Coverage of the Arnhem landings, and of bombing operations in support of ground forces and on strategic targets in late 1944.
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I. Stirlings, Halifaxes, Dakotas and Hamilcar, Horsa and Waco gliders prepare for the Arnhem landing, September 17 1944. Aerial film of flooded areas in Holland introduces survey of Operation Market: commentary describes the events at Nijmegen and Arnhem, while aerial film shows gliders and paratroops landing.
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II. 17 September, raid on enemy positions north east of Boulogne (aerial film from low-flying aircraft); 20 September, large-scale raid on strongpoints in the Calais area, and particularly on heavy gun emplacements; 11 October, Lancasters bomb gun positions at Flushing; 14 October, large-scale raid on Duisberg and particularly on the Thyssen steel works (clouds, obscure film); 14 October, night raid by Lancasters and Mosquitos on Brunswick - particularly on aircraft factories - where bombs and incendiaries light up the built-up area and old town; 29 October, Lancasters perform second attack (through thick cloud) on the battleship 'Tirpitz', now in Tromso fjord; 12 November, third and last attack (with 12000lb 'Tallboy' bombs) - clear film of two hits, although capsizing obliterated by smoke; 16 November, Bomber Command attacks the town of Düren in support of the US 9th Army, destroying ammunition dumps and troop concentrations; 4 December, night raid on the communications centre of Heilbronn - flares are drooped to light up the target, rail and industrial complexes are destroyed, incendiaries illuminate the town.
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