Recipe For A Hot, Low Budget 318 Mopar

Recipe For A Hot, Low Budget 318 Mopar

Uncle Tony's Garage

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@petergrey7125 - 04.07.2023 20:37

Looking forward to trying out these tips on the 318 in my 66 Fury.
Thanks, UTG, for sharing your knowledge with us. 👍

@Trendyrapslut - 25.07.2023 06:18

i think certain high profile people made some comments about this in a video

@wilfredmcgillicuddy7902 - 13.08.2023 22:16

Years ago, myself and some friends rebuilt a 318 with a 4bb and dual exhaust. Put it in an 81 Diplomat. It was a riot!! Couldn't beat the big block guys on a 1/4 mile but it wasn't far behind. It got a lot of attention.

@bmac3394 - 19.08.2023 04:18

AH AH AH AHA A light fixture found at Restore! Let me guess, you measured it and it was 5 1/8" and said, "Hey, I know what this will fit!...". You didn't mention if the carb spacers were four hole or open.

@robertheymann5906 - 21.08.2023 18:52

That long rod rev happy 318 is my favorite motor for building.
Compression does wonders, I just did a small port high compression motor and although only about 350 hp it's a very responsive and snappy motor.
Factory electronic ign with msd coil, small diameter long tube headers, underdrive crank pulley with a hi flow water pump and Howe aluminum radiator.
Comp 224°/ 230° @ .050 low lift hydraulic cam.
Pulls hard to valve float.
Fun street motor

@jeffblacky - 05.09.2023 22:16


bullet proof

@waynevictory5208 - 17.09.2023 03:59

A lose motor will not last long they will run an turn up higher rpms

@rogerodle8750 - 24.09.2023 05:53

That Holley 750 is a lot of carb for a 318. No air filter helps.

@FeatheredDino - 27.09.2023 16:02

If im building a 318, I'm doing Trock Flow heads, edelbrock performer RPM air gap intake manifold, edelbrock 600cfm 4bbl, a Comp hydraulic roller cam kit, and a set of ceramic coated headers. Yes it will cost a few thousand dollars for all that; but you're gonna get at least a 400hp engine woth that combo.

@antilaw9911 - 02.10.2023 04:30

Ditch that points distributor. Really Tony!! Wtf!... lol

@democrat7441 - 03.10.2023 16:54

I just got a new torque converter. I kept it stock but could have gotten a high stall one for burn outs or racing. With a racing engine but a low stall torque converter one cannot do burn outs.

@gailmrutland6508 - 09.10.2023 02:31

Tony I am a MOPAR Maniac. You have forgotten more in the last hour then I ever knew about these cars. KUDOS BROTHER!

@vanatic22 - 13.10.2023 06:22

I've been a 318 believer for 40 years. They may not be the most powerful engines out there but they are reliable and buildable. My old '76 Dodge B200 with the original 164k mile 318 just made a 3664 mile trip to Colorado and back, no sweat. It's never been opened up since I've owned it; I'm 2nd owner and that's all the way back to 42k miles. However it may be time to tinker! Tony proves you don't have to break the bank to run better!

@jackflackatari - 17.10.2023 01:46

I like my crank bearings,
Like I like my Women

@josephtome9600 - 17.10.2023 19:07

I assume that the pre catalytic converter heads have Stellite exhaust valve inserts installed to prevent valve seat recession.

@loydhicks3413 - 19.11.2023 05:37

Uncle Tony was this engine bored if so how much 20 30 40 60 over what it has a sound an feel of a 60 over cylinder bore

@nicholaszamelis9471 - 21.11.2023 23:09

I’m on the verge of building a 318 for my d250. Not looking for too end whatsoever, just something sturdy on the bottom I can count on. I’d kill to have this dude around the corner to hear the “old dude, been there done that.” Tricks and tips for this engine. (I’m a vintage bmw guy, so these are out of my wheelhouse)

@cliveharman7762 - 27.11.2023 01:54

Very interesting video,one thing id like to know is the mopar 318 magnum and 360 magnum,and lastly the 3.9 v6 ram/dakota truck engine are they interchangeable on any of their parts.

@Baldysyoutubechannel - 09.12.2023 09:05

Different headers??? Wow. That's crazy.

@carpballet - 12.12.2023 22:07

“Axle” dual point

@shawnharkin822 - 16.12.2023 03:40

Tony; a hand job valve job, you're confusing me... what??

@GMCJay_lly - 27.01.2024 23:37

Commenting for support!

@johnkordish2310 - 12.02.2024 02:09

Uncle Tony is an old school hot rodder and I enjoy every one of his videos. He knows his stuff and I would love to chat with him for hours on old V8’s and tips and tricks!! You da man Uncle Tony👍

@ozcorr909 - 15.02.2024 19:52

I want to convert my 94 fuel injected 318 to carburetor What intake do you recommend

@michaelhoneycutt7138 - 09.03.2024 18:53

Looking to build one for 4x4 '99 Dakota. Just heard or whiplash cams. Good info on here too!. 👍 just wondering what sized carb to put on it?. I run into that delima on a big block Ford 4x4 I had years ago. I found smaller worked better for towing but bigger was better for running fast.

@raysimon1368 - 11.03.2024 06:26

Thanks for sharing your info could you give the part no or specs on the cam and what will it turn in the eighth mile thanks

@keithpearson7059 - 08.04.2024 10:55

No air filter ? Dirt injection into the pistons and cylinders ? 😮😮 My first car was a '68 Fury from my Dad w/ a 400 HP 318 built by Bill Schiffsky In White Bear Lake , Minnesota .

@Rosetti. - 08.04.2024 14:36

If you had to guess without dyno, how much bhp are you at with this setup?

@steveburlingame1935 - 19.05.2024 20:20

I wonder wat the hp is

@tubedude4859 - 20.05.2024 14:54

How come it took all these years to realize the potential of the 318 LA .? I guess the majority of car guys have been blindsided by the easy way out SBCs. Having said that they spend a fortune on their cars why then try and save a few bucks by building a sbc . I guess most cannnot think outside the box and take dictation very easily

@ajforms4818 - 13.06.2024 05:10

yada, yada, yada who cares, it's a 318, 275 hp at it's finest.
Nitrous is the power maker.

@Black_Tiger_Jack - 14.06.2024 03:49

I can watch this dude talk about torsion bars and 318's for hours.

@StevenReaves-d7g - 17.06.2024 03:55

318s are God's blessings to people who know budget but can get eventually better as you go 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

@StevenReaves-d7g - 17.06.2024 03:56

They are F@#$&n reliable what more can I say 😊😊😊😊

@Adrenalineoffroadad - 05.07.2024 20:02

Mopar builds produce more torque than horsepower all day long.

@flinch622 - 15.07.2024 03:07

Trim ring from a can light flipped upside down for a velocity stack. You gotta love it!

@autonomous_collective - 04.08.2024 18:13

The Hughes Whiplash 318 cam is a performance camshaft designed for the 1972 and up lower compression 318 engines. It is intended to provide a unique sound and increased power output. Here are some key points:

Design: The Whiplash cam is a flat-tappet hydraulic camshaft with a 109° LSA (Lobe Separation Angle) and a focus on low-end torque and mid-range power.
Compatibility: It is specifically designed for 318 engines with lower compression (not 69 318s with higher compression) and can be used with stock or aftermarket heads.
Performance: The cam is said to provide a nice lope sound and a powerband between 2,000-5,300 RPM.
Installation: According to some sources, it can be installed with the motor still in the vehicle, requiring only removal of the front end.
Vacuum: The cam may produce around 15" of vacuum at idle, depending on elevation and engine condition.
Compatibility with roller lifters: The Whiplash cam is designed for flat-tappet lifters and may not be suitable for roller lifters.
Options and Alternatives:
Lunati PN 10200700: A nitrided camshaft that can be used with 318 heads and stock springs, offering a similar performance profile without the need for reworking valve guides.
Hughes Whiplash Basic and Premium Cam Kits: These kits include additional components, such as lifters, springs, and retainers, designed to work in conjunction with the Whiplash cam.
The Hughes Whiplash 318 camshaft itself is priced around $194.75.
The Basic Cam Kit is priced at $592.18, and the Premium Cam Kit at $689.93.

@P7777-u7r - 17.08.2024 09:26

Ironically enough as someone who primarily swears by old-time Ford and raised on such I have a great soft spot for the same era of Dodge. Its like the roots of the Dodge bros. having worked for Ford has carried on into me being able to understand an old Dodge way better than I cound a Chevy

@MarcS-mp1je - 04.09.2024 06:57

Do you recommend that Holley single plain over something like an edelbrock performer dual plain intake for hot street use. I have a low mile 318 and don’t want to give up low end torque.

@BobNob1 - 15.10.2024 04:34

340 or 360 heads work great on those

@HomeImprovementInsider - 21.10.2024 19:30

Hey Tony, just picked up a 68 barracuda 318, it’s a bone stock two barrel single exhaust motor and it’s dog dick slow, is changing to a four barrel and dual exhaust worth it? Or should I just shit can this engine and plug in a 360?

@tomtheyank1 - 04.11.2024 13:38

The 318 the unsung hero of Mopar .. the family car in the 70s was a 1967 Plymouth Belvedere.. going to car shows seeing it everywhere.. 418 440 getting most of the prase.. but thay weren't produced in such numbers or can stayed in production until 2002 from the late 60s... musta made millions of 318s

@Tyler-s3u - 25.11.2024 22:07

My dad aswell as myself tryed to blow up a 318 poly for years in a 1964 dump truck. The rings are shot so you literally have to run the hell out of it to keep the plugs from fouling. It will not die.

@cw20000 - 04.01.2025 16:37

I watch this video then go outside and look at my 318 jeep zj

@heliolacerda778 - 13.01.2025 06:29

Sir, I would be glad if you help here. I am buinding a 318 stock with a tunnel ram intake, the one with double 4barrel. How can I calculate how many CFM do I really need? I was thinking something around 450x2 , just by logic

@scottneely5602 - 14.01.2025 05:38

Did you change valve springs when installing the whiplash cam?

@davidbrierly2453 - 16.01.2025 12:24

Wheres that piston flipping video your talking about. Love to watch your process and explination

@matthewpetersen4417 - 30.01.2025 03:21

are those the 57 cc heads?

@Coronetguy - 05.02.2025 02:34

Jamie at DDG is doing this same set up for my 68 barracuda!! He may have even discussed it with you. Can’t wait to get it back! .. and for spring to come out here in Washington! Lol
