The Truth About TV Antennas With Danny S Hodges

The Truth About TV Antennas With Danny S Hodges

Danny S Hodges

5 лет назад

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@bretts1 - 21.07.2019 16:33

Hi Danny, I know what your talking about. Funny channels sprung up pushing those antennas that fall apart. Before I found you, I bought one with a rotor. I was not able to even get it put together. Had thin metal bands that were not long enough to screw in without bending and breaking it. Was such a mess, I did not even to try to send the piece of junk back. Good to see you hanging in there.
I challenged a guy to test your antenna. He gave a lame excuse that you were hard working and signals in your area would not pick up his market. I told him, well your buying others and testing, buy his and if it does not work don’t show the video because of your explanation. Bottom line he was promoting a companies antenna and got junk ones to compare to the ones supporting him. Lots of folks stuck up for you and rightly so. That guy used book knowledge and did not take antennas outside and line them up. Hell he did not even leave the house.

@rtoweprojects9072 - 21.07.2019 16:39

I see the TV manufacturers are picking your brain!

@samanth7777 - 21.07.2019 20:39

I know doing the same thing all the time gets old. Maybe you and Tammy need to spend some time up in the mountains Pegeon forge.

@jacklabloom635 - 21.07.2019 22:20

The man is right about his soldered antenna being better than the flimsy antennas that snap together. A soldered antenna will maintain its signal integrity far longer, exposed to the elements, than the typical aluminum antennas that have rivets and fold open.

@scottythompson940 - 22.07.2019 07:51

cool video tech talk did the tv antenna work good danny

@wesmckean1443 - 22.07.2019 17:45

definitely have your antenna on my short list of things to buy. I made a gray hooverman based on your video. It works pretty well. Didn't pick up WSB in Atlanta as good as the store bought, but the other UHF stations, it did a much better job. keep up the good work. btw... in one of your other videos you mentioned a no loss splitter. can you share that model and manufacturer?

@originalmetalhead73 - 22.07.2019 18:00

He's absolutely right.,.the physics of antenna's are well known. I've made ham antennas from PVC and Aluminum wire for less than $10 that worked better than more expensive ones. Soldering is always better when you use copper or other solder-able materials.

@drackkor725 - 23.07.2019 03:55

He must be talking about the channel master antenna.

@jthonn - 25.07.2019 03:10

Hey Danny, ever thought about just selling the the whiskers, you know all soldered and everything. I would buy a set right now.

@raypelletier9920 - 25.07.2019 21:22

Nice video Danny, I like how you tell it as it is and its the truth of the matter. Keep up the good work. I made a few but dont get the results like yours.

@jerrymcalister9614 - 26.07.2019 02:07

danny, i am looking at moving to the wrightsville georgia are and according to what i can find from tv fool and antenna web i can only receive about 5 total channels and they are all tied to PBS. any good info from you as to how many i may be able to receive with one of your antennas on a 40ft tower?

@lisab3396 - 26.07.2019 03:58

I sure hope that you have patented that "KitchenTenna".

1) Looks like copper rod with tin/lead solder?? If it is, do you apply a corrosion protection?

2) What coax cable connector fitting do you use and do you design in or provide lightning protection or give details of third party lightning protection??

@jacrigger1 - 27.07.2019 03:09

Why not put some pvc spacers half way down your whiskers to keep them exactly at 4 1/2" and prevent them from grounding on the reflecter

@MaynardFreek - 28.07.2019 20:41

The truth is your antenna is a simple copy of the DB4E and DB8E antennas

@MaynardFreek - 30.07.2019 18:53

Does copper vs aluminum make any difference? Not really. I've thoroughly tested this and have found no difference. Sorry guys

@robstephens - 01.08.2019 05:15

I saw your ad on Ebay. Adding "Made in USA" to the description might get you move views on Ebay. Wonder if you could offer a version that would fold up or over for shipping to reduce the shipping cost by using a smaller box?

@channel-dw7ei - 01.08.2019 23:04

You should make an hourglass antenna and see what happens!

@babbyfarr6403 - 08.08.2019 05:04

hi Danny I need to talk with you and I hope I can help you with a better way to ship but I may be wrong . Please call me my name is bob from Little Rock  AR    501 203 5062  . love the  work you do to help ppl thanks

@Autiger6871 - 12.09.2019 04:20

How do I get in touch with you? If I buy one of your antennas I would like to come pick it up.

@pg9511 - 03.10.2019 01:04

Danny, please don't quit your antenna business yet. I'm working up to where I can buy your antenna so that it's mostly made and I don't have the money yet. Can't buy a kit unassembled because my right hand/arm/leg don't work due to a stroke I had in 2002. I'll raise the necessary funds to get an antenna mostly assembled as soon as I can. Thanks buddy.

@dwc0 - 08.10.2019 17:13

Danny, in all your experimenting, have you ever tried different grid densities for the reflector? A common grid size seems to be about 2.5" x 1". Wouldn't a smaller grid reflect more signal? Of course wind resistance would go up so there's a trade off for an outdoor installation. But for especially indoor, like in a apartment behind a window, it would be interesting to see the effects grid size would have.

@boogieboo9467 - 19.10.2019 05:53

Hey Danny I've been in the antennas for a while and run up on your videos. Thanks for all the tips you put out. Have you ever heard of Dino Davila? He's a big antenna man mostly into CB stuff but he's got a lot of interesting videos... he's not with us anymore but maybe you should check him out sometime. I think you would find him interesting...

@pg9511 - 16.11.2019 02:42

Hey Danny, How do I ground the antenna properly?

@naturalmilkhoneyandzenretr9508 - 12.03.2020 19:26

Hey man I think your great! I KNOW exactly what you mean about knowing how songs go exactly and hate my face on camera. I have one question for you, but I want to ask in person. I've been a nurse for 27 years and am having a you tube award party April 3rd I live in the woods and gotta lot of ideas and need an antenna put in and would like you to do it cause you are the Best and you know it. Plus u can smoke all you want 😊

@RG_sssSMOKING - 20.04.2020 02:53

Hey Danny, got a question.
First I've watched many many hours of your videos and have enjoyed the knowledge you bring and share. I started to make a antenna myself. Question is does it hurt to spray the copper whiskers when spraying the frame? Also is there an advantage in grounding the reflector of the antenna?
Thanks and keep the videos coming!

@matthew27lamb31 - 02.07.2020 16:01

Is the reflector spacing 1inch by 2inch or 1/2inch by 1inch
Does square wire reflector hurt signal like 1inch by 1inch
Thinking of making one on pvc

@bobroscoe9580 - 05.07.2020 22:28

Danny, Why does this video appear on the Danny S Hodges with two different URLs? That totally confused me at first till I realized they were the same video. I have watched 54 of your videos cuz I am trying to learn about antennas. Now I guess I have really only watched 53 and watched one twice. Oh well.

@JohnDoe-vn8zk - 04.08.2020 01:00

Dear Dan, I been going to Home Depot to get the PVC 3/4"x 3"x. 8 feet long. They are no you have a item #??? I am using wood for mine untill then. Bob thanks... I watch all your vidios.

@vironpayne3405 - 18.10.2020 04:33

I'm not a subscriber yet, but I am impressed with you dedication to building better Bowtie antennas. I to am a fan of Channel Master boosters, but you should be aware I bought my first dud CM7777 on 10/13. It arrived 10/16 and I hooked it up. After trying several settings combined, separate, FM trap in and out all I could get was 7 to 10 channels. I was getting 10 to 14 with a booster. The Radio Shack booder I was replacing is down to 44 to 48 channels. It used to get 68+ like the CM7777 it replaced.

I opened the case and at least four of the inductors (coils) look suspect in quality and the op amp looks recycled. The markings are almost obliterated and there appears to be rub marks on the edge of op amp casing.

The unit was made in Bulgaria.

This was purchased directly from Channel Master and I contacted them 10/16 Friday evening via their web contact form.

This is the third CM7777 I've purchased. The last two were great and lasted for several years.

I suspect Channel Master recently switched manufacturing to Bulgaria.

We will see where this goes, but as an installer I thought it would be worth giving you a heads up and see what your experience is with newer Channel Master boosters.

@lmoline63601 - 25.04.2021 03:06

What amplifier do you recommend these fays Danny?

@miguelsalami - 09.07.2021 23:26


@susanthornburg5200 - 04.01.2022 21:56

I don’t have anybody to put it up‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

@denverdanoreno - 01.03.2022 21:23

Danny's Previous employment: lead engineer for the C-8 Corvette Coupe, GM Corvette factory in Bowling Green KY,

@susanreynolds9947 - 25.05.2022 15:37

Danny i subscribed to your channel. I hope Grandma Helen is doing well. when tv converted to digital my dad made an antenna that looked similar to yours and it worked good but we women in the house wanted rotating antennas out of sight in the attic. we live near washington d.c. and baltimore and we get about 60 channels that way.

@billiepetersen3174 - 19.08.2022 01:52

How much you charge to put me up an antenna

@janicehunter8606 - 20.12.2022 07:18

Danny would you please contact Eddy Family Farm on his channel he is a Deputy Sheriff in Oklahoma and they are a homesteader. They need your invention of your antenna really bad. They have 4 children . I would appreciate it if you could contact him. I also sent them your info. I watch all of y’all channels and love all of you!

@billyhelton8230 - 06.03.2023 08:51

How can I get one of your antennas?
