M3 Max 16” MacBook Pro vs M2 Max & M1 Max - HOLY MOLY..

M3 Max 16” MacBook Pro vs M2 Max & M1 Max - HOLY MOLY..

Max Tech

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Keilor Tartarotti
Keilor Tartarotti - 17.11.2023 16:31

It would be nice to compare Windows VMs. Lots of people still rely heavily on PC software, running Parallels most of the time, on Macs. No one is doing this type of comparison!

zoomout - 17.11.2023 15:22

I can see the fingerprints on the space black laptop

Bruno Lacerda
Bruno Lacerda - 17.11.2023 14:46

Tem que comparar pelo preço né cabeção

Julian van Dieken
Julian van Dieken - 17.11.2023 13:45

So, I think I need help. What would you say is faster?
M2 Max 38 Core GPU - or
M3 Max 30 Core GPU?

I‘m having a hard time to decide between a refurbished M2 Max and a new M3 Max. Don’t know what’s better value for the money. 🤔

Jakob Hviid
Jakob Hviid - 17.11.2023 11:17

THANK YOU SO MUCH for making segments in your videos so we can find the segments we are courios about a lot faster! (don't care for the 80% that is video editing testing that does not fit with my workload)

Natman Films
Natman Films - 17.11.2023 11:14

Can you please do a TEST with the 14" Apple M3 Max chip with 14‑core CPU, 30‑core GPU - 36GB - 1TB. Thank you kindly.

Ricardo Küster
Ricardo Küster - 17.11.2023 10:41

What’s the name of the statistics app that measures the cpu speeds and wattage please ?

And by the way, another great video ! Thanks !

Sean Yao
Sean Yao - 17.11.2023 08:37

Apple goes too far as it deliberately cut down power on M3 and M3 pro. M3 Max or Ultra blows mind, but only handful few care about it. Look at the price of 16 inch M3 Max at AUD$5999 and above, I would keep my M1 Pro for longer though

Doggerson - 17.11.2023 08:33

69% more tracks funny number!

Ezekiel Ochieng
Ezekiel Ochieng - 17.11.2023 04:31

Thanks be to MaxTech for getting the equipment and testing for us. Good things do really come to those who wait. Thanks for the tech advise as always

David Tufino Photography
David Tufino Photography - 17.11.2023 03:25

M1 max is good enough for 99.5% of the people.... My 2017 Imac still kicks butt but i just edit photos and use FCPX.

Emiel333 Official
Emiel333 Official - 17.11.2023 02:51

Wow, 328 tracks running in Logic Pro is insane! No need for a Mac Pro anymore:) 

pomme dapi
pomme dapi - 17.11.2023 02:11

This channel is everytime such a pain to listen too.. the voice of the guys both of them, just exhausting “wooow so amazing, a must upgrade, you won’t believe it…” with tests done in 2 hours..

Gary Timeless
Gary Timeless - 17.11.2023 00:57

There was a day where m1 max was blowing our mind 😂
Tech is improving - and i love it

Vadym Kodryan
Vadym Kodryan - 16.11.2023 23:31

Wow. That was a thorough and comprehensive testing! Thanks for doing this. I am long overdue for an upgrade but I am still hoping for a bigger pro iMac some day.

Iuri Pires
Iuri Pires - 16.11.2023 22:39

And we are far from what they have hidden in progress. You will not believe what they got for 2025.

Aman Thapar
Aman Thapar - 16.11.2023 22:38

what about gaming?

Nestor Neto
Nestor Neto - 16.11.2023 22:02

why did they release M2 Max and 6 months later M3 Max.. I feel like I got robbed.

Adam Krauss
Adam Krauss - 16.11.2023 21:24

Enjoy your vids, but you really should start with making clear the key specs of the machines you’re comparing.

CRW - 16.11.2023 21:04

What do you think of the dual horizontal screen. I noticed it’s only 250 nits brightness. It is better in person. Seems very dim

Isa .Lang
Isa .Lang - 16.11.2023 20:04

On the audio tracks test-those number of tracks aren't going to be used by the majority of people. Its plug ins and automations that will slow apps down. You guys should get a musician to bring a big project and render it.

Michael Duran
Michael Duran - 16.11.2023 19:23

Hi Max, love your videos. For the Logic Pro test would you mind telling us what sample rate as well as the buffer size you’re running the project in, and if there’s any plugins on the track? And maybe try a version where you put 3-4 compressors on each track and see how many it can run in that case? Would definitely help me to understand the relative power as an audio producer. Like this comment if you agreee!

Ieiislx - 16.11.2023 19:16

I'm curious about what Apple does with its redesigns going forward. As an M1 Max owner, it is still an incredible machine.
I still think Apple is going to find to hard to make people upgrade unless they are maxing out their machines daily.

Valerie Manners
Valerie Manners - 16.11.2023 19:16

I'm still rocking on an M1Air. The first Mac I ever bought new. It's nice to check out these high end reviews.

Mike S. Media
Mike S. Media - 16.11.2023 19:09

It's definitely NOT worth the upgrade despite the hype. You are literally talking seconds better performance SECONDS not minutes or hours like it was coming from the intel based to the M1 Max. Also, why do you guys look at the base of the top model? I understand cost if that's your constraint but it seems like y'all go pretty all in. I'm on a fully maxed out M1 Max 64gb ram etc etc my primary work is 4k/8k downgrading to 4k in Davinci Resolve and photo work in Lr, Ps, plus some illustrator work. I do a little gaming on the side for fun and have about 50 internet tabs open on the average. This thing plows through all of my work and exports are generally all under 1-2 min for most videos 15 min or under with simple color grades and minimal effects etc or up to 4 min with noise reduction and heavier layered effects. The only thing that gets my playback speed on the timelines is noise reduction but even the best built towers get hung up on that and it still doesn't affect workflow because you set it then disable it until export. Any combination of other effects including fusion work has real time playback. The only performance gains I see with the M3 Max are simply what you'd expect with a higher clock speed and such. Even pushing an M1 or M2 Max to the limit the gains are truly so minimal compared to the M3 Max that considering the average $5k price tag and next to nothing trade in value on the M1's and M2's I'm not even remotely close to seeing this as a considerable upgrade for photo or video work!

870610 Wayne
870610 Wayne - 16.11.2023 19:01

Though performance is great, the fan that ramped up so much faster is not a good sign 😟

Qifeng Pan
Qifeng Pan - 16.11.2023 16:04

m3 VS m1pro plz🙏🙏

Thomas Bensley
Thomas Bensley - 16.11.2023 15:05

haha I'm so grumpy that I bought a M2 Max ! you mentioned that you did warn us that the M2 Max was a stop-gap, pretty sure you didn't!

x3rs3s - 16.11.2023 14:36

M3 is more impressive than M2, but I am still happy with my M1 Max.
I won't upgrade until my 3 year Apple cover expires in 2024 🙂

At which point M4 Max should be unveiled.

Joseph L. Hover
Joseph L. Hover - 16.11.2023 14:28

Nobody is playing 320 tracks of audio at the same time, this is so dumb

BlaseGangBeats - 16.11.2023 14:17

I need 14 inch vs 16 inch m3 max

pixxelpusher - 16.11.2023 14:04

From these test results I'm thinking the M5 Max will be the next one I'll get from a M1 Max. M4 Max I'm imagining will be another stop-gap, but M5 Max will have over double the speed in every test to the M1 Max.

Divyansh Bhutra
Divyansh Bhutra - 16.11.2023 13:46

M3 chips are so much better of an upgrade than A17. Anybody has any guesses?

Sebastian Pecznik
Sebastian Pecznik - 16.11.2023 13:15

Hey @maxthecofficial! Question:
Since for LOGIC PRO X the amount of cores seems to be more important than the speed they can achieve, GPU being also less important
I was wondering what a comparison look like for
MBP 14 (M3 Max 16 Core Cpu - 40 GPU - 16 Neural) 128 RAM - 2 or 4 TB SSD
Mac Studio (M2 Ultra 24 Core CPU - 60 GPU - 32 Neural Eng) 192 Ram 2 or 4 TB SSD
Are the more Cores help Logic work faster and better? Or is the Processors speed help the computer more?

Computer intended for Professional Studio Orchestral Music making (lots of Virtual Instruments - Plug Ins - CPU savy stuff)
Thanks a million

Carlos Lizaga
Carlos Lizaga - 16.11.2023 12:58

I’d love to see a comparison between same spec M3 Max (40GPU) 14 and 16 inches. M1 Max and M2 Max 14” had massive throttling but looks like they did some magic with the new SoC and its thermals. It would be awesome to measure how much 14-16 differs in sustained clock frequencies under load.

Pritish Bharti
Pritish Bharti - 16.11.2023 12:52

@maxtech dude include more timeline performance test and even try to push it to the limits with increasing the complexity of the timelines. That's what is useful in realife not these benchmark scores

DNA - DailyNerdAlert
DNA - DailyNerdAlert - 16.11.2023 12:17

I didn't waiting for, its because the M1 und M2 had so much power for 90 % of all users. Thanks for your video and the work for this in the behind!

Nicholas Steblay
Nicholas Steblay - 16.11.2023 12:15

I'm not sure a battery test comparing a new M3 versus a used M2 is legitimate. Batteries lose capacity over time and use. The performance is impressive but how much does a person need? I still see no reason to upgrade for those with a M1 Max, especially with the outrageous costs..

Goan Vibes
Goan Vibes - 16.11.2023 11:27

Watching your videos for many years now. , I want suggestion I have I pad air 4 can I use tat with desktop to video editing coz Macs are too costly... if I can than how should use desktop with I pad and wat else require

AL Rizo
AL Rizo - 16.11.2023 11:20

looking forward for windows laptop in arm next year. It's gonna be competitive in performance and specially PRICE

Alex Legay
Alex Legay - 16.11.2023 11:17

Hi, I love u channel! Could u make a comparison between the Macbook Pro 14 m1max 10/32 and the Macbook Pro 14 m3max 14/30? Are new Macs worth additional 300$-500$?

AL Rizo
AL Rizo - 16.11.2023 11:17

woul've been better if they charge at least $90 for every 8gb ram and tb upgrade

Perdomot - 16.11.2023 11:05

I'm wondering if the slower fan speed caused throttling which lowered the cpu scores. They should ramp up the fans to similar speeds and retest that.
