The Controversial Ascent of Mori Calliope

The Controversial Ascent of Mori Calliope

Rima Evenstar

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@BradTasteInMusicOfficial - 08.10.2023 22:29

Just wanted to say that I appreciate you sitting through my content even though you found it hard to do. I respect how you sited moments in streams and videos in a way that didn’t feel rude or disrespectful, and I accept that you do have some valid criticisms towards my content

I am glad this vid is doing well for you, and I wish you the best with what you’re doing, because you clearly care deeply about it, and I respect it.

@eblis9037 - 18.01.2024 18:43

Each time you presented a controversy and then Calli's response to it, my only reaction was always "Mh, mh, I see... Kinda based not gonna lie"

@Woolong-ql1jh - 18.01.2024 03:41

Everything is controversial on social media

@larando02 - 18.01.2024 01:42

Some people need to get a freaking live lmao

@Yami-no-TenRyuu - 18.01.2024 00:30

humanity is ugly, jealous, greedy, disgusting, sympathy is a thing of the past, more and more by the day
humans are competitive and some will go unspeakable length just to gain that success and if they fail, they will drag others with them or ruin as much as they can
..... but some, only small portion of humanity, is still striving, cooperating, encouraging, doing the right thing no matter what
gosh, it brings me down to tears of frustration and anger that humans are so disgusting now... and when they see people are struggling and struggling to make themselves better, others just laugh and try to make their lives as much as possible, ever so harder
thank you Rima and wish you all the best to grow, thank you to upload this video
Cali... this message will never be seen by you, but know this, you are amazing as a person, strong and passionate, dont give up, keep it strong, you can do it
Much love to all supporters who are still humane to appreciate hard work of others
much love to all those communities

@sidneyadnopoz3427 - 17.01.2024 23:09

I like holo, but connor wasn't entirely wrong. That doesn't mean the vtubers don't work hard or don't deserve their success, but it is, to an extent a guaranteed audience. At least initially.

@bituniverse8677 - 17.01.2024 19:55

What the fuck. How detached from reality do you need to be to think that you are the morality police for a real life person?

@justblue576 - 17.01.2024 16:41

damn some of these comments in the video made me know that the creepy fans thinks their fav is not an adult woman who can take care of herself, like tf does "ruining them" mean💀

@muso248 - 17.01.2024 08:02

"Urgh, this rapper isn't acting in a pristine manner, muh anime waifus getting corrupted" what total Tosspots 😂

@MikeAruba69 - 17.01.2024 04:34

I don't really watch Hololive or Vtubers, especially Calli's Channel. But I do think Calli is extremely talented. She doesn't deserve the hate. She seems like a legit cool person!

@nibnib33 - 16.01.2024 17:26

I think Mori is someone who honestly doesn't like VTubers and will abandon it immediately if she's able to gain enough traction. Someone who hated VTubers and idols up until it made her money just shows that she doesn't really care about doing it. I'm sure she is actually friends with everyone at hololive and respects them but I don't think she actually has any respect for VTubing as a whole or the craft of it. For her it's just a vehicle to get fame so she can leave it and probably shit all over it then.

@cutieteal - 16.01.2024 08:31

This video made me realize that I’ve just assumed Mori’s music is mid even though I’ve only heard like 3 of her songs. Time to go listen through her catalogue.

UPDATE: I listened to Mori’s entire discography last night in one sitting. I was right, it’s mid. I think she definitely gets more hate than she deserves though. There are people who genuinely just shit on her at every opportunity (like one of my college buddies), and I don’t think that’s warranted. Except for UnAlive. Holy cow that album stinks. I’m sure there is some lore behind how it got that bad but it was far in a way the worst project Mori has ever released. It just feels uncanny.
Also, end of a life is actually just a really good song and I’ll probably add it to my rotation.

Thank you for helping me realize that I should actually try things before having an opinion (even if my opinion doesn’t end up changing much).

@FireOccator - 14.01.2024 18:36

Once Calli was selected as a target, the mob just continued making up reasons for hating her.

@selenang2006 - 13.01.2024 12:22

I like mori enough to just ignore her association with that connor.

@waylan0 - 13.01.2024 05:09

I started watching Mori in early 2021 and stopped around a month after Your Mori came out, but I still listened to her music and I absolutely love her music still to this day. As a consequence of only listening to her music I have entirely missed out on all these controversies and things that have happened in the past few years, and I thank you so much for making this video! I love this video and honestly I think I'm gonna start watching Mori and other vtubers more now thanks to this. <3

@mrbuttocks6772 - 12.01.2024 10:26

There was never any 'controversy', just bitter assholes hating on anyone working to better themselves or trying to achieve something.

@KingTank - 10.01.2024 14:44

Calling Reddit the place where sane people go, killed me LMAO

@NaughtiusMaximu5 - 09.01.2024 14:59

it's almost like vtuberes are ACTUAL PEOPLE

who'd of thought

@BBTPD1138 - 09.01.2024 10:12

Wild to me that anyone could comment on alcohol making her an impure idol, have they never seen a Lamy stream? same corp different branch, also Pekora had an alcoholic beverage themed after her. I know they're anti's and that makes them unfit for society but damn they gotta try harder than that (also I know lmao commenting on a 3 month old video but its insane, that they chose this as a negative trait I had to say something)

@YuDeanvtuber - 09.01.2024 08:50

I mean...this is resonates me like what Nogla is saying about being a mainstream.

@anobody113 - 08.01.2024 16:57

Why were you always hiding Mori's Alt account name. I'm pretty sure a lot of us already know it. But I just wanna know why is all

@kyeda - 08.01.2024 10:02

I don't watch Mori, but the truth is this: IF you're making people on twitter angry? You're doing something right. Hope she keeps doing her own thing.

@user-be6rk1zd4j - 07.01.2024 23:05

Honestly, I can't stand CDawg. I love watching Ironmouse, she's extremely talented and I feel Connor is just a leech using her for the fame. The dude is a straight up grifter. He jumps to whatever is popular to hate, take the recent Azur Lane skin controversy with Kashino. The dude saw fit to insert himself into it when he doesn't even play the game just cause it was the popular thing to do on twitter. I watch Mouse when it's just mouse, anytime Connor is there or part of it I don't watch. He's just far to irritating. As for Mori, I'd just treat it the same way. She can do as she wishes and it doesn't bother me.

Also, the white dude saying "she comes off as white with nothing to say" has an actual room temperature IQ. Dude trying so hard to be black or any other skin color. He's not the clown, he's the whole circus.

@johnandrew4856 - 07.01.2024 10:13

Calvin harry era este tipo jajaja 😂

@youtubeforkidz1394 - 06.01.2024 22:02

Even after all these years on the internet.. I still cannot believe people like the ones on 4chan exist... the kind that get mad when female creators have male friends and such. It's ridiculous

@summersalt3806 - 06.01.2024 17:12

Okei my favorite is HAZY SKYSCRAPER

@konata8657 - 06.01.2024 01:48

some vtuber fans are just weird. like seriously. vtubers are just streamers, no different from someone like asmongold or charlie. they should stop having this absurd expectations

@emmaarmo379 - 05.01.2024 21:42

i look at the comments and i see all these posts about how she grinds so hard and puts in so much effort, but like...if that's the case, why is her music still so awful? how has she barely improved since the demondice days?

@legenddmonkey2758 - 05.01.2024 21:29

More is an amazing vtuber I hope people arent able to scare her away from the internet

@bladethehedgagon - 05.01.2024 14:43

I've been following Calli for a long time now several years now. and I definitely love and care about her a lot. I will admit I don't really use Twitter or Reddit I find some of those environments to be somewhat intoxicating personally. I just stick to discord, and other platforms where it's just more for talking and hanging out. so anyways I'll admit I don't necessarily know every controversy and issue she's ever had.

but I have dealt with gallons upon gallons of Drama, and issues in my life. Unfortunately we live in a world where being different even mildly can sometimes get you lots of haters. so I've been doxed multiple times in the past among other things. But no matter how much people have tried to hurt me I have just gotten smarter, wiser, and just gained more control over things. every ounce of pain I've ever been dealt has allowed me to improve and be empowered. In that sense people trying to hurt me basically built up My callouses to be frank. They made me stronger without ever intending to do so.

so anyways I do speak from experience and knowledge of such events myself. and I do still know about a lot of calli's Misadventures. I've been in more then one of her streams even where she has talked about some issues happening even. and I wholeheartedly think that Everyone makes mistakes and is flawed in some away some people have different issues then others. and then some people just go extremely bad somehow but I don't think at all that Calli is a bad person. I Love and care about her a lot and I pay a lot of attention to her personality same with anyone I watch and follow and etc.

after so long of watching her and being around her and etc I see things that some people don't look at. Like I see how her and other similar Vtubers when they are being honest and showing their feelings and thoughts VS just acting out a character or Roleplaying theme. and these are things I notice massively when it comes to Vtubers. this is WHY I love Calli so much In my case as well as many other Hololives and other vtubers that I love. Theres a certain beauty when they share real thoughts and experiences and when You pay attention to these You catch bits of information. what I love about Calli is she is realistic the way she talks. when She talks it's almost personal in a sense she does of course joke around and play into her whole reaper deal. but she doesn't avoid acting like a genuine person. she will actually talk about her feelings and thoughts if she wants to do so even On stream. and this is part of why I appreciate her so much and others like her

anyways the TL;DR version: is just that I really love and care for calli because she is Unique but not unrealistic, she is honest and truthful about a lot of things she shares enough things to create a real connection, but she can still balance playing her character with being a genuine person VS just acting out a character or Roleplaying alone.

anyways I just felt Like sharing My thoughts and feelings myself as well

@OthinNihon - 04.01.2024 18:08

Video is full of crap takes. But the if you've never written lyrics you can't be critical of music is the worst one.

@networknomad5600 - 03.01.2024 23:44

I generally think Calli's music isn't that great on a musical level, but her lyrics are pretty great. The most notable and respectable part about Calli is her down-to-earth, hardworking ethic. She grinds, no one can deny that.

@XxKyKiske2007xX - 02.01.2024 15:24

LMAO!!! You're making her more popular just by hating her and caring what she does!!!

@zoklev - 01.01.2024 23:25

can you at least aknowledge that you're biased towards the vtubers you cover in your deep dives?

@shinysword7746 - 31.12.2023 06:23

You shitting on Brad had me cackling for a good 5 minutes

@Broken_dish - 30.12.2023 12:23

woah that first huge long like 3 paragraph of nonsense witch a lot of it just didn't even make sense i wonder if english is there first language is so crazy its like reading a multiple personality writing something bad about there ex and switching personalities many many times its so janky the way they were made that mori said gigguk's name is super cringe whats that have to do with anything anyways its not like mori is a homewreaker and is tryna slide in there dm's also there could be many reasons why Collab's with coworkers is more stressful so many more reasons she can actually relax when streaming with non members just the competition alone must be so annoying and toxic and trying to rem so many things about each person the list goes on forever this person is either under 18 or hasn't matured past 18 yet and it shows in many ways glad mori didn't back down nobody should tell you who you can talk to be friends with ect or how she should run her stream or act in anyway at all shes a fkn person not your online girlfriend stop acting cringe shes a entertainer and a damn good one

@Broken_dish - 30.12.2023 11:53

can someone please explain the alter ego part that she said she will not be talking about i feel like that was kind of important and would like to know

@msjunior3583 - 30.12.2023 07:35

Why did this popped up on my recommended

@HaphazardDisastard - 29.12.2023 18:38

In other words, the haters prefer their VTubers to be as fake as possible instead of more like a real, down-to-earth, and brazen personality. Okay. And then they claim she's fake. Wow. 🙄

I cannot help but hold respect for Calli. She's been through a lot, and songwriting seems to be he only real outlet.

@coslorem6943 - 29.12.2023 16:00

I only watch LucyPyre for the feet. Your avatar sucks.

@eliajshdjddj - 29.12.2023 06:56

Her music is ass

@flaviusiacob1558 - 29.12.2023 00:18

Really good video!

@TheFrostHydra - 28.12.2023 20:05

I remember when DemonDice used to say the N word in her songs, I think that may be partially why a lot of people who have seen the older content might have issue with the person responsible for the horrendous line "Jesus Jesus Japanesus"

@tapiokadesu8505 - 27.12.2023 21:30

Everytime her Music is on TikTok the comments are always

@rami5801 - 27.12.2023 01:13

Might be a weird comment but I realized Mori has popped when I heard her music in some of the hmv I was- you know, checking out I guess? Additionally, when I was listening to one of my fav music artists REOL, Spotify just gave me the collab with Mori as well. So she popped off to me. I was also surprised that she was on Trash Taste because iirc it happened right after they (Connor) complained about the industry stealing the talents' money or something and then Big Daddy Hololive comes in and makes him take it back, lmao.

@slowlypassingaway1285 - 26.12.2023 10:48

Thank you for covering this topic!!!
Ironically, I love Calli for the same reason those haters hate her: she is very *real*.
Calli always admits her own mistakes and misunderstanding and tries to improve it.
She could pretend to be an imaginary idol and say what the audience want to hear, but instead, she chooses to be honest with everyone and let us see her real personality.
In an era full of judging media, it takes tons of courage to be like her. That's why, I respect her so much.

@LordOuro - 26.12.2023 10:06

I didn't think I could despise twitter idiots or elitists more but I guess I was wrong.
