FNIRSI tablet style 2 channel oscilloscope model 1013D review

FNIRSI tablet style 2 channel oscilloscope model 1013D review


1 год назад

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@JohnAudioTech - 08.04.2023 04:49

I'm mainly an audio electronics channel but my top two videos are about LED bulbs. Perhaps I should change to the LED Bulb Channel.😀

@SuperFredAZ - 05.01.2024 13:07

Liss'- a- jew. Accent on Liss

@erwinsanders2026 - 25.12.2023 19:45

TechCorner has a video showing 80mhz both channels driven simultaneously at the 3db dropout. Many signal generators themselves drop amplitude at higher frequencies but the scope is then blamed.

@georgecraft007 - 15.12.2023 09:50

I really disliked the cheap plastic fold-out stand. I was always getting glare from the scope angled towards the ceiling. I decided to modify my fold-out stand with a couple of small O-rings. I put the O-rings over the plastic hinge pins of the fold-out stand. This sort of worked, but when I installed a small piece of 4mm plastic on the other side of the stand, it wedged the hinge O-ring tighter and provided the friction that I was looking for. The change is like night and day. I used to have a flimsy stand and now I have a stand that stays in place where ever I position it. No more glare in my eyes.

@kamilhorvat8290 - 01.12.2023 20:53

Looks nice, I'm going to buy it next christmas for $50

@PeterPetermann - 10.11.2023 21:02

mine came without a 100x probe (not that I think I need it)

@jpdesroc - 19.10.2023 01:58

Any schematics of your tiny RF amplifier setup ? Just curious to see how strong the signal gains..

@sylvainbel - 24.09.2023 16:21

Hello to you, Thank you for this video it helps us to see clearly, I have a question for you, I would like to check components like transistor, diode can this scope support the x-y function, thank you in advance for your answer .

@pt17171 - 21.09.2023 23:32

I like the idea of this, its portable, and electrically isolated. which are 2 things I really need and its has a large screen, it costs £120. People critiquing it seem to compare it with scopes costs 5x as much, without a good reason.

@wp-wisdom - 20.09.2023 15:40

Why not use transistors instead of relays?

@tmise50 - 07.08.2023 14:42

I was looking at the AESwave uScope but this one with two channel and touchscreen seems like a no brainer!

@NukeFPV - 06.08.2023 18:53

I think you'll find these units are NOT ground isolated, nor do some of them even have a battery.... Test the continuity between the USB power socket Ground and the probe inputs, and you'll find they all conduct to Ground. Something to be aware of when using the USB adapter....

@paulcohen1555 - 06.08.2023 11:45

In contrast, Micsig is CORRECTLY rating their scopes BW and other parameters.
Test equipment "lies" are worse than manufacturers lies.

@paulcohen1555 - 06.08.2023 11:37

I really can't understand why chinese manufacturers still lie and advertise the fake bandwidth after years of bad customer reports.

@10760910eugenioyoutu - 16.07.2023 14:28

100 Mhz my arse, chinese products are alway overrated !

@melb7648 - 09.07.2023 11:05

I got same scope but my menu is in chinese can you share to me how to set the menu to english. Thanks

@W4BIN - 10.06.2023 19:27

Let me add, it works better once you learn how to use a 'scope with no knobs or buttons. Ron W4BIN

@seanbittner7136 - 02.06.2023 03:07

Wow, a review from somebody who hasn't made up their mind already. I guess when one has paid much more in the past the newer and way less expensive unit that may be even better in some ways doesn't sit well.

@dmilav.3941 - 01.06.2023 09:26

Hello. Would you recommended for use in car repair?
Thank you.

@inductr - 20.05.2023 11:39

Any Roll mode on this, ie moves smoothly from right to left without any triggering events ?

@marinehm - 19.05.2023 02:21

I purchased a DSO 1308 DIY Oscilloscope kit from an Amazon return center for $4.00 just because it was only $4.00 It was fun building it. Verifying all the correct resistor values, soldering it all together. I've never used one and not really sure what to use it for. I've been following your channel since 2016 when I built my 1st Altiods tin audio amp and speaker with an LM386 chip. Made several BT speakers, then moved on to learning Arduino and programming onto Wemos D1 Mini ESP8266. Then augmented that project with a Raspberry Pi Zero W and Mosquitto MQTT. I still have no idea what to use an oscilloscope for or how to properly take readings from it. I just happened to see this video and thought hmmmm maybe should learn some basic oscilliscope "stuff".

@celsiusswatt6021 - 07.05.2023 05:26

I bought the same scope based on review. Sorry. It is NOT a 100MHz, 1Gsa/s scope, the rise time on 300ps signal shows 10ns (means ~25MHz bandwidth), the minimum timebase setting is 10ns/div, and it looks that all waveforms on <50ns/div scale are interpolated, do not reflect real signal which makes me think that the real sampling rate is not more than ~200Msa/s. The look in implementation shows one AD9288 (2x100M) per channel that confirms the point. Minimum range is 50mV/div. The display cannot show the samples as dots, so you never know what it really captured. The software is very buggy, it is easy to get to the mode when the grid display is incorrect, sampling rate is low and record length is short. After that, the slow rising edges are shown (same 300ps signal now is 100ns rising time!). For instance, the pulse rate of 500kHz may be shown as 400ns period on the grid (5x incorrect!).
It measures signal frequency or period or duty cycle only in "auto" synch mode, not from period in the capture. No rise/fall or FFT measurement inside. No control (and no advertisement) of record length. No external synch input. No TV synch. No bandwidth control - although it is 20MHz scope anyway... No explicit pre-trigger settings.
On positives, It can store the waveforms in flash memory and it can be re-measured, zoomed or analyzed later, which is convenient. It runs on battery power and can be fully isolated for non-grounded signals. It may be a good instrument to measure power and audio signals and entry level microcontrollers. It is not suitable for signals above ~20MHz / ~50ns, so its specifications are advertised incorrectly. It is really "too good to be true", but for low frequency work it may be OK.

@MsFireboy2 - 24.04.2023 04:19

John I totally agree. I actually own a DSO and the JYEtech DSO150 it was the Kit version. A 5 year Hantek unit.

@ajlenze8 - 15.04.2023 04:56

Dave on EEVBlog did a fairly detailed review of a slightly different version (probe connectors protrude more) of this scope, and found that its max sampling rate is 200MHz, not the claimed 1GHz. He and others have also found that the bandwidth is around 25-30MHz instead of the claimed 100MHz. I'm not saying not to buy this scope - the battery powered portability is especially attractive - but buyers should be aware of these misrepresentations.

@migalito1955 - 13.04.2023 06:54

Hi John,
Thanks for the review. I bought an inexpensive Chinese audio scope the other day to use in lieu of my analog BK Precision 1474.

I've been building pick-ups and preamps to go along with my building of acoustic stringed instrument hobby taken up in retirement. I ran into something recently that might interest you.

I bought a $7 two channel preamp with three bands of tone control built in to the board along with a pair of 5532 op-amps.

The board runs on a dual power supply meaning it expects or needs -voltage, virtual ground, + voltage to power on. No surprise here and to test it I used a pair of large 12 volt batteries in series and pulled virtual ground from the plus/minus junction.

I wanted to use the preamp after having built an enclosure without using big batteries in series so I built a votage divider out of a pair of 2.2K resistors and a pair of 220 micro farad electrolytic capacitors.

All hell broke out when I used the voltage divider. Why? It totally destroyed the clean test signals I input by distorting them into something close to a square wave that was anything but pretty to look at.

I then ordered a dual power converter module off EBay but as I wait I decided to try an idea.

The idea was, I believed the guts of a cigarette lighter style cell phone charger is just a DC to DC Buck Converter. So, how about gutting two chargers and placing the two boards in series.

The idea worked like a charm and gave me -5 volts, virtual ground, +5 volts and ran the board without a hitch.

On the other hand, what is up with the voltage divider. Are the capacitors inducing an AC signal that is corrupting the test signal or is the board just cursed by the wizard of Electronics??

Thanks in advance for insight on the issue of the mucked up signal.....

@WalkingYoshi - 13.04.2023 04:31

Hello 🙋‍♂
Greetings from Japan to you🗾
This is a small, light and handy oscilloscope
This oscilloscope is a bargain at 166$
Thanks for the great review video

@uni-byte - 11.04.2023 19:18

This scope is pretty useless beyond 35MHz. But for audio that should be fine.

@KissAnalog - 09.04.2023 21:32

Will the cursors and/or the measurements work with the FFT?

@ford1548 - 09.04.2023 19:28

Do they come with a protective cover or box? or protective rubber you find on multimeters?

@ford1548 - 09.04.2023 19:22

does this oscilloscope have hd screen? it would have been nice to see more with hd screens and more eb 60 hz screens!

@ford1548 - 09.04.2023 19:13

notice that it doesn't have the best screens! a bit too slow yes. a lot of the cheap ones tend not to have the very best screen like dab radio players or cheap LCR meters and mini ociliscopes tend to have horrible bad screen type

@alauddinbelal - 09.04.2023 09:06


@preston963 - 09.04.2023 05:19

You are really later to this party I've got 2 of them n had em for 3yrs, I use them for car diag work there not great just ok to about 30Mhz & definitely not 1Gs/s. I'm an electronics tech & mechanic of some 40yrs.

@beamer.electronics - 09.04.2023 02:44

Like dealing with people, it takes me a long time to trust an oscilloscope - for low frequencies, I still go back to a CRT scope and an independent counter.

@DustinWatts - 08.04.2023 21:35

I think for the price, it's a pretty good oscilloscope. Probes includes, responsive touchscreen, very readable screen. For beginners and even for more advanced users who just quickly look a a signal. Yeah al in al a decent scope! I already have a scope, but I would definitely consider this I was looking for one. And if you are just doing audio.... even better! Thanks for the review!

@jerryking2418 - 08.04.2023 18:20

Interesting demo.

@germanjohn5626 - 08.04.2023 17:40

I bought one of these a year or so ago, and have not regretted it. My interest is mostly in RF, and I do very little audio work. The audio work I do is over a narrow bandwidth. So I got rid of my 4ch 200Mhz scope (I donated it to a local club) that took up a lot of space and bought this instead. It does all I needed and so much more. Btw, a scope rated to 100Mhz doesn't mean it works there. A 100Mhz scope has a working bandwidth of about 1/2 to 75 %the rating at best. At 100Mhz the amplitude is typical rolled of by a minimum of 3db.

@maxxlr8tion578 - 08.04.2023 17:30

Big fan of the Hantek scopes, very affordable, but you need a PC/laptop. I use a 8 channel model for automotive diag, and I have a 2 channel model for home use.

@michaelspiering7585 - 08.04.2023 15:23

Thanks for reviewing that. Perhaps it's time for me to move away from my tube Heathkit oscilloscope and HP sine wave generator!

@xraytonyb - 08.04.2023 15:21

Thanks for doing the review on this. I have had one of these for a little over a year now. I keep it in my tool case in the car for field service. The battery seems to hold a charge for a very long time. For quick measurements and for verifying the presence of a signal, this little scope works well. I did, however, find one problem with it. If you need to capture a single waveform, you are limited to the length of the waveform you can capture. We sometimes have to capture a waveform that is upwards of 1 second long. This scope can't do it. If you set the trigger to normal mode and then set the time base to anything 100mS/division or longer, the scope will switch the trigger to auto mode and shade out the option for normal trigger. I think it is because of memory limitations. Other than that, it works great, especially when you don't want to drag the big scope into the worksite ;) Thanks again!

@lucvanhove9639 - 08.04.2023 15:05

Sorry, I prefer the "real thing" with less menu's but buttons.

@peterlarkin762 - 08.04.2023 12:06

I really wanted an old analog scope and got a 90's 20MHZ Kenwood couple years back. Maybe better for learning, but these cheap DSO's offer tons of useful features, tiny footprint, isolated and its portable.

EDIT: Just saw the price, amazing deal for beginners.

@russellhltn1396 - 08.04.2023 11:59

One thing going for this is a nice big display. A lot of scopes have a much smaller display.

@silverXnoise - 08.04.2023 11:56

This model is currently blanketing eBay. Tempting for the price. Thanks for the add’l context!

@apmdavies - 08.04.2023 11:25

Ideal for working on audio valve amps where you need the isolation and the supplied 100X probe.

@1pcfred - 08.04.2023 06:39

If they advertised this scope for what it's really capable of no one would buy it. Bandwidth is 10X what an instrument is capable of reliably displaying. So a "100 MHz scope" is good for 10 MHz. Up to 100 MHz it's going to do something but not really what you want. In the upper range of their bandwidth cheap DSOs are going to display a sine wave regardless of what the input signal looks like. So testing them with a sine wave is less than informative. Square wave? Sine wave! In the immortal words of John Belushi, Cheeseburger, cheeseburger, cheeseburger. That's all you're going to get. Oh, and Pepsi, no Coke.
