This Millennial MAXED OUT 6 Credit Cards

This Millennial MAXED OUT 6 Credit Cards

The Graham Stephan Show

1 год назад

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@elicastle93 - 04.04.2023 17:29

Maybe he can get a Starbucks job free coffee while working

@andreapayneconnally390 - 04.04.2023 17:34

apartments don't include utilities in college towns. and he's in UT. that's gonna be expensive. and he's taking out student loans I'd be willing to bet.

@TheWhiteMamba3000 - 05.04.2023 22:27

Debt isn't bad; unmanageable debt is bad. A lot of things can be handled by simply making a budget. Usually, when people see what they are spending, their whole attitude changes. I know a lot of people that pay all their necessities and if there is any money left in the bank, that is spending money. They never look at their bank statements.

@al821 - 06.04.2023 22:20

No one needs to spend 5-6 dollars a day on coffee. Either make it at work or make it at home. The whole it tastes better is bullshit. Cheap/crap coffee does the same thing and also comes out the way as the expensive coffee.

@vazjc - 09.04.2023 14:05

Not a millennial.

@stephenriggs8177 - 11.04.2023 04:58

I used to live next door to Raisin' Cain's. Back then, it was Cain and Abel's. I paid $190 a month, for my apartment.

@glitterstarbeau - 11.04.2023 13:26

Law school students love taking out extra debt

@foundationsbaseball - 17.04.2023 16:31

Graham, if you pay for everything in cash, why do you need a credit score?

@tomkruger3496 - 02.05.2023 23:32

Yeah, not a millennial.

@violetspyder - 04.05.2023 06:52

these issues wouldn't be possible under communism :)

@stearnsm30 - 06.05.2023 00:36

The school system by design doesn't teach it to keep people poor. People make money off of the ignorance of others. They will teach you how to apply for student loans best believe that, but I didn't learn how to apply for a mortgage, do taxes no personal finance what so ever

@kaitlinmae7681 - 06.05.2023 02:13

I am so thankful I became a financial advisor by 23 years old. I went from being horrid with money to being really phenomenal with money. And watching these videos is what got me curious about personal finance. By 26 I am well on my way to retiring comfortably by 45. It is always possible to turn things around but you need to be brutally honest with yourself and LISTEN to the professionals

@ourtube2693 - 06.05.2023 20:55

This is what you used to do in the beginning…

@LittleRayofSunshine69750 - 07.05.2023 05:55

If someone is 23 they aren’t a millennial, don’t know I’d take financial advice from someone who can’t do simple math.

@risvymahi3118 - 10.05.2023 11:52

How can i someone stay alive with this much debt???? I'm not touching money on those debts!!!! 🐸🐸🐸

@camiiii31 - 13.05.2023 06:18

am i the only one who thinks this guy's situation isnt that outrageous? 950 plus utilities in austin is about as cheap as you can get and making money while in grad school for 5k a semester isn't that much of a financial flub. he could easily and quickly pay it off upon graduating. the spending habits and debt are excessive, but assuming he will soon graduate, thats not too shabby! I still fear he has careless spending and financial habits that wont change.

@CastroMKE - 14.05.2023 08:24

I know this is random, but this dude isn't a millenial. He's GenZ. The cutoff year for millenial is 1996. So, 27, 26 years old (for any birthdays after today) is the minimum age.

@kronos0316 - 16.05.2023 07:38

I worked with a girl that needed $200 a month. i told her she spends $480 month on Starbucks she could get the money from there.
She looked at me like I was crazy.

@stephanier1000 - 18.05.2023 01:55

He looks like the type of guy that who's looking for the Forgiveness Loan... 😢😢😢

@vernojayrecords4617 - 19.05.2023 16:14

23 is not a millennial. Millennial cut off rn is like 27 yrs old. This dude is gen Z.

@Dwilsonmusic145 - 20.05.2023 05:30

He’s gonna have to really buckle down and find a way to make more money. I’ve been through it before and sometimes it’s about gaining a side hustle to help claw your way out of that mess.

@fingaz766 - 21.05.2023 04:35

How much kickback money do you get for promoting him? Also Dave Ramsey is harsh this guy sounds scripted

@big1cam - 24.05.2023 19:30

I’m 31

Middle school- we did a project where we rented or purchased homes, cars, etc… the entire second semester in social studies. It was 50% of your grade, and you had to have a positive balance at the end.

High school- we had an economics class that taught us the ins, and outs of the banking system.

I went to public school in Tennessee. Where is everyone else going to school where they aren’t teaching these things??!!!

@Mr.Rogers91 - 26.05.2023 15:32

We used to have home economics in school, but they did NOT teach economics. We need a life economics class in schools where we learn APR, stocks, mortgages, credit scoring system, etc.

@Mr.Rogers91 - 26.05.2023 15:35

How do people have trouble budgeting ? You follow the budget and when you run out of money you keep using the money not alotted for extras lol

@nachomilkshake5749 - 28.05.2023 10:37

i have to pay 6k usd overall for student loans in malaysia

@victoriachristie7026 - 13.06.2023 22:47

How do people not know how to budget: People don't know how far the dollar goes in different areas. What is realistic to spend on groceries, entertainment, pets, etc. When you set unrealistic expectations without knowing it, you break the budget real fast. I, for example, can't just not put any money aside for coffee shops because that's how I eat lunch between classes when I don't have time to pack lunch or I feel my caffeine fix dropping. If I don't budget it, I know I'm gonna spend it anyways and then some because there is no cap on my spending if I don't put it there to begin with.

@damienyuen7718 - 20.06.2023 02:06

Young people today think that they don't have to sacrifice or go through some tough times so they quit at the game of life. I wonder if any of these kids ever played that board game. That is a great game that is so simple but teaches. Same with chutes and ladders. But hey Tik Tok right?

@LRG_XP - 27.06.2023 05:31

It’s funny when people say “they don’t teach some of these things in school” because it is most likely that us as students never paid attention. I remember our math teacher trying to teach us about interest, investing, etc but kids in class were too busy roasting each other and trying to hook up with girls.

@nineteenfortyeight6762 - 27.06.2023 21:53

You can buckle down and be frugal at any age. Who cares if people bat eyelashes? 🙄 Why would you advocate keeping up with the Joneses???

@christophershore8481 - 05.07.2023 03:56

Michael Reeves would be jealous

@Emersynhix - 06.07.2023 04:45

I don’t think Caleb is rude or anything at all. He’s honest and that gets peoples attention so they get moving in the right direction. Being super sweet and sugar coating things isn’t going to help anyone and honestly could make them feel like they’re being let off the hook a little bit.

@jjpp1993 - 10.07.2023 19:09

Tuition should be tied to market value of the profession

@dudedude7998 - 17.07.2023 19:05

23 is not millennial its older gen z

@ST-wo3uw - 19.07.2023 18:07

It's mind-boggling to me that these 20 & 30-somethings have absolutely no sense of sacrifice and hard work. Who puts coffee and video games on a credit card!?!? Eat $1 ramen and PB&J at home, live with roommates, use public transit, work multiple jobs! Where do they think money comes from??

@welfareleech1525 - 20.07.2023 07:38

They don’t teach it in schools because it would create way to many republicans. They want you in debt and a slave to the system.

@mertalrooth01 - 21.07.2023 19:41

Could tell this video was going to BBS one minute in when you said I don't understand why these people go to college.

Because the jobs they used to offer used to give us more money versus inflation today.

Because in 1990 and the early 2000's they told us that's what everyone needed to do to be successful. Like literally it was everyone telling kids that

But low and behold you cant wrap your head around history.... Maybe you should go get more education.

Knowledge in the very least wont make you ramble idiotically like you did in the beginning.

@gabrielleglenn4307 - 28.07.2023 05:32

Uh yeah and people want student loan forgiveness…

@hbahena24 - 28.07.2023 20:41

Why would I like subscribe when you’re just piggy backing off of someone else’s work

@chandlerking6438 - 08.08.2023 05:52

Understand the struggle. Getting my PhD and scrapping by. Luckily I’m not in debt, but it’s rough. I’m glad I know that I can get a decent job with the degree I’m getting.

@danconcep - 04.09.2023 14:43

I feel that in Spain we do not use credit cards. All I have are debit cards.

@Deftones22 - 05.09.2023 21:57

I’ll give you 0 guesses as to what kind of bar “Oil Can Harry’s” is…… yes you are correct.

@sharonest1206 - 16.09.2023 00:17

This guy is gen z not millennial

@iPeanutJelly - 05.01.2024 15:52

I was in his shoes with the credit card debt. I was like 4-5k in debt. Paid it off and now i feel like a millionaire. All that money i used to spend to pay off the debt goes straight into a roth ira or into my high yield savings. Ive gotten so used to living on less than i make due to credit debt. So i gained something from actually going into debt. Please dont go into debt if you can. Its not worth the hassle. No reason to act rich. Its better to have a stable life

@cryptopioneer21 - 23.05.2024 18:59

If anyone has any finance questions reach out ! It can be hard to get on Caleb’s show

@dcabral00 - 07.07.2024 19:51

Caleb goes hard on them because they need to feel bad about their finances. Getting into such a bad spot means that the bad behavior has been normalized.
