2017 and watching the community turn from normal people meeting strangers in relaxing environments to vanity contests and elitist cliques. After the game blew up with Ugandan knuckles it hasn’t been the same. Mostly it’s kids without parents that monitor their internet usage which will continue to be a problem with the passage of time. I also hate the social progression system as I’m only a User after playing for 6 years. I just play to roam and find chill people which gets harder and harder as time goes on.

@potatogaming6686 - 06.12.2023 14:01

i bought a vr headset and played vrchat i loved it then it became stale so i sold it and then bought it and sold it again and now im thinkin of buying one again

@MunchPremium - 04.12.2023 14:53

Vrchat is an extension of real life but the problem is there are more broken people cuz they dont actually have to show themselves...wich brings the vibe of the plattform down a tiny bit
But besides boring people there are some that make it worth while and everyday I find someone to have quality conversations with most of the times its no a trusted like me its just the newer users that isnt that deep into the rabbit hole
I dont make content like this anymore about vrchat cuz its very niche although ctr n stuff will be very high cuz its a small audience it will never get many views unless its not a very niche vrchat video
I was confused at first when I saw well 15% ctr 50 retention that shit should go to 200k this week but then I noticed that the only a like 100k people at max are interested in this and a 15% ctr is only 15k views thats why I am making gorilla tag content right now...I actually have been playing it since it came out😂 but still

@kyuirah - 04.12.2023 08:32

For me it's boring cause every map feels the same. The can look different , but they all just feel exactly the same underneath. But yea VRChat games would be more fun if there was actual progression to them.

@Seulji - 04.12.2023 01:27

Still fun. Most people just don't know how to be creative. Vrchat is not for progression. It's a chatting game, so people best learn to make friends if they want to have fun.

@dyslexicdoodlebob2429 - 03.12.2023 04:03

the way vrc added currency after this vid means you are owed royalty
