Resident Evil 4 Remake (Zero Punctuation)

Resident Evil 4 Remake (Zero Punctuation)

The Escapist

1 год назад

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rence234 - 07.10.2023 03:54

The fight with "IT" was moved to Ada's campaign

sethjk8 - 02.10.2023 05:22

this feels like the opposing opinion to any other yahtzee remake review

Erich Hamm
Erich Hamm - 27.09.2023 08:57


Jurgen Strang
Jurgen Strang - 22.09.2023 19:27

Update: most of the cut content in the main game returned in the seperate ways DLC. So "It" does return to keep you busy

Wally Wibbles
Wally Wibbles - 17.09.2023 02:08

Just bought it on sale for PS4 and critically yes it runs very well, looks good, there's been no references to a minors tits which is a positive you fucking weirdos and I like attaching the mines to my crossbow... there is a small part of my brain tho that fucking hates it. It's like if they remade "Army of darkness" cast Keanu reeves to play Bruce Campbell and told him to play it completely straight with nary mention of a boomstick. It just seems like a fundamental misunderstanding of what made the original great for the sake of broad appeal with some bells and whistles for people to defend. To all those that thinks its great, why did the hype die after a week? The original was around for a nearly a decade. They ported it to the zeebo for fuck sake. Yes this is technically impressive but the contents is the equivalent to a packet of monster munch. They didnt screw it like the RE3 remake but RE3 didnt have the legacy that RE4 had.

Alex Woods
Alex Woods - 13.09.2023 17:53

I thought this game was fantastic but hey no game is for everyone.

Nate The Scot
Nate The Scot - 21.08.2023 06:03

UHM AKSHUALLY ... you can parry ANY attack, not just any melee attack. You can parry the thrown weapons and crossbows and the tail lashes from the predator motherfucker in the basement level.. makes him kind of a joke really.. you just upgrade your knife fully and then you can stand there parrying his tail and headshotting him with the pistol to stagger him every few hits... just parry shoot shoot shoot parry shoot shoot shoot... once you unlock the infinite durability knife it's basically game over, even though you don't need infinite durability really anyway. It just saves on some repairs now and then. But you can get trinkets to reduce the repair cost too.

deshabble - 19.08.2023 11:14

Who cares about story in videogames.

Ghost in the Sea
Ghost in the Sea - 16.08.2023 03:38

That "Oooh" gag was probably the most brilliant bit of comedy I've seen in a while

Magic Fox Socks
Magic Fox Socks - 13.08.2023 15:39

It’s nice to hear an honest review of the game. I reluctantly bought it after hearing a glowing review from a longtime RE fan and was disappointed by how boring and bland most of the game felt compared to the original.
I hate Ethan Winters, but at least Village was interesting enough for me to play it through more than just once.

Ross Tattersall
Ross Tattersall - 11.08.2023 22:19

Um the line is You're Hand Comes Off

Lizard Jesus
Lizard Jesus - 03.08.2023 22:06

This review is basically all the things I dislike about Yahtzee reviews. Complaining that a game isn't shit.
And yes I thought RE4 was crap, if it didn't have the new damage modelling system, it would have been the worst in the series so far.

TheCreepypro - 01.08.2023 22:24

everybody else loves it so I have no problem with this review

Nemolicious - 15.07.2023 05:25

The chainsaw people added so much to the horde-horror-factor of RE4. You were always focusing then down somewhat and the adrenaline was so high when they decided to stand up again after a shotgun blast and you having no sniper bullets. But with weapon degradation and knife blocking that just Falls flat. Now your blood pressure is just high from annoyances not adrenaline.

Jeremy Richard
Jeremy Richard - 12.07.2023 04:21

Well a lot of it doesn't surprise me actually. I know a lot of game developers said they "can't make games like the old days" because it would be too expensive to do as much with the current technology. That is before the usual "problematic" bits being altered like I guess they changed Ada's outfit?

I mean now look, despite all of the cracks about the stupid thing female hero types wear in fantasy pop culture, that has always been part of the fun. If your a guy your pretty much called a perv and accused of wanting to oppress women and chain them up in the kitchen or something for defending that stuff, but it's been one of the fun tropes about this stuff from the very beginning. I mean, it's not supposed to be entirely realistic, and people tend to forget that a lot of people who come up with that artwork, or act as the models for the illustrations, artwork, and graphics, are actual women. Not to mention those are typically the characters girls wind up idolizing in part because they look cool, and men like them, and typically dress up as at cons. See if some girl dresses up in Ada's original outfit and shows up at a con of some sort, even people with a cursory knowledge of the game will recognize the costume. Her current outfit change, well, while more "sensible" it's considerably more generic.

I guess this isn't really what anyone reading ZP comments wants to hear about, but I guess it bugs be slightly, and I do get flak for making points about this all the time. Not to mention I've always felt it's fairly equal opportunity which is why parodies about men wearing the same stuff in the same situations fall flat. They tend to ignore all the cases where men wear stuff that is equally dumb. To use sword and sorcery as an example for every chain mail bikini or set of plate mail pasties, there is some Conan type running around in a pair of short shorts made out of some undefined substance between hair an fur that also somehow manages to illustrate they must keep a fire hose down there. I mean seriously for all the talk about women with large chests, has anyone looked at some of those pictures of guys as a guy and wondered how you'd walk in some of that stuff, or how it would feel to wear that outfit constricted like that if your stuff was that big? Oh and trust me the male models on the covers of romance novels sometimes get it far, far, worse than the fantasy heroes.

I mean sure RE 4 is a case where there is an imbalance I suppose, at least in the original version, but at the same time I have seen things like cyberpunk novels where you might see some lady in a pantsuit toting a gun next to some dude wearing a net muscle shirt and spandex bike shorts with literal neon inlays calling attention to his private parts, while his giant spiked mohawk is twice the length of his neck. Even if the novel (and the genre) can explain stuff that ridiculous I'm just pointing out that you DO see the imbalance in reverse, and more often than anyone wants to pay attention to because it makes it hard to play politics with if your ever fair. That's I guess part of why this one sort of annoys me more than it should, I mean I didn't even think Ada's RE4 outfit was that bad as far as such things go.

South African Doozy
South African Doozy - 11.07.2023 16:19

“The bingo line is still in… dismantle the pyre…”

James Hayes
James Hayes - 11.07.2023 07:34

Old man Yahtzee being a bit grumpy again. The original is amazing but I think the Remake beats it in sheer adrenaline horror- the unpredictability of the AI and there being no "safe" tactics like there was in the original. Case in point- enemy health and plagas spawn type is now much more random. So let's say you die and you plan a set of techniques to get through the room that no longer works, because you could find three whippy boys in different spaces compared to what you were expecting. Also the plagas infection types have a lot more variation of attack and are FAST.

I'm also surprised that no one I've spoken to has talked about how the game loop has changed significantly. Previously there was a few bullets to get yourself nice and close for melee attacks, shotgun for space clearance, TMP for sheer damage. These days thanks to more unpredictability and less of a melee window you end up using a lot more bullets with melee working as a crowd clearance, shotgun for power moves, and TMP for individual tough enemies.

cptawesome - 11.07.2023 03:46

I love that we have two completely viable and fantastic versions of Resident Evil 4 that gives me a reason to own and play both.

DarkSnakeNM - 10.07.2023 14:55

At least you can get the original on all the platforms the remake released for...

Vinicius Miceli
Vinicius Miceli - 05.07.2023 17:36

And now we reached the point where the next remake material will be RE5... Unless Capcom remembers that Code Veronica or RE0 exists and both need a remake far more than RE4 or RE5.

Seriously i still cant wrap my head around why would they feel the need to remake RE4... That game came in more plataforms than Tetris so basically anyone with a PC, Wii, PS3, PS4, PS2, XBox 360 or One, and is as solid as it was back then.

L Barr
L Barr - 28.06.2023 12:52

This game is way better than the original. Don’t disagree with me you nerds.

Nessa Rolla
Nessa Rolla - 24.06.2023 18:10

I miss Ashley yelling for Leon at every turn. 😂 The camp parts were the best but noooo we gotta be serious triple A game.

sapphirewolf1390 - 22.06.2023 01:38

"Surprise shotgun party" 😂😂

pony centaur
pony centaur - 28.05.2023 07:54


Dovahkiin, Lord of Skooma
Dovahkiin, Lord of Skooma - 21.05.2023 04:49

TL;DR: Get the remake instead. The original is a good game but fuck if it isn’t an inane jankfest.

Major Mario
Major Mario - 17.05.2023 19:44

Yahtzee subscribing to the dead horse "Old game good, new game bad" was not on my 2023 Bingo card.

Dark Zentai
Dark Zentai - 16.05.2023 10:45

I’m still trying to work out why someone who is trying to save the president’s daughter, goes armed with a pistol and only 12 bullets.

RothSchatten - 08.05.2023 20:37

"Wasn't it great back when we knew how to have fun?"

Wade Anderson
Wade Anderson - 07.05.2023 18:38

Sorry Yahtzee but you are wrong this time. The RE4 remake is near perfect.

shajaki - 06.05.2023 23:13

I consider the original to be one of my most favorite games of all time, if not at the top of said list. But I LOVE the remake, and think you're being too harsh on it. I think it kept what it needed to keep, and added what it needed to add. I missed almost nothing of what it cut, and thought their sidesteps were clever. Like mecha-Salazar. Even in the ridiculously over the top original, I always thought that was too stupid to exist. So it's gone in the remake... but not totally. It's still included, but in a way that makes me think "yeah that might maybe sorta kinda be a thing that's possible" whereas the original I go "nope".

The simple fact that they remade one of the greatest games of all time, and managed to stay THIS true to ridiculous original is kind of a miracle.

Michael Hood
Michael Hood - 05.05.2023 22:14

THANK YOU for pointing out Ashley's constant (distracting) breathing noises lol

Joe - 05.05.2023 18:18

Im not a big fan of the remake but I don't mind the tone shift. Capcom accidentally made a campy game. And you can't try to replicate camp.

KasierRuby - 05.05.2023 15:57

Thank you Yahtzee. This is exactly how I feel about the remake.

Alan - 04.05.2023 15:05

I'm so glad I'm not a resident Evil fan

I'd be impossible to please

Daniel - 04.05.2023 03:08

I thought this game was great. And i actually liked that they cut a lot of the very cringey voice lines.

Kevbo2040 - 01.05.2023 08:28

Whaaaat? Now wait, hold the phone, Ben Croshaw doesn't like a vastly improved remake of a janky old game that he simped for as a child, just because the remake removes the jank, annoyances, and stupid crap that were not good gameplay, but that he adapted to as a kid and now insists to be good design as an adult? Noooooooo! You don't say!

Fflawed - 28.04.2023 17:35

I remember when I got the Wii for my Xmas the year it launched, and RE4 was the only other game I got for the console. I think it may've been more the controls, but I genuinely didn't like the game (I also had never played or seen any RE game outside of magazines, but I enjoy zombie movies). Come to find out years later that it's considered one of the best in the series.

shadowblaster300059 - 27.04.2023 03:40

Honestly felt mostly the same about the game and I felt like I was the only one

Scott Douglas
Scott Douglas - 26.04.2023 11:18

I remember back when I thought this guy did clever and insightful reviews. That was twelve years ago. Surprised to see him still around. RE4 remake kicks ass BTW.

Brady King
Brady King - 26.04.2023 01:29

Three things I really hate in the remake:

1. Unarmed people are more of a threat than someone with an actual melee weapon because you for some reason can’t parry a punch (chainsaws just fine though)

2. Stunning enemies is wildly inconsistent. Shoot one in the leg once to stun and another 3 times in the face for him to be unfazed and still charge you successfully.

3. The game relies on endless waves of enemies in certain sections, and in those sections it can really feel like enemies spawn right on top of you.

Dubstepbee Corsi
Dubstepbee Corsi - 23.04.2023 05:57

Moushly: cheesed to meet you Yahtzee

Luis Lopez
Luis Lopez - 23.04.2023 01:13


Mister Peachy
Mister Peachy - 22.04.2023 05:10


Big Bryan
Big Bryan - 21.04.2023 09:59

Jesus Christ, there's no pleasing this fucking guy.

Knowledge and Defense
Knowledge and Defense - 20.04.2023 20:50

In defense of the tone shift, I think they pulled it off very well even if it definitely wasn't necessary in theory

Skorak - 20.04.2023 01:04

Honestly the knife degradation is a little odd as far as mechanics go. Between the extra knives to be found and the durability upgrades I've never found myself without a knife. Which on one hand means it's not really disruptive and you won't find yourself without ANY form of self-defence, but it also feels a bit uneeded.

rocko7711 - 19.04.2023 21:56

I want to play the original again
