BG3 - Don't Make These HUGE Mistakes!

BG3 - Don't Make These HUGE Mistakes!

Lucky Ghost

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Luke Ribbons
Luke Ribbons - 24.09.2023 12:46

With the pouch tip, it's a great way to more easily throw healing potions. Put the potions in the pouch then you can open pouch and throw them from the pouch inventory instead of having to open your main inventory to do it.

Angel Terri
Angel Terri - 24.09.2023 05:35

I learned you can heal by using Throw and throw a healing potion at someone. It explodes and boom! +hp!

BioArchaeo Starr
BioArchaeo Starr - 24.09.2023 04:13

A guild wars commercial!!! I need to play again.

Squiggly Destroyer of worlds
Squiggly Destroyer of worlds - 24.09.2023 01:23

Me: gale use this shield! throws a shield at him
Gale: silent
Me: oh yeah im a barbarian woops sorry gale guess i gotta do that string thing to keep you from nuking us

Daniel West
Daniel West - 24.09.2023 00:11

Is BG3 on xbox?

glashoppah - 23.09.2023 20:34

Huge mistakes? These are more like basic tips.

SpicyMartina2008💋 - 23.09.2023 04:07

My husband just brought me this today and im waiting on it to finish downloading. Ive never played this before so this is a big help. Thank you!

Murathan Haznedar
Murathan Haznedar - 22.09.2023 16:42

If you have a weapon that is versatile, with shield you deal less damage then without shield. Yes, people forget it all around, but there might be that reason into it as well (staff is one example even tought he doesn't use it for hitting)

kostasdiam_patra - 22.09.2023 15:26

Crazy how much u can interact with everything in this game

Peyton - 22.09.2023 05:35

As someone new to the BG universe and games like this, your video SAVED ME! The trap trick and the potion trick in particular are huge life savers for a newbie

ScoutSailor - 22.09.2023 02:39

How do you make sure everyone will be in combat when you have ungrouped and start combat?

Gamers Residence
Gamers Residence - 22.09.2023 02:29

My tip is not to reload safe files all the time and just go with whatever your story turns out to be.
Please, at least for your first playthrough :*

doctormoebius - 21.09.2023 17:20

You can also throw the potions between the characters (dont throw it ON them) :)

Ryan J
Ryan J - 21.09.2023 17:17

Itd be nice to see some of these for the Deck.

Alt. Right click! Blerg!! ;)

Potprince21 - 21.09.2023 10:19

Why is it 5 questions? Seems arbitrary

Pern Amore
Pern Amore - 21.09.2023 05:35

For pc not console

Casey Chandler
Casey Chandler - 21.09.2023 03:17

bro that hitting a potion thing on the ground is HUGE holy. im so mad this could have made things 100% easier lol

mads - 20.09.2023 23:55

i never bother to organize my inventory, i just tab and then search for what i want. the game lets u use items from other characters inventories

drycry - 20.09.2023 21:38

How to use squirrels for animal Talk? Where to get them?

nghtblccd - 20.09.2023 17:36

some of those tips would be useful, but I play on my ps5, so I don't know how to do these things there

Littlepup93 - 20.09.2023 13:41

Added tips
Don't forget to pick up the Speak to Dead Amulet early on. It's in the same room you meet Withers in Act 1 inside a chest. Plus when you use it, you don't need to expend another spell slot after the first casting. I don't know if just having the regular spell works the same way, but I always keep it around.
Make sure you're playing with a balanced party to cover your bases. You're going to want a tanky character, a skill based character, a magic user, and a healer. If the people in your party can check multiple boxes, then even better. Seems pretty obvious if you play plenty of D&D, but I made this mistake by having my Tav (a sorcerer) in a party with Gale, Wyll, and Astarion. My party was getting clobbered on the regular and since none of them had healing, I got game overs a lot in Act 1. Went through the entire Goblin Camp with this because I didn't realize Karlach was a party member, so I didn't recruit her until after that point. Similarly, I was talking to my brother, and his party comp was his fighter character, Lae'zel, Astarion, and Shadowheart (he forgot to recruit Gale, Wyll, and Karlach). So yeah, make sure your bases are covered and don't forget to recruit as many origin characters as you can.

QuanChi - 19.09.2023 12:03

With potions there is no need to place them on the ground and hit them you can just throw the potion and it will do the same, you can also use the to res a party member from range by just throwing a potion close to them, make sure who you are targeting it in the splash zone. Another fun interaction is if you are facing anything that does a ground area smash you can place potions as defense, example a health potion at your feet when a large enemy uses a smash attack on you then that potion will heal you. Got that tip from a streamer who revived them self in at the forge in the underdark when they made a mistake in battle and was stuck under the forge's hammer with the enemy you encounter there. She triggered the forge with a firebolt and smashed herself and the enemy killing both of them but she revived thanks to the potion.

Also a nice one I use when I am facing something my party is really bad at facing or an enemy we are not exactly on lvl for, I fill a backpack or a crate with anything explosive or damaging when broken, alchemists fire, poison, bomb, grease bottles ext. Then throw that bag towards the enemy / group of enemies you want to delete. The bag breaks and everything scatters on the floor, make sure you have some explosive in there target after to start the chain, then fire anything to ignite the chain. My personal favorite is a fire arrow for the splash fire that has never failed me, a firebolt has once or twice. Do note that depending on how many items you put in the bag when that chain starts you system might lag a little. Do note that this does not seem to work with pouches, I have not had success with those as they don't break when you throw them. Along with barrels this is my trump card to end a troublesome fight quickly. Used barrels to end the grove fight in a single round when I made a mistake after that fight that got me killed before saving causing me to have to redo the fight.

. - 18.09.2023 22:51

My mistake was putting on the clown makeup and now I can’t remove it. It’s glitched on my face. Every single cut scene. I look like this. 🤡 GOD HELP ME!😭😭😭

I did try to fix it. I went to camp and had my boyfriend take my character for the long rest ( the game was made under his account) that didn’t work. Nothing works. IT’S BEEN A WEEK!🤡😭

Aura Seniceros
Aura Seniceros - 18.09.2023 18:32

It feels like every tip video is for pc wheres the tips for console players?

KyL4R - 18.09.2023 15:23

Sorting Items in Party View. How could I miss this button for so long?!

blankity blank?
blankity blank? - 18.09.2023 10:12

Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑) GW2 is still a thing?!?! I thought it died nearly a decade ago! 🤣

ZombiUnikorn - 17.09.2023 21:32

2 of the greatest games come out, BG3 and Starfield and I cant play either one becuase I have Xbox One...summ buulllsh!t 😫😑🙄😒😪🤣😆

zach Hamilton
zach Hamilton - 17.09.2023 18:33

You need to do 10 reasons to stop playing this functionally broken game larian is refusing to fix

PandaMonium - 17.09.2023 17:02

34 hours before I remembered the quick save. Fuck my life.

Orion - 17.09.2023 12:36

Can somone interpret the keyboard controls into ps5 version?

Jeremy FuSen Liu
Jeremy FuSen Liu - 17.09.2023 10:52

one thing you missed out is that equipping shields will reduce your max damage of the weapon you have equipped, so while you are indeed getting more protection with the shield you are also reducing your max damage.
That inventory decluttering is truly something i needed to know, with all the crap i pick up i really needed to know that i could use the pouches that way.
Heres another important thing to do, manually save from time to time otherwise you gonna make a mistake somewhere and you find your last save was 2-4 hours ago 😂

d2kemps - 17.09.2023 09:17

I have been going through beginner guide videos and this is the first one that is a guide to the game and not to D&D in general. Like, I already knew how Bards work. I needed to know how to organize my bags. Thanks so much!

cobrazax - 17.09.2023 07:41

what to do with objects that DONT show up with alt?? some are super useful like barrels with good items!! this is really stupid...they should be highlighted

STroB - 17.09.2023 01:04

Free tip:
allways swap to your secondary weapon at the end of the round.
if an enemy uses "drop weapon" on Karlach, I rader she drops her bow.

Cat Rambo
Cat Rambo - 16.09.2023 19:10

Really handy stuff, thank you for putting this together!

ken wickes
ken wickes - 15.09.2023 21:41

Where is "ALT" on the PS5 controller?

Bernardo Rosa Ramirez
Bernardo Rosa Ramirez - 15.09.2023 16:54

I know this sounds insane, but are you Portuguese and have I missed it all this time?

Geno Shock
Geno Shock - 15.09.2023 14:01

how are u switching between character inventories without clicking on their profiles on the left?

thorman944 - 15.09.2023 03:58

speaking of using environment, you can take out every one of the goblin leaders without fighting if you either shoot a bridge support or push them into a pit. 'shove' is a useful skill

Matthew Anderson
Matthew Anderson - 15.09.2023 01:34

Half of these tips are something the tutorial literally tells you lol

Lady-in-the-Moon - 14.09.2023 23:34

the potion hack is sooooo amazing

Lisle Butcher
Lisle Butcher - 14.09.2023 23:14

What buttons should I press if I’m on console? You used buttons like Alt and Shift but you didn’t say what the correlating button for controller users would be.

Getting Political
Getting Political - 14.09.2023 11:06

If you haven't discovered the "glitch in the matrix" in the game, which i am praying is a hidden easter egg. Ill be posting the video very soon, just waiting for comformation from BG3 dev's. It's either an Easter egg and/or simply just a glitch in the matrix lol.

nakuspanderson - 14.09.2023 01:13

Overhyped don’t buy it.

SeeTheWholeTruth - 14.09.2023 00:40

Guild Wars 2, lost me with the first Buy Expansion, the mounts. Because they did their classic move from Guild Wars.. Lets break all builds and force them to buy the expansion.
Done. Not playing that game with companies anymore. That is also.. when most left.

Solo Inutile
Solo Inutile - 14.09.2023 00:26

dunno if somebody already said that but as of now after the new patch potions don't give splash effect to everyone anymore, or at least it happened plenty to me that they didn't

Lana - 13.09.2023 21:14

I’ve identified traps and they keep stepping on them so frustrating 😢

Kimera Jin
Kimera Jin - 13.09.2023 18:47

Wth... i was not expecting out nowhere a guild wars 2 moment hahahaha I play the game for +11 years and came here for see about BG3... what a good surprise XD

eilif helmen
eilif helmen - 13.09.2023 16:27

as a dnd player If i crit fail at a check then i will own that failure
