Politics And My Special - Bill Burr

Politics And My Special - Bill Burr

Billy Twinkle Toes

1 год назад

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@jlevans1985 - 14.08.2022 22:11

they switched in with the election of JFK his opponent was Barry Goldwater. JFK was pro civil rights and Goldwater was pro segregation.

@keithmceuen8775 - 15.08.2022 14:10

The party switch never happened go listen to Calvin Coolidge same thing as today’s republicans and listen to Woodrow Wilson same thing as today’s democrats

@joeybanez310 - 15.08.2022 22:12

We have to remember that Bill is comedian that has succumbed to his wife. He his colossally ignorant about history. And now his anger is showing in his comedy..

@anonamos9102 - 16.08.2022 15:02

Bill you are wrong. Planned Parenthood was started by a white supremacist named Margaret Sangerand placed them near black neighborhoods to keep the population of Black people from growing. Since then almost 20 million black babies have been aborted.

@DestructoDisk - 16.08.2022 16:12

"tHeY toTaLLy SwItchD"
2 whole Democrats abandoned the party of the KKK and became Republicans.
Pretty convenient for the racists to try offloading the publicly untenable aspects of their beliefs onto the opposing party without having to actually change.
(I despise the Republicans, but Leftists will not let this lie go)

@purplecupp3046 - 16.08.2022 21:15

1878. Same year the north troops were removed from south.

@jamesmandahl444 - 17.08.2022 09:56

Eh? They are babies and shouldnt be killed. Also he is wrong about white babies murdered. Black people are the only demographic in America not growing because they have murdered their posterity. More abortion clinics center around areas with increased black populations. It is fucked up and nobody talks about it. Bill Burr is bizarre, almost like a neo-boomer.

@edwardsteam5457 - 17.08.2022 19:25

"This much is true: In the United States, the abortion rate for black women is almost five times that for white women."

Umm Bill Burr needs to do better research

@runescapedreamer450 - 18.08.2022 12:17

That part with the whole "wanna keep white babies alive" bit sounds like a bit of white guilt to me! honestly that abortion issue is a moral issue to me more than politcal, im pro choice i aint the one goin to hell "MY BODY MY CHOICE" n all that jazz so have at it :^)

@3vilSuperman - 18.08.2022 15:42

The switch always sounded like bullshit to me. Truth is the only switch that's happened is we switched from a democracy to an oligarchy.

@ababoogie8919 - 19.08.2022 03:18

They never switched… your views changed

@thethoughtcriminal8786 - 19.08.2022 08:39

They didn't switch....the Democratic party are still racist. The founder of Planned Parenthood was a racist who believed in eugenics and opened her clinics in black neighborhoods.

@stuartpenman6387 - 19.08.2022 08:42

36% of abortions are of black babies and planned parenthood is more likely to have a clinic in a black neighborhood

@D_Rogers - 19.08.2022 09:32

You'd think conservatives would subsidize abortion, to make sure that brown people had easy access to it.... ;)

@jeremybabcock4287 - 20.08.2022 00:51

My, what interesting takes on "The Switch". Look at the voting records. The actual Civil Rights legislation passed because of a majority Republican vote. Of those Republican Congressmen, none of them became Democrats. I came from a family of long time Republicans and, while the older people said some things that would be bad nowadays (as jokes) all of them walked the line of let them find any level of success they can achieve to and they have my respect. (Also the same view they had for White people). None of them or their friends every switched parties.
I know in some groups and parts of the country race is a regular topic but among the Republicans I have spent time with, It rarely hits the radar. That includes Republican minorities (And yes they exist). I have known many black people who are absolutely certain the Republicans are evil racists. Then when they get to know us they tend to think we are confused about what our party believes and we are the good ones. But most never bother to look pass this misguided idea of the party switch and all the racists taking over. It's just not what people think. Most Republicans don't understand why we are still talking about race, because we see the poverty issue as a poverty issue not a race issue. We don't get why everyone want this to still exist. In fact we see the race issue as a Democrat concocted issue they won't let die they death is should.
As for the south. The push to gain voters in the South was based on their strong anti-communist stance. The Civil Rights fight was over so the average voter switched based on a strong anti-communist views. As they switched they slowly became less interested in the race issues and now they tend to be ambivalent to "The Cause". Democrats did change their point of view. Not because the people switched but because they believed the idea that "Blacks" and other minorities were incapable of taking themselves out of poverty (That was an argument for slavery, by the way) so providing for there care was the only way to keep them from causing trouble. It's not that they liked them now it's just that they thought giving them enough to survive would be good enough. This is why the Democrats never seem to figure out how to solve the problem, even when they have all the power. Because they are still the racists and will always find a way to pander but never provide solutions.
Give a good search of historical documents and not books written by someone with an agenda and you will see the facts.

@J_The_Colossal_Squid - 20.08.2022 02:54

Modern medicine, modern agriculture, and sanitation.

@0Akeldama0 - 20.08.2022 08:10

the whole idea doesnt make sense to me. They all just got up and switched seats? What a farce

@thecount4903 - 20.08.2022 09:10

They didn't switch. You'll find out when you read our political history.

@alleystargrowley2784 - 20.08.2022 17:07

its pro wrestling. two sides of the same coin

@daelyrics69 - 20.08.2022 17:56

If you want to see a glimpse, live in some of the Amish areas.
Only way to survive the winter was cutting wood and hunting for me as a teenager, and hunting and tobacco farming in the summer to keep the lights on.
Humbling experience

@saureco - 20.08.2022 20:47

The "great switch" makes zero sense. Imagine two schools of martial arts competing in a match. One comes out on top. It would make sense if the losing school of thought said "you know what? That other school's doctrines and methods won out against us. It would be smart to adopt their methods and ideology."

Know what doesn't make sense? The reverse. "Oh, that opposition we just trounced? We should totally take their perspective despite us have defeated them with what we already have. Yeah, let's do that."

What a horrible f$#@ing take, Bill.

@bertellijustin6376 - 21.08.2022 01:37

When did Bill Burr turn onto one of the “everything’s racist” woketards? The majority of abortion are children of color. We want them to stay alive as well as the white babies. Because I don’t know if you know this, but prolife isn’t about race, but abortion sure as fuck is. Margaret Sanger spoke to the KKK about it. The majority of dead babies are “babies of color”. You sound like the liberals that say “if it was black folks buying guns these guys would be gun control supporters too!” Meanwhile we out here getting a record number of black Americans to partake in the second amendment while holly wolf turds like bill grift y’all for cash.

@bertellijustin6376 - 21.08.2022 01:42

Who can tell me what gun control and abortion have in common? They were both started in the United States targeted at black folks and other non-whites for the purpose of controlling said populations. Abortions are about helping the mother like gun control is about helping the victims of violent crime. They aren’t. But they’ve convinced these fools to drink the kool aid, literally killing their own children limiting their population ratio while systematically disarming their law abiding majority. Fucking evil genius if you ask me.

@jedimastayoda112 - 21.08.2022 04:14

No, planned parenthood was founded by a eugenicist who wanted to wipe out black people and blacks have had more abortions than anyone else. Democrats set aside billions of dollars over the decades earmarked EXCLUSIVLY to continue the murder of black babies.

@rareonyxcourtney3287 - 21.08.2022 15:45

I actually think both wine. Reps cry anytime they think middle to lower class people will get anything lol. Lower medications? Waaaahhh! Free basic Healthcare? Waaaahh! Better child care? Waaaaahhh! Longer paternity leave? Waaaaahhhh!!!!!!

@jeremybabcock4287 - 21.08.2022 17:48

BTW, I could care less about Trump so... And clearly the Democrats can be viewed as racist as well. Like... Oh, Hilary's hot sauce, not to mention her comments in the 1990's, Bill's crime legislation, Joe Biden's... Well... Everything he has ever said to or about minorities, and on and on and on, look it up. So I'm going to have to give you a big fat what's your point? Gerrymandering is a time honored tradition by both parties and if minority groups have a high level of voting for one party and live in the majority in an area then the other party (No mater the reason) will Gerrymander them into bite size pieces to offset the vote. It's a numbers game not a, "Because of their race game". That's just politics in America for better or worse. In this case race is a "Red Herring". It may not seem fair and can carry racial under tones, but it's more about winning seats rather than seeking fairness. In any case both parties do it all the time.
BTW, in case you didn't know, nobody plays fair in politics. That's why the Parties use things like race, religion, income, sex, education, patriotism, etc. to herd people into voting blocks. If they can convince you the other people are all bad you will not seek to find more information and will think everything "your side" say or do is OK because you can't possibly vote for the other "guy". That's also why you are using silly words like "overwhelming, election of trump, white nationalists, blatantly racist" without full contextual understanding of what you're saying. I know it's a hard truth, but those of us who study all sides and history, who don't just take our opinions as "Gospel" can see a much bigger perspective (It's kind of the forest for the trees argument).
Your hatred is misplaced, whether you see it or not. You don't have to agree with Republicans or Democrats or anyone for that matter. After all, it's a free country. Just look passed your current sources and find out what people actually believe they are doing. Then look at what they actually accomplish and how they perceive it. You might find you changed your mind. You might not or you might have they same belief system but be better able to understand why other people disagree and find some respect for them.
Oh, also, the real white nationalists are not republicans or democrats they tend to be anti-Communist Socialists and Anarcho Socialists and they have a history of openly supporting whichever party they are most pissed off at at the time to drive a wedge in the votes. Then they will state the opposite view as soon as that party takes power.

@vincentdevecchis8322 - 21.08.2022 17:48


@vincentdevecchis8322 - 21.08.2022 17:50

Wow burr is WAY OFF in this rant:/

@vincentdevecchis8322 - 21.08.2022 18:00

And FYI dor anyone that hasnt read americas history. When the south was becoming less and less racist, it became more and more republican. The last racists of the south were the dixicrats (1949 political party that broke away from the democrats and ended in 1949, stayed in the deep south lived and died democrat) All remained democrats asside from 2 of them. After 1968 the last of the deep south racists voted for George Wallace the running independent, Nixon won in a landslide, after nixon it was blue and red till the late 90s. The "big switch" as in the racist democratic party became republican and the rep became the dempcrats is a flat out lie. The Dixicrats were the old outright racists from the democratic party but left in 1949.

@uncommonjo4027 - 21.08.2022 18:49

those whites aborted their childs are liberals and leftist, they dont vote republican.

@VincitOmniaVeritas7 - 21.08.2022 19:55

I love Bill but he got his facts sooo wrong this time…the vast majority of terminated pregnancies are from minorities, not white. And not a religious guy but of course it is a religious matter, just like slavery was. There are very few topics that all religions are neutral about. Go ask a devout Jew or Muslim what his thoughts about the matter are.

@LionBlood - 22.08.2022 03:36

Sorry bill your wrong on the conservative abortion thing. It is 100% about not killing a baby. It really is the belief that there will be a baby and it shouldn’t be killed. The racial thing is just a conspiracy theory.

@davejohn3600 - 22.08.2022 10:15

Bill looks like Dr Evil from a porn parody here.

@Lemmy1899 - 22.08.2022 12:47

He switched topics in this 6 minutes like 20 times lmao I love bill burr

@melvindonahue244 - 22.08.2022 16:18

You lost me here Bill, with white babies to vote for white politicians… I thought you were smarter than that.

@melvindonahue244 - 22.08.2022 16:21

This isn’t a white and black thing here Bill again, what the f. Don’t play into the divide and conquer approach the elites and media are pushing. You have though I shake my head in disgust. .

@dwattz4872 - 22.08.2022 20:52

Ahh the old rope belt and puddle baths. Classic

@nerroseven - 23.08.2022 08:19

isnt it more about big gov vs smaller gov, and that is what has switched from lib to conser,,,???

@doubleugly1594 - 23.08.2022 22:27

There is an answer to this question, but its a little long and nuanced for comedy format.

@justonemori - 25.08.2022 10:18

Former KKK member and (D) senator Robert Byrd never changed. He was still throwing out the "N" word in interviews in the early 2000s while being a leading Democrat. When he died in 2010 Obama, Biden and the Clintons were lining up to praise him at the funeral. Pathetic.

@SuperCrazyPsycho731 - 26.08.2022 07:01

The Democratic and Republican party switched over the New Deal during the FDR administration

@habadashery1037 - 27.08.2022 01:52

The majority of abortions are minorities and the abortion clinics are mainly located near black neighborhoods…it’s not about wanting more white babies…BUT the woman who started planned parenthood was a raging racist who wanted to decrease the black population. Pro lifers are just that…pro life for all babies of any color.

@felixlucanus7922 - 05.12.2022 10:18

Bill can check his pro-life racial theory by checking how many abortions per capita are done by whites vs other races. From CDC, in 2018, it was 6.3 abortions per 1000 white women, vs 21.2 abortions per 1000 black women and 10.9 abortions per 1000 hispanic women. If anything, the pro-life policy saves more black and hispanic babies per capita then white babies.

@Msroach89 - 26.12.2022 18:14

🤣! Bill triggered all the Conservacunts with this one! Go have a hugging and crying session with a hysterical liberal and get this shit out of yalls system.

@gamedev7088 - 27.12.2022 07:41

Both parties are fucking terrible

@BobMinelli - 08.01.2023 21:09

Well as a clear coherent human being I personally think that the politics everywhere but especially here in America is all top to bottom, bullshit! 🌱

@andrewblanchard2398 - 07.04.2023 03:47




@andrewblanchard2398 - 07.04.2023 03:48

I'm 47 years old

I'm not a


@sstaners1234 - 14.08.2023 19:42

I like what Ari Shaffir said about the Right and Left.
“You can either be on the Right or you can be on the Left. Or you can be like me and stand in the middle and laugh at both of them. Your choice.”
