I Played a Pro Tournament On The KOREAN SERVER...

I Played a Pro Tournament On The KOREAN SERVER...


1 месяц назад

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@balazsfenyes3880 - 29.05.2024 10:40

U have high ping and cant micro, dont worry that's why there are 3 races. 1 race for decent human beings doing strats and timing attacks, 1 for hyperactive ppl/politicians controlling big masses, 1 for ppl using 1 button for attack.

@Kirk.television - 29.05.2024 06:53

Let's go!

@trevormalone1343 - 29.05.2024 04:35

The amount of praise and respect you give the other players is something i never see with other casters, always happy to have played the game win or loose

@wulver810 - 29.05.2024 04:27

I got hammered by JulyZerg in GSL Open, that was fun way back when. lol

@Gnolomweb - 29.05.2024 04:21


@mazora2 - 29.05.2024 04:20

Great video, very entertaining. Something wrong with the audio though I feel. The mic is too high pitch (it hurts the hears a bit)

@kyle52245 - 29.05.2024 03:19

I like the idea of a hybrid challenge to GM, because it would be so dumb, you could even swap challenges based on opponent race.
vs zerg: Bongcloud + Penguin Bros ( although I guess it's a "timing attack" and the timing is WAY OFF)
vs toss: Bongcloud + mass ghost
vs terran: Bongcloud + whatever.....
just an idea, I think it would be fun to see you struggle to get through master, and you usually don't

@aussj4link214 - 29.05.2024 02:48

The changeling addon block was a neat use of them.

@Sp1n3c - 29.05.2024 01:52

How are you boss? What do you think of the new SC1/CS2 mode?

@ToiletTennis - 29.05.2024 01:37

Day 2 of asking for a bongcloud video

@Ioniota - 29.05.2024 00:38


@tompeng8248 - 29.05.2024 00:08

I thought Taiwan is China. Yikes.

@lordbalbero348 - 28.05.2024 23:16

And today in Marks SC-Shool :
If you are a cool kid in the EU, stay in the EU.

@hendrixj.8356 - 28.05.2024 22:37

Marine tank is the meta I love hearing your ideas please go bc

@Giminy - 28.05.2024 22:30

350 ping!?? Fuck that.. there are limits to these challenges lol

@Fjordgnu - 28.05.2024 22:07

"I played a pro tournament" ... checks the video runtime. Yeah, I think I can predict how this went. xD I expect this to be fun, though!

@BanditRogue03 - 28.05.2024 22:05

I live in southchina but i only have 150ping to play EUsever😂😂

@stevef68 - 28.05.2024 21:58

Wait, Did Thermy UN-retire?? He has a TEAM again?

@artemirrlazaris7406 - 28.05.2024 21:40

I odn't know I usually keep a tally in my head of cost relation, so a battle cruiser, is 400/300... I think its been awhile... SInce i can't play sc2, beause of the forced aggreement, so its bricked my acocunt ,because i Don't agree to their terms, Anyways. The battlecruiser; 400/300... if it kills 3 tanks... that is 150/125. With early yomato cannon harassment every 71 seconds wit hthat cannon is the value market. SIncei t can one shot most mid/ high end units, depeneding on race. 450/375. How I look at a battlecruiser is that one bc builds faster then 3 tanks, and can easily take out 3 tanks. Marines also can get savagely wiped out... Typically 8-12 marines depending on upgrades can be destroyed. IN a mech fight, you want weapons, in a bio fight you need armor because of the many mass of units... its a variation in value.. If more things hit you and have less hitpoints, and you ahvea huge hit point pool. Your base weapon damage is enoug hto kill effectively while you need armor more importantly then the later.

8 marines is 400 minuerals but no gas... but bc's early can always be effective, its okay in attacking minral lines, but once it has a yomato cannon keepign that active is superior, plus in a marine drop yo ucan take out hte medivacs... cyclones and kiting can be annoying, and variosu races can jump on a bc, so oftne you want to limit a concave or means of being surrounded, so knowing the map or grey space where land units can go and signifiant'y increase your means... VIkings do hard coutner, but with yomatos... you can keep on par... So imo. Battle cruisers always put you ahead... the problme is calcaulting the back cost of investment. Fusion core, yomato core, and starport use... the time getting it up nad running but once out, it is always an advantage on the field... so oftne the appoent will coutner with air, coruptors are very good, but if yo ucalcaulte out the cost per metric.. BC's seem to be a very positive unit, much like tanks have typically positive trades. I wish they upgrade they data, counter in apost play replay, meaning each unit can have a cost expenditure t okill ratio... and hten yo ucan look at units that failed to tarde well, and htose that over traded well, and tactifully make imprvoemetns of unit management. Losing a BC, is losing an advantage... Just not sure how a bc can put you behind unless you goto early in the game as the investment towards it, is about... 16 marines... 6 marauders... + 12 marines and 4 maruaders... SO rushing BC.. you can be hit by 28 marines and 10 marauders fairly easily, which is more then enoug hto take out one bc...So in that regard, tanks zone out the terrans, and having other marines... but if you turtling tanks can allow you to tech faster with an ease of managemetn, but if terran sacks a marauder, a few it cna get a raven and nullify your tank line... so as soon as you have a BC its an advantage nad you must have that boy working asapy. jsut fly across kill shit some shit... and hten teleport back... and the attritional damage will balance. out...

@mras5270 - 28.05.2024 21:39

Hey there. Please make planetary back 😁
Two ideas, what would you say about:
1. Equalize ping function in the SC2? Especially for tournaments like that. The game would adjust ping fitting the slower player.
2. Full random game. You don't know who you play again and moreover where do your opponent spawn. You can also spawn anywhere on the map. Maps for that would need to be adjusted but in my view would make an interesting game mode.

@JudoStev - 28.05.2024 19:48

You casting your own tournament games while playing them is some of my favourite content.

@user-cg6wx7gm4b - 28.05.2024 19:13

You can't win Rex?

@flyselbyhigh - 28.05.2024 19:11

Love anytime you do tournament content! Also that ping was so bad I don’t know how it wasn’t making you freak out

@jackson-ox8uk - 28.05.2024 18:58

I really like the style that you played in a normal game.

@retrocomputing - 28.05.2024 18:53

There are services that can provide a tunnel with better ping, worth it to try. Or maybe just Cloudflare WARP as a free solution

@kinggarithos888 - 28.05.2024 18:18

alot of lag cope in this series.

@Tsnafu - 28.05.2024 17:59

We need a "to GM with 350 ping" now 😄

@nicklindberg90 - 28.05.2024 17:59

Take a drink every time you hear the word 'ping'

@CamiloCBG - 28.05.2024 17:47

Thank you, Mark!

@xeruexe1624 - 28.05.2024 17:30

Cheers for the Bongcloud reference. Maybe it's time for another revisit?

@wikihoolima8988 - 28.05.2024 17:29

Can’t stress enough how much I LOVE seeing you playing at tournaments

@majormarketing6552 - 28.05.2024 17:27

Lots of balls to mess with the Koreans.

@FightForFin - 28.05.2024 17:27

Leaving my algorithm boosting comment totally 100% sponsored by uThermal™

@chrisgarty - 28.05.2024 17:11

It’s a uBreakfast for the US! 🤩

@maxridstromdorr6176 - 28.05.2024 17:10

Hey Again @uThermal , I don't know if you did anything, but i unsubsribed and resubscribed and your videos are now showing up in the feed again! Just wanted to let you know :)

@Hyon-xk2jc - 28.05.2024 17:07

Le niveau de créativité et d’innovation dans cette conversation est vraiment inspirant. C'est comme assister à la naissance de nouvelles idées.💞

@Chuchuchrains - 28.05.2024 17:03

My daily thermy fix 🙏🙏

@brandoncornell2782 - 28.05.2024 17:02

first babyyy
