Mass Effect 2 FIRST Playthrough - Legendary Edition [Part 1] Intro

Mass Effect 2 FIRST Playthrough - Legendary Edition [Part 1] Intro


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@juliatvgames - 02.07.2022 20:14


@fonfano8110 - 27.01.2024 18:59

hey julia

@Ho11ow661 - 30.06.2023 08:00

Girrrrl you need to start paying attention more 😂

@locutus9956 - 20.06.2023 17:51

Regenerating health isnt as much of a change though as in ME1... medical interfaces etc ftw ;)

@locutus9956 - 20.06.2023 17:50

will be curious to see how long it takes to unlearn habits from ME1... in particular in ME2 and 3 the game i very much a modern 'cover shooter' and you need to pretty much move cover to cover actively always rather than just moving in and out of line of sght like me 1...

@locutus9956 - 20.06.2023 17:48

Commenting loooong after the fact now obviously but for anyone new here, and new to ME the 2nd (and 3rd) games are far more action/shooter based games than where the first game was more of a traditional RPG, as such theres alot less customisation of equipment, stats and abilities in ME2, that said the weapons in ME2 feel alot more varied and theres alot more variety in how they actually handle beyond just doing more/less damage etc. Ultimately the story is really what makes them suchc timeless classics though and for my money ME2 is the pinnacle of the series (though I love all 3). It takes a while to get used to the shift in gameplay style especially if you go straight from ME1 to 2 (its a little less jarring in the legendary versions admitedly as they sharpened up weapon handling in ME1 alot and it feels alot smoother than it used to in the vanilla versions especially with regards to weapons swaying etc and how well you can use cover(or not). Once you get used to it I acutally do think the gameplay in ME2 feels alot more cinematic and intense and less 'gamey' but a part of me does miss all the extra aarmours and mods from the orignal game. ME3 tightens the gameplay further still and actually adds a bit more back in in terms of RPG elements and is actually the best of the 3 in terms of pure gameplay personally and I actually think alot of folks give it a short shrift on its story too as the ending kind of overshadows things and alot of folks really didnt like it (personally I dont think its that bad) and overall the story in ME3 is still phenomenal. I do think it suffers a little from being written by different folks to the first 2 and alot of stuff that was being setup in ME2 never really gets paid off and I cant help feeling if Drew had still been kept on to write ME3s plot it would have been even better than it was but hey ho it is what it is. As for Andromeda, the story and characters just arent as interesting and compellingly written as the original trilogy but the actual gameplay is the best the series ever got as you would hope with nearly a decade of further development in game engine tech. And all the folks whinging about animations etc were imo grossly overacting... /rant over :P

@christopherbauer9991 - 10.06.2023 02:55

"Why did you leave Chief Williams behind?"
"Because she was mean and racist and I wanted to save the kind himbo."

@OKimcallinit - 16.04.2023 22:24

Thermal clips were definitely the dumbest thing added to "action up" Mass Effect

@xX-Anonymous-Xx - 06.02.2023 11:32

You left Ashley instead of basic ass Kaiden? That's an immediate Dislike and Unsubscribe ✌️

On top of that, your content sucks. All you do is check yourself out in the mirror, constantly fuck with your hair, and stream every playthrough with your lame ass chat talking to you the entire time. Oh, and your damn notifications are left on throughout the damn stream, so we are constantly hearing it the whole time while you play.

@fathersun6238 - 14.01.2023 02:07

Crying baby 👶 it's game I can't imagine what happens when you really must cry 😢

@richardflagg8661 - 18.12.2022 01:04

Don't trust the the man the elusive man don't ever trust him

@richardflagg8661 - 18.12.2022 00:56

This game looks Amazing on PS5

@richardflagg8661 - 18.12.2022 00:52

I truly love this game and you can customize your armor and upgrade your new ship top to bottom yes yes!!!!! I truly love your streams keep making beautiful streams 💕👍

@zerooneonetwothree1872 - 13.12.2022 21:34

hahahaha the twitch chat when Shepherd dies XD

@ThePersonNetwork - 05.10.2022 11:39

For those playing on PC who are unaware, you should cap your framerate to 60. ME2 and ME3 both tie physics to the framerate of the game. If you set your game above 60fps, enemies will have extreme aimbot and fire at you more than twice as fast as they normally would.

@TheMaxMD - 25.09.2022 13:16

FIY: The thing about Ashley she is not racist, she is xenophob atleast at first but as commander Shepard you can actually change her perspective on aliens if you spend time with her. I figured not a lot players know that / The same thing with Garrus on his personal quest you couldve let him kill the Dr.Heart and his attitude wouldve changed towards others

@Buffaloheart68 - 08.09.2022 05:25

I've said it before,and I'll say it again. Best intro ever

@kinjiru731 - 06.09.2022 19:16

I personally played infiltrator throughout the series and loved it. The cloaking and sniping was great.

@majuli8420 - 24.08.2022 19:10

Ok, im just gonna say it. I think Mass Effect 2 might be the weakest entry in the trilogy. At least story-wise. The reason being that ME2 is essentially filler. The original Mass Effect does such a great job establishing one of the most remarkable villains in gaming history, The Reapers. They're mysterious, intriguing, scary, invincible. ME2 takes this amazing setup and... does nothing with it. Instead we get the Collectors. A new race of aliens who seemingly come out of nowhere, and most importantly the player doesn't care about one bit.
After several playthroughs I'm convinced that any narrative problems with the final ME3 actually could have been avoided of ME2 had moved the story along.

@Fez8745 - 06.08.2022 08:30

Token Jacob was so uninspired.

@solicitr666 - 31.07.2022 21:10

Does anyone know why, for the Legendary Edition, they changed Kelly's character model? I'm still a bit jolted by not seeing a redhead beside the Galaxy map.

@mwrench4185 - 25.07.2022 04:15

Liara is so boring. Much better romances in this game...

@asdfasdf7199 - 19.07.2022 05:45

ME2 is the GOAT

@luckyblow9631 - 16.07.2022 18:12

you are wonderfull girl love to game

@akoskralik3053 - 15.07.2022 19:42

Poor Ash. I'll have you know, she grows out of her "strong opinion" of aliens by the third game. Actually becomes somewhat likeable.

@Daojyn - 15.07.2022 13:53

It felt like you wanted to play sentinel but everyone in the chat is like go vanguard. 😅😅

@maiqthehonest - 14.07.2022 19:31

i get illusive man is evil and all, but man i dont get why people act so rude with him. he's a cool dude lol give him some love

@edmundkempersdartboard173 - 13.07.2022 10:04

Biotics are actually fun now.

@lonestar6709 - 10.07.2022 19:57

The first ten minutes of this game, are still the most gob-smacking moments I've played.
Never mind, is this a rare sequel.... It's a rare game outright!
10/10. Masterpiece.

@shaantitus1538 - 09.07.2022 03:28

The look on your face as Shepard drifts off into the void is priceless. One of the best parts of any Mass Effect first time 'lets play' is the intro to ME2. It never disappoints. Now that I have found your lets play I have to binge watch all that has come before.

@shadowtech6652 - 07.07.2022 21:06

I saved Kayden on Virmire only once. I didn't repeat that mistake again. I find him one of the most boring characters in the game. But Ashley's character is quite interesting to me.

@starwarsfreak8241 - 07.07.2022 11:34

Mass Effect probably one of the best trilogies I have ever witnessed and played a person can't help but fall in love with this game series 🙂 I don't even want to start expressing on how amazing the story of this game is because I won't stop talking about it.

@UltimatelyPwned - 05.07.2022 03:48

Hello Julia! Hello Twitch Chat! ❤️❤️

@Habanero666 - 03.07.2022 05:27

In your thumbnail, shepard kind of has the same eyes as you! xD I just got me2 and 3 myself so im not gonna watch to spoil myself. But hope you have fun :D

@jeremystevens6640 - 03.07.2022 05:10

I am writing this to help out Julia and this video and this channel with the algorithm ✌️❤️😚☺️

@TylerNorCal - 03.07.2022 03:10

So glad to see you immediately jumping into 2, looking forward to the journey again!

@Harrison11106 - 03.07.2022 02:17

If you did the asteroid mission in ME01, & took the armor instead of the weapon or Omni tool, you're wearing that armor in this part, instead of the one you're wearing (in the intro here). If you're into classic films, this game is something of an ode to one in particular. I'll tell you once you've finished the game.

@wyattfrye8262 - 03.07.2022 01:59

Alright there’s one spoiler I’m giving you. You can now romance with any old members from the the last ship. If you can find them

@mamboonthetube7652 - 02.07.2022 22:23

I want to get a minivan and also a bumper sticker to put on it that says "I drive spaceships, not a minivan."

@wawho9645 - 02.07.2022 21:25

So glad your chat talked you into jumping right into ME2!-- the emotional U-turn of going--in five minute--from Hero of the citadel to watching your ship destroyed and your Shepard spaced is a real kick in the quads for a first-time player!

Vanguard is a fun class, but is high-risk; effectively using squad's powers (Mirada's Overload on shields, Jacob's Lift on charging enemies, etc.) helps to get Shepard out of tight spots. Geth shotgun is my favorite weapon for Vanguard, can charge it up to blast enemies into little sparkles.

Looking forward to watching more your ME2 playthrough!

@captply4468 - 02.07.2022 20:00

Well Hello.. starting with Hello is always good lol.. I hope you enjoy ME2 as much as 1

@773soccer - 02.07.2022 19:57

Literally one of my favourite games of all time

@Tjrissi96 - 02.07.2022 19:29

I don't think lore wise they intend to make it so guns "changed" while Shepard was being rebuilt, the way everyone in ME2 talks about it i think they are intending it to be the way it always was even tho its obviously a different mechanic from the last game.

@scottwofford5175 - 02.07.2022 16:41

Julia you have no idea how happy I am that ur chat made u start this right away 😂😂

@vanpiisu88 - 02.07.2022 15:03

The beginning was so jaw-dropping on the first time. Still so epic watching reactions to it :D. Enjoy the journey Julia ^_^!

@SHVRWK - 02.07.2022 14:18

ME2 is the best one in trilogy. Excited to watch this!

@DeclinedMercy - 02.07.2022 13:44

Finishing Mass Effect 1: hahaha of course they wouldn't kill off Shepard, they're the main character

Mass Effect 2: allow me to introduce myself

@conorcarroll5516 - 02.07.2022 13:31

The Normandy is the love boat

@generic_sauce - 02.07.2022 12:56

BOOM! Welcome to Mass Effect 2! Enjoy the ride! 😆
