Ranking Every Souls Game from Worst to Best (Including Elden Ring) | Asmongold Reacts

Ranking Every Souls Game from Worst to Best (Including Elden Ring) | Asmongold Reacts

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@zakkonnik7507 - 28.01.2024 18:24

ds 2 has the hardest bosses because of those fucking hitboxes issue where you need to level up there or if not ( my experience ) you will have really hard dodging which is fun and really skilful

@Wansazwan04 - 28.01.2024 13:33

My top 3 fav souls game
1.dark soul 3
3.elden ring

@LiveToRapRapToLive93 - 27.01.2024 17:36

Difficult to fight more than one enemy?
1. Toggle off lock on
2. Big swingy swings
3. Smile

@richfoster4369 - 25.01.2024 21:06

Dark souls 1 is in my top 3 having it in the second last place is a crime

@callsignfatbeard2637 - 25.01.2024 20:31

I think if your major complaint about a game is it runs at 30 FPS then you don’t have a legit complaint.

@bryce4443 - 25.01.2024 15:53

that guy was so close with sekiro, until he said it needed more weapons..in reality they should get rid of the prosthetics because they are way too op. the whole point of the game is killing a dragon god with the same shit as when u started

@Hikergy16 - 25.01.2024 00:01

I’ve never played a from soft game. But I just beat lies of p, and oh boy am I burnt out after that 😂

@bigdave9649 - 24.01.2024 23:29

Elden ring gets so much recency bias its crazy.

@jerredchouseman - 24.01.2024 02:36

I want a souls like sly cooper

@SirLoftyII - 23.01.2024 03:04

HEAR ME OUT!!! Malenia’s fight is really really fair, THE POINT OF FROMSOFT BOSSES ARE TO LEARN THE PATTERN!!!!! And self-reflection of course

@evilgamer671 - 17.01.2024 22:01

My fav, 1.sekiro ....2. eldin ring 3.dark soul 3

@evilgamer671 - 17.01.2024 21:57

Dark soul 3 garphic is original,
Relly hit ❤... Amazing ...

@mrgobbleton - 17.01.2024 11:08

Are there any videos of his sekiro playthrough? I only see one where he rage quits on like a third mini boss

@Devout214 - 17.01.2024 09:55

Jesus died for us all! Have a wonderful day!
Jesus is God!
(The Holy Trinity is true)

@wowza7662 - 15.01.2024 05:53

I’ve only played two FromSoftware games, none of which I have actually finished, I played Sekiro for a bit but eventually got bored and haven’t touched it in years, I got Elden ring around release, started playing, got mad because I had no idea what I was doing, almost two years later I decided to pick up Elden ring again and it has been awesome, in a world of modern gaming that is filled with sellouts and trend followers, Elden ring was such a breath of fresh air, I loved how it sticked to its own formula and didn’t try to change much while the changes it did make were relatively awesome, so right now I’m currently trying to beat radahn and have been playing nonstop for days now, and I have no intention or ever stopping

@datchiman0952 - 10.01.2024 06:21

Ds2 was not a bad game I loved it

@filiussolis5368 - 10.01.2024 05:34

Elden Ring is way better than Dark Soul 3. But my number 1 is still Bloodborne.

1- Bloodborne
2- Dark Soul 1
3- Elden Ring / Sekiro
4- Dark Soul 3
5- Demon Souls

I never played Dark Soul 2

@High_Noon_Sports_Cards - 09.01.2024 20:23

Its pretty obvious early on that this guy has no idea what he’s talking about. He’s just placing titles in certain spots to seem edgy and get a reaction. DS2 over DS1? He probably thinks chain-wallets are cool too.

@nimapourjalali1670 - 09.01.2024 16:17

Thanks for pointing out that it's popular and cool to shit on Elden Ring. Every big fromsoft content creator or whatever you want to call it like to put every aspect of ER down to seem cool and get clicks. Emberplays does this all the time

@kiesears5612 - 09.01.2024 01:53

For me it's
1. Bloodborne
2. Dark Souls 1
3. Demons
4. Dark 3
5. Elden Ring
6. Dark 2
Love all 6 of them, i played Sekiro but never beat it. From what i played it might be inbetween Dark 3 and Elden

@Wiseaulaughs2003 - 08.01.2024 17:56

Bloodborne remaster is totally coming next year. 10 year anniversary and fans want it maybe more than a new Souls game. Literally free money for them.

@Foxentails - 08.01.2024 04:13

Nah. you have to use npcs against bosses in Elden Ring. DS 1 is still the best overall game.

@latinogorilla8098 - 08.01.2024 02:01

i firsttried margit. now im a better person

@wilson33s - 07.01.2024 21:12

Bloodborne #1 without doubt. Closest to perfection then every other title. Sekiro is great but it has more flaws. As for me it feels a little bit rushed be producers.

@everynamewastakenomg - 07.01.2024 03:17

Elden Ring, Bloodborne and Sekiro are my top 3 for sure, couldn't choose an order between them though.

@ravioli4601 - 06.01.2024 11:06

Even after platinum'ing Demon's Souls remake, I despise the world tendency system. Certain items are straight up unattainable without having pure white or black. Any game where I have to rely on using discord in order to complete everything is not a fun 100% experience. I like Demon's Souls but it is ROUGH. Technically the least replayable too because the remake doesn't allow for deleting individual save files

@terrancesweetman8541 - 04.01.2024 19:47

Bro he has a life 8 hours a day of playing a game is a lot

@J0n4THANOS - 04.01.2024 10:11

You’re wrong about Dark Souls 2. All of your criticisms are mostly correct but it is NOT a BAD game. Is it probably the least good Souls game? Yes. But that does not make it a BAD GAME.

@wellthen.......9384 - 04.01.2024 09:03

For me it's always going to be Dark Souls 3 being the best of the whole franchise because that's the game where I'm more of a monster I'm a twin scythe man and I rip things to ribbons I slap Midir for fun

@spacejelly3562 - 02.01.2024 20:52

Can I play dark souls 3 on ps5?

@Pain-hm9yd - 02.01.2024 00:06

Dark Souls 3 >> Bloodborne

@Seanhmattson - 01.01.2024 11:28

Lmao asmon doesn't have his first fight vs abyss watchers uploaded for a reason. He acted surprised by cutscenes on his 3rd playthrough, knowing which weapons to upgrade and main. Elden ring is your favorite bc it's cheese, bro.

@cypherzeromusic - 31.12.2023 15:50

I love Demon's Souls and always find Flamelurker difficult! Love the lore and graphics in Demon's Souls and love it as equally as Elden Ring! (Demon's Souls Remake).

@vineethbharadwaj8187 - 31.12.2023 12:41

Eventhough Sekiro is such a perfect game, i feel like it ruined Dark Souls for me in different aspects, like parry in DS is a separate button, but Sekiro was just a precise block. The straightforward nature of combat in Sekiro really made me spend time in enjoying combat rather than learning it. DS seem to force me to learn different mechanics, which I am now fine with, but back then playing after Sekiro made me easily frustrated. I had to play Elden Ring to get into the DS vibe. But Elden Rings open world made me feel claustrophobic in DS... So i kinda regret not starting my From Software journey from DS series...

@jameslovekamp8028 - 30.12.2023 18:27

I'm one those guys... DSII is my favorite of the trilogy

@CataclysmDM - 30.12.2023 01:01

Dark Souls 2 is a good game.
Not a GREAT game.
A good game.

@makdrumz - 29.12.2023 13:50

I am a souls veteran but i never played ds2 due to bad ratings. In light of Elden Ring’s upcoming DLC i started playing ds2 just to see it…and i love it! I also see many similarities to Elden Ring that i can easily say its the spiritual predecessor of Elden Ring! Is it easy? Yeah, very much…is it a souls game? Hell yeah! Is is as good as ds3? Nope!

@ghostparty2062 - 29.12.2023 11:47

To each there own. I find elden ring to be my least favorite Personaly 😅

@randallk6812 - 28.12.2023 00:46

What killed Bloodborne for me was the load screens, limited build options and tedious blood vial system. I felt like half my playtime was dealing with load screens and farming blood vials

@matthewmoore5698 - 26.12.2023 22:40

Ds2 substitute the word bad with hard ! But saying that I went back to my old save my health bar was all the way over the screen but so many secret bosses super hard to find , Bloodborne my best!

@matthewmoore5698 - 26.12.2023 22:35

First souls game for me Demon I was hooked , two is the hardest btw we don’t care how long you take to beat any of em !

@qdilly7397 - 25.12.2023 21:24

Every time someone mentions “Overleveled” I die a little more inside.

@lunarcosmetics7076 - 25.12.2023 01:03

My opinion on each game.

Elden Ring is overall the best. Incredible bosses, build variety, and exploration. I do think the number of bosses brought down how meaningful each one was. I also believe Elden Ring is the hardest by game design, but can be made the easiest with build variety.

Dark souls 3 did bosses masterfully. The boss fights, OST, and frequency are all incredible. I also think the upgrade mat system is perfected, as many mobs drop mats frequently (unlike Elden Ring) and make bell bearings less required.

Sekiro is an incredible game overall, but severely lacks replay ability. The combat system is hard to learn, but easy to master. The combat is incredibly clean feeling, rythemic, and consistent. This consistency results in new games feeling extremely similar and not super fun. One feature I strongly believe should be in all the soulsbourne+ games is the gauntlet system. The inner bosses and convenient boss replay without new game is incredible.

Dark souls 2 is a heavily underrated game, and in my opinion is basically the original Elden Ring. The game is massive and has incredible build variety. The main downsides compared to Elden Ring are the worse boss fights and runs. For me the main issue with dark souls 2 is the loss of health on death. It feels a little pointless, as all the other souls games keep the feature of being undead without health loss. I believe dark souls 2 is the most unique as it’s new game system greatly surpasses the other souls games, with bonfire ascetics and new boss souls/weapons.

Dark souls 1, note: I have played this game the least, so some opinions could change. I absolutely love how the weapons and bosses feel, but personal think the bonfire travel system could’ve been obtainable earlier. I think this game didn’t really do anything badly, and for its time and even now is a masterpiece.

PS5 exclusives: I sadly do not have a ps5, so I do not want to anger anyone with the opinions I have on limited playtime on each of the ps5 souls games.

Honorary mention to Armored Core 6 for having the best fromsoftware new game system and voice actors! (I love this game)

@Rdog3311 - 24.12.2023 00:57

Elden Ring has to take the number one spot, because it’s the best game ever made

@Squared_Phoenix - 23.12.2023 04:46

Capra demon is super easy, there's no way I'd rank it harder than ornstein and smough. Especially on a low level playthrough.

@goldeneagle987 - 23.12.2023 03:41

There's something about Dark Souls 2 that brings me back to it from time to time. I can't explain it.

@capnbob7578 - 20.12.2023 18:54

Dude says ER is too easy while having a hit bar over half way across the screen.

@270eman - 20.12.2023 05:15

Dark Souls 3 is my favorite. Even though 2 is cheesy and really easy I actually enjoyed it. Slave knight Gale on 3 was the hardest shit ever for me. Harder than anything in Elden RIng. IMO
1. Dark Souls 3
2. Elden Ring
3. Dark Souls 2
4. Dark Souls
5. Bloodborne
I haven't played Demon Souls yet or Sekiro. No opinion on them.
