The Complete Gaming Creepypasta Iceberg Explained

The Complete Gaming Creepypasta Iceberg Explained


2 года назад

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𝙝𝙭𝙩𝙥𝙡 • 𝘼𝙑𝘼𝙇𝙊𝙉
𝙝𝙭𝙩𝙥𝙡 • 𝘼𝙑𝘼𝙇𝙊𝙉 - 09.10.2023 21:07

In regards to the Jack the Ripper game creepypasta, for those who do not know, Mary Kelly, or in full: Mary Jane Kelly, was the Ripper's presumed final victim. As per the photo... well, I'll simply describe it to you by using the official document from the police back in the day:

The body was lying naked in the middle of the bed, the shoulders flat but the axis of the body inclined to the left side of the bed. The head was turned on the left cheek. The left arm was close to the body with the forearm flexed at a right angle and lying across the abdomen. The right arm was slightly abducted from the body and rested on the mattress. The elbow was bent, the forearm supine with the fingers clenched. The legs were wide apart, the left thigh at right angles to the trunk and the right forming an obtuse angle with the pubis.

The whole of the surface of the abdomen and thighs was removed and the abdominal cavity emptied of its viscera. The breasts were cut off, the arms mutilated by several jagged wounds and the face hacked beyond recognition of the features. The tissues of the neck were severed all round down to the bone.

The viscera were found in various parts viz: the uterus and kidneys with one breast under the head, the other breast by the right foot, the liver between the feet, the intestines by the right side and the spleen by the left side of the body. The flaps removed from the abdomen and thighs were on a table.

The bed clothing at the right corner was saturated with blood, and on the floor beneath was a pool of blood covering about two feet square. The wall by the right side of the bed and in a line with the neck was marked by blood which had struck it in several places.

The face was gashed in all directions, the nose, cheeks, eyebrows, and ears being partly removed. The lips were blanched and cut by several incisions running obliquely down to the chin. There were also numerous cuts extending irregularly across all the features.

The neck was cut through the skin and other tissues right down to the vertebrae, the fifth and sixth being deeply notched. The skin cuts in the front of the neck showed distinct ecchymosis. The air passage was cut at the lower part of the larynx through the cricoid cartilage.

Both breasts were more or less removed by circular incisions, the muscle down to the ribs being attached to the breasts. The intercostals between the fourth, fifth, and sixth ribs were cut through and the contents of the thorax visible through the openings.

The skin and tissues of the abdomen from the costal arch to the pubes were removed in three large flaps. The right thigh was denuded in front to the bone, the flap of skin, including the external organs of generation, and part of the right buttock. The left thigh was stripped of skin fascia, and muscles as far as the knee.

The left calf showed a long gash through skin and tissues to the deep muscles and reaching from the knee to five inches above the ankle. Both arms and forearms had extensive jagged wounds. The right thumb showed a small superficial incision about one inch long, with extravasation of blood in the skin, and there were several abrasions on the back of the hand moreover showing the same condition.

On opening the thorax it was found that the right lung was minimally adherent by old firm adhesions. The lower part of the lung was broken and torn away. The left lung was intact. It was adherent at the apex and there were a few adhesions over the side. In the substances of the lung, there were several nodules of consolidation.
The pericardium was open below and the heart absent.

In the abdominal cavity, there was some partly digested food of fish and potatoes, and similar food was found in the remains of the stomach attached to the intestines.

If you want to view the image of the murder scene... well, just look it up, but be warned that it is NOT pretty at all.

Tom Fushiguro
Tom Fushiguro - 09.10.2023 14:40

I wanna box the entities in these creepypastas

UnseamlyTangent - 08.10.2023 09:46

Ah yes the hyper realistic scare

Asato Wolfe
Asato Wolfe - 08.10.2023 03:00

Oh man, the Gameboy Camera+Printer's "Who are you running from" screen was always unsettling to me as a kid. It was funny— but in a "haha wtf" sorta way. It's surreal hearing about that again.

Bimbusthewise - 03.10.2023 16:45

The dude with the lisp needs to slow the fuck down. Its already hard enough to understand at normal speed let alone when hes combining 3 words into 1 nanosecond

Kiss Máté
Kiss Máté - 03.10.2023 12:09

What's the name of the piano piece that can be heard in the background?

ATR2400 - 02.10.2023 22:42

I fell asleep while watching this video and had a mix of dreams. A dream that I was listening to this video in my living room at night, and multiple dreams where I believe I lived out the events of the stories. All the while the narration from the real world seeped in. I could hear everything, yet I did not understand the false nature of reality until I awoke

noah - 30.09.2023 19:47

not to be that guy but. whats the song playing over the "perfect game" entry?

Hopper - 27.09.2023 17:27

Did you…did you say remiru and not reimu in the touhou 11 one.

MakkuSaiko - 26.09.2023 11:03

Dude on the piano: Lets make it creepy, but mix in a lil groove

UnseamlyTangent - 24.09.2023 22:04

How are any of these scary at all

Sean Lightowler
Sean Lightowler - 23.09.2023 13:52

Honestly, this whole video isn't really a deep explanation about why such stories exist. It's more like a compilation that summarizes every video game creepypasta ever. It's not proving anything. It's just a reference source. All these summaries you guys are giving is just background noise than just a message for humanity to abide by.

Oh! That's a Baseball
Oh! That's a Baseball - 22.09.2023 20:20

I will never understand what's the big deal with hyper realism. Wouldn't it be creepier if it looks like it would fit to the movie/game/episode?

Your Man In London Collecting
Your Man In London Collecting - 22.09.2023 12:57

Thanks for the hard work 🙂👍

Victor Soledo
Victor Soledo - 19.09.2023 10:53

Sweet, ice posting

Cristi@n - 13.09.2023 23:32

I touch myself to this video ❤

[NO KIDS] KATELYN SHELLOS - 13.09.2023 05:42

“deranged sense of humor”
just say the i-word already, ffs

HERO5948 - 12.09.2023 14:38

What is it with creepy pastas involving plushies appearing out of nowhere

GhosT SpartaN FtW
GhosT SpartaN FtW - 06.09.2023 09:49

Tails doll use to scare me when I found that creepypasta. Now I'm 22 and it makes me laugh

RoastTurtle2 - 05.09.2023 17:20

These are old as shit and you're using corny ass "creepypasta" music from EAAAAAAAARRRLY 2000's

アンドレス - 05.09.2023 08:52

music at the beginng?

EvanGamesGoodman - 03.09.2023 03:44

Bro literally spelt Reimu's name wrong XD


Jaden ZombieSlayer
Jaden ZombieSlayer - 31.08.2023 08:14

I already know about sonic.exe

Vojska - 28.08.2023 19:38

It was during this video that I realized that 128 is 64 times 2.

Maddy - 28.08.2023 10:51

That knocking messed me up fr haha 😂

Blizz - 22.08.2023 20:19


ChocoMilk - 21.08.2023 22:03

i woke up to my phone on the floor & a bootleg touhou creepypasta playing lol

the amount of incorrect information there was insane haha

Sour Maynard
Sour Maynard - 21.08.2023 02:20

You deserve more subs for this effort

RaeLogan - 18.08.2023 10:16

"Only known Pokémon graveyard in the series"

[Sun and Moon has entered the chat]

AS - 17.08.2023 11:13

Best 2hours of my life☕️🗿

Inquisitor Luhn
Inquisitor Luhn - 15.08.2023 17:03

The Halo creepypasta would actually make for a mod that lets you have an evil ending

Kyle Galbrecht
Kyle Galbrecht - 10.08.2023 22:48


Tainui Peihopa
Tainui Peihopa - 10.08.2023 21:30

I love you and make more videos please

Tainui Peihopa
Tainui Peihopa - 10.08.2023 21:29

The music in your video sounds like the most bestest thing for human to sleep

Uncanny Valley
Uncanny Valley - 09.08.2023 21:47

Yoo EFT got a creepypasta? Hell yeah 😂

Talon - 09.08.2023 18:22

How tf does a nigga pirate Plants Vs Zombies???? Its free????

Mister Misfortune
Mister Misfortune - 09.08.2023 04:50

Kanto is not the only region with a graveyard

Hoenn has Mt Pyre, Sinnoh has its own tower, Unova has a massive grave tower, and even Alola has just a straight up regular cemetery. Not sure about Galar, Paldea, Kalos, or Johto, although I feel like I remember seeing graves somewhere in Kalos. Gen 6 is focused on life and death, at the very least

Chee20 - 08.08.2023 05:06

Evil Otto is emoji but deadly

Melody Davis
Melody Davis - 08.08.2023 00:24


Tom Ariel
Tom Ariel - 07.08.2023 23:41

Not to be rude but there's to much mario 64 creepypastas
