Journalists Don't Understand Custom Keyboards...

Journalists Don't Understand Custom Keyboards...

Hipyo Tech

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Hipyo Tech
Hipyo Tech - 18.02.2023 09:31

Howdy Hey! This is a different type of video with a new editor, please leave a comment with what you think!

Nicc - 17.09.2023 17:52

Red Dragon is a great starting place. I have a 15 dollar mouse from them that still works after 3 years.

KX36 - 17.09.2023 16:35

there is a hell of a lot of snobbishness though. That needs to change.

Brian Talan
Brian Talan - 17.09.2023 04:26

i have a blackwidow chroma membrane serve me well for several years...I bought it back then since membrane was the quietest i could get when I lived at my parents house; I have an ROG Azoth now (which I'll mod as I go) and still find myself using both....the laptop keyboard also works when i am up and about as well

LucaBest - 16.09.2023 21:57

Recently my mechanical keyboard broke. I’m using yellow switches and they require one of the lowest force possible to activate being really light. (I’m sorry if I don’t know the brand of the switches and stuff I’m really bad at keyboards 😂) and they are lubed. I remembered I had a Membrane keyboard, and when I pressed down the switches they just wouldn’t go down, and it was like 30/40 bucks. I swear I pushed with all my force in the top and yes I gotta admit I was pushing a bit to the side rather than the center but still, if I did that on my mechanical keyboard it would completely press down. I even tried with my phone, I put my phone on about 3 keycaps and they onstatly went down, while on my membrane they didn’t even move

Геннадий Угай
Геннадий Угай - 16.09.2023 19:25

After using a mechanical keyboard, u’ll never go back to membrane one

Agathoarn - 16.09.2023 02:45

The best keyboard is a keyboard that works. Whatever you can buy is the best keyboard for you. No peripheral, no matter the claims of hyper-low latency, will win a game of Valorant for you. But if the thock or the clicky clackies make you happy, that's good too.

zaya - 15.09.2023 22:12

journalists dont understand what they specialize in most of the time there is literally no reason to listen to them

konna - 15.09.2023 16:32

im just gonna say, every time i have touched mechanical keyboards they have felt pretty bad. propably because the keycaps were too tall or something.(i have always used some random 18 year old dell low profile office membrane keyboard that i found decade ago from on of my fathers old electronics boxes). i do have a used g710+ hooked into my server pc, but that keyboard is straight out trash.

Christopher Young
Christopher Young - 15.09.2023 10:33

will if you just need it can do the job just fine if you just nee a working keyboard but i like laptop key boards an if tis wosre i do not type a ton so not wroth the cost.

Max Quigley
Max Quigley - 14.09.2023 21:59

First let me get the insults out of the way. Mechanical keyboards are clunky and ugly. They remind me of Russian Ladas and the old VW Thing. The LED lights are superfluous and distracting. But if you like pretty lights and sharp edged cubes then go for it. I'm not knocking people who like these contraptions, just the aesthetics of the contraptions. Keyboard nerding is a safe and harmless hobby. You don't even need a computer. Just clickety clack the night away in bliss. You won't fall and break bones or spill bodily fluids. You won't be out in the dark trying to avoid being victimized.

They are however causing keyboard manufacturers to innovate. Some of these innovations will eventually spill over into membrane keyboards. I can see how they could be more reliable and repairable. But considering all of the moving parts, are they reliable? I doubt they last longer because mechanical keyboard nerds buy new ones long before that much time has elapsed. Personally I don't buy new keyboards unless my old one wears out (never happened) or connection standards change. Wireless is the way to go, but that precludes battery-power eating pretty lights.

I haven't tried a mechanical keyboard since the old IBM cast iron keyboards because I don't need a new keyboard. If my Logitech K520 ever wears out I will consider trying a mechanical keyboard because of two features: tactical feel and not needing to bottom out with each stroke. I did like the tactile feel of that old IBM.

Kay - 14.09.2023 21:45

While yes mechanical keyboards are good, membrane are still good alternatives for being in a budget like the ones from cxt are not bad at all

Fonso Cat
Fonso Cat - 14.09.2023 21:06

I just love how you reenacted all kinds of FilthyFrank transition sounds 👌

King Julian
King Julian - 14.09.2023 03:51

using a razer huntsman mini while watching this

Westonator5000 - 14.09.2023 01:49

this feels like a shit article i would write last minute for part marks

Alexander Scott
Alexander Scott - 13.09.2023 09:37

Honestly, I prefer membrane over mechanical. And before you say "bUt YoU pRoBaBlY jUsT gOt OnE tHaT iSn'T cUsToM", it's people like you that makes me hate mechanical keyboard enthusiasts. About 90% of you are snobby pieces of crap.

ffwast - 13.09.2023 05:24

They don't understand anything,that's why they're journalists.

Ahumminbean - 13.09.2023 04:51

“Membranes require less force” what about my $30 Amazon keyboard with 45g reds, and something I’ve never seen on a membrane……. A detachable cable

Peppe Failla
Peppe Failla - 12.09.2023 18:02

I got a full mechanical keyboard from gammec for 20€ with blue rows switches and yes although its very loud the typing experience is really good

Khorne - 12.09.2023 15:36

as a guy with the biggest difference in hardware between my mouse and keyboard (i have a razer basilisk mouse and a dell membrane keyboard) I can comfirm that membrane keyboards suck to type on. they just do. my left ctrl key is hard to press down, keys will occasionally stop registering for a few ms because rubber is a surprisingly bad source of responsiveness, and I can't take it any more. I'm gonna get a 96%, give me a reason to take away the numpad when the keyboard is the size of a 60%

MrJWalk - 12.09.2023 11:09

I've been using mechanical and membrane nearly daily for about 30 years now. I don't feel a difference between the two techs. Typing this on a drunk deer because the logitech is in the living room.

Freya - 12.09.2023 03:55

im enjoying this type of video nice change of pace face is just a bit too over exposed :P calm down on dem lights

Lynne Connolly
Lynne Connolly - 12.09.2023 02:12

I've had arthritis for most of my life. I switched to mechanical keyboards to avoid the jarring as you bottom out. You don't have to do that with mechanicals, but you do with membranes, otherwise the keystroke doesn't register.

TOTALLY AWESOME GUY - 11.09.2023 22:13

I can tell you first hand using a cheap membrane keyboard for 8 hours a day in an office was a huge contributing factor to daily finger fatigue and eventually getting RSI. After switching to a mechanical board that 1/ doesn't need to bottom out each press and 2/ doesn't need as much actuation force, my personal health and quality of life has dramatically improved.

Jussi Punamäki
Jussi Punamäki - 11.09.2023 15:53

The article sounds like AI wrote the most of it, so if Allisa has no clue about the topic to begin with I guess this is the result :)

HattoriZero - 10.09.2023 15:44

It's similar to saying :
Ignore the tuner car snobs - the cheap gasoline car is all you need

Yes, the cheap car is just enough for the majority of drivers to get from point A to point B and is perfectly fine to use.
These people don't have the energy and money to devote to such an expensive hobby such as tuning cars.
Maybe they didn't even need to be concerned whether to go electric, hybrid or use larger seating capacities as long as it gets them from point A to point B. Right ?

Scorpio's VLog
Scorpio's VLog - 10.09.2023 15:30

%69 is ruined.

eazyrat - 08.09.2023 22:46

"It sounded incredible". No. What is wrong with you nerds and clicky keyboards. Just no.

eazyrat - 08.09.2023 22:42

I just want a decent scissor switch keyboard. The most comfortable keys are flat square laptop style keys imo. Noisey keyboards are gross.

Paul Genevzki
Paul Genevzki - 08.09.2023 21:24

I'm living in a tropical southeast-asian country where temperature keeps melting rubber dome. I'm so glad to change my change my keebs in to mechanical ones, and we also have many domestic brands here today.

Hiden Narror
Hiden Narror - 08.09.2023 08:43

so i know im late to the party. but i personally love membrane keyboards. i been rocking the Razer Deathstalker for close to 9 years now. i have tryed mech keyboards and i just hate the feel of the buttons and the travel length when compaired to my Deathstalker. THAT BEING SAID. if there was smaller switches i would def give mech keyboards another try. i want to like them but for me sense i have been using a membrane for so long it is a big gap in feel. tho i do wish membrane keyboards were easy to customize

Gennos - 07.09.2023 23:27

I understand that this is mostly a luxury hobby, writing on any keyboard will get the work done, it just boils down to if you take notice of how typing feels and sounds and if you like the idea of having a better looking/feeling/sounding keyboard, so I guess anyone who doesn't care too much is best off with whatever fits their functional needs;
any hobby, be it designer clothes, custom keyboards, gaming (ingame skins), has an aspect of not needing it but it making you feel better, people are genetically predisposed to consciously noticing different aspects of their lives, some notice the sound of their headphones more than others, some notice their keyboards, some notice the ocean on a vacation, it's not just materialistic stuff, but being functionally necessary and being "hard to miss" necessary due to it making us happy everyday are closer than we might think, so I think get whatever you like, just make sure you really like and want it :)

Hassan Anzar
Hassan Anzar - 07.09.2023 13:26

here is the best part. Most ppl watching this video probably have the same typing speed as. do which is apt 40 WPM, having any kinda keyboard aint gonna impact that. I guess.

Hassan Anzar
Hassan Anzar - 07.09.2023 13:19

I Like this guys zest to be honest. But since 2007 we have been using laptops and we are now just too used to membrane. In fact the whole fad of the iPad with the Keyboard has even made that worse. Now my first keyboards were the one with the Macintosh and the IBM so I grew up with the regular thick keyboards but in all honesty I dun think it matters any more. We learn to type on what ever keyboard tat comes with the company laptop, thankfully its been a Lenovo and now an HP elite, but the fact is that even though I love this guys content I dun see myself going back to using a mechanical keyboard any time. Cuz most of the time I am using a keyboard is at home on the couch or in bed and sometimes on the table. I dun wanna carry a mechanical keyboard every time I wanna feel like write something. Like this blog.

Senza - 07.09.2023 13:09

is it just me or does anyone else have that keyboard shown at like 40 seconds. its the logitech k120 i love it its so nice

Crumble3x - 06.09.2023 02:22

as a person who has had a membrain keyboard not worth it lasted me about 4 months and I ended up getting a custom mechanical keyboard

Devin Wesley
Devin Wesley - 05.09.2023 04:38

They keyboard that made me love mechanical keyboards was a "membrane" board... the legendary IBM Model M. I do like the model M a lot.

danmar007 - 04.09.2023 00:22

Are membrane keyboards with a controller chip membrains?

Paul Robinson
Paul Robinson - 03.09.2023 07:46

As of a couple of months ago I'd been using membrane keyboards and still do. This isn't a choice. I quite simply never heard of a 'membrane keyboard' and only 'mechanical keyboards' in passing. I've worked in IT for about 25 years and started learning about PCs and programming back in around 1990. A keyboard was always just an input device to me as it still is to the majority of people - it either works and they can work with it, or it doesn't and they can't. And so, I have to ask myself who this poll was targeted at, and would they know the difference to begin with? Prior to this year, I had no idea.

Matthew Zhou
Matthew Zhou - 02.09.2023 16:36

notice how he changed the name of the video from "Membrane keyboard is all you need"

ahjinx - 02.09.2023 09:36

a few months ago i got my first mechanical keyboard, it's a Redragon dragonborn k630 brown switches, personally i didn't notice much difference in terms of performance but i had to get used to it coming from a cheap membrane keyboard, it's a lot heavier than i expected but overall it's different but i can't say by how much

David Easthope
David Easthope - 02.09.2023 06:49

The only benefits of membrane keyboards are:
1. Cheap. Ish (you can build/buy a decent MK for maybe $50).
2. The RSI in my finger joints from bottoming out for hours a day means I get to quit work sooner due to literal injury.

Valerii Bogomolov
Valerii Bogomolov - 02.09.2023 00:55

Bad examples with membrane keyboards

Brad Call
Brad Call - 01.09.2023 20:28

Journalists will always amaze me how they can just generate a whole page of nothingness

CThienV - 01.09.2023 17:09

I like the behaviour of membrane keyboards more. The way the keys snap down as the dome collapses and then swiftly bounces back up.

CThienV - 01.09.2023 17:06

Been a fan of mech keyboards for over a decade but have always felt they are a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

Vikalp Thukral
Vikalp Thukral - 01.09.2023 11:16

I bought my first mechanical Keyboard this year, it was under 40$, It's Wireless, and it reminds me of the old White keyboards we used to have when PCs ran on Windows 95. it's the best piece of investment I made for my work setup and I absolutely love it. No one can make me go back to those Membrane Keyboards now, NO ONE, especially the affiliate douche writers, who don't know shit about the topic they are writing on to begin with. But they somehow play on the gullible population and that makes me sad.

Schneeball 238
Schneeball 238 - 01.09.2023 03:11

As someone who likes both sides and sees how a mechanical keyboard can be something which is not necessarily the best choice as both my dad and sister prefer membrane keyboards even after i showed them different kinds of switches for reasons i cannot tell you but thats just how they feel about all this

BibleReadingMum123 - 31.08.2023 22:23

I like a mechanical keyboard as much as the next person but most people simply don't care and membrane is enough considering the money they are saving

Chienerie - 31.08.2023 08:47

I guess Hipyo conveniently forgets that 90% of people just don't care that much about the feel of their keyboard so long as it works. In which case yes cost will always win. Still young, still very opinionated.
