Doctor outlines 7 signs of Alcoholic Liver Disease (ascites, Caput Medusae, jaundice & more)

Doctor outlines 7 signs of Alcoholic Liver Disease (ascites, Caput Medusae, jaundice & more)

Doctor O'Donovan

2 года назад

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Joshua Baucom
Joshua Baucom - 06.10.2023 23:03

I am struggling with not having a drink, im broke! Please contribute

Invictus Maneo
Invictus Maneo - 05.10.2023 23:36

To mám taky!!¡!!

Bader Bader
Bader Bader - 05.10.2023 22:06

At least it legal... Smh😢

Ayush - 05.10.2023 12:50

How to know if a cirrhosis patient is still taking alcohol? Is there anything in the blood report or something else to look for?

Michelle Martinez
Michelle Martinez - 04.10.2023 23:58

I am so sad my brother just passed away at the age of 34 because of alcolism 😔

Paul Kiernan
Paul Kiernan - 02.10.2023 15:13

Pretty terrifying!

TL - 01.10.2023 00:42

My niece (31) died two weeks ago from her alcoholism. The thing is none of us knew she was an alcoholic. She was extremely high functioning and she was what seemed addicted to exercising. She was very fit. 100 lbs on her 5'4 frame. She never seemed tired and never missed work. Hiked everyday too before work. Then in a blink of an eye she was 20 lbs heavier. It happened so fast. She died from heart failure. The doctor said she was in liver failure but refused help. There was no jaundice. Not even on the day of her death which was like everyday for her, she was up, got herself ready, fixed her hair applied her makeup, did her hike, went to work, came home did her evening workout,. sat down and died. How is that possible??? The only thing that changed quickly was the weight gain.The doctor told her she needed to stop cold turkey, she was on her third day cold turkey. I think this is what killed her. From what I've heard a long time full blown alcoholic cannot go cold turkey. How I wished she'd reached out to me. How I wish I'd known. She was like my daughter. she even called me momma. I rarely ever saw her drinking and when she did, in front of me it was never excessive. As a person who has never touched any kind of alcohol when I see people drinking I pay attention, because I'm usually wondering what do they get out of it.

BigPoppaPump - 30.09.2023 02:40

Just watched a guy die at the age of 33 from it and I have no pity for him either.

Sebastian O
Sebastian O - 29.09.2023 05:36

I had a heart and liver transplant last December. Having liver disease is such a horrible thing that no one should go through. I was getting drained 10 liters of fluid a week towards the end. Been 4 years sober and everyday is a blessing. You can quit before it’s too late. You don’t want to go through what I went through. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

Kyle Edgington
Kyle Edgington - 28.09.2023 07:00

I’m sorry. This is helpful but I for some reason was looking for early signs. But this makes me feel better.

Safflower Oyl
Safflower Oyl - 25.09.2023 08:56

My brother, now 68, has been an alchoholic since grade school. He leaves his front door unlicked so that the Paramedics won't have to yet again break down his door when he's bleeding. We've gone no contact to save ourselves since he's completely committed to his vodka

K.Omalicha Blackwell
K.Omalicha Blackwell - 24.09.2023 21:39

Thank you as i speak my 28 year old daughter is in a hospital in pa. The just placed a tube to her stomach, she is juandice now..eys and skin, her pancreatitis is back and kidneys arent doing well, they are currently saying theres ammonia in her aware about this does that mean its in her blood stream as well? Worried and i understand that this could effect the cns..i pray 🙏

Mika Manninen
Mika Manninen - 22.09.2023 17:49


Uncensored Entertainment
Uncensored Entertainment - 22.09.2023 02:17

Bit too gay

Jevon Cannon
Jevon Cannon - 21.09.2023 02:41

I been stop smoking for 2 months why is my eyes still yellow

DJ M - 15.09.2023 04:53

One year ago today, my husband was brought home for hospice care. He died five days later from alcoholic liver disease and he had every one of the symptoms listed in this video. If you have a drinking problem, please get help. You do not want to die like this!

LC03 - 12.09.2023 23:51

Is it bad to drink heavy once a week as a young adult?

Ian Feuerhake
Ian Feuerhake - 12.09.2023 16:30

Glad I quit drinking when I did. Wish I would have sooner

tucko11 - 12.09.2023 11:16

If alcohol causes alcoholism then why drink? And everyone who drinks alcohol is a alcoholic, regardless of use or damage …

Chris Harrison
Chris Harrison - 10.09.2023 10:11

🧔🏻‍♂️ Mike's Hard Lemonade to the EXTREME I SEE!!!!

YT stop asking me about new name !
YT stop asking me about new name ! - 09.09.2023 02:06


Mst Moon
Mst Moon - 08.09.2023 15:59

How we can protect our lever failure desidese plz tell me?

austerlitz zhimomi
austerlitz zhimomi - 01.09.2023 10:23

Anyone who is reading my comment please pray for me I'm battling alcoholism

Edgar Morales
Edgar Morales - 01.09.2023 06:24


Tom Bellamy
Tom Bellamy - 28.08.2023 15:09

I usually binge drink once a week but then don't drink 6 days a week. Is this likely to cause liver chirrosis?

Billy Scogin
Billy Scogin - 27.08.2023 15:35

I watched my uncle pass away from drinking.. once he had cirrhosis it was just terrible..

sama Refaei
sama Refaei - 25.08.2023 00:12


Bryan Morris
Bryan Morris - 21.08.2023 05:37

Iam trying to quit but it’s hard Iam 21 every one in my family is alcoholics

DiZzAzZtEr PrOdUcTiOnS
DiZzAzZtEr PrOdUcTiOnS - 21.08.2023 05:35

My brother just died last Sunday from this garbage.

Lane Bashford
Lane Bashford - 18.08.2023 07:07

As a longtime RN, the sickest patients I ever cared for had alcoholic cirrhosis. Everyone's heard the old saying, "there's worse things than death" and IMO cirrhosis is way worse than death. The patient is extremely uncomfortable with his swollen abdomen and ascites (fluid). Most cirrhotic patients also have some degree of renal failure as well. Their diet is fluid, protein and sodium restricted. They can't eat much of anything and they truly need protein to heal but too much will put them into hepatic encephalopathy and cause them to go into a coma. Some of them are still addicted to alcohol which makes everything worse. The swollen belly can sometimes leak peritoneal fluid and they'll get peritonitis. They have to take huge amounts of laxatives in order to help flush out the high amount of bilirubin in their stool from their failing liver. They're in pain and can't have much of anything for pain because it could kill them or cause them to go into a coma. These patients are truly miserable and the disease process lasts for a year or two until death. I have never seen or heard of anyone beating cirrhosis. It's pretty much fatal. I got very close with the family members of patients with cirrhosis and I was always truthful and honest with them, explaining everything we were doing for their loved one. It's a very sad situation.

TG G - 15.08.2023 04:16

My brother died from this in March. Drinking alcohol is not harmless. These symptoms show up towards the end of the disease. He declined quickly and it was painful for him and for family to watch.

Ashfak Ahamed
Ashfak Ahamed - 14.08.2023 18:07

Paratid enlargement and duputeran’s contractures are seen in alcoholic cirrhosis patient

Jack Reynolds
Jack Reynolds - 14.08.2023 15:22

These signs, among others, may not alarm or frighten you, but the last sign that he mentioned should. A complication known as Hepatic Encephalopathy; I don't understand all the dynamics of this complication, but when I witnessed it, - it scared the living hell out of me. When you see someone you love more than anything else in the world develope this, it is devastatingly heartbreaking, - especially if you are standing helplessly alongside them in a hospital room while four nurses are holding them down and necessarily hurting them. It is absolute agony. They'll anxiously or hopelessly stare right at you, calling-out your name, - over and over and over. They'll be screaming for you, and you're assuring them right into their face or ear and it's absolutely hopeless. I have never known heart-tearing agony like that. My God, if you're a heavy drinker,
PLEASE at least think about this. I know the idea of stopping is like just, - there's just no way, - believe me, I understand this all too damn well. My own personal alcoholism was so bad, I had to finally leave the whole State to work it out in ... nevermind, it was hell. But thank God, I took away what I'd learned, and spent several years alone out there, and finally, I was free. If I can do it, - I KNOW that you can to. Please believe me. Please don't mess around with yourself in this way, I swear to God, eventually your body's gonna crash, and when it does, failures don't like to be alone. When one thing shuts down, everybody seems to follow the leader.
Well, I feel like I've kinda made an ass out of myself here. But if humiliating myself allows just one person out there to think about it, - just think about it, - my naivete and embarrassment was worth a thousand prayers.

zaina Ireland
zaina Ireland - 11.08.2023 21:45

God bless them all

Ian Ashton
Ian Ashton - 10.08.2023 17:55

Am 69 and have been a drinker since I was in my teens. Never considered myself an alcoholic but often drank heavily. Of late, I was suffering with really bad acid reflux every time I had a glass of wine so I decided to stop drinking completely. Have not had acid reflux since and have lost weight too. Am sleeping much better, the brain fog I used to get on a regular basis has gone and it’s also meant I’m saving money and putting it towards more constructive things. Wish I’d done it years ago and it proves it’s never too late to stop 👍

Christian Rivers
Christian Rivers - 10.08.2023 11:57

but if anybody is struggling with drinking please get delivered amen

Christian Rivers
Christian Rivers - 10.08.2023 11:56

well i drink every few months so i will never have this problem thank god

Eric Cardenas
Eric Cardenas - 10.08.2023 07:24

I wish I knew about yellow eyes before too late. As of August 8, I lost one of my besties.. because of this.

Dorvita - 10.08.2023 05:26

Any idea what would cause the huge abdomen as in the pic, Ascites, however without any fluid present? Sorry this is for someone with NAFLD who also has recently shown colesterol deposits on both upper eyelids and chronic inflammation. Many thanks for any advice x🙏🌹

Michael Halbert
Michael Halbert - 08.08.2023 23:57

I have a neighbor that is a HEAVY partier. She has yellow eye. Scary as hell.

Erin Elizabeth
Erin Elizabeth - 08.08.2023 01:27

I got really fat, even though I hardly eat, and I eat a healthy diet. I’ve never been an alcoholic, but an insomniac.

Mark Cutter
Mark Cutter - 07.08.2023 22:16

I have pain in upper right hand quadrant and today Iv started frequently yawning but I don’t have any of these symptoms mentions here however I do suffer from anxiety overthinking

Dream Weaver
Dream Weaver - 01.08.2023 22:25

Family friends husband just diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver.

Mike Kannely
Mike Kannely - 31.07.2023 04:35

I don't have any of these symptoms (yet), but I know I drink way too much. Would love to learn how to live sober.
Need to quit, but a very hard culture thing to do....

Calvin Bealer
Calvin Bealer - 27.07.2023 01:06

Thank You So much Dr O' Donavon. God 🙏🙏🙏 You SIR.

Rob Me
Rob Me - 26.07.2023 05:20

I'm 40 and I've been drinking 6-10 light beers day for 18 years before quitting cold turkey. I luckily didn't get any of these. When I quit I only had minor withdrawals; morning headaches, trouble sleeping, and low energy for about 4-5 days. It took me about 3 months to loose the mental cravings and start to look healthy.

DesertScorpionKSA - 24.07.2023 17:23

If you turn yellow like that, your liver is wrecked. Good luck.

nationaldriving school
nationaldriving school - 18.07.2023 14:30

Hello doctor i am from india my elder brother got jaundice due to alcohol consumption he has small children he in hospital since 1 month,
Even after taking treatment in ICU for a month, his eyes have turned pale, our whole family is very worried, can you please help me? 😢

alex carter
alex carter - 16.07.2023 12:27

If they're really bad, their gait. I call it "gorilla walking" you lose control over your posture and gait to some extent and you walk, not like a gorilla actually gets around but ask a little kid to "walk like a gorilla" and they'll know exactly what you mean. That kind of walk. Also hand/finger tremor, and a werid wrist tremor where if the person is holding a can of beer or soda, cup of water etc., their wrist will shake. The old trope of an old alcoholic needing two very shaky hands to guide the drink to their mouth if they haven't had any for hours, is true.
