Fallout 4: Sim Settlements 2 | Review

Fallout 4: Sim Settlements 2 | Review

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Michael Hancock
Michael Hancock - 15.09.2023 16:20

This video makes me cry hardcore as i have spent almost a month doing so much from mod ing, paying real life money on DLC's i didn't want, more mods. All i can do is get all the options of this mod to work except the most important part and that is Jake rocking up and doing to story line. No matter what i do i can not get Jake to arrive. I am at a massive loss to why it wont work.

Olaf Weyer
Olaf Weyer - 05.08.2023 18:45

can't listen to this with that loud music over your voice

euriel2010 - 17.04.2023 11:28

Modders like kinggath and evryone else in NM kept Bethesda games alive for decades. Such a shame Bethesda really shot their foot with Fo76 locking out most modders with creation club

Orphan Crippler
Orphan Crippler - 14.04.2023 16:35

Ok, but who tf feels like doing all these side quests? Can i turn them off?

Dominus Devacore
Dominus Devacore - 09.02.2023 19:12

Pretty impressive for a mod. Guy needs all the complements and cheer but sadly I can't stand the storyline. Pretty fitting for fallout 4 but that's the problem, it's fitting for fallout 4. Npc's all act like annoying spoiled/entitled gen Z fools. Blake really needs to close his mouth and put a few walls up or at least be a real threat before talking smack. Fallout NV Npcs felt so much more 'real'. Ncr, legion etc kind of made sense even if not perfect.

ShadeDergon97 - 24.01.2023 02:08

Spoilers for the story aside, I quite enjoyed the review.

Personally, I sorta enjoyed what I experienced of the story. It's pretty well written, for as far as I've gotten. The only issue I had was I wasn't looking for a story with the mod, but decided to check it out (mainly for tutorial reasons) and wasn't dissapointed.

The core gameplay mechanic is as such: have your settlers build their own buildings. Plop an ASAM down, hook it to power, and presto, you've got a house/scrapyard/store/whatever. Some lots don't even need power. It takes the Settlement building, adds some new features, and in large part automates the entire process. Fairly straightforward. And if you don't like the house designs they have? There's interior versions for all the lots, so you can still have SS2 lots with vanilla buildings. Or you can find addons that add more designs; there's quite a few of them out there.

Also, don't care for the story and just want the gameplay aspect? The holotape you get early on allows you to skip quest progression for the lot types. You really don't need to do the story if you don't want to.

jaycellphone - 28.12.2022 21:48

I wanted a review not a spoiler. Stick to features and stability. Jeezzz

The Doc
The Doc - 26.12.2022 02:51

I kinda see The Ron as an alternative version of Benny from New Vegas, tell me if im wrong?

Arthur Pendragon
Arthur Pendragon - 21.12.2022 00:11

Phew... okay i might gonna need a bit of help here, decision wise.

I happen to stumble across SS1 the other day, installed the mod, picked up the stuff in the museum without actually touching the tape, ingame menu or building something.
Recently i found out that SS1 is basically deprecated and succeeded by SS2 (duh! ^^).
Against all advice i uninstalled SS1 in hopes that it won't mess with my save game long term (again: never touched the tape ingame or built anything).
And now here i am: i love the overall concept of Sim Settlements. I know that SS2 has a lot of improvements over it's predecessor but is on the other hand story based and rather script heavy.
I'm running a GTX1060 6GB and am afraid that SS2 will bloat my savegames or drain too many system ressources.
Plus i can't seem to like the quest line just going by the video... it all seems a bit too much in addition to the vanilla game.

Now: should i go back to SS1 or should i install SS2 in it's current state (without starting a new game)?
Any advice is welcome!

Ricechrispy0527 - 26.11.2022 17:31

PlayStation can't use sim settlements at all because it adds assets that aren't in the game already. That's why there aren't many mods on PlayStation.

Matthew - 18.11.2022 00:09

I'm enjoying the new chapters, good story, and easy to setup satellite settlements.

Panzram - 20.09.2022 03:25

The building and settlements stuff is all very good and works well. The quests are another story entirely. Fortunately they have options in the in game terminal and they publish all the quest stage cpmsole data, youll never make it through the quests without it.

Johnny Virtues
Johnny Virtues - 09.09.2022 00:35

Do you need to start a new game for this?

The Junktown Sheriff Killian Darkwater
The Junktown Sheriff Killian Darkwater - 04.09.2022 10:11

Sim Settlements 2 would have been great, if it didn't tank the games overall performance by heavy script load, and if it didn't bloat save files to the point they stop loading all-together.

Fledgling Bodhisatva
Fledgling Bodhisatva - 20.08.2022 14:30

90% spoiler. 10% review... FYI

ChipperBTD6 - 08.08.2022 00:45

How do i get that make america great again hat lol.

Bambeakz - 25.07.2022 12:43

How many spoilers do you want? Yes!

Anatheme Bouffon
Anatheme Bouffon - 24.07.2022 16:29

>Is it good?
>Spoils whole story

Chuck Berrington
Chuck Berrington - 10.07.2022 20:55

And in 10 seconds the 2k sub count now makes sense…

Jim Yeetast
Jim Yeetast - 28.06.2022 10:17

Way to go political 👏 it a fallout vid

CreatorsFreedom!!! - 19.06.2022 12:51

the garden auto nees works - needs to stop floating above the ground

Maurice N
Maurice N - 18.06.2022 21:11

Access to the pc console won't solve all problems.

Sum Abich
Sum Abich - 29.05.2022 14:07

Not even 15 seconds in and I'm already being annoyed with political opinions.

Nano Tech
Nano Tech - 27.05.2022 09:57

If you dont like the missions its no trouble cause you can have everything be unlocked from the get go

The Gent
The Gent - 17.05.2022 01:42

Where do you get the MAGA hat?...no so good? Oh, so ur a commie? 👌🏻😂

Christian West
Christian West - 22.04.2022 05:07

Most people watch a review to see if it's worth getting why are you spoiling the entire thing instead of giving a actual review

Travis - 12.04.2022 21:15

I literally just downloaded the MAGA hat mod thanks to this video. Appreciate you for pointing out that it exists. ;-)

JailedBird - 06.03.2022 04:58

I ain't going to lie if bethesda pays these people to put this mod on the creation club on consoles I'll pay for it

z0h - 19.02.2022 20:23

It's good but it comes with a price. Your load order has to be very simple, meaning you need to start with Sim Settlements 2, and only the bare essentials. Its very performance heavy, the more you lean into the mod, the more you risk bricking your game. The less you lean into the mod, the more you feel like you're not experiencing what SS2 has to offer. There are so many moving parts within the mod that at any moment things can bug out, and either lead to you being stuck, or having to reload a save, fingers crossed.

CasillasFamily - 01.02.2022 01:06

Is this not available on PS4/ps5?

jonny5777 - 25.01.2022 10:21

I just can’t believe that mods like this are free! these modders are the reason I’m still playing today. Nice review I like the music in the background

Brined_Porkchop - 08.01.2022 09:26

Sim settlements two is all about the plots.

Dave Green
Dave Green - 03.01.2022 21:33

Once in a while someone create something worthy of attention...
It is far less seldom when that "Attention" yields things EVERYONE can use AND in doing so have MORE than expected. I give this mod 5 nuka colas out of 5.

MaddieDoggie - 13.12.2021 01:15

It's super good, but it's a bit buggy at times.

Capin - 28.11.2021 11:49

good video but you didnt need to spoil the whole questline lol

Chanz Palau-Agbayani
Chanz Palau-Agbayani - 19.11.2021 11:56

Fallout 4 should have a Definitive Edition where no crashes and freezes and more mod storage space on Next Gen Consoles. Xbox Series have 60 FPS from Microsoft and Fallout 4 from Bethesda would lead to something special for us fans of Fallout 4. I'm just hoping for a Microsoft and Bethesda to see something profitable on Optimizing Fallout 4 for the Xbox Series, not just backward compatible.

Edited: Microsoft remastered Gears of War and Halo, Bethesda made editions on Skyrim, why not Remastered Editions of Fallout 3 and NV and a Definitive Edition for Fallout 4 for Next Gen Consoles such as the Xbox Series. I first start Fallout from Fallout 4 and haven't left the franchise since, so you have my support Bethesda as a Fallout fan and Microsoft as a Xbox player if you make more Editions on Fallout 3, NV and 4.

Boa Zon
Boa Zon - 12.11.2021 01:09

You get a BIG THUMBS DOWN on this video for dis’n on the MAGA hat! Hate Liberals!

KhaosElement - 10.11.2021 08:01

Like 75% spoiler, 10% review.

True Gamer
True Gamer - 04.11.2021 06:10

dude Jake doesn't even show up, when i build the freaking beacon, its no good playing this if he doesn't how up, i really need help on respawning him

Zuzo's corner
Zuzo's corner - 24.10.2021 21:33

Chapter two will be amazing too.

myhahalo - 15.10.2021 19:16

i just want something auto run instead of someone else life story!

Gamepad 31
Gamepad 31 - 14.10.2021 12:30

I'm going to be building up to Sim Settlements 2, and starting things off with Tale of Two Wastelands. and later by turning the Minutemen into the NCR Boston Division.

quick chicken
quick chicken - 15.09.2021 06:32

It's STILL full of bugs.

The Gamster
The Gamster - 12.09.2021 00:00

No going to mention the super mutants?

Alejandro Pavan
Alejandro Pavan - 28.08.2021 18:16

Jake never appeared in my game.

Bjorn Ironside
Bjorn Ironside - 08.08.2021 06:44

I kind of wish the asam unlocks weren't tied into the quest so much. It makes it feel like the worlds longest tutorial.

asapas8 - 31.07.2021 18:12

This is not a review, this is a spoiler

Papastomper - 02.07.2021 00:26

I love sim Settlements 2! The video and information provided is exceptional. The way you reviewed the mod was clinical and clear - great job!

Rick Brashear
Rick Brashear - 21.06.2021 23:27

Without summarized spoilers, you could have just hit spots and gave an opinion. Misleading title. Fix it and put "spoiler alert".

CrazyGopher - 07.06.2021 05:20

I switched from ps4 to laptop just because of ss
