New Remastered HD Version of the Patterson Gimlin Film COMPLETE Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti

New Remastered HD Version of the Patterson Gimlin Film COMPLETE Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti

Squatch Mafia

10 месяцев назад

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@rozannemaness5177 - 10.09.2024 04:52

The persistent question I have is why would an ultra sensitive animal like a Bigfoot parade out in open light after having smelled,heard and seen two men and their horses. It’s as if it were staged like a fashion subject walking down a runway for obvious attention. And why would a stealthy and extremely wary, elusive creature turn to expose anatomical weakness?

@universaltruth9988 - 07.09.2024 05:58

Americans believe in big foot 😂 skinwalker 😂 chukakabra 😆 wandingo 😂
goat man 😅 Moth man 😅
and I thought only we indians believe in these kind of nonsensical creatures.

@marwanmohammed3376 - 02.09.2024 07:56

It's the only real footage that I believe

@ianisdoingitforthedoubters1422 - 02.09.2024 07:43

Look at the length of arms........ no way that's a suit.

@Hopewell51 - 28.08.2024 21:44

Thats my mother in law.

@Dan-fc1nc - 28.08.2024 17:01

Here is a thing that has always puzzled me. If this is a person in a suit, from the late 60's. I would imagine it was pretty heavy (maybe), and possibly difficult to see out of the "hood". This video, even in its raw form shows some pretty fluent motion. Wouldn't a human move more awkwardly on a natural, uneven surface? I agree that is does look like a human walking but incorporate a gorilla suit. The person would likely adjust their pace if they can't see the ground? This "thing" never looks down to where it's walking. Seems very comfortable in its skin. No pun intended.

@brettd530 - 24.08.2024 05:53

Very compelling video no doubt about it.
I'm surprised she didn't run. Of course I know nothing about Bigfoot, but for the extremely elusive reigning all world hide-and-seek champion, to not run into the timber surprises me.
Pretty darn cool though.
I live only about 2 hours from this location. If Bigfoot were to exist it would be there. That place is some of the most remote, rugged, off the grid country in the lower 48.

@R-Bsource - 20.08.2024 00:52

crease on the right thigh, cant get over that. What would this be? looks conflicting

@andrewrehnert4997 - 15.08.2024 17:46

Planet of the Apes came out a year later and I believe that it won best Oscar for the ape makeup.

@batslayer9577 - 14.08.2024 20:02

Shes definitely been hurt in the past due to the slight limp on her left leg

@ronfender8101 - 14.08.2024 13:39

and if you just go by vibe or energy if you know what I means just human all the way.

@ronfender8101 - 14.08.2024 13:35

YOu can see the human face when he turns to the camera come on people

@BosoxPatsfan603 - 12.08.2024 06:16

There's no way in hell that's a suit! You can see the muscles, the buttocks moving, the way she walks no human can walk like that not with ease it's been proven and you can just tell it's a powerful creature.

@Snoopaloop1981 - 12.08.2024 03:36

Interesting. Im noticing something new. Bob Heironimus claimed he wore shoulder pads. If thats a suit and someone is wearing shoulder pads the anterior deltoid should be more static and show an abnormal separation from tricep, if it was under cloth.

@mattlewis6833 - 11.08.2024 07:42

That was just my dad headed to Subway for lunch

@xoxo3947 - 11.08.2024 04:48

57 yrs, and nothing comes close as evidence for their existence. I wonder if Patty's still alive? Interdimensional portals? Skin Walker ranch? Anything? Come on, people!🙄

@reyybarra390 - 10.08.2024 03:09

Planet of the Apes came out a little after this film by Patterson Gimlan was made available to the public.

It was nominated for best prosthetic makeup effects and was considered ground breaking for its time and the best hollywood makeup artists produced. Compare the two versions side by side and Hollywood's does t come close to the Patterson film!!! It is a real filmof bigfoot, especially now that the technology lets us see all of the details of bigfoot walking!!!😮😮😮

@silencefiction60 - 09.08.2024 18:33

It looks even more like someone in a suit

@letitrest4662 - 09.08.2024 05:11

I believe it's authentic for two reasons. First, people can't walk bent knee'd. We bend our knees when we take a step but then straighten our leg as we go through the stride. This creature never straightens its knee. Secondly, It has very long arms, and I believe it's not a suit because it appears to twist its wrist when looking back and is pivoting at the waist while walking, and its right arm at the same time swings back around following as what would be normal, with the right wrist naturally following a movement pattern very similar to a human. I doubt that a person in a suit could do that because their arm(s) would be significantly shorter, so I doubt they'd have what appears to be natural wrist movement.

@Reece-Mincher3601 - 09.08.2024 04:24

People say stuff like bags of water under the suit to simulate muscle, heironymous with a glass eye, NFL padding for the shoulders, I can't help but laugh !

When that thing turns it's head, there's no doubt in my fuckin' mind..

@ilyedtou - 07.08.2024 18:02

From a guy that’s spend a lifetime looking at the female azz, why isn’t it moving?? Thats a pretty plump azz to get no movement! I know unscientific as hell, but that’s all I got…

@thomasrupolo4826 - 04.08.2024 10:21

This footage is so clear now, for the first time we are able to see the tag from the costume rental shop.

@toddracicot706 - 04.08.2024 03:11

There are laws in Washington and California protecting Sasquatch you cannot hunt nor shot them. Laws. I don’t see laws for protecting Mermaids.
People in power and knowledge Know. Yes.
You believe in apes and monkeys and human.
Not so different.

@richardritchey - 03.08.2024 03:48

Noticed someone cut out the last few frames of her back that's approximately 4 feet wide making it impossible to be faked.

@shonuff4323 - 02.08.2024 21:16

For me the clincher is seeing the tendons around the knee/hamstring. You can also see the flexing in the quads and calf muscle. If it is a suit then it is the most complex, most detailed, realistic suit ever created. And if so, why would you only use it in a quick grainy video? You could have been able to make tons of money selling/creating suits for Hollywood. We are supposed to believe the greatest suit ever made was just used for a few seconds and essentially thrown away?

@ericks6770 - 02.08.2024 17:14

Suit ruined if a bear had come charging at it.😂

@SN-nh6pq - 01.08.2024 23:26

Those are some long arms with the hand moving.

@stephengallagher2209 - 01.08.2024 15:24

So, if you believe that is a real sasquatch, the best footage of the creature to date was caught by a broke conman who was making a fictional film about hunting sasquatch, which had a long flashback scene of the creature, for which he ordered an ape suit, receipts survive. You must believe he never used the suit. Film wrapped. On last day, last reel, he caught a real sasquatch on a camera due back the folliwing day, by chance. Patterson raised the money for the film by selling 50% of the rights to 7 different people for a grand a pop. He never mentioned the suit nor the real film project again. Instead, he immediately started cashing in.

@robertcoggeshall3071 - 01.08.2024 14:48

Patty was the real deal. No way that's a suit.

@icecycles859 - 01.08.2024 06:55

we are the inferior species

@user-zv6nt7qh1s - 01.08.2024 03:29

If it's real,she is beautiful

@kdebelja - 31.07.2024 23:53

After all, it is a female

@killerdude35 - 30.07.2024 13:40

One thing any species must do to survive is breed. My question is, how could an animal like this manage to survive for hundreds/thousands of years without population increase? Sasquatch would be an apex predator with no threats other than maybe the occasional grizzly bear, and we know humans aren't killing them because we would have physical evidence. It just seems to me that by now this animal would have bred itself to a population size that would be noticeable. To the point where, forget video footage or photographs, we would have them in zoos by now. Dont get me wrong, I would LOVE for this thing to be real, but Im just not convinced.

@icecycles859 - 30.07.2024 05:13

the bigfoot looks old too , female and around 50 years of age which is like 80 years old in human years, also look at the breast not kidding they look old human breasts

@fredfairchild8222 - 21.07.2024 18:21

This is fake and quite dumb as shit lo. It literally looks like a guy casually walking lmao. The fact that it just calmly looks back and keeps going without missing a beat should be the first clue. One would think that as reclusive as squatches are supposed to be that it would at least for a second pause at what it's looking at.

@primero421 - 18.07.2024 03:23

The hands seem to reach the knees and the fingers seem slightly bent that is CRAZY IF YOU TRY TO DO THAT YOU HAVE TO BENT WAY OVER VERY UNCOMFORTIBLE but Patty seem to be standing up straight swinging her arms very cool.

@AM-rt5eb - 17.07.2024 19:02

Thanks for the remaster. I believe many of us saw the Monsterquest footage (Season 1 Episode 5) where they recreated the walking pattern. So there's a lot to break down. It certainly has realistic features and would be a great discovery. Even Planet of the Apes costume 1968 or Japan's King Kong vs Godzilla 1962 costumes weren't as realistic plus if the costume was purchased the maker would probably recognize it... Then again maybe film maker/Cowboy Patterson made it himself and did a really really good job lol

@hunterfalck235 - 16.07.2024 19:22

It's just nancy Pelosi pledging her sorority

@Dion_Mustard - 15.07.2024 09:02

I am always in two minds about this footage ...if you look at the original Planet of the Apes film, the costumes aren't bad but they are nothing amazing ..this does not look like a looks like an actual giant ape..however , there will always be doubt which is natural..for instance why would the creature move away, when Apes in the wild usually stay still and stare you out for ages before charging at you ..but then again Yeti is not an ape I guess. Who knows, but as a British man with a rational mind, I am becoming more convinced that this footage is genuine ..

@alexx_windycitychi558 - 13.07.2024 11:12

I will say for some pretty normal paste steps. That thing is moving pretty fast. I think it’s real look how far he’s getting with those few steps. I know some really tall athletic people It compares nothing to the rate of speed. This thing is going and that’s because it’s taking large steps without effort.

@cycleguy1943 - 12.07.2024 15:45

Just one question…why not take photos of fresh footprints as it happened in real time as creature moved on ?😮

@smackracket - 11.07.2024 18:46

If you look closely you can see the hair on her head

@ericsteadman7235 - 11.07.2024 03:47

Ive seen three different bio acoustics engineers one had a PhD say the Sierra sounds were the most fascinating sounds they had ever heard, they are outside the range of a human, and don't match any known animal , i told my Dad this and he said " like the dog that says I LOVE you" WTF!!; This is what your up against... People find it terrifying i think

@lenwenzel7440 - 06.07.2024 14:11

Two things that stand out, no not that. A very human like gait, and exceptionally long strides much longer then a human. It seems she is very aware she is being observed, yet her stride doesn't change. She is relaxed and unconcerned.

@kawasakiwhiptwo5821 - 02.07.2024 17:47

If it's fake, (a guy in a suit) why would they bother putting breasts on the suit? Anything you add will make it more difficult to pass off as real. This film is 57 years old. There's no way a "suit" can look that realistic,if it's from almost 60 years ago. That would pass for a more than acceptable "suit" from today.

@cutlasssupreme6984 - 25.06.2024 05:27

I’m still scratching my head on this. I don’t know what to make of it.

@ratter531 - 24.06.2024 19:08

Why does the big foot look in the direction of the camera??
