All Blueprint Locations | Green Hell

All Blueprint Locations | Green Hell

Reaction Zero

3 года назад

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@ReactionZero - 27.06.2021 13:18

The devs added 2 more blueprint locations after this video was made. Both will be found at anaconda island. Near the head of the snake go to the water to find the prawn trap. Also turn left of the head of the snake and go across a log to the side with the Bamboo forest to find another cage trap.

@FMJBM - 22.11.2023 06:26

I have a question, can loot respawn like airfield and facility?

@brianadsersen8968 - 09.07.2023 10:50

Hi 😊i am Playing green hell on Xbox. Is it only on pc you can get acces too building three houses.

@jeupyn - 09.08.2022 06:39

how can i get the ladder blue print

@ancientclown - 10.03.2022 21:35

Missed a couple....i saw someone already mentioned the mud and animal trap, but there's also the 4 pronged spear on the docks in fishing village.

@jaybartgis5148 - 26.11.2021 01:16

is the story mode map the same as just the continuous survival mode map?

@floridafam8365 - 22.06.2021 08:38

You missed a blueprint. The small animal trap outside the big hut. As well as mentioning how to obtain all mud blueprints by picking up mud. Also forgot to mention obtaining the mud forge by collecting a iron oar in a cave. Both survival and story.

@joesokor3633 - 14.06.2021 16:19

Is this all in story mode or survival?
