Ricky Gervais - out of England 1 - Fame - Full Show (funny Subtitles AI screw-up) Stand up Comedy

Ricky Gervais - out of England 1 - Fame - Full Show (funny Subtitles AI screw-up) Stand up Comedy


1 год назад

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@adrianstevens4180 - 25.09.2024 02:25

Juvenile and a waste of a stage.

@s.e.wagger3888 - 25.09.2024 04:52

The only thing I like about Ricky is, he has the courage to own up to his cowardice. Ie; He'll take the piss outta Christianity because it's safe to do so.... but NO way will he crack a joke about Islam.

@s.e.wagger3888 - 25.09.2024 07:35

People just love Ricky. And its good that he gives us his views on just about everything. And off we go...... good old Ricky, doing the "job" on us for Klaus and Bill and all the rest in control of implementing a new world order. I mean, it's gotta be okay, right???? 'Cause Ricky, who we love, says it is.

@mastiffsal8185 - 26.09.2024 07:28

Those f*cking subtitles! Every single line is wrong.

@ylisn - 28.09.2024 15:53

Lose the AI-generated captions that just get what Ricky ACTUALLY said absolutely wrong and it would be watchable. A great example of how poor AI really is.

@carmbe56 - 30.09.2024 04:23

RICKY! I LOVE YOU to bits! Have seen John Pinette twice in 🇨🇦! YOU TWO are geniuses! I love you both so much! If you have not watch John Pinette; Please do yourself a favour and watch! RIP John Pinette! ❤❤❤

@carmbe56 - 30.09.2024 04:41


@vaidphysics - 04.10.2024 15:55

Tbh it doesn't take a genius to make jokes about fat people. That's just punching down. It's easy. What's next? "Bulimia is not a disease". "Oh what are depressed people? Just unhappy people, innit?"

@MrSaadabdulaziz - 08.10.2024 07:26

Nice lip syncing

@dakodaburow574 - 13.10.2024 03:12

Truely the king of comedy, always pushes the envelope and breaks boundaries.

We are here for it!

@spexx23 - 18.10.2024 20:46

As a dwarf I can assure I cant do shit😢

@szilagyiandras-o9j - 21.10.2024 21:28

Ricky Gervais is ver y good

@FrankSmith-x8p - 24.10.2024 00:34

I was told on A podcast that vkarl pilkinson was smarter than you and I tried to find out but I couldn't get the info but I'm priity sure that that he's not allowed to lol

@christophrieger - 24.10.2024 23:53

The captions are whack

@crirosa86 - 25.10.2024 21:24

LOL I have ME from a cardiovascular dysautonomia and I swear I always wonder why in the third world countries there's no such a thing as these freaking new invisible diseases we suffer from in the "civilized" countries

@Benarnott-c2x - 02.11.2024 08:29

In my brains

@markhardwick8032 - 05.11.2024 04:05

How did he think to double down the chimp fking joke 😂😂

The man goes to the chimp and has same convo as doctor 😂😂 that he either ate or fkd a monkey 🤣

@viciturner5979 - 09.11.2024 23:44

This man is a comedy genius

@xtwinezx6552 - 15.11.2024 20:19

She was up to the label lmao

Great special

@imatache - 17.11.2024 12:45

Subtitles are great :))). It’s not “can’t”, it’s the other soundalike.

@Tjescoo - 27.11.2024 00:49

Awesome but those incorrect, generated subtitles are disturbing

@Ullumma - 28.11.2024 23:48

Poor subtitles

@OliviaThompsonUK1 - 30.11.2024 16:51

Ricky is always the best! ☺️

@bas7905 - 03.12.2024 21:26

Those subtitles are terrible..

@carms7758 - 07.12.2024 09:02

Surprisingly I have a friend who's sons name is Adolf

@Justwant2BAlone - 12.12.2024 03:20

🤣😭 bruh is funny ASF

@SonjaMorrison-i7j - 30.12.2024 21:04

Ricky Gervais has outlived his best-by date. Now, it will be a long, slow decline. Because he hasn’t grown at all.

@Corey-p4r3l - 03.01.2025 11:44

"Rape, starts at 10 am"....whether you like it or not.

@T.Rex97234 - 03.01.2025 17:53

Man, hilarious comedy, shame about his false beliefs tho. The New Testament is not founded on the belief that Jesus is Half Man, Half God. Jesus is fully man and fully God. Yes, God is everywhere because he can do anything he wishes, he is omnipresent, he is omnipotent, he is omniscient. He can do anything he wishes at any time he wishes. Yes bad things do happen. Why? Because we deserve it, we have all sinned and fallen short.

@lydmonster727 - 04.01.2025 09:54

Meh. Sad to see ignorance on ME/CFS is in his playbook.

Surely, you can find material.

@djlunaticdreyfuss7562 - 04.01.2025 10:25

Vain, Rude, Immodest....Brilliant as always! Knows the line and walks it like a tightrope... so smart!

@jimmysmom7449 - 04.01.2025 16:28

You're a mix of my two favourite comedians, George Carlin and Andrew Dice Clay. With sarcasm and offending people. Love the way your mind works ❤
About levels of fatness. Fluffy said it goes like big, husky, fat, fluffy, and dayum! Then he added oh hell no! That's the person you don't want in the elevator with you

@kennymilsom - 08.01.2025 12:31

A girl I used to know named her son Izan. Because backwards it spelt nazi.

@metatron78 - 11.01.2025 03:44

12000 jahre alt!

@metatron78 - 11.01.2025 03:45

why upload this old shit again?

@christopherhall7560 - 14.01.2025 15:29

Ricky Gervais has let himself go

@SystemOfTheKnot - 16.01.2025 03:59

The opening bits are the same from GTA IV

@karenwright7459 - 20.01.2025 16:37


@scarfy1983 - 23.01.2025 06:08

Hes brilliant 👏 😆🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

@mohammadseddon577 - 28.01.2025 17:44

Oliver Hardy also had a Hitler mustache!

@neomacchio4692 - 06.02.2025 20:08

Volume is too low!

@nixieinrain_mai - 09.02.2025 01:40

Rock star wooohoooo🎉😂😅🎉😘

@sippndipp - 19.02.2025 12:56

48, and I'm today years old to learn that the "toilet paper stuffed things" in public restroom cabins are actually holes and what they are used for. All of them?? Oh god! That's awful!

@jasonflatearther - 19.02.2025 21:53

Hitlers mom was a Rothchild, so she held his balls to control him

@nicolechristian9389 - 20.02.2025 04:34

Lmao he has excellent grip on sarcasm and comedy. However a little correction, if you pick on a belief system, you must understand it correctly. He got fundamental tenet of the NT horribly wrong. Yeshua/Jesus is not considered half man and half God. He is fully man and fully God. The doctrine is built on the Messiah who is perfect and only manifest God as a man. He is the visible image of the invisible God. In short the Messiah is Yah manifested as man.
If you get this part wrong, your whole bit can be thrown out the window bc obviously you have zero clue about the CORE and FUNDAMENTAL belief of your target audience that you’re trying to prove wrong. You can’t effectively disprove something you don’t fully understand. You proved to be just as lazy as your religious teacher in your research. And it’s sad that majority of these so called Christians haven’t taken any time to study their own faith in depth and they become the definition of the Biblical verse “My people perish because of the lack of knowledge”

@BlackTortoiseOfTheNorth - 21.02.2025 17:59

The mountains of flesh i have to deal with at work. And they panic if they miss a meal!

@Alssdkdf-Afwefjsdkjf - 24.02.2025 22:33

These subs are SHITE
Thanks for uploading :-)
