Run Final Cut Pro From An External Hard Drive and Move Projects, Events and Library (2021)

Run Final Cut Pro From An External Hard Drive and Move Projects, Events and Library (2021)

Dion Schuddeboom

3 года назад

51,043 Просмотров

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Chessy Badar
Chessy Badar - 18.09.2023 04:27

Hi dion thanks for this video, it was very helpful! i ended up getting the western digital my passport HHD and for a while it was working great :) However, now my final cut pro is being unresponsive (im editing from the harddrive) and was wondering if you could help me out/if you had any tips for this? I still have 3.5 TB available so I dont think its a storage problem

tahana pierre
tahana pierre - 31.08.2023 18:34

i did this by the external is now grayed out ..... what does that mean ?

Wayne Chin
Wayne Chin - 28.08.2023 16:49

Thank you for that tutorial, it was a great help as my mac was not behaving as it should😇

ommm8 - 22.07.2023 23:50

I'm a bit confused by this. If I copy or move a library, doesn't that automatically move the events and projects within that library too ? You seem to show events and projects as separate things to move, but they are part of the library surely ? And also, you say here when choosing library settings in the inspector, i should save in Library, but in another tutorial you say save it to the external drive ? I basically want to move a project I'm editing from mac to external drive, keeping it all exactly as it was in the timeline. Thanks.

shane kwong
shane kwong - 18.07.2023 17:49

Great content! Very helpful and to the point, easy to understand! Thank you.

Noa O
Noa O - 09.07.2023 19:58

Clean. Done Well! 5 stars

FloR (Florence Robbiano)
FloR (Florence Robbiano) - 03.07.2023 12:24

Awesome! THIS IS EXACTLY what I was looking for! So many tutorials totally skip these important steps (I love that you show as well the files structures). THANK YOU ❤

VVX Productions
VVX Productions - 26.06.2023 23:23

How do you delete the cache files off the hard drive? On my mac i moved the files to trash and deleted the trash. yet i still have the 400gb cache on my hard drive. Please help

Mel Oates
Mel Oates - 20.06.2023 22:32

Well done excellent video straight to the point I'll definitely use this on fcp.

Abigail Parker Brown
Abigail Parker Brown - 23.05.2023 18:21

Thank you so much for making this so simple and easy! You saved me so much time !

christy281 - 20.05.2023 23:12

what a saviour .. thanks some much for this ...

Dennis Meyer
Dennis Meyer - 08.05.2023 20:12

Great Video, I have learned so many new things 🙂

Pierce - 04.04.2023 22:30

Hey! Quick question for you. If I have b-roll footage that I use frequently for various projects, would you recommend I keep that footage on internal or external storage? I would like to start editing projects on an external drive.

Felipe Del Rosario
Felipe Del Rosario - 25.03.2023 22:55

Ive been having this problem for a while. But I have to delete everything on my hard drive in oder to format it?!

Temecula Valley Church
Temecula Valley Church - 14.03.2023 08:22


Temecula Valley Church
Temecula Valley Church - 14.03.2023 08:22

great simple and clear tutorial. no frills, just what you need to do. Thank you for sharing your expertise.

Tiff c
Tiff c - 01.03.2023 06:08

Hi, i opened a project from a backup I found in my movies folder which opens up in a new library. I have been trying to move the project into the previous library so i can do edits between projects more easily but the project doesn't move and instead a new library gets created on my hard drive. I was told I was copying into a database backup of the existing library, is there a way to not do this or do you have another idea of why this might be happening? thank you!

Tiff c
Tiff c - 27.02.2023 20:08

hi! thank you so much for this video, super helpful. I have looked into this and it doesn't seem like I can find the answer anywhere but maybe here... Have you ever experienced moving a project to an existing library (both open) and nothing seemingly happening after you hit ok? The project stays where it is and the other library doesn't have the expected project in it. The first time I did it, I got a totally new copy of the library on my hard drive. My hard drive permissions say "custom access" with no options to change that, and my hard drive has 60 gb available on it. Thank you so much!

XPERIENCE NEW - 15.02.2023 20:59

Excellent tutorial .. thanks many times! Cheers!

Guangyao Qin
Guangyao Qin - 30.01.2023 07:09

Very helpful!!!

YungLxrD - 27.01.2023 06:45

what happens if I dont format FCP before hand? I cant delete everything on HDD

tech-no-logic tech
tech-no-logic tech - 24.01.2023 21:39

Any way to move the plugins to an external drive? 😊

dinoatcharterdotnet - 22.01.2023 04:11

I'm doing editing in Final Cut Pro on a WD Elements Portable HDD. How should it be formatted? I heard ExFAT is bad.

Eugene Skeef
Eugene Skeef - 15.01.2023 19:51

Thanks very, very much for your absolutely clear guidance.

Gabrielle Boado
Gabrielle Boado - 28.12.2022 16:32

thank you!!

TheTCOLL - 27.12.2022 07:58

Any way to change these Library names?

Block45 - 26.12.2022 19:34

Dion, thank you! This video is so helpful to me.

TheTCOLL - 16.12.2022 13:01

What’s the thuds in the background?

zanejpeg - 10.12.2022 04:35

My project is only coming up as un named 1 when trying to make a library it has no file kind afterwards, should I worry about this?

Shelley Durell
Shelley Durell - 29.11.2022 01:47

Saved my sanity. Thank you!

Khadeja Farooq
Khadeja Farooq - 11.11.2022 22:29

If I'm using the same hard drive I use for backups, can I create a library on Final Cut that goes to a specific folder in that hard drive that I made for videos (as opposed to having the destination be the backups folder in the hard drive)?

Rami Ramadan
Rami Ramadan - 11.10.2022 16:10

My concern is the bytes written to disk in activity monitor. It adds up to a large amount and makes no difference if working on an SSD or not. Anyway around this to prolong life of the SSD?

Dan McMahon
Dan McMahon - 04.10.2022 20:01

Dude! Thank you so much! This video saved my life when working on an hour long wedding film that wouldn't fit on my internal SSD. I thought I was going to have to go buy a new macbook just for extra storage. Now I can continue to use this pathetic (256G) SSD macbook from for the forseeable future. Cheers!

Andrea Leoni
Andrea Leoni - 20.09.2022 21:27

okay so i was following along with the steps and obviously when we are at the part that says “erase”, it implies things will be erased. i didn’t realize it would completely wipe my whole hard drive of footage i already had in there. did this happen with anyone else?? and how can i recover it?? thanks! anything will help.

Marco Auriti
Marco Auriti - 01.09.2022 05:45

What's the advice on moving content / project from SSD to HDD? Is it the same theory of library creation and moving?

Sugar³ - 28.08.2022 03:12

Holy shit! Thank you.
I feel like one of those whales or dolphins after it's cut free from some stray net tangle.

Mr PREZ - 25.08.2022 02:36

This was super helpful 👍👍

Phil413 - 21.08.2022 07:59

Thank you. I guess you could also save all media to external drive and then select “leave in place” when importing media.

MikeB26 - 04.08.2022 01:32

Thank you. So step by step. So easy to follow if you pay attention. You totally won this subscriber.

Hervé Da Costa
Hervé Da Costa - 30.07.2022 14:21

Excellent and super useful

TNA2Me - 17.07.2022 21:37

The question I have is - is it possible to then plug this HD into another computer and continue working on the project? I use several iMacs and a MacBook Pro. When I’m traveling I can use my MacBook but I prefer to use the larger iMac when I’m home or at the office ??

Bradley Bettis
Bradley Bettis - 03.07.2022 02:17

I’ll definitely follow your technical advice, but I’ll definitely not be using 14 y/o models as my video medium.

speliotis - 11.06.2022 20:59

thank you for making this tutorial... Subscribed... look forward to learning more.

FIT 2B READ - 28.05.2022 20:19

Really Excellent video. I always run out of space on my Mac mini. I trust you, but I dont trust me, so let me ask... I assume I can take an event/project Im already working on and just (using your guide) copy it over to the external drive. I can continue working on the project there til I finish...and if I screw something up, I still have the original that I was working on stored on the Mac (albeit without all the new progress...but at least Im not starting all the way over..)?

yu ka
yu ka - 26.05.2022 16:15

Very helpful!!! Thank you so much!!

smooth litz
smooth litz - 21.05.2022 21:24

So if I wanted to edit with my templates on another laptop would it be on my ext hard drive or would it just be on the laptop itself…?????

Abner James
Abner James - 17.05.2022 14:25

Can you run FCPX plugins from an external hard drive if you don't want them taking up space on your internal drive? I'm concerned about plugins slowly filling up my macbook hard drive even if I'm running libraries off externals.
