What r u afraid of?
ОтветитьKeep up the good work
ОтветитьUnidentified massive object umo
ОтветитьThe fake failed scientist is getting super fat
ОтветитьMaybe its a saucer that crashed into the ground edge on wise there in a para-physical state, and the UAPs around it are automated drones or leftover systems within it that has been running ever since. Other recoveries talked about characteristics of craft that manipulated the environment by just the sheer presence of exotic materials of the ship itself. If just a fraction of that is true, then watch the military come down hard on the ranch taking control. They will site national security.
ОтветитьMartians running around everywhere ? Bring it on!
ОтветитьSeems to me there is a wormhole thru the rock and the government tried to use it and failed (the metal they tested was our tech and it wasn't good enough to survive the trip)
ОтветитьBetter be carefull, that TV life making Travis sprout a second chin. Why the hell dont they just drive a pipe like on oak island, when you hit it, stop. ???
ОтветитьI think it is a ship that controls the worm hole and I am 100% sure the Military Complex knows all about it.
ОтветитьWhat an absolute scam
ОтветитьCould a craft have crashed millions of years ago and been naturally covered over time! But A.I has survived as not human or alive as such?
ОтветитьLooks like that bullshit of The Curse of Oak island. Seasons of "investigate", find spectacular things and so on.....but bringing in some heavy equipement is something they forget
ОтветитьSanchez es un payaso!!
ОтветитьWhat if it's a alien probe deep into the Mesa? They just launch it into the earth and leave it they're to take readings and monitor the area?
ОтветитьUhoh! Alien PROBE!😮
duct tape Travis,
w/ his science stick to front of a ute. Hotsauce his buns and make him flail away his SCIENCE STICK!
Good old Travis, the disingenuous
gov lacky...
Drain the swamp.
There Demonic, only aliens are fallen angels, the watchers, nepillim, if you would read the Bible, explains what they are! Not aliens from other worlds, they corrupted mans seed in Genesis, they are doing it again and have since Genesis, read the Bible, they are deceiving all of you! Be careful,😮❤ I pray you read the Bible, they need bodies, cattle blood similar to humans, they are corrupting the seed, that's why God destroyed them in the flood! Be safe and afraid, they are dangerous, if you don't have Jesus! God bless!
ОтветитьUse some dynamite on the Mesa. We know deep drilling makes you sick, so small drills then load with dynamite.
Time to call in the Lagina brothers they know how to drill a hole, but no guarantee they will find anything as well.
Nothing like moving your drill.over a big area that is x-rayed to hit bedrock, duh!
Bryant "Dragon" Arnold is a Neanderthal dire wolf shape shifter just look at that jaw.
Wouldn't a massive Prince Rupert's Drop explain both the impenetrable object and its domed shape? Could a meteor have impacted here creating the highly dangerous/explosive Drop? Isn't there water flowing under the Mesa?
ОтветитьScience soap opera. Give us some hard facts , you so called scientific people. Sometimes i think 5 random high-school kids could solve all this bullshit in a weekend. Y'all insult our intelligence with all this DRAMA.
ОтветитьWhy not use lidar to see what's in the ground.
ОтветитьSo much bs ! Really come on grow up
ОтветитьGFS - GPS - GPS These guys are hung up on GPS. Let's see, they are in a now known high electromagnetic interference area. GPS coordinates are at best unreliable in that environ. A physicist would know this. WTH, they should be chasing the source of the interference. The GPS coordinates are telling them nothing but that there is a high level in INTERFERENCE. The machine "breakdowns", the drone flight "'anonolies", electronic devices "misbehaving" all go hand-in-hand with high electromagnetic effects.
ОтветитьIt could also be an ore deposit inside the mesa....
ОтветитьSo scripted reality is more real than real reality. I can believe that! I still say it just piezoelectric problems. Did they ever address that? I don't think so but I May be off script?
ОтветитьWe are all going to end up being sex slaves for giant alien roach lizards before this is over
ОтветитьFor GODS sake, stop showing the same evidence over and over and just freaking dig the ground up where all the data points to and dig out the mesa. Screw drilling, it’s not getting anywhere. It’s getting tiring seeing the same test results over and over.
ОтветитьDid anyone else get the same feeling as myself that, the "drilling machine" just didn't have enough pwr to drill any deeper therefore not reveling anything in the core sample? Idk just asking for a friend
ОтветитьIf in fact there is something in the Mesa wouldnt you think the Government knows about it... hense everytime you guys get close to a hunch about new evidence there are always military personal spying on you.?
ОтветитьLosing credibility with every new episode that includes same old stuff. Time Mr Fugal reviewed his troops output.
ОтветитьA crashed ufo of course 😊
ОтветитьRemember it's a TV. show there's a group of TV. Staff behind what you are seeing.
ОтветитьI’m thrilled to see Travis bring Calista with her sensors to bring new data to the scientists to include in their study.
ОтветитьI know it’s human nature to be dumbstruck to unforeseen data. But please, please stop using the word REALLY. No one is creating a practical joke. And YES, you are being surveilled! Duh!
ОтветитьIsn’t the target most likely a natural metallic mineral deposit? It’s not very scientific to keep hinting that it’s some kind of buried dome shaped UFO. 😂
ОтветитьAfter reading the comments I now see how conspiracy theories are given life.
ОтветитьHow the fuck have they stretched this shit out to 5 seasons.
ОтветитьExcavate the mesa and then GET TO THE CHOPPA!!
ОтветитьWay Cool - Carefully Dig around that thing and get inside - Its either from this planet or Not - Either way make phone call
ОтветитьThey've not been able to drill far or move rocks, so what about explosives or will that end the TV show?
Ответить"Wow!" and "This is crazy!" are the pinnacle of profound reactions in this show. Truly, the depth of thought is staggering. Wow!
ОтветитьI live on top of a cave system, maps look the same. Drilling hits the quartz, and quartz destroys drills fairly fast.
ОтветитьIt is a debrief field from the military..... That's why military has interest in your deductions!!!!!!! But what type of aircraft remains to be seen
Ответитьso get some miners and tunnel into the mesa.
ОтветитьTime for the boys to stop playing about with their little rockets ( which never seem to achieve anything ) and concentrate on digging a big hole into the side of the mesa, to reach ' whatever ' is in there... If there is a crashed UFO, then we will see the ' men in black ' arrive in their luxury cars, and forcibly shut it all down... Then we will all know that there definitely is a UFO in the mesa...
ОтветитьThis entire Series comes down to one simple question..... Are we alone in the Universe ? ....... If the answer is ' YES '... that is frightening.... If the answer is ' NO '.... then that is potentially equally frightening.... Think about it, everyone.....
ОтветитьPerhaps it didn't happen inside of the mesa, perhaps the mesa is being used to cover up whatever it is.
ОтветитьPlease stop call in him goood the arrogance!!!
ОтветитьHi I'm just a person who have been watching all kinds of things like this for over 40 years, and from what I see'' and this is just an idea'' there seems to be a huge spacecraft under the ranch, between the dome shape under and the 2 invisible fin like structures sticking up and the ranch is simply on the top..
some years ago I came home to Ireland and when I left Ireland the phone in the house had a handle which you wound up in order to tell the operator the number you wanted, now years later I was walking along the beach talking to my mom in England and I was talking into a plastic Box ''Cell phone''. in other words we know nothing really.....Good Luck Stay Safe..