War of the Visions - Month 9 EX Job Tier List Ranking

War of the Visions - Month 9 EX Job Tier List Ranking

Cabbage Channel

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DillaryHuff - 23.08.2021 21:26

Blossoms/Flowers are no longer an issue for me. I have around 60 of those. The issue right now, is that I have just about every unit in the game maxed out, and my supply of awakening prisms + fragments of thought is constantly drained.

Art Aizen
Art Aizen - 15.08.2021 17:31

I know you used this bgm in many other videos but this time suddenly it really makes me want to replay fft again... though I play it for unlocking all mage class and bathe in the glory of the old school visual effects, the Holy is just so satisfying for me lol

and I tend to get everyone 99 full skill and just started to 2nd city or so.... and honestly it makes the game a bit harder in some way that the enemies also 99 with better equip and your team only have base item so to get better you must steal stuff lol

DakkaDakka12 - 15.08.2021 05:18

Where does Fryevia sit in this tier list? I think she’s very comparable to Rain, but she heals and seems stronger against physical than Rain.

SSJ 90
SSJ 90 - 15.08.2021 04:41

I have robb 120 w/ his maxed card and currently working on my S.kilphe but so far I am enjoying the duo I can usually kill very high mag team in guild wars. It is a bit difficult when facing duane and dark helena on the same time but I think when Jayden comes it would be a different story.

Bizzle 311
Bizzle 311 - 15.08.2021 04:29

Summer Kilfe and Robb has been killing the raid this week!

Ibrahim Moizus
Ibrahim Moizus - 15.08.2021 01:58

Where would you put Charlotte in there?

Morello - 15.08.2021 01:36

I really wish we had W Vinera for this meta. We have Moore, which is great, but she'd so so well in this enviornment.

SAUNA Tomorrow
SAUNA Tomorrow - 14.08.2021 19:52

102 Summer Kiton. I am still on the fence of where she sits. I'll try to let you know when I get her 115 or 120 if time allows

S. Gandhi
S. Gandhi - 14.08.2021 15:08

Been waiting for this video. Thanks Cabbage-sensei!

ViN jU
ViN jU - 14.08.2021 14:47

Love me 💕💕💕

Jonathan Suniga
Jonathan Suniga - 14.08.2021 10:32

Can't wait for EX X'mas Macherie and EX Glaciela.

Tophersandwich - 14.08.2021 10:13

I've been using Summer Kilphe for a while now in Arena and it took me a while to get a build I liked for her down. I don't really want to turn off her buffs but if I want her to use bells I need to either have a slowish enemy or have her back for a good while. Muraga's TMR has been pretty great on her from what I've fought. Don't have Robb built up to EX jobs but I do have his card maxed just from dupes over a while.

Samyangmyeon - 14.08.2021 09:12

urgh… i wish ex kilphe will be on global soon :( thanks for the in depth analysis!

okami shonen
okami shonen - 14.08.2021 08:52

i want howlett EX :(

Drake - 14.08.2021 08:52

I pulled summer kilphe recently and hoping my boi engel will get his ex soon!

Maxmagnus20019 - 14.08.2021 07:47

I've used Summer Kilphe+Robb with good success (top 1k) in arena with Warrior of Light (light VC buffs+dark resist) or King Mont (Slash resist down) in the middle. It's a team that packs a lot of punch and can be deceptively strong even in the face of slash resistance.

Robb can struggle with getting caught in AoEs against Duane/Helena unless he gets to attack first, although his Zangetsu Kongou breaking down her barrier can let him oneshot if the tank is drawing away fire. Meanwhile Summer Kilphe with the FF14 VC can tank 1-2 solid dark hits while delivering good damage.

Summer Kilphe is also a great boon to any light slash PvE team, since her LB imperils light resistance. Sakura can do the same, but can't contribute to the slash chain.

gdaigon - 14.08.2021 07:33

they did justice to kilphe ex giving her spirit pen and an instant cast energy buster. might be a long shot but an extra agility stat node + AOE or 100%hit jamming thrust upgrade for miranda would be sweet. too sweet:)

John M
John M - 14.08.2021 07:22

Fingers crossed for Miranda!!!

Hizaki - 14.08.2021 07:09

Miranda really helped with the quicken shenanigans for my WoL to go tank up front. Hope she will get better with ex awakening. What holds her back now for me is her agi and subpar mag stat.

Geronuis - 14.08.2021 07:02

been running SLillyth dual gunner sub with zazan in an evade focused team. in gw i was hunting Helena +duane teams to pretty good effect. Lilyth was dropping her lb on Duane from a distance and completely taking him out of the fight with immobilize. would have moore or fryevia duel helena and zazan just put everyone else down. but i found more often than not that Lilyth was the glue holding my team together. + reflex

Blue Bakla
Blue Bakla - 14.08.2021 06:17

I've been using Summer Kitone a lot in both PvP and PvE content. I think she's a contender for Top 115 because of her versatility, movement, and status effects & buffs! Her limit burst alone has helped me win battles against Helena because (*Elsirelle yawn*) it puts the enemy to sleep. Nap time for Helena! And because of the status effect and spirit breaks, I think SKitone can actually be effective against both physical and magical attackers. (Also she's so cute! Is that part of the criteria lol)

Carlos Sosa
Carlos Sosa - 14.08.2021 06:13

Asking because I'm pretty new to the game and not really get some things.

Why are there no Helena nor Charlotte? Are not all lvl 120 characters Ex Job Characters?

Every Square Alliance Gaming
Every Square Alliance Gaming - 14.08.2021 05:38

Yay. Englebert. Hopefully soon EX on global. I don't have WoL, so Rain for Mag and Eng for Phy my only top tank.

starrmagic0 - 14.08.2021 05:31

Would Vinera bump up to “No Brainer” tier if she has her Rose Maiden card..? 🤔

I dont many summer units in Global either 😬
Maybe Summer Lilyth mainly…

schonmp - 14.08.2021 05:21

I’m shocked that Englebert can’t be one punched by Helena. That’s really good to hear as I’m looking forward to EXing him. I knew he’d be among the best at physical tanking, but that he can survive even one hit from such a strong magical attacker is great news!

ineoth - 14.08.2021 05:19

Appreciate all the time and videos you give to us!
