Mass Adoption is Just a Matter of Time for Ergo

Mass Adoption is Just a Matter of Time for Ergo

Ergo Platform

2 года назад

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@CryptoRetroTech - 23.06.2022 12:58

Mass Adoption is Just a Matter of Time for Ergo 💎💎💎

@AJonVolk - 03.05.2022 16:22

Ergo seems the most legit with it's decentralised miners, someone close to me is mining ergo in Australia where power prices are quite expensive compared to the cheapest places in the world and still makes a huge profit after all cost are factored in. This will mean true decentralised hash power going forward and a strong network as a result, not to mention exchanges won't be the only way to enter the eco system for everyone not just those geographically lucky.

@byanymeansnecessary - 30.04.2022 11:53

Nice, but what's the plan to get there ? Adoption is hard, even in 5 years. Needs massive marketing.

@wawanjihoo919 - 28.04.2022 17:24

Ayo ERGO kamu bisa 🚀🚀🚀 $18 lagi..

@martiruda - 28.04.2022 01:14

nah this is wrong. Sell some erg from the fundation, and pay a team of BAs to create the most user friendly documentation and then you will see community thrive.

@jacomo009 - 27.04.2022 12:47

Thanks for the transparency of comments here. You removed mine, I don't know why, I'm taking my thumb off

@bonfiggy5620 - 27.04.2022 09:59

it's simply inevitable

@SteelNight7 - 27.04.2022 02:03

Talk is cheap. This is kool-aid.

@tradito - 27.04.2022 01:22

Dan: Salesman yada yada yada yada yada.
Alex: Shut up and let me go uhhhhhh code...

@schettnetx7109 - 27.04.2022 00:18

This just made me buy more Ergo!

@arne3239 - 26.04.2022 23:43

Good work

@mx62455 - 26.04.2022 15:19

I think ergo has good potential to create application-layer decentralized storage. All other decentralized storage systems use their own blockchain and coin, all of them having massive premines, bad tokenomics, and high barriers to entry for miners, which will ultimately lead to their storage incentives failing, in my opinion
